HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAGNOLIA DWELLINGS - FDP210015 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 3 - LANDSCAPE PLANWM 6'-4"7'-0"CONNECT TO 3/4-INCHCOPPER STUB.AIRRIGATION LEGENDMAINLINE: 1-INCH CL200 PVC| 24-INCH DEPTHSPRINKLER LATERAL: 1-INCH CL200 PVC| 12-INCH DEPTHDRIP TUBING: UV RESISTANT HDPE 0.75-INCH 60 PSI | 4-INCH DEPTHSLEEVING: CL200 PVC, DEFAULT 2-INCHDRIP FLUSH CAPDRIP REMOTE CONTROL VALVE: RAIN BIRD XCZ-100-PRB-COMSPRINKLER REMOTE CONTROL VALVE: RAIN BIRD PEBIRRIGATION CONTROLLER: RAIN BIRD ST8-WIFIARAIN BIRD-RD04-HE-VAN 30 PSI NOZZLE 15H: 1.9 GPM, 15.0' NOZZLE 15Q: 0.9 GPM, 15.0'RAIN SENSOR: RAIN BIRD WR2WALL MOUNT IRRIGATION CONTROLLER.COORDINATE EXACT POSITION WITHOWNERS REPRESENTATIVE.POINT OF CONNECTION/BACKFLOW ASSEMBLYMASTER VALVE: RAIN BIRD PEBRSRSPOCPOCSheetSheet NameChecked By:Drawn By:Date:REV.COMMENTDATETGAL05.18.2022MAGNOLIA DWELLINGSIR-1The IrrigationEngineers2727 Alan St. Ft. Collins, CO 80524307.509.0238 IrrigationEngineers.com1.Any field adjustment or redesign of this irrigation system must conform tothe City of Fort Collins Irrigation Standards.2.Contractor installing the system must provide FCU and the owner with“as-built” drawings after installation is complete, including updatedcharts with existing field conditions.3.The system design assumes a minimum dynamic pressure for theirrigation system of 55 psi, at a minimum discharge of 7.5 GPM at each0.75-inch point-of-connection. Verify pressure and flow on site prior toconstruction.4.Read thoroughly and become familiar with the specifications andinstallation details for this and related work prior to construction.5.Coordinate utility locates (“Call Before You Dig”) of underground utilitiesprior to construction.6.Do not proceed with the installation of the irrigation system when it isobvious in the field that obstructions or grade differences exist thatmight not have been considered in the engineering. If discrepancies inconstruction details, legend, notes or specifications are discovered,bring all such obstructions or discrepancies to the attention of theowner’s representative.7.The drawings are diagrammatic. Therefore, the following should be noted:·Although irrigation components may be shown outside plantingareas for clarity, install irrigation pipe and wiring in landscapedareas whenever possible.·Tree and shrub locations as shown on landscape plans takeprecedence over irrigation equipment locations. Avoid conflictsbetween the irrigation system, planting materials and architecturalfeatures.·Use only standard tees and elbow fittings. Use of cross type fittingsis not allowed.8.Provide the following components to the owner prior to the completion ofthe project:·Two (2) operating keys for each type of manually operated valves.·Two (2) of each servicing wrench or tool needed for completeaccess, adjustment and repair of sprinklers.9.Select nozzles for spray heads and rotors with arcs which providecomplete and adequate coverage with minimum overspray for the siteconditions. Carefully adjust the radius of throw and arc of coverage ofeach rotary sprinkler to provide the best performance.10. Install all electrical power to the irrigation control system in accordancewith the national electric code and all applicable local electric utilitycodes.11. If a section of unsized pipe is located between the identically sizedsections, the unsized pipe is the same nominal size as the two sizedsections. The unsized pipe should not be confused with the default pipesize noted