Montava – Phase G – Sanitary Sewer Modeling
Sanitary Sewer Capacity Study
Fort Collins, Colorado
Martin/Martin, Inc. Project No.: 19.1354
April 22, 2022
Prepared For: HF2M Colorado
430 N. College Ave. Suite 410
Fort Collins, CO 80524
(512) 507-5570
Max Moss
Principal-in-Charge: Bill Willis, PE
Project Manager: Jeff White, PE
GIS Designer: Sean Pearson
I. Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................................1
II. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................1
A. Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................1
B. Report Organization .................................................................................................................................2
III. Phase G ........................................................................................................................................................2
A. Location ....................................................................................................................................................2
B. Proposed Development ...........................................................................................................................2
IV. Phase E .........................................................................................................................................................2
A. Location ....................................................................................................................................................2
B. Proposed Development ...........................................................................................................................2
V. Phase H ........................................................................................................................................................3
A. Location ....................................................................................................................................................3
B. Proposed Development ...........................................................................................................................3
VI. Hydraulic Model ...........................................................................................................................................3
A. Modeling Software ...................................................................................................................................3
B. Model Development ................................................................................................................................4
VII. Analysis of Sanitary Sewer Capacity ............................................................................................................6
A. Average Dry Day Flow ..............................................................................................................................6
B. Wet-Weather Flow ...................................................................................................................................8
VIII. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................9
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 7.1: ADDF Scenario Pipe Capacity – 15 Highest q/Q ..................................................................................7
Figure 1: ADDF – New alignment near existing connection ................................................................................8
Table 7.2: WWF Scenario Pipe Capacity – 15 Highest q/Q ..................................................................................8
Figure 2: WWF – New alignment near existing connection .................................................................................9
A – Montava – Phases E, G, H Overview Map
B – Montava – Phases E, G, H ADDF Scenario Results
C – Montava – Phases E, G, H WWF Scenario Results – Peak Factor 4.15
D – ADDF Scenario Pipe Output Table
E – WWF Scenario Pipe Output Table – Peak Factor 4.15
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I. Executive Summary
Martin/Martin, Inc. (Martin/Martin) has been engaged to provide a pipe capacity analysis for the new
sanitary sewer alignment being designed by Martin/Martin to accommodate flows from the Montava
development due east of the Storybrook subdivision in the vicinity of northeast Fort Collins, Colorado. The
new Montava development associated with this evaluation includes Phase G, Phase E, and Phase H that will
contribute to the proposed sanitary sewer alignment, along with existing residential flow contributed by the
Storybrook subdivision.
The sanitary sewer alignment was modeled using InfoSewer® Suite to perform the pipe capacity analysis.
Using single family residential equivalent (SFRE) flow factors provided by Boxelder Sanitation District, flow
contribution values were established for existing parcels and proposed parcels in the Phase G development
and assigned to corresponding manholes in the model. Parcel layouts have not been finalized for the Phase
E and Phase H developments, but proposed unit types and quantities were provided to estimate flow
contributions. Overall flow contributions for each of these development phases were established and
assigned to a manhole that is furthest upstream to provide a conservative approach in the model.
Two scenarios were developed for the flow study model: an average dry day flow (ADDF) scenario and a
wet-weather flow (WWF) scenario. Using City and County of Denver design criteria to determine an
appropriate peaking factor based on average cubic feet per second flow, a peak factor of 4.15 was applied to
the wet-weather flow scenario. It was also noted that this peak factor may be conservative as previous flow
study analyses in the region applied peak factor values ranging from 3.69 to 4.01.
The average dry day flow scenario indicated no modeled pipes reach or exceed a q/Q capacity of 80% (d/D
capacity of 67.7%). The highest q/Q value calculated during the ADDF scenario was 0.182 (18.2%). The wet
weather flow scenario also indicated no modeled pipes reach or exceed a q/Q capacity of 80%. Results
indicate that four pipes reached approximately 75% with the highest at 75.5% q/Q (this translates to a d/D
value of 64.9%). Twelve pipes fell within a range of 50-75% q/Q using the wet weather flow scenario, and
the 4.15 peak factor.
