Planning and Enviroiunental vices
Planning Department
Ci of Fort Collins
May 3, 1994
Rod Porter
c/o John Griffis
1405 South College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Dear Mr. Griffis:
For your information, attached is a copy of the Staff's comments concerning
M & 0 Tire at The Gateway at Harmony Road PUD, presented before the Conceptual
Review Team on May 2, 1994.
The comments are offered informally by Staff to assist you in preparing the
detailed components of the project application. Modifications and additions to
these comments may be made at the time of formal review of this project.
If you should have any questions regarding these comments or the next steps in
the review process, please feel free to call me at 221-6750.
Ted Shepard, AIC
Senior Planner
cc: Transportation Department
Stormwater Department
Project Planner
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6750
City of Fort Collins �
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ITEM: M & 0 Tire at The Gateway at Harmony Road PUD
APPLICANT: Rod Porter c/o John Griffis, 1405 South College
Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80524
LAND USE DATA: Request for a 4,320 square foot building for an
auto service center, with office and 6-8 service bays. Site is
part of The Gateway at Harmony Road P.U.D. Lot is located at the
southeast corner of Mason Street and Kensington Drive and is
approximately one-half acre in size.
1. Electrical power will be supplied by City of Fort Collins
Light and Power Department which has an existing electrical
vault on the northwest corner of the property. Three-phase
power is available to the site. Normal development charges
will apply. An electrical contractor should complete the
Commercial One, "C-1" form to determine panel size and
entrance capacity.
2. The pad-mounted electrical transformer must be screened from
public streets. It should be located near the building. The
transformer may be screened by a solid enclosure, meeting the
minimum clearance specifications, or by landscape materials.
The transformer must be located within ten feet of hard
surface on one side for emergency change-out. Please contact
Kevin Westhuis, 221-6700, for further details.
3. Both water and sewer mains are available on the north, west,
and east sides of the lot. Services are stubbed to the lot.
If these services are not used, they must be abandoned at the
main in accordance with the specifications of the City's Water
and Wastewater Department. A sand and oil interceptor will be
required inside the servicebay area. Please contact Roger
Buffington, 221-6681, for further details.
4. A repay is due from the developer to the City Water and
Wastewater Department for the Warren Lake sewer trunk line.
Please contact Mary Young, 221-6681 for further details.
5. Future plans should show the location of the nearest hydrant.
It is required that the building be within 400 feet of a fire
hydrant capable of delivering a minimum of 1,000 gallons per
minute with 20 psi residual pressure.
6. The Poudre Fire Authority is concerned about storage of waste
oil. Generally, this is stored above ground in 55 gallon
steel tanks and picked up on a regular basis by a recycling
company. Please contact Mike Pretz, PoudrelFire Authority,
221-6570, if there are any questions about storage of
hazardous materials.
7. The site is located in the McClelland-Mail Creek Drainage
Basin. The Storm Drainage Fee in this basin is $3,717 per
acre. The site will be required to provide onsite stormwater
detention and release flows at the two year historic rate.
The private internal drive aisles will be required to have
vertical curb and gutter to convey storm flows. Normal
submittal requirements must be provided on submittal day or
risk the application not being accepted. These submittal
documents include a Drainage Report, Drainage and Grading
Plan, and Erosion Control Plan. For further information,
please contact Basil Hamden, 221-6589.
The Engineering Department will require that a set of Utility
Plans be submitted along with the application. A four foot
wide detached sidewalk is required on Mason. This walk must
be detached by a 4.5 foot wide parkway strip that can be used
for street trees. (Street trees are a minimum of two inches
in caliper and must b.e selected from the list of approved
trees as per the City Forester. )
9. If a sidewalk is not already in place on Kensington, then it
must be installed. All sidewalks and ramps must be built to
City specifications.
10. The Street Oversizing Fee is $14,005 per acre, payable at the
time of building permit issuance.
11. A traffic impact analysis will be required. This analysis can
be an update of previous studies and address the trip
generation associated with the proposed use. The traffic
study should also address the Saturday noon peak time as this
is considered the busiest time for both the adjacent Jiffy
Lube/Texaco, and the proposed use. There is a concern about
stacking or storage of cars off the site which impacts the
public streets. The traffic consultant should discuss the
parameters of the study with Tom Vosburg, Transportation
Department, 221-6608.
12. There is a concern about who builds the east-west access
drive. When does this drive get built? The traffic study
should address the master plan for The Gateway at Harmony Road
to see if this access drive is an anticipated curb cut on
Mason Street.
13. The site plan indicates a very high percentage of hard
surface. Landscaping the site looks challenging. The
perimeter parking on the south and east is separated from the
access drives by only five feet. Staff cautions the developer
that the amount of landscaping shown on. the concept plan is
inadequate. The developer should pull copies of the approved
landscaping plans for McDonald's and Jiffy Lube/Texaco to see
the amount of landscaping that will be expected of this site.
14. The M & 0 Tire building will be expected to use similar
exterior materials and architectural forms that are.
established within the center. The predominant color in the
center is a combination of gray tones. Roofing materials will
have to match the other two existing buildings. Again, please
refer to the approved plans for both McDonald's and Jiffy
Lube/Texaco for a detailed specification of the approved
building materials.
15. The plat should dedicate all the necessary utility and access
and drainage easements necessary to serve the property.