LEGAL DESCRIPTION: CHAPARRAL P.U.D., City of Fort Collins, Larimer
County, Colorado
All that portion of Casa Grande P.U.D., City of Fort Collins,
Larimer County, Colorado more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Tract 4 of said Casa. Grande
P.U.D.; Thence along the South line of said Tract 4 North 890 40'
04" West 484.55 feet to the Westerly line of said Tract 4; Thence
along said Westerly line and it's Northerly prolongation North
300 22'12" West 82.53 feet to the centerline of Laredo Lane as per
the recorded plat of said Casa Grande P.U.D. and the beginning of
a curve concave to the Northwest having a central angle of 300
42' 44" and a radius of 175.00 feet; Thence along said centerline
of Laredo Lane and along the arc of said curve Southwesterly 93.81
feet to the end of said curve; Thence tangent from said curve.and
continuing along said centerline of Laredo Lane North 890 39' 28"
West 132.00 feet to the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly
line of Tract 3 of said Casa Grande P.U.D.; Thence along said
prolongation and said Westerly line North 000 20' 32" East 283.49
feet; Thence continuing along said Westerly line the following two
courses and distances: (1)North 690 1.1' 074' West 206.21 feet;
(2)North 400 28' 35" West 63.71.feet to the Easterly Right -of -Way
line of Hickok Drive as per said recorded plat of Casa Grande
P.U.D. and the beginning of a curve concave to the Northwest
having a central angle of 120 48' 25" and a radius of 355.00 feet;
Thence along said Easterly Right -of -Way line and along the arc of
said curve Northeasterly 79.35 feet to the end of said curve;
Thence continuing along said Easterly Right -of -Way line and
tangent from said curve North 310 13' 15" East 65.59 feet to the
beginning of a tangent curve concave to the Southeast having a
central angle of 820 02' 28"and a radius of 15.00 feet; Thence
continuing along said Easterly Right -of -Way line and along the arc
of said curve Northeasterly 21.48 feet to the end of said curve,to
the Southerly Right -of -Way line of Casa.Grande Boulevard as per
said recorded plat of Casa Grande P.U.D., and to the beginning of
a curve concave to the Northeast having a central angle of 230
11' 48" and a.radius of 31.0.00 feet Thence along said Northerly
Right -of -Way line and along the are of said curve Southeasterly
125.51 feet to the end of said curve; Thence continuing along said
Northerly Right -of -Way line and tangent from said curve South 890
56' 05" East 541.60 feet; Thence continuing along said Northerly
Right -of -Way line South 820 56' 05"East 195.57 feet to the
beginning of a tangent curve concave to the Southwest having a
central angle of 830 00' 00" and a radius of 25.00 feet; Thence
continuing along said Northerly Right -of -Way line and along the
arc of said curve Southeasterly 36.22 feet to the end of said
curve and to the West Right -of -Way line of South Shields Street as
per said recorded plat of Casa Grande P.U.D.; Thence along said
West Right -of -Way line South 000 03' 55" West 506.12 feet to the
Point of Beginning.
The above described tract contains 10.04 acres, more or less, and
is subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record,
if any.