II. Introduction
Martin/Martin, Inc. (Martin/Martin) was engaged by Montava to develop a residential subdivision (Phase G)
in the vicinity of northeast Fort Collins, Colorado and to modify the existing sanitary sewer alignment to
service the additional sanitary flows from the proposed residential subdivision (Phase G) and two additional
subdivisions under development (Phase E, Phase H). The revised sanitary sewer alignment is expected to
reroute flows from the existing Storybook subdivision and the additional proposed Montava subdivision
flows to a point due east on the existing Boxelder Sanitation District trunkline.
A. Purpose
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the revised sanitary sewer alignment capacity to include
sanitary flows from the proposed subdivisions (Phase E, G, and H). This includes average dry day
flow (ADDF) and a wet weather flow (WWF) with a 4.15 Peak Factor during a major storm event
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flow. Additionally, this study will use a static flow model with predicted flow quantities and the
proposed sanitary sewer alignment to verify that available capacity in the new alignment will
remain below an 80% capacity threshold.
B. Report Organization
Sanitary sewer hydraulic modeling software (InfoSewer® Suite 7.6) has been used to complete
the collection system study. InfoSewer® modeling software is GIS-based and relies on data from
a field survey of existing manholes and geo-database information compiled from proposed
development plans and existing residential parcels. The proposed collection system alignment
has been analyzed for capacity using existing and proposed flows and is set-up to accommodate
future development.
III. Phase G
A. Location
The proposed development, Phase G, is bounded by Storybrook subdivision to the west and
Mountain Vista Drive to the south. It is bounded by the Number 8 Outlet Ditch to the east and
an open parcel, Parcel No. 8832000905, to the north, which is, in turn, bounded by Country Club
Road, further north. See appendix A for specific boundaries of Phase G.
B. Proposed Development
Phase G is an approximately 38-acre residential development comprised of single family, multi-
family, duplex, and townhome units. The development utilized approximately 7,600 LF of
sanitary sewer pipe ranging in size from 8-inch to 15-inch. Boxelder Sanitation District has
provided the desired flow values to use in the model based on SFRE. The average daily Single
Family Residential Equivalence (SFRE) recommended is 75 gallons per capita per day with 3
persons to a single-family residence. This equates to approximately 0.156 gallons per day per
SFR. The multi-family residential parcel is an estimated density of 160 units for the
development. The corresponding flow contribution is approximately 25 gallons per day. In total,
Phase G is projected to contribute an average of approximately 56.72 gallons per day.
IV. Phase E
A. Location
The proposed development, Phase E, is directly east of Phase G, bounded by Mountain Vista
Drive and Phase H to the south and Country Club Road to the north. See appendix A for specific
boundaries of Phase E.
B. Proposed Development
Phase E is an approximately 36-acre mixed-use development comprised of single family, multi-
family, townhome, and commercial units. The layout of the development has not been finalized
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at the time of writing this report, however, sanitary sewer pipe is expected to connect into the
15-inch pipe from Phase G via manholes X-6, X-7, X-8, X-9, X-10, and/or X-11. Full build-out
information for Phase E was provided in April 2022, anticipating 699 residential units and 97,000
square feet of commercial development. In total, Phase E is projected to contribute an average
of 109.99 gallons per day.
V. Phase H
A. Location
The proposed development, Phase H, is bounded by Mountain Vista Drive to the south and
Phase E development to the west, north, and east. See appendix A for specific boundaries of
Phase H.
B. Proposed Development
Phase H is an approximately 16-acre mixed-use development comprised of multi-family,
townhome, and commercial units. The layout of the development has not been finalized at the
time of writing this report, however, sanitary sewer pipe is expected to connect into the 15-inch
pipe from Phase G via manholes X-3, X-4, and/or X-5. Based on the ‘Montava Yield Estimate By
Phase’ document dated May 26, 2021 and provided in January 2022, Phase H is anticipated to
have a density of 376 dwelling units (du) of residential/mixed use. This equates to approximately
58.75 average gallons per day. Phase H is also anticipated to have 84,295 square feet of
commercial development, approximately 0.672 average gallons per day. In total, Phase H is
projected to contribute an average of 59.42 gallons per day.