in the legend.12. Install a minimum of two (2) appropriately sized control wires and one(1) common wire from controller location to each dead-end of mainlinefor use as spares in case of control wire failure. Cap end of wires withwater-proof wire connector. Wire terminations must be located in avalve box. In addition, coil three (3) feet of wire in valve box.13. Within six (6) weeks of the installation of new landscaping, the irrigationsystem installer shall reset the Smart Controllers to the normal seasonalwatering schedule.NOTESIRRIGATIONPLAN SheetSheet NameChecked By:Drawn By:Date:REV.COMMENTDATETGAL05.18.2022MAGNOLIA DWELLINGSIR-2The IrrigationEngineers2727 Alan St. Ft. Collins, CO 80524307.509.0238 IrrigationEngineers.com1POINT OF CONNECTION/BACKFLOW ASSEMBLYNOTE:1.FURNISH FITTINGS, PIPE AND BACKFLOW SIZED IDENTICALLYWITH NOMINAL IRRIGATION TAP SIZE.BACKFLOW PREVENTERENCLOSURE: LE MEUR SINGLESWING HINGE OR EQUALREDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOWPREVENTION DEVICE WITH FULLPORT BRONZE BALL VALVES, SAMESIZE AS TAP3/4-INCH COPPER NIPPLE WITH CAP.CL200 PVC PIPE SLEEVE (1 OF 2)OPTIONAL 4-INCH THICK CONCRETEPADFINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCHTYPE K COPPER PIPE (TYPICAL)(LENGTH AS REQUIRED)COPPER FEMALE ADAPTERSCH 40 PVC MALE ADAPTERPVC MAINLINECOPPER PIPE FROMWINTERIZATION ASSEMBLY4' MIN. COVER12" MIN.COPPER TEE AND 3/4-INCHRISER WITH THREADED CAPCOPPER MALE ADAPTER (2)TYPE K COPPER MAINLINEFROM WATER METERTHREADED BRONZE GATE VALVE WITH SOLID WEDGE NON-RISING STEMBRICK (1 OF 4)6-INCH PVC CL 200 PIPE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED)STANDARD IRRIGATION VALVE BOXFINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCHTYPE K COPPER TOBACKFLOWID TAGSTANDARD VALVE BOX WITHCOVER: PENTEK OR EQUALFINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCHREMOTE CONTROL VALVE: SAME NOMINAL SIZE OF MAINLINEBRICK (1 OF 4)PVC MAINLINE PIPEPVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTERPVC MAINLINE PIPE3.0-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVELSPARE WIRES3" MIN. CONTROL WIRESCH 40 MALE ADAPTERWATERPROOF CONNECTORS (2)STANDARD VALVE BOXSCH 80 T.O.E. NIPPLEBRICK SUPPORTS (4)3/4" WASHED GRAVELFINISH GRADEREMOTE CONTROL VALVEAS SHOWN IN LEGENDID TAGPVC LATERAL PIPEMAINLINESCH 40 ELLSPARE WIRES (2)NOTE: FOR SPRINKLERS OVER 5 GPM USE PREFABRICATED PVC SWING JOINTSPRINKLER HEAD:AS CALLED OUT IN LEGENDFINISH GRADESWING JOINT:1/2-INCH FLEX TUBING WITHLASCO SWING JOINT FITTINGSSERVICE TEE OR ELLLATERAL PIPE24-INCHES COILED WIREWATERPROOF CONNECTORS (2)ID TAGDRIP REMOTE CONTROL VALVEKIT: AS SHOWN IN LEGENDFINISH GRADEJUMBO VALVE BOXSCH 80 THREADED NIPPLESCH 40 ELLBRICK SUPPORTS (4)3/4" WASHED GRAVELMAINLINEPE DRIP TUBING/PVC DRIP MANIFOLD24" SPARE WIRE (2)NOTE:1.MAXIMUM LENGHT OF 14" DISTRIBUTION TUBING IS 5-FEET2.STAKE ENDS OF DISTRIBUTION TUBING ON UPHILL SIDE OF PLANT.SHRUB(2 GPH): 2 x XB-10PCEMITTER WITH 14" DISTRIBUTIONTUBINGDECIDUOUS TREE(8 GPH): 4 x XB-20PCEMITTER WITH 14" DISTRIBUTIONTUBINGCONIFEROUS TREE(6 GPH): 3 xXB-20PC EMITTER WITH 14"DISTRIBUTION TUBINGPOLYETHYLENE DRIP LATERALGRASS / GROUNDCOVERPLANTINGS (1 GPH): 1 x XB-10PCEMITTER WITH 14" DISTRIBUTIONTUBINGBRICK (1 OF 2)FINISH GRADE/TOPOF MULCH6-INCH ROUND VALVEBOX WITH COVERFLUSH PLUG WITHHOSE THREAD CAPDRIP IRRIGATIONLATERAL3-INCHES MIN. OF3/4-INCH GRAVEL2MASTER VALVEASSEMBLY4SPRINKLERASSEMBLY7DRIP FLUSH CAPASSEMBLY6TYPICAL EMITTER PLACEMENT& SCHEDULE5DRIP REMOTE CONTROLVALVE ASSEMBLY3REMOTE CONTROL VALVEASSEMBLYIRRIGATIONDETAILS