244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
August 31, 2022
Brandy Bethuram Harras
Community Development and Neighborhood Services
City of Fort Collins
281 North College Avenue, PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Re: Rudolph Farms Infrastructure Project, FDP220010, Round Number 1
Dear Ms. Bethuram Harras,
Thank you for the comments on the first submittal of Rudolph Farms Infrastructure Project which we received on June
24, 2022. We have reviewed all the comments and have addressed them in the following pages.
Should you have any other questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at 303.892.1166, or via email at
bmahar@norris-design.com. We look forward to continuing to work with you and your colleagues at the City of Fort
Bill Mahar
Norris Design
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
General Comments - Brandy Bethurem Harras (970 416 2744)
1A. 06/09/2022: INFORMATION
I will be your primary point of contact throughout the development review and permitting process. If you have any
questions, need additional meetings with the project reviewers, or need assistance throughout the process, please let
me know and I can assist you and your team. Please include me in all email correspondence with other reviewers and
keep me informed of any phone conversations. Thank you!
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
1B. 06/09/2022: RESUBMITTAL
As part of your resubmittal, you will respond to the comments provided in this letter. This letter is provided to you in
Microsoft Word format. Please use this document to insert responses to each comment for your submittal, using a
different font color. When replying to the comment letter please be detailed in your responses, as all comments should
be thoroughly addressed. Provide reference to specific project plans or explanations of why comments have not been
addressed, when applicable, avoiding responses like noted or acknowledged.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
1C. 06/09/2022: RESUBMITTAL
Please follow the Electronic Submittal Requirements and File Naming Standards found at
https://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/files/electronic submittal requirements and file naming standards_v1_8 1
File names should begin with the file type, followed by the project information, and round number.
File type acronyms maybe appropriate to avoid extremely long file names.
Example: TIS for Traffic Impact Study, ECS for Ecological Characterization Study.
*Please disregard any references to paper copies, flash drives, or CDs.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
1D. 06/09/2022: RESUBMITTAL
All plans should be saved as optimized/flattened PDFs to reduce file size and remove layers. Per the Electronic
Submittal Requirements AutoCAD SHX attributes need to be removed from the PDF’s. AutoCAD turns drawing text into
comments that appear in the PDF plan set, and these must be removed prior to submittal as they can cause issues with
the PDF file. The default setting is "1" ("on") in AutoCAD. To change the setting and remove this feature, type
"EPDFSHX" in the command line and enter "0". Read this article at Autodesk.com for more tips on this topic:
s-Comments-in-a-PDF-created-by-Aut oCAD.html
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
1E. 06/09/2022: RESUBMITTAL
Resubmittals are accepted any day of the week, with Wednesday at noon being the cut-off for routing the same week.
When you are ready to resubmit your plans, please notify me with as much advanced notice as possible.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
1F. 06/09/2022: INFORMATION
In order to continue providing thorough reviews and giving every project the attention it deserves, the City of Fort
Collins is implementing temporary changes in how we serve our development customers. As you may be aware, we are
experiencing staff shortages in a number of key departments, which has begun to impact the timeliness of our reviews.
We recognize that development and construction play a critical role in our community’s vibrancy and economic
recovery, and we have been exploring options for mitigating impacts to our customers. As a result, we will be making
some temporary service changes.
Beginning Monday May 10, 2021, one additional week of review time will be added to all 1st and 2nd round submittals
(increase from 3 weeks to 4 weeks).
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
1G. 06/09/2022: FOR HEARING
All "For Hearing" comments need to be addressed and resolved prior to moving forward with scheduling the Hearing.
Staff will need to agree the project is ready for Hearing approximately 4 to 8 weeks prior to the hearing.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
1H. 06/09/2022: FOR HEARING
The proposed development project is subject to a Type 1 Review. The decision maker for your project will be an
Administrative Hearing Officer at a public hearing. For the hearing, we will formally notify surrounding property owners
within 800 feet (excluding public right-of-way and publicly owned open space). As your Development Review
Coordinator, I will assist with preparing the mailing and coordinating the hearing date with your team.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
1I. 06/09/2022: FOR HEARING
I am letting you know that your quasi-judicial item could be heard remotely and that there is the option to hold off until
an in-person hearing can be conducted.