VI. Hydraulic Model
Hydraulic modeling of the new alignment was performed using InfoSewer® modeling software and available
information including field survey of existing manholes and geo-database information compiled from
proposed development plans and existing residential parcels.
A. Modeling Software
InfoSewer® Suite 7.6 (InfoSewer®) was used to model the new alignment from the southeast
corner of Storybrook subdivision to the connection into the existing (size) trunkline due west of
Giddings Road. The software runs as a companion in ArcMap 10.7, utilizing the gravity sewer
collection system information in the GIS database. InfoSewer® can model flow within gravity
systems and can also incorporate lift stations and force mains. For larger systems, InfoSewer®
can run extended period simulation hydraulic analysis including diurnal curves and
inflow/infiltration. Due to the relatively short linear footage being modeled, a steady-state
analysis was run to assess the capacity of the proposed new alignment.
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B. Model Development
Two databases were established for the Storybrook/Phase E/Phase G/Phase H modeled
collection system, consisting of a manhole database and pipe database for the study area. The
manhole database includes manhole diameter and rim elevations. The pipe database includes
pipe length, upstream and downstream invert elevations, diameter, and material. InfoSewer®
also has the capability to model force mains, pumps, and wet wells; however, the proposed
alignment for the study area does not include these appurtenances and thus these databases
were not created in the model. Correlation from one database to another was required to allow
the modeling features of the program to function properly.
As the system model was constructed, data quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) checks
were performed to locate and correct the following:
• Adverse slopes to ensure proper gravity flow through the system
• Missing data (pipe coefficient, pipe size, manhole rim, manhole type, etc.)
• “Orphan Nodes” (manholes) and “Orphan Links” (pipes) which can affect the program’s
hydraulic modeling functionality and output.
1. Project Survey and Design Drawings
In January 2020 Martin/Martin, Inc. coordinated the necessary survey of 18 manholes within the
proposed development area. An AutoCAD file was created from the survey information, which
contains horizontal locations, rim elevation, manhole diameter, inlet and outlet invert elevation,
inlet/outlet pipe sizes, and inlet/outlet pipe material data. This data was imported into ArcMap
using shapefiles. A geodatabase for these shapefiles was created that contained all the data
collected within the survey.
In addition to the survey data, data from design documents for the new alignment were
incorporated into the geodatabase and all data has been loaded through the GIS exchange
features within the InfoSewer® program. From the imported shapefile and associated
geodatabase, InfoSewer® produces a database that includes hydraulic and geometric data for
manholes, pipes, wet wells, and pumps.
Gravity mains within the Storybrook subdivision were not included in the survey or model. The
flow contributions from the existing Storybrook subdivision were determined using aerial
imagery to note each residential unit and collectively applied the overall flow value to the
nearest downstream manhole that was modeled. The estimated flow contributions from the
proposed developments in Phase G were grouped and added to the closest upstream manhole
that was surveyed/proposed for design. The same process for assigning estimated flow
contributions in Phase G was used to assign estimated flow contributions from the proposed
developments in Phase H. The parcel layout for Phase E was not available at the time of
modeling, however, the quantity of residential units and square footage of commercial units
was available. The estimated flow contributions for Phase E were applied to the furthest
upstream manhole in the Phase E alignment to provide the most conservative approach of
modeling estimated pipe capacity constraints.
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2. Derivation of Flow Contributions
All flow factors attributed to residential and commercial parcels in the model were provided by
Boxelder Sanitation District. Parcel flows for the existing Storybrook subdivision were estimated
as 75 gallons per capita per day with 3 persons to a single-family residence. This equates to
approximately 0.156 gallons per day per SFRE. Using aerial imagery, 142 single-family residences
were identified within the Storybrook subdivision. The resulting estimated average daily flow
contribution from Storybrook subdivision was approximately 22.19 gallons per minute (gpm). An
additional existing property on the south side of Mountain Vista Drive was determined to
contribute flow into the existing sanitary system. Per Boxelder Sanitation District
recommendation, a density of 5 du per acre was applied to the approximately 20 acres of the
property. This equated to 15.625 gpm of average daily flow added to the model directly
upstream of Phase G.
