135 West Swallow Road
Fort Collins, CO 80525
(303) 223-7335
145 West Swallow Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
220 East Mulberry
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
MARCH 4, 1988
March 4, 1988
Mr. Ted Shepard
City of Fort Collins
Planning & Development
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
PROJECT ##87-493
Dear Ted:
This Master Plan for the Horsetooth West properties is submitted for review
in accordance to the Land Development Guidance System. In addition a Site
Plan for an elementary school site for the Poudre R-1 system is also sub-
mitted for review at this time.
Currently the property is annexed to the City and is currently zoned RLP.
The property is bounded by Horsetooth Road to the South and Taft Hill Road
to the East. The overall shape of the property is rectangular and is ap-
proximately 2000 feet by 1400 feet. The topography of the sight is void of
significant features and slopes gently at a rate of approximately two per-
cent from the South West corner to the North East corner. The topographic
fall is approximately 20 feet.
The Master Plan is being submitted at this time in part due to changing
market conditions and because of specific use request presented to the
owners. The Master Plan calls for a mixture of land uses and densities
that we see as being appropriately blending with the existing surroundings
and anticipated needs of the area in the future.
The following data is submitted in response to the Land Use Development
Guidance Systems policies for development examining how this property con-
forms to the systems' policies.
1. City Land Use Policies Achieved by Proposed Plan
Policy 3• - "The City shall promote:
a. Maximum utilization of land within the City;
b. The location of residential development which is close to employment,
recreation, and shopping facilities."
Explanation: The property lies at the Western edge of the Fort Collins "Ur-
ban Growth Area" and has direct access from both Taft Hill Road and Horse -
tooth Road both being arterial streets as designated on the City's Master
Mr. Ted Shepard
March 4, 1988
Page 2
Street Plan. With completion of development, the arterial street systems
will be upgraded to urban standards. This will improve safety and health
conditions locally and for the City as a whole. By having an improved ar-
terial intersection, fewer accidents should occur and by paving of a well
used dirt road, air quality should improve. It should be noted that use of
the unpaved road is due to adjacent County residential uses and not generated
from the site at this time.
Due to the size of the property, its location with respect to arterial street
patterns and interest in specific land uses by a governmental unit , the
property lends itself to a "mixed land use" design approach incorporating
highway related commercial uses -- a neighborhood shopping center, an ele-
mentary school site, a child care center, multi -family and single-family
residential. Lower intensity uses, single family and locating the more in-
tense use internal or adjacent to the arterial streets.
Policy 12. - "Urban density residential development usually at three or more
units to the acre should be encouraged in the urban growth area."
Explanation: The entire property is within the Fort Collins "Urban Growth
Area." Approximately 24.01 acres of the 60.45 acres are devoted to resi-
dential uses with a maximum proposed number of 182 dwelling units. This is a
7.58 d.u./ac. average density for the residential acres and an overall aver-
age density for the Master Plan of 3.01 d.u./ac.
Policy 20. - "Land use, site planning and urban design criteria shall be de-
veloped to promote pleasant, functional and understandable inter -relation-
ships through and between land uses."
Explanation: The Horsetooth West Master Plan is consistent with developed
site planning and urban design criteria in the City. The overall design is
mixed use in nature. Land uses have been strategically located based upon
such criteria as access, visibility, traffic patterns, juxtaposition, devel-
opment phasing, topography and neighboring land uses.
Policy 21. - "All levels of commercial development, including convenience,
neighborhood and auto -related shopping which have significant negative trans-
portation impacts on South College Avenue will be discouraged from gaining
their primary access from College Avenue."
Explanation: The proposed "business service, neighborhood, and auto -related
uses'gain their access from adjacent collector streets intersecting with
arterial streets other than College. These uses will provide services for a
geographic area extending beyond the Master Plan by providing a variety of
services within the Master Plan which may confine and localize traffic to the
area and relieve College Avenue pressure.
Policy 25. - "Based on a fiscal evaluation and an analysis of effects on the
Capital Improvement Program the City would provide incentive such as utility
and infrastructure improvements, streets, power, etc., in order to direct
growth in desired directions or areas."
Mr. Ted Shepard
March 4, 1988
Page 3
Explanation: Currently the site is bounded by both sanitary and water services.
Currently these City utilities being sized for urban development are being under
utilized. With this development the current infra -structure will be better
utilized. In recent years the major growing emphasis has been South Eastward.
This development will provide relief to this pressure by providing services such
as schools, shopping, and services for a residential community in the Southwest.
Policy 26. - "Availability of existing services shall be used as a criteria in
determining the location of higher intensity areas in the City."
Explanation: An inventory of adjacent land uses finds that this property is
surrounded on three sides by residential properties of various densities. To
the North you find County subdivided properties with lots averaging two to
three acres in size. To the North East and East you find City standard single-
family lots which averages 3 to 4 d.u./ac. To the Southeast you find County
standard single-family lots, to the South is a mobile home court with densities
in the 5 to 6 d.u./ac. To the Southwest are various sized lots averaging 4 to
5 d.u./ac. Proposed or existing uses similar in nature are approximately one
mile from the site along the arterial streets. In order to keep services lo-
cated within neighborhood nodes and taking into consideration the density and
concentration of residential uses, higher density residential and service -
oriented uses are appropriate to maintain a variety of housing options, a variety
of services, and a variety of visual interest within the environment.
