To whom it may concern:
I am generally supportive to the proposed project Hugh M Woods.
1t would be a business that could be very convenient, and also give Guilders Square
honest competition. A store such as this does not bring in a "bad" crowd. Such as a
mall might bring with a "hang out after hours" atmosphere. The hours are not to
much past normal business hours.
My main concern is traffic. There are a lot of children in our neighborhood. Large
trucks should have access into Hugh M Woods without having to turn down Skyway
Drive post or into the housing development. The biggest issue is oil traffic (customers
and delivery vehicles) turning down Skyway Drive, realizing that is not a through
street to Shields and turning around -usually upset, leading to unsafe driving- and
heading back East much faster.
1 would fully support the project if plans would make it perfectly and blatantly clear to
all traffic that this a residential neighborhood. And NOT a through street.
When we moved here I proposed a sign to the county informing people that Skyway
does not access Shields. This seemed to help some, but did not solve it completely.
People still turn around after cresting the hill equal to my house, realizing it does not
go through to Shields. It does only take one vehicle to hurt or kill a child. If planning
and zoning can engineer a plan to absolutely assure us traffic will not be increased
any down Skyway, and its surrounding streets, I will support it. If not, I am highly
against it.
Thank -you for your time.
Joe Hand
428 Skyway Drive