The Phase G residential development consists of single-family, multi-family, duplex, and
townhome residences. The development plan outlines 202 mixed-density single-family units and
an additional density of 160 dwelling units of multi-family residences. This equates to an
average daily flow contribution of approximately 64.10 gpm.
The Phase E and H developments are each a mix of single-family, multi-family, duplex,
townhome, and commercial areas. At the time of creating the flow study model, the proposed
layout of the developments was not known. However, the developer of Phases E and H was able
to provide quantities of dwelling units for residential and the estimated square footage of
commercial that would be incorporated into each development.
The values of the full build-out of Phase E (April 2022) are 217 single-family units, 482 multi-
family units, and 97,000 square feet of commercial. The combined residential units are
estimated to contribute approximately 109.22 gpm of average daily flow, based on the SFRE
value provided by Boxelder Sanitation District. The commercial flow contribution was calculated
using 500 gallons per day per acre, equating to approximately 0.773 gpm of average daily flow.
The overall average daily flow contribution from Phase E was estimated to be 109.99 gpm for
the model. Without an updated proposed layout of the lots in Phase E, a conservative approach
was taken, assigning all flow contributions to the manhole furthest upstream in the
The values of the full build-out of Phase H (January 2022) are 31 single-family units, 270 multi-
family units, 75 mixed-use units, and 84,295 square feet of commercial. The combined
residential units are estimated to contribute approximately 58.75 gpm of average daily flow,
based on the SFRE value provided by Boxelder Sanitation District. The commercial flow
contribution was calculated using 500 gallons per day per acre, equating to approximately 0.672
gpm of average daily flow. The overall average daily flow contribution from Phase H was
estimated to be 59.422 gpm for the model. Without an updated proposed layout of the lots in
Phase H, a conservative approach was taken, assigning all flow contributions to the manhole
furthest upstream in the development.
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3. Steady-State Analysis
InfoSewer® provides for both “steady-state” analysis and “steady-state” design simulations.
Both simulations utilize either the Federoy or Harman and Babbit peaking equations. Either
method results in sewer flows being routed and peaked for pipe design and analysis. Two
scenarios were built to model the average daily and wet-weather flow for the proposed
alignment. These scenarios were analyzed using the steady-state analysis capabilities of the
modeling program to provide an assessment of the instantaneous capacities of the pipes in the
model during average daily flow and wet-weather flow. The program calculates q/Q ratio, d/D
ratio, flow, and velocity for each pipe segment in the model.
4. Infiltration and Inflow
I/I occurs when rain water and/or groundwater is allowed into the system, thereby increasing
the flow. I/I often enters gravity sewer collection systems through non-water-tight manholes
and pipes, broken pipes, improper connection of sump pumps or foundation drains. Typical
design criteria use 10% of the average day flow as an estimate of I/I flow entering the system.
5. Peak Flow Factor
City and County of Denver design criteria specifies a peak flow factor value based on the average
flow of a pipe in cubic feet per second (cfs). The peak flow factor value is derived from the
following formula,
where P is the peak flow factor and F is the average flow in cubic feet per second. With full
average day flow in the model, the total flow is 0.588 cfs. Using this formula, the peak flow
factor to be applied is approximately a 4.15 peak flow factor. This peak flow value is assumed to
include necessary I/I factors. By comparison, the Northern Engineering Sanitary Sewer Master
Study report defined peak flow factor values for each sub-section, with peak flow factor values
ranging from 3.69 to 4.01.
VII. Analysis of Sanitary Sewer Capacity
A. Average Dry Day Flow
The Average Dry Day Flow (ADDF) scenario was analyzed through the steady-state simulation
method. The proposed new alignment ADDF scenario analysis computed the highest q/Q
capacity value as 0.182 (18.2%) in two pipes of the new alignment. Table 7.1 lists 15 pipes with
the highest q/Q values using the ADDF scenario. See appendix D for the full table. See appendix
B for full map of modeled lines and q/Q results.
