Office of the Director
City of Fort Collins
September 21, 1988
Mr. Wallace Noel
253 Gray .Rock Road
Laporte, CO 80535
Dear Mr. Noel,
This letter is a follow-up to my letter of August 30 in which we
described several options available to you to .pursue concerning development
of your property located west of Overland Trail.
In summary, the easiest option involves a cluster development approach in
the City's R-F, Foothills Residential Zoning District. This development
approach will net a total of 287 residential units clustered . on the 160 +/-acre
portion of the property located below the 5,250 foot elevation contour .while
the area above 5,250 feet is preserved as permanent open space.
The cluster development approach is painless, in that, it is consistent with
adopted City and County policies regarding the foothills area. Being consistent
with adopted policies, a development proposal can be easily processed for
approval by the City's Planning and Zoning Board. The cluster development
approach allows the transfer of density from areas above 5,250 feet., which
would not normally be developable, to another portion of the property. The
area above 5,250 feet could then be donated or dedicated to a public entity as
open space.. This process essentially gives a double economic value to the area
above 5,250 feet, a transferable developable density and a potential donation
tax advantage.
If it is. your desire to develop this property with a net of 400-500
residential units under the City's Land _Development Guidance_ System (LDGS).
planned unit development ordinance, the process becomes more difficult,
time consuming, and gives no guarantees of success. The process to be fol-
lowed would include the following steps:
.1_ You would initiate an annexation petition outlining your development
objectives and program.
2. Initiate a petition to amend the _ "Foothills Policy" to exclude your
property from the designated foothills area.
3. If successful, this would permit the City Council, with the concur-
rence of the Board of County Commissioners, to set initial zoning, as part
of the annexation petition, to a classification other than R-F Zoning Dis-
trict. This would then enable you to make application for development
under. the LDGS.
300 LaPorte Avenue 9 P.O. Box 580 - Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 - (303) 221-6601
Noel Property
Page 2
4. The LDGS is a performance based land use regulatory system. Devel-
opment proposals are . judged on excellence of design and site plan configu-
ration. The City's Planning and Zoning Board has the authority to approve,
modify, or reject your LDGS application and to set final density and mix of
permitted. uses.
We would estimate that the process to accomplish these tasks could take
at least one year to complete, if not longer.
When the City and County jointly worked to establish the foothills pol-
icies, staff initially supported and recommended that the LDGS process be
used for areas west of Overland Trail. However, this recommendation was
not supported by the elected officials and the current policy, including
the R-F zoning classification, was established by legislative act after
duly advertised public hearings. Staff is bound to adhere to existing pol-
icy and ordinances. However, should you decide to pursue the second
option, it will be given a fair hearing and due process.
If you have any additional questions or desire additional information,
please feel free to call me.
JJes M. Davis
ctor of Development Services
cc. Tom Peterson, Director of Planning
Linda Hopkins, Economic Opportunities Administrator