Description of project: This is a request to demolish and redevelop the existing bank (Canvas Credit
Union) located at 319 S Meldrum St (parcel # 9711480002). The proposed new structure is
approximately 4,000 sf, and includes a drop box and three drive thru kiosks. The proposal also includes
the provision of 27 parking spaces. Access to the site would be from S Meldrum St directly to the east.
The site is directly west of S Meldrum St and approximately .12 miles north feet of W Mulberry St. The
site is within the Canyon Avenue Subdistrict of the Downtown (D) zone district and the proposal is
subject to an Administrative (Type 1) Review.
Per our analysis of the Fort Collins Code, we believe we meet all the necessary requirements that are
outlined below:
Plantings are proposed to meet article 3.2.1(D) as shown on plans, do provide
greenbelt/vegetative coverings.
In general, the landscaping has been designed to minimize water consumption through
xeriscape plantings and native grasses to meet article 3.2(3)
In general, the parking and circulation system has been designed to accommodate the
movement of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians to meet article 3.2.2
Lighting plan meets the all the requirements and meets the functional needs of the proposed
land use without adversely affecting adjacent properties in the community per article 3.2.4
Trash and recycling enclosures meet the proposed use and future uses for the development to
meet article 3.2.5
The operational characteristics of the proposed building and uses are (existing to remain)
compatible and acceptable within the context of the surrounding area to meet section 3.5.1
All Building materials will comply with section 3.5.1(E)
In general, the design promotes and urban design that is built to scale per article 3.5.3
Walkways have been designed to accommodate pedestrians and pedestrian connections while
accommodating vehicular movement to meet article 3.5.3(B)
In general, the design adheres to article 3.5.3 (A)(B)(C) to meet the Orientation to Build to lines
for Street front buildings.
All Site-Specific Design proposed to meet article 3.5.3(E) to show character and image.
In general, the façade design meets intent of article 3.5.3(3)
In general, the Entrance design meets intent of article 3.5.3(4)
In general, the Awning design meets intent of article 3.5.3(5)
In general, the façade design meets intent of article 3.5.3(6) to be “recognizable”
In general, the encroachment design meets intent of article 3.5.3(7)
Drive through lanes were designed to meet the width limitation to meet the intent of article
Illumination design to meet the intent of article 3.5.3(9)
Developments meets article 3.6.6 for adequate access for emergency vehicles and for those
persons rendering fire protection and emergency services