March 25, 1988
Ms. Susan Widhalm
900 Bitterbush Drive
Fort Collins, CO. 80526
Dear Ms. Widhalm,
Staff has reviewed the request for preliminary and final P.U.D. for The
Learning Castle and offers the following comments:
1. Please add the words "Planned Unit Development" or "P.U.D" after the title
in the lower left corner.
2. The shed is located in an easement. It must be relocated or there must be
no permanent foundation.
3. At the time of construction, curb cut permits will be required for the
driveway access points.
4. Part of the review for the curb cuts will require that the concrete
driveway extend all the way to the property line.
5. The letter from the engineer regarding storm drainage should be accompa-
nied by P.E. (professional engineer) stamp.
6. The letter from the engineer regarding storm drainage should refer to the
Warren Farms Drainage Report. Or, preferably, attach copies of pertinent
portions of the approved Report verifying teh C = 0.50.
7. Since this is a P.U.D., it will be necessary to indicate building envelopes
on the site plan and the distance to the property line. This will verify
setback information.
8. It should be indicated on the site plan the floor area that will be devoted
to school purposes. This area would not include the kitchen, bathrooms,
closets, hallways, etc. This information will determine the allowable
number of children.
OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT 300 LaPorte Ave. • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 • (303) 221-6750
Page 2 0 .
9. Please address on the site plan that the parking spaces will accommodate
the anticipated number of employees. Keep in mind that the Zoning
Code recommends two spaces per three employees.
10. Please add the following note to the landscape plan:
"All landscaping must be installed or secured with an irrevocable letter of
credit, performance bond, or escrow account for 125% of value prior to
issuance of a certificate of occupancy."
11. The northwest corner of the lot in between the driveway and the property
line for Lot I should be covered with a deciduous street tree.
12. Additional shrub material should be planted along the privacy fence in
the sideyard area along Riva Ridge Road.
13. The Special Improvement District that planted the landscape material along
Horsetooth Road three years ago was designed to be a minimal treatment
that did not require irrigation. The City has provided maintenance of
this area. The original concept, however, was that as development
occurred, the landscaping would be upgraded to include irrigation and
maintenance would be assumed by the adjacent property owner or a pri-
vate homeowner's association. Staff would like to see on the P.U.D.
landscape plan the existing plant material outside the rear fence as well
as additional plantings in conformance with the original Warren Farms
P.U.D. landscape plan. This would include two additional street trees.
Also, a note should be added to the landscape plan that the owners of
Tract A will irrigate and assume maintenance of this area outside the
rear fence.
This concludes staff comments at this time. Please note the following dead-
lines to stay on schedule for the April 25, 1988 Planning and Zoning Board
Plan revisions are due April 6, 1988
PMT's, colored renderings, and 10 prints are due April 18, 1988
Final documents (mylars and site and landscape covenants) are due
April 21, 1988.
Please feel free to call to discuss these comments.
7:a Attf-�
Ted Shepard
Project Planner
cc: Joe Frank, Assistant Planning Director
Mike Herzig, Development Engineer
March 25, 1988
Ms. Janet Henderson
707 Bonita Avenue
Fort Collins, CO. 80526
Dear Ms. Henderson,
Staff has reviewed the request for preliminary and final P.U.D. for The
Learning Castle and offers the following comments:
1. Please add the words "Planned Unit Development" or "P.U.D" after the title
in the lower left corner.
2. The shed is located in an easement. It must be relocated or there must be
no permanent foundation.
3. At the time of construction, curb cut permits will be required for the
driveway access points.
4. Part of the review for the curb cuts will require that the concrete
driveway extend all the way to the property line.
5. The letter from the engineer regarding storm drainage should be accompa-
nied by P.E. (professional engineer) stamp.
6. The letter from the engineer regarding storm drainage should refer to the
Warren Farms Drainage Report. Or, preferably, attach copies of pertinent
portions of the approved Report verifying teh C = 0.50.
7. Since this is a P.U.D., it will be necessary to indicate building envelopes
on the site plan and the distance to the property line. This will verify
setback information.
8. It should be indicated on the site plan the floor area that will be devoted
to school purposes. This area would not include the kitchen, bathrooms,
closets, hallways, etc. This information will determine the allowable
number of children.
300 LaPorte Ave. • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 • (303) 221-6750
Page 2 •
9. Please address on the site plan that the parking spaces will accommodate
the anticipated number of employees. Keep in mind that the Zoning
Code recommends two spaces per three employees.
10. Please add the following note to the landscape plan:
"All landscaping must be installed or secured with an irrevocable letter of
credit, performance bond, or escrow account for 125% of value prior to
issuance of a certificate of occupancy."
11. The northwest corner of the lot in between the driveway and the property
line for Lot 1 should be covered with a deciduous street tree.
12. Additional shrub material should be planted along the privacy fence in
the sideyard area along Riva Ridge Road.
13. The Special Improvement District that planted the landscape material along
Horsetooth Road three years ago was designed to be a minimal treatment
that did not require irrigation. The City has provided maintenance of
this area. The original concept, however, was that as development
occurred, the landscaping would be upgraded to include irrigation and
maintenance would be assumed by the adjacent property owner or a pri-
vate homeowner's association. Staff would like to see on the P.U.D.
landscape plan the existing plant material outside the rear fence as well
as additional plantings in conformance with the original Warren Farms
P.U.D. landscape plan. This would include two additional street trees.
Also, a note should be added to the landscape plan that the owners of
Tract A will irrigate and assume maintenance of this area outside the
rear fence.
This concludes staff comments at this time. Please note the following dead-
lines to stay on schedule for the April 25, 1988 Planning and Zoning Board
Plan revisions are due April 6, 1988
PMT's, colored renderings, and 10 prints are due April 18, 1988
Final documents (mylars and site and landscape covenants) are due
April 21, 1988.
Please feel free to call to discuss these comments.
Ted Shepard
Project Planner
cc: Joe Frank, Assistant Planning Director
Mike Herzig, Development Engineer