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Table 7.1 – ADDF Scenario Pipe Capacity – 15 Highest q/Q
Pipe ID
(ft) Slope
(ft/s) d/D q/Q
X-3_X-2 15 293.54 0.002 263.789 2.001 0.289 0.182
X-2_X-1 15 184.39 0.002 263.789 2.003 0.289 0.182
X-4_X-3 15 275.42 0.003 263.789 2.006 0.288 0.181
X-5_X-4 15 274.52 0.003 263.789 2.008 0.288 0.181
X-7_X-6 15 101 0.002 204.367 1.857 0.254 0.141
X-11_X-10 15 104.81 0.002 204.367 1.858 0.254 0.141
X-9_X-8 15 224.99 0.002 204.367 1.86 0.254 0.141
X-6_X-5 15 120 0.003 204.367 1.863 0.253 0.141
X-8_X-7 15 139.78 0.003 204.367 1.864 0.253 0.14
X-10_X-9 15 110.57 0.003 204.367 1.871 0.253 0.14
A8_A7 10 50.47 0.003 71.094 1.523 0.246 0.132
A7_A6 10 316.97 0.003 71.094 1.528 0.245 0.132
A3_A2 12 225.75 0.003 91.562 1.615 0.218 0.104
A4_A3 12 260.09 0.003 83.906 1.572 0.209 0.096
A6_A5 12 40 0.003 80.781 1.554 0.205 0.092
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Figure 1 – ADDF – New alignment near existing connection. Blue lines show q/Q values below 50%
B. Wet-Weather Flow
The Wet-Weather Flow (WWF) scenario was analyzed through the steady-state simulation
method using a peak flow factor of 4.15. The proposed new alignment WWF scenario analysis
computed the highest q/Q capacity value as 0.755 (75.5%), d/D of 64.9%, with four pipes in the
new alignment showing a q/Q capacity value in the range of approximately 75% (d/D 64.6%).
Table 7.2 lists 15 pipes with the highest q/Q values using the WWF scenario. See appendix E for
the full table. See appendix C for full map of modeled lines and q/Q results.
Table 7.2
Pipe ID
(ft) Slope
(ft/s) d/D q/Q
X-3_X-2 15 293.54 0.002 1,094.72 2.892 0.649 0.755
X-2_X-1 15 184.39 0.002 1,094.72 2.896 0.649 0.754
X-4_X-3 15 275.42 0.003 1,094.72 2.901 0.648 0.752
X-5_X-4 15 274.52 0.003 1,094.72 2.905 0.647 0.751
X-7_X-6 15 101 0.002 848.123 2.73 0.55 0.586
X-11_X-10 15 104.81 0.002 848.123 2.732 0.55 0.586
X-9_X-8 15 224.99 0.002 848.123 2.736 0.549 0.585
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X-6_X-5 15 120 0.003 848.123 2.74 0.549 0.583
X-8_X-7 15 139.78 0.003 848.123 2.742 0.548 0.583
X-10_X-9 15 110.57 0.003 848.123 2.754 0.547 0.58
A8_A7 10 50.47 0.003 295.039 2.247 0.529 0.549
A7_A6 10 316.97 0.003 295.039 2.254 0.527 0.547
A3_A2 12 225.75 0.003 379.984 2.405 0.459 0.432
A4_A3 12 260.09 0.003 348.211 2.347 0.438 0.397
A6_A5 12 40 0.003 335.242 2.324 0.428 0.382
Figure 2 – WWF – New alignment near existing connection. Blue lines show q/Q values below
50%, yellow lines show q/Q values between 50%-65%, orange lines show q/Q values between
VIII. Conclusion
The average dry day flow scenario indicated no modeled pipes reach or exceed a q/Q capacity of 80%. The
highest q/Q value calculated during the ADDF scenario was 0.182 (18.2%) (d/D = 28.9%). The wet weather
flow scenario also indicated no modeled pipes reach or exceed a q/Q capacity of 80%. However, four pipes
reached approximately 75% with the highest at 75.5% q/Q (d/D = 64.9%). Twelve pipes exceeded 50% