CONCEPT TECHNICAL REVIEW: Thursday, January 7, 1988/9:00 A.M./Commissioners Conference
Request to divide a 2.73 acre parcel into three single family
residential lots of .67, .76 and 1.30 acres each.
Applicant: Mark Paige, Intermill Land Surveying, Inc.
1301 N. Cleveland Avenue, Loveland, Colorado 80537
Request to divide 79.56 acres into 70.76 acres (71 single family
residential lots) and 8.8 acres of commercial property.
Applicant: Robert Underwood, 30107 Town Center Drive,
Laguna Niguel, California 92677
STAFF: Henry R. Baker, T.K. Day, Al Kadera
iro7_1a (1_Ra)
Page 7.
TITLE: midway Commercial anal Residential P.U.D.s
REQUEST: To divide 79.56 acres into 70.76 acres (71 single
family residential lots) anti acres of
commercial property.
LOCATION: S/12, NW1/4, 24-6-69; located on the east sire of
Highway 287 on the south side of Colland Center
APPLICANT: Robert Underwood
STAFF CONTACT: Al Kadera FILE NO. S-1.25-87
Engineer: Lancr*ark Engineering Ltd.
Surveyor: Landmark Engineering Ltd.
Total Development Area: 79.56 acres
Nuniber of Lots: 71 single family residential; 2 cormercial
Proposed Density: 1 d.u./ac. (Residential)
Number of Dwellina Units: 71 (Residential)
Existing Land Use: Vacant
Proposed Land Use: Single family residential/Commercial P.U.D.
Land Use Designation: Rural non -farm area
Access: State Highway 287
Water: Fort Collins -Loveland Water District
Sewer: South Fort Collins Sanitation District
Fire Protection: Poudre Fire Authority
Exisiting Zoning: FA -Farming, FA1-Farming
Proposes Zoning: C-Cor,nercial, FA-Farr^ing, FA1-Farr^ing
No. Trips Cenerated by Use: 71P VTD (Residential), Cor-nercial unCeterr,inee
1. The development plan proposes a commercial area of about 11.5 acres
on the west side of the property adjacent to Hwy 2°7. The property
is located in the Rural Ton -Farm planning area between Fort Collins
and Loveland, which has the following planning orjectives:
help maintain the geographic and visual separation of
Loveland and Fort Collins as they exnand in the area between them, and
- provide an opportunity in the joint planning area for large
lot residential development.
Page 8.
2. The Larimer County Land Use Plan and the interaovernment agreements
with the cities of Loveland and Fort Collins state that commercial
development in this area should be limited to areas of existing
commercial zoning as of the date of the adoption of the nlan for
the area (Play, 1980). The Planning Department cannot support the
commercial rezoning for this area as it is clearly inconsistent
with the intent and letter of the Land Use Plan, and with the
Intergovernmental Agreements.
3. The residential portion of the PUD plan shows 71 single family
units on 71 acres, or a density of 1.00 D.U./acre. The PUD
Resolution allows a maximum density of .5 D.U./acre in both the FA
and FA-1. zones; therefore the residential development would rea_uire
rezoning also.
n. The residential development guideline in the Land Use Plan for this
area is .2 D.U./acre, or 1 unit/ 2.29 acres when developed as a
PUD. Again, the Planning Department cannot support a rezoning
which is inconsistent with the plan for the area.
5. The design of the development plan effectively ties together the
adjacent open space areas and makes good use of natural features.
This open space design is consistent with the planning objective
for the area to provide for visual separation of the communities.
It is conceivable that an amended development plan would be found
to achieve the ob'ec t. i ve s an while maintaining about the
propo V .... . ...
residentia-L density, perhaps by providing public open
space along Hwy 287. There is some precident for this type of
den=ity "bonu_" in the Rural P1on-Farm nlanning_area.
1. Comments regarding the zoning of the site, as it relates to the
proposed development, and the relationship of this proposal to the Land
Use Plan and Uc.A Intergovernr^ental Agreements can be fount' elsewhere in
this report.
2. There are two existing subdivisions in the County which use the
title "Midway". It will he necessary to use a different title for
future applications.
3. The proposed layout does an excellent job of tying together the open
space and street systems in this area. The State Highway Department
comments concerning the main access to Highway 287 will have to he
aderessed with the cooperation of the developer of Estates West PUD.
That project has an approved master plan and Preliminary Phase plan but
it would be possirle to amend the approved development to accommodate
sore sort of shared access. I agree with rr. Shupe's assessment that
the northern access is better because it ,could not 1nvo ve a crossing of
the Louden Ditch.but this location may not meet the spacing requirements
of the State Access Code. The traffic analysis which will be required
for the access permit should be surr+itted with the master plan
application so it can be reviewed by all interested Parties before we
oet too far into the review process.
Page 9.
4. The preliminary geological investigation indicates that expansive
soils may exist on the site. Further investigation may alleviate any
concerns but we recommend that a note appear on the preliminary and
final plats to require engineered foundation designs for all
construction on this site. We are also concerned with potential radon
gas exposure in Larimer County. The present policy Would require air
sampling after construction is cor„Flete but before a certificate of
occupancy is issued. j:e are continuing to cork on different samnlinr
techriRues which will be aceptahle to the State Cecicgist but will allow
C:iscovery of Radon concentrations before construction is concenced.
5. The creek which traverses this site does not appear to drain a large
area but there is some hazard of flooding in the irmediate area of the
grater course. The flood plain of this creek should be calculated and
shown on any preliminary plat. Puilding envelopes or setback lines may
re required on the final plats to provide safe building sites.
6. There are a nur..ber of corner lots on the sketch plan which will
reouire two front setbacks. A design change could avoid most of these
situations. If the "reversed corner" lots appear on the final plat,
setback lines should also be included to ensure that future buyers are
aware of the setback requirements.
7. When the final plat was prepared for Highland, Park, immediately east
of this site, it was discovered that the lot in the northwest corner
could not be served with public sewer without a lift station. It
appears that Lot 36 on this sketch plan is at about the same elevation.
If a lift station is needed for this lot it may be advisable to relocate
the lot to an elevation that can he served by gravity.
9. The County Health Department has reviewed this proposal and has no
objection provided written commitments for water and sewer service are
available and the water and sewer districts aprrove the construction
9. Additional corrents from reviewing agencies can be found at the end
cf this item in the staff report.