Policy 63. - "Neighborhood service centers should locate within walking dis-
tance of existing or planned residential areas."
Explanation: The proposed "neighborhood service center" (Parcel 1) adjacent
to residential areas (Parcel A and E) within walking distance are Parcels B
and G. Existing residential uses to the East, Southeast, South and Southwest
will have direct pedestrian access and are located adjacent to the center.
Policy 65. - "Neighborhood service centers shall locate in areas served by
existing water or sewer facilities or consistent with the phasing plan for the
urban growth area."
Explanation: All necessary utilities are presently accessible to the major
commercial site.
Policy 66. - "Neighborhood service centers should locate at the intersection
of a collector and an arterial."
Explanation: The center is proposed at the intersection of Taft Hill, and Horsetooth
arterials. Ma,io.r access will be provided to -the center from the two collectors.
Policy 74. - "Transitional land uses or areas (linear greenbelts or other urban
design elements) should be provided between residential neighborhoods and
commercial areas in order to enhance the concept of a mixture of land uses."
Explanation: The commercial area is buffered from residential areas by collector
streets, green belting, landscaping, and other less intense land uses such as
child care and school site.
0 0
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March 4, 1988
Page 4
Polcy 75. - "Residential areas should provide for a mix of housing densities."
Explanation: A mix of single family housing and multi -family uses have been
provided within the Master Plan. This mix is intended to address a broad
range of existing and future market demand characteristics based on high
quality single family and multi -family groups.
II. Open Space, Buffering, Landscaping and Circulation
As a Master Plan, each of the eight proposed phases will contain its own open
space and landscaping plan.
A consistent landscape design theme consisting of organic and inorganic
materials and berming is expected along all arterial streets. Collector
streets adjacent to commercial areas will also be bermed and landscaped.
Landscape design and common open space areas will be used to provide separa-
tion between different land uses and to help define the neighborhood.
The proposed street system is consistent with both planning and engineering
collector street design criteria. A collector will run North -South from
Horsetooth to meet the future needs of the property and future redesigned
land uses of higher intensity to the North. A collector running East-West
terminating at the school site will serve to take local residential traffic
and commercial traffic. This street terminates interior to the site due to
physical constraints such as irrigation canals, Spring Creek, and unclaimed
mineral extraction sites.
A sidewalk system will be incorporated throughout the entire project and connect
the various land uses with each other and adjacent properties.
III. Estimate of Number of Employees
The Master Plan proposes four employment generating land uses -- auto -related
road side commercial, a neighborhood shopping center, an elementary school,
and a child care facility. The following approximate gross floor area is
estimated for each:
1. Auto -related Road Side Commercial
2. Neighborhood Center
3. Elementary School
4. Child Care Facility
16,000 S.F.
220,000 S.F.
60,000 S.F.
6,000 S.F.
Obviously, estimating the number of potential employees without the benefit
of more specific land use information is extremely difficult. Nonetheless,
using the general assumptions, an estimate of approximately 500 potential
employees is obtained.
Mr. Ted Shepard
March 4, 1988
Page 5
IV. Assumptions and Choices of Applicant
Among the assumptions (and land use determinates) which were part of the
Master Plan design are the following:
A. Given the size of the property, a mixed land use is appropriate. The
proposed gross residential density and the location, size and land use
for the Neighborhood Shopping Center are consistent with the condition-
al R-L-P, Low -Density Planning Residential and conditional BF Planned
Business as requested. Conditional H-B, Highway -Business, Auto -Related
Road Side Commercial is consistent as an adjacent land use due to lo-
cation and planned buffering.
B. Both the conditions of zoning and the Land Development Guidance System
of the City requires that for uses other than single-family detached
standard subdivided property and the school site, the property needs to
follow the P.U.D. process.
C. Access from Horsetooth and Taft Hill are essential as entrance ways to
the project.
D. In the future this section of Horsetooth and Taft Hill will help relieve
traffic congestion from other arterials if a proper balance of commer-
cial and residential is maintained with this four -square mile area of the
E. Due to its visibility and continguity to arterial streets, a business
service area and a neighborhood center are appropriate and would serve
to buffer interior residential areas.
F. Given local absorption rates, a mix of residential housing types provide
the best response to the market and provide the opportunity to create a
balanced neighborhood scale.
G. The inclusion of a school site will add relief and open space to the
neighborhood, provide local educational services to the area reducing
traffic which currently flows to the North of the site along arterials,
help solidify a developing residential area into a neighborhood.
Should you feel that any additional information would be helpful to the Planning
and Zoning Board or Staff in their review of the Horsetooth West Master Plan,
please contact me.
Sincerely yours,
-F-- `(' 1 1 1" ►N'l
Fredric J. Hattman
Vice President