Any person or applicant seeking a quasi-judicial decision from City Council, a City board or commission or an
administrative hearing officer under the City Code or the City's Land Use Code, shall be notified in writing or by email of
the intention to conduct a Quasi-Judicial Hearing using Remote Technology. Such person or applicant shall be entitled
to request that the Quasi-Judicial Hearing be delayed until such time as the Hearing can be conducted in person.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
Planning Services - Kai Kleer (970 416 4284)
2A. 06/20/2022 FOR HEARING
There needs to be some additional work on the infrastructure plan to integrate future local street connections at no
greater than 660-feet and limit the maximum block sizes to 10-acres. If there isn’t a desire to build the local street
connections with this project, the intersection should be partially built to allow for
utilities to stub with alignment of local street.
Response: Road connection locations have not been fully determined. The ODP and PDP/FDP have been
updated to reflect conceptual road connections to meet the 660-foot spacing requirement.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
2B. 06/21/2022 FOR HEARING
Staff could not find any letters of intent for roadway and multi-modal network ditch crossings within the submittal
package. These letters will be needed prior to hearing.
Response: Ditch crossing letters will be provided prior to hearing once all the crossings have been finalized.
Staff also discussed that the lack of required detail does not meet the submittal requirements of a combined PDP/FDP
submittal. Let’s have a discussion to determine whether this application should be withdrawn and resubmitted as a
Project Development Plan (PDP) which requires lesser design prior to getting to hearing.
Response: This submittal is a combined PDP/FDP submittal that includes more detailed civil plans and
additional submittal items required for FDP.
2C. 06/21/2022 FOR HEARING
Staff is concerned that the infrastructure plan does not provide street stubs for local streets into adjacent lots.
Generally, the lots that are being created need to be further broken down into blocks that are no greater than 10-acres
(660'x660'). Staff provided redlines as a starting point for further conversation around this concept.
Response: As discussed, the OPD and infrastructure PDP/FDP have been updated to show conceptual road
2D. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Street trees are required as part of the infrastructure PDP. Please include a landscape plan and planting list with the
next round of submittal.
Response: A landscape plan and planting list are provided with this submittal.
Historic Preservation - Jim Bertolini (970 416 4250)
This proposal does not require historic review because there are no designated historic resources, or
resources that are at least 50 years old and would require evaluation, on the development site or within 200 feet of the
development site.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
Engineering Development Review - Sophie Buckingham sbuckingham@fcgov.com
4A. 06/08/2022: FOR HEARING
Sidewalk along Prospect Road is required to be 6 feet wide. Please update the dimension from 5 feet to 6 feet on the
Response: The sidewalk has been widened to 6’ as requested.
4B. 06/08/2022: FOR HEARING
Parkway along Prospect Road is required to be 10 feet wide. This can include a 6-inch curb. There is a stretch of
parkway west of Carriage Parkway that does not meet the minimum width. Please update the dimensions accordingly.
Response: The parkway width has been updated to match current LCUASS requirements.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
4C. 06/08/2022: FOR HEARING - REVISED
Tract D does not appear to have any public street frontage. Please clarify the intended use of Tract D. Will public
access be needed for Tract D?
Response: Tract D is to remain open space – no access is proposed.
4D. 06/08/2022: FOR HEARING
Please submit left and right flowline profiles for each public street.
Response: The requested information is provided.
4E. 06/08/2022: FOR HEARING
Throughout the plans, please replace all mentions of "Street B" with Vixen Drive.
Response: The street name has been updated.
4F. 06/08/2022 FOR HEARING
Please provide culvert designs with the next submittal. The structural plans will need to be reviewed and approved
before the project can go to Hearing. Reviewing the culvert design may require additional time for the City Engineering
Response: Culvert designs are provided as part of this submittal. The structural designs will be provided with
the next submittal once the layout and dimensions have been reviewed/approved by City staff and the ditch
4G. 06/08/2022: FOR HEARING
Please call out curb radii at intersections. See my redlines for specific locations.
Response: Curb radii are called out on the intersection details.
4H. 06/08/2022: FOR HEARING
Please add legend symbols for culverts and existing street lights.
Response: Our legends include storm drains, but do not include culverts since the culverts are far too large
and are not a symbol. We have added numerous callouts to the culverts and hope that this will suffice. For the
existing street lights, there are not any known existing street lights within the project area, so that symbol
continues to be omitted.
4I. 06/08/2022: FOR HEARING
Will any water or sewer service lines be stubbed to the lots? Please be aware that if you cut the street to connect
service lines after the street has been constructed, this will trigger pavement impact fees. Pavement impact fees are
tripled for streets constructed within the last five years.
Response: Yes, water and sewer will be stubbed to the lots. We are currently working with several prospective
property owners on site layouts and we will add the water/sewer stubs as part of the next submittal.
4J. 06/13/2022: FOR HEARING - REVISED
We will look for the utility line plan and profile sheets in the next submittal.
Response: Plan and Profils of water, sewer and storm are all included.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
4K. 06/13/2022: FOR HEARING
Please remove the existing Frontage Road linework from all sheets except the Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan.
When will the existing right-of-way and existing easements be vacated?
Response: The existing frontage road linework has been removed. The right of way has already been vacated,
however, it is appears he easement wasn’t vacated by the City. We have called for the easement to be vacated
as part of this plat.
4L. 06/13/2022: FOR HEARING
On Sheets R1 through R11 of the Utility Plan, please specify that the vertical scale is for the profiles only, not the plan
Response: The vertical scale reference is placed on the profile half of the page to clarify that it only applies to
the profiles.
General - Tim Dinger tdinger@fcgov.com
5A. 06/14/2022: FOR HEARING
Please differentiate between where asphalt paving will be used vs. concrete. Perhaps submit a paving plan with
shading to denote the various surface types?
Response: Per discusssions with staff, this was determined to not be required since the typical street sections
and paving extents are being used (asphalt street, concrete curbs and walks, concrete pans).
5B. 06/134/2022: FOR HEARING
Are storm drains that go under the roadways intended to be public or private? Please specify on all applicable plan
sheets. Private utilities under the roadway could require an encroachment permit.
Response: Per our experience with City requirements, storm drains in the public ROW that take public water
will be public. This would apply to all storm drains currently proposed.
This project will be subject to repayment of fees per the Capital Pledge Agreement for the construction of the I 25 and
Prospect Road interchange. This fee repayment will be required prior to the issuance of any building permits.
Response: Thank you for the comment. These fees will be paid prior to issuance of building permit.
Traffic Operation - Nicole Hahn (970 221 6820)
6A. 06/22/2022: INFORMATION
The Traffic Impact Study was received and reviewed by staff. First, thank you.
The study was thorough and well organized.
Response: Thank you
6B. 06/22/2022: FOR HEARING
A few traffic signals were proposed in the traffic study. We will look to work with you to complete warrant studies with
future PDP submittals to determine the timing of signalization at these intersections.
The intersection of Mulberry and CR5 is shown as needing a traffic signal in the study, however the conclusion states:
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
"Currently, the study intersections are operating at acceptable levels except for northbound CR 5 at Mulberry Street."
Please further expand on the findings of the study regarding this intersection in the conclusions.
Response: See updated Traffic Study.
6C. 06/22/2022: FOR HEARING
Regarding the bike and pedestrian LOS standards section, can you summarize generally what bike and pedestrian
connectivity the project is planning to add. Possibly a map showing general future connections to the trail be included
to get a better idea of how these connections are being planned and incorporated
into the ODP?
Response: A bike pedestrian exhibit has been provided and is being coordinated with the Parks Department.
See Traffic Study for updated pedestrian analysis.
Stormwater Engineering - Dan Mogen 970 305 5989
7A. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Overall, the concept seems to be acceptable; however, more details are needed to complete a full review.
Final Plan level details are required. Items needing to be addressed include: release rates (2-year historic is the
standard Fort Collins requirement), what criteria is being followed (Fort Collins and Timnath both are referenced),
spillways, elevations, storm system details, detailed final grading, landscaping, SWMM model, street/hydraulic capacity
calculations, clarification on the how rain gardens and associated inlets will function, detail drawings, Please see
redlines for additional details. I encourage you to reach out with any questions or to review potential revisions, and I’d
be happy to set up a meeting or conference call to do so.
Response: A final level drainage report has been provided with this submittal, with a particular emphasis
placed on release rates and criteria. We understand that this is a complicated site, so please reach out to
Blaine Mathisen at Northern if you have questions or want to go over the report in person. A landscape plan is
also provided for the rain gardens and all common areas associated with the overall site.
7B. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Outfall agreement with ditch is required.
Response: Both the Lake Canal and TRIC have provided verbal confirmation on their willingness to accept
stormwater from the site and both will require agreements as part of that process. These have not been
developed yet since plans didn’t exist for detailed review, but it should be forthcoming.
7C. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Detention appears to be provided for future lot development; will water quality and low impact development
requirements be deferred to future lot development?
Response: As part of this updated submittal package, detention, water quality and LID are provided for the lots
as part of the larger development.
A development agreement will need to be completed and signed along with plan approval.
Response: Thank you for the comment. A Development Agreement will be completed prior to plan approval.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
7E. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
Please note that additional comments may be forthcoming upon future submittals as additional details are discovered.
Response: Thank you for the comment. This is understood for future submittals.
7F. 06/22/2022: FOR HEARING
I understand that a wet pond is part of the proposed improvements. Wet ponds require water rights and approval from
the State. Please provide documentation of all necessary approvals.
Response: A water rights analysis is currently underway, which will include obtaining approval from the State.
Documentation will be provided upon approval.
Erosion Control - Jesse Schlam (970 218 2932)
8A. 06/17/2022: INFORMATION
This project is located within the City's MS4 boundaries and is subject to the erosion control requirements located in the
Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (FCSCM), Chapter 2, Section 6.0. A copy of those requirements can be found
at www.fcgov.com/erosion.
This project was evaluated based upon the submittal requirements of FCSCM. Based upon the provided materials we
were able to determine a total disturbed area. The project is within 50 ft of a sensitive area.
Based upon the area of disturbance or this project is part of a larger common development, State permits for
stormwater will be required should be pulled before Construction Activities begin.
Response: Understood.
8B. 06/17/2022: FOR HEARING
Based upon the supplied materials, site disturbs more than 10,000 sq. ft. and/or meets one of the other triggering
criteria (sensitive area, steep slopes, or larger common development) that would require Erosion and Sediment Control
Materials to be submitted.
Please provide an erosion control plan for 'Final Plan or Approval Submittal'. This project disturbs 5 or more acres so
erosion control phasing materials will need to be provided in the erosion control plans, reports and escrow. Please
ensure that the Erosion Control Plans, Escrows, and Reports include phasing requirements (FCSCM Ch 2 Section
6.1.3, 6.1.4, & 6.1.5)
Based upon the supplied materials, site disturbs more than 1 acre or is part of a larger common development that
requires Erosion and Sediment Control Report to be submitted. Please submit an Erosion Control Report to meet City
Criteria (FCDCM Ch 2 Section 6.1.4) at time of Final Plan or Approval Submittal.
Based upon the supplied materials, an Erosion Control Escrow Calculation will need to be provided. Please submit an
Erosion Control Escrow / Security Calculation based upon the accepted Erosion Control Plans to meet City Criteria
(FCDCM Ch 2 Section 6.1.5) at time of Final Plan or Approval Submittal.
Response: The Erosion report and escrow have been provided.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
8C. 06/17/2022: FEES - UPDATED
Added better estimate for total disturbed area slightly modified calc with the understanding that these may change upon
plan modifications.
The City Manager’s development review fee schedule under City Code 7.5-2
was updated to include fees for Erosion Control and Stormwater Inspections.
As of January 1st, 2021, these fees will be collected on all projects
for such inspections. The Erosion Control fees are based on; the number
of lots, the total site disturbance, the estimated number of years the project will
be active. Based on the proposed site construction associated with this
project we are assuming 223 lots, 122.62 acres of disturbance, 12
years from demo through build out of construction and an additional 7
years till full vegetative stabilization due to seeding. Which results in an Erosion
Control Fee estimate of $25,685.64 . Please note that as the plans and any
subsequent review modifications of the above-mentioned values change the
fees may need to be modified. I have provided a copy of the spreadsheet used
to arrive at these estimates for you to review. Please respond to this
comment with any changes to these assumed estimates and why, so that we
may have a final fee estimate ready for this project. The fee will need to be
provided at the time of erosion control escrow.
We could not make any assumptions at this time for the number of LID and
WQ features, each porous pavers will be $365.00, each bioretention/level
spreaders $315.00, each extended detention basins $250.00, and each
underground treatment will be $415.00. Stormwater LID/WQ Inspections to be $TBD. "
Response: Got it – thanks!
8D. 06/17/2022: FOR HEARING
Please update plans based upon two comments returned around the font on the PDF and using the erosion control
Standard Notes un modified.
Response: All redlines have been addressed. Stormwater Floodplain - Claudia Quezada (970)416 2494
9A. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Please show the boundaries of the floodplain and floodway on plat, site, utilities, and drainage/grading plans.
Cross-section and BFE lines should also be shown on drainage/grading plans or on a separate Floodplain Sheet if it’s
too cluttered. Contact Ted Bender of Stormwater Master Planning at
tbender@fcgov.com for floodplain CAD line work.
Response: Per discussions with staff, a floodplain exhibit has not been provided since no improvements are
planned in the floodplain.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
9B. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Please utilize checklist (see redlines) when preparing plans for resubmittal.
Response: n/a
9C. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Please add the following notes to the site and utility plans:
1. “The Developer shall obtain a Floodplain Use Permit from the City of Fort
Collins and pay all applicable floodplain use permit fees prior to commencing
any construction activity (building of structures, grading, fill, detention ponds,
bike paths, parking lots, utilities, landscaped areas, flood control channels, etc.)
within the Boxelder floodplain limits. Storage of equipment and materials
(temporary or permanent) is not allowed in the floodway. All activities within the
floodplain are subject to the requirements of Chapter 10 of the Fort Collins Municipal Code.”
2. “Construction of new structures, hard surface paths, walkways, driveways,
walls, and parking areas is prohibited in the floodway unless no-rise conditions
are met, per section 10-45 of City Code. Any construction activities in the
regulatory floodway must also include a no-rise certification prepared by a
Professional Engineer licensed in Colorado.”
3. "A stability study may be required for work within the erosion buffer."
Response: This note has not been added per the comment above.
Light And Power - Cody Snowdon (970 416 2306)
10A. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Please work with Light & Power to establish a power route along Carriage Parkway that will include our major duct
system, mechanicals switches and vaults. We will also need primary power routing along all internal roadways within
the development area.
Response: Northern has included the design info provided by staff. Thank you for working with us on that!
10B. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Please work with Light & Power to establish a lighting plan along all public street frontages.
Response: Northern has included to provided info.
10C. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
The existing 3-phase along the existing frontage road for the section that parallels I-25 was relocated as part of the I-25
widening project. The section of cable along the southern portion as the frontage road diverges from the I-25 corridor
was not relocated as a part of that project. There are a couple options that we can discuss and Light & Power can work
with Northern Engineering to go over those options.
Response: Thank you for the willingness to discuss this item.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
PFA - Marcus Glasgow (970 416 2869)
Hydrants to provide 1,500 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure, spaced not further
than 300 feet to the building, on 600-foot centers thereafter (EXCEPTION: In
buildings equipped with standpipe systems, a hydrant is required within 100' of
the Fire Department Connection).
Hydrants to provide 1,000 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure, spaced not further
than 400 feet to the building, on 800-foot centers thereafter.
Some of the hydrants on the north side of the site appear to be beyond 600-foot centers.
Response: Thank you for the info. We have provided hydrants at the required spacing.
Park Planning - Kyle Lambrecht (970 221 6566) klambrecht@fcgov.com
12A. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
The Park Planning & Development (PPD) is available to discuss these comments in more detail. Please contact Kyle
Lambrecht, PE at 970.416.4340, klambrecht@fcgov.com.
Response: Thank you for this information. The applicant team has been in direct contact with Park Planning &
Development to further refine the park and trail plans for this development.
12B. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
The City of Fort Collins Land Use Code Section
3.4.8 “Parks and Trails” addresses compliance with the 2021 Parks and Recreation Master Plan (“Master Plan”).
Please reference the City’s Master Plan for additional information. https://www.fcgov.com/parksandrecplan/. The
Master Plan identifies two proposed neighborhood parks in the general vicinity of this development. Thank you for
amending the ODP to accommodate a future neighborhood park.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
12C. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
The 2013 Paved Recreational Trail Master Plan (“Trail Master Plan”) was adopted by City Council and provides
conceptual locations and general trail design guidelines for future regional recreational trails.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
12D. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
The Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (“LCUASS”), Chapter 16 Pedestrian Facilities and Chapter 17
Bicycle Facilities provide additional design guidelines for multiuse recreational trails.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
12E. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
Local street at grade intersections with a recreational trail are to be avoided. When necessary, the location of a future
recreational trail at-grade crossing must be coordinated with both Park Planning and Development and Traffic
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
12F. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
Park Planning and Development must approve the trail alignment and design. The developer will be required to
develop a centerline profile and cross-sections for the trail as part of the site design during the final plan phase.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
12G. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
The future trail alignment cannot be used to provide internal pedestrian circulation and cannot provide direct access to
buildings. Internal access to the recreational trail from the internal bike/pedestrian system should be provided at limited
and defined access points.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
12H. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
Recreational trails do not function as widened sidewalks adjacent or within street Rights of Way.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
12I. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
The North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (NFRMPO) has identified a Regional Active Transportation
Corridor (RATC) within your development. The NFRMPO has also identified the need for a grade separated crossing
of Interstate 25. Thank you for referencing these needs with your submittal. Please plan to accommodate a 50’ trail
easement for the RATC. Additional easement area may be required to accommodate a grade separated crossing at
Response: Thank you for the comment. The applicant team would like to continue discussions with Park
Planning to determine a suitable easement width for the trail.
12J. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Grade separated crossings of arterial roadways and major collectors are required (LCUASS Chapter 17.3) and provide
safe trail connectivity. Additional easement area for underpass/overpass approaches may be required in locations of
potential grade separated crossings for the trail. Prospect Road is a four lane arterial roadway and would warrant a
grade separated crossing in order to provide connectivity to the RATC for parcels south of Prospect. Please plan on
additional conversations with PPD and Parks staff.
Response: Comment understood. The applicant team will continue to work with the City regarding a potential
underpass easement for a possible grade-separated crossing under Prospect.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
12K. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
As this is a RATC, Park Planning and Development (PPD) is requesting additional discussions with the applicant to
better understand opportunities to partner with the development to construct the RATC.
Response: Thank you for the comment. The applicant team understands the desire of the City to partner on
construction of the RATC. A discussion of construction timing was discussed with the City. Depending on
the funding availability, the applicant team would be open to trail construction concurrent with the
12L. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
As this is a RATC, please plan on a 10’ to 12’ wide concrete trail. The trail’s color shall be Davis Color Yosemite
Brown. Trail thickness is a minimum of 6”. All joints shall be sawcut. Please reference the
Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards for additional trail cross section information.
Response: The proposed trail will be 10-12' wide and will adhere to the LCUASS standards.
12M. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Thank you for submitting three RATC options for the City’s consideration. Please plan on a follow up meeting with PPD
and Parks staff to further discuss these options.
Response: Follow up meetings have occurred with Planning and Parks staff to coordinate trail alignment and
park location/size.
12N. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Once a RATC alignment has been determined, PPD is requesting a holistic RATC exhibit that shows this connection
and how it ties into both existing and planned trail connections within and outside the development. Points of
destination shall include the Power Trail, the PSD school adjacent to the development, the planned neighborhood park,
natural areas, and other significant destinations. Please plan additional conversations with PPD staff during the
development of this exhibit.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
12O. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
As this is a RATC, please plan to coordinate not only with City staff but also staff from Larimer County, Colorado State
University, Poudre School District, Town of Timnath, and the Colorado Department of Transportation, and NFRMPO
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
12P. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
The trail shall be designed so that it is clear and accessible during a 10 year flooding event. Please provide
documentation in our drainage report that this can be accomplished.
Response: All of the trail is outside of the 100-yr floodplain.
12Q. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
The trail easement may coexist within a Natural Habitat Buffer Zone if approval is obtained from Environmental
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
Planning. The easement shall be identified on the plat, utility, and site plans as a “Public Access and Trail Easement”.
Response: The trail is located within tracts that are designated for access.
12R. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
A trail easement may not be located within a ditch easement unless the applicant provides written approval for the trail
easement within the ditch easement from the ditch company. The paved trail surface cannot function as a ditch access
road if heavy equipment will use or cross the trail to maintain the ditch.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
12S. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
Grading within the designated recreational trail easement should be completed along with overall site grading. Plans
must indicate that the final grade within the easement can provide a trail alignment that meets the American Disabilities
Act (ADA) standards for cross slopes between 1 and 2% and a maximum centerline profile grade of 5%. Construction
documents should include trail profiles and cross sections to demonstrate the ability to meet ADA standards.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
12T. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
If section of the RATC are constructed within your development, the City will be responsible for the long-term
maintenance of the RATC. Maintenance consists of snowplowing of the paved surface, occasional seasonal mowing
2-3’ adjacent to the trail surface, repairing/replacing surface damage of the trail, and all other landscaping maintenance
within the easement. Please coordinate with the City’s Parks Department on the landscaping design. Landscaping
shall be designed in accordance with all applicable City codes. Spray irrigation, if required, shall be designed and
maintained to avoid spray on the trail.
Response: This comment has been read and understood. Thank you.
12U. 06/21/2022: INFORMATION
Thank you for considering local/neighborhood connections to the RATC. Is there an opportunity to make the local trail
connections 6’ wide?
Response: Currently the local trail connections and sidewalk connections are 5’ wide. The applicant team is
open to discussing this width.
Environmental Planning - Scott Benton (970)416 4290
13A. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Please depict the natural habitats and features identified in the ECS on all applicable plan sets:
-The red-tailed hawk nest and a 450-foot radius;
-Prairie dog colonies;
-Boxelder Creek top of bank, edge of wetland, and edge of riparian vegetation
(whether riparian shrub or forest) and 100-foot buffer;
-Top of bank of both ditches and 50-foot buffers.
Response: Noted. SWCA is working with the project development team to incorporate the natural habitats and
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
features identified in the ECS on applicable plan sets.
13B. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
CPW consultation is required on potential impacts to the red-tailed hawk nest since proposed roads (and potentially
trails) are located in close proximity.
Response: SWCA will prepare a letter and initiate informal consultation with CPW including the District Wildlife
Manager – Ash Rhoades regarding the red-tailed hawk nest. Documentation will be provided prior to the
13C. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Please add a table to the site plan that includes the following:
- Amount of buffer area that would be required by a 50' buffer from both Lake Canal and 100’ from Boxelder
Creek top of bank/wetland edge/riparian forest canopy edge (whichever is greatest)
- Amount of buffer area provided on these plans
- Minimum buffer distance
- Maximum buffer distance
- Average buffer distance
Response: Noted. The project development team will prepare a table on the site plan that includes these
13D. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Prior to hearing, a draft prairie dog mitigation plan must be submitted that outlines how the prairie dogs will be removed
and how recolonization will be prevented.
Prior to issuance of the Development Construction Permit (DCP), and prior to prairie dog removal, please submit the
results of a burrowing owl survey completed by a professional, qualified wildlife biologist, and in accordance with the
Division of Parks and Wildlife standards if removal is between March 15 and October 31. Note the timing requirements
of these surveys are between March 15 and October 31, as no burrowing owls are expected to be present between
November 1 and March 14. This issue is required due to the presence
of prairie dogs on the site.
Prior to issuance of the Development Construction Permit (DCP), please submit a letter explaining how and when
prairie dog removal occurred at the site and in accordance with the Division of Parks and Wildlife standards.
Response: SWCA will prepare a DRAFT prairie dog mitigation plan for the project. A burrowing owl survey in
accordance with CPW protocol will be conducted prior to work within or adjacent to identified prairie dog
colonies from March 15-October 31. The developer will provide documentation of the submitted CPW
application for prairie dog removal or relocation. This may consist of live relocation, live transportation to an
approved raptor of black-footed ferret program, or dead prairie dog donation form.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
13E. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Language regarding the protection and enhancement of the Natural Habitat Buffer Zone will be included in the
Development Agreement for this project. A security will need to be provided prior to the issuance of a Development
Construction Permit that accounts for the installation and establishment of the Natural Habitat Buffer Zone. Prior to the
FDP approval please provide an estimate of the landscaping costs for the Natural Habitat Buffer Zone, including
materials, labor, monitoring for a minimum of three years, weed mitigation and irrigation. We will then use the approved
estimate to collect a security (bond or escrow) at 125% of the total amount prior to the issuance of a Development
Construction Permit.
Response: Noted.
Forestry - Christine Holtz choltz@fcgov.com
Per internal discussions with other City departments, street trees will need to be installed with the construction of the
street. Please include the following City of Fort Collins notes with the next submission:
- General Landscape Notes
- Street Tree Permit Note
These notes are available from the City Planner or by following the link below and clicking on Standard Plan Set Notes:
Response: Thank you. These notes have been provided on sheet LP001.
Please keep in mind the following requirements for tree selection and placement:
Required tree sizes and method of transplant:
Canopy Shade Tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Evergreen tree: 6.0’ height balled and burlapped
Ornamental tree: 1.5” caliper balled and burlapped
Required mitigation tree sizes:
Canopy Shade Tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Evergreen tree: 8.0’ height balled and burlapped
Ornamental tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Please adjust tree locations to provide for proper tree/utility separation.
10’ between trees and public water, sanitary, and storm sewer main lines
6’ between trees and water or sewer service lines
4’ between trees and gas lines
10’ between trees and electric vaults
40’ between canopy shade trees and streetlights
15’ between ornamental trees and streetlights
Response: Thank you. These sizes and offsets will be provided.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
Technical Services / Construction Drawings / Plat - Jeff County (970 221 6588)
15A. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Please provide the following information for the Benchmark Statement in the EXACT format shown below.
Response: The requested statements are on the cover sheet.
15B. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Please revise the Benchmark Statement as marked. See redlines.
Response: The requested statements are on the cover sheet.
15C. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Some of the sheet numbers in the sheet index do not match the noted sheets. See redlines.
Response: Sheet index is updated and matches the plans
15D. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
There is some very small text on the plans. Please consider increasing the text size. See redlines.
Response: All redlines have been addressed.
15E. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
There are line over text issues. See redlines.
Response: All redlines have been addressed.
15F. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
There are some symbols that need to be masked. See redlines.
Response: All redlines have been addressed.
15G. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
Please make changes as marked. If changes are not made or you disagree with comments, please provide written
response of why corrections were not made. Please provide any responses on redlined sheets and/or in response
letter. If you have any specific questions about the redlines, please contact John Von Nieda at 970-221-6565 or
Response: All redlines have been addressed or noted for discussion.
15H. 06/21/2022: FOR HEARING
Please provide a closure report for the outer boundary of this Subdivision Plat.
Response: A closure report is provided for the outer boundary for this submittal.
Outside Agencies - Eric Fuhrman, Town of Timnath Engineering Consultant (970-226-0557 x 162)
16A. 06/23/2022: FOR HEARING
Please see attached
Response: Timnath drainage comments have been incorporated into the updated Drainage Report. Building Services / Building Insp Plan Review - Russell Hovland (970 416 2341)
17A. 06/13/2022: BUILDING PERMIT
If any new structures are planned as part of this development, building permits are required as follows:
Construction shall comply with adopted codes as amended. Current adopted codes are:
2021 International Building Code (IBC) with local amendments
2021 International Residential Code (IRC) with local amendments
2021 International Existing Building Code (IEBC) with local amendments
2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) with local amendments
2021 International Mechanical Code (IMC) with local amendments
2021 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) with local amendments
2021 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) with local amendments
Colorado Plumbing Code & state amendments (currently 2018 IPC)
2020 National Electrical Code (NEC) as amended by the State of Colorado
Copies of current City of Fort Collins code amendments can be found at fcgov.com/building.
· Accessibility: State Law CRS 9-5 & ICC/ANSI A117.1-2017.
· Snow Live Load: Ground Snow Load 35 PSF.
· Frost Depth: 30 inches.
· Wind Loads: Risk Category II (most structures):
· 140mph (Ultimate) exposure B or Front Range Gust Map published by The
Structural Engineer's Association of Colorado
· Seismic Design: Category B.
· Climate Zone: Zone 5
· Energy Code: 2021 IECC commercial chapter.
· Commercial occupancies must provide 10ft setback from property line and 20
feet between other buildings or provide fire rated walls and openings per chapter 6 and 7 of the IBC.
244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524
· City of Fort Collins adopted International Fire Code (IFC) and amendments to
the 2018/2021 IFC require a full NFPA-13 sprinkler system per IBC chapter 9 or
when building exceeds 5000 sq.ft. (or meet fire containment requirements).
· Buildings using electric heat, must use heat pump equipment.
· A City licensed commercial general contractor is required to construct any new commercial structure.
· Plans must be signed and stamped by a Colorado licensed architect or engineer and must be included
in the permit application.
· Electric vehicle parking spaces are now required per local amendment to the IBC. See section 3604.
Response: Thank you for the information. This is understood for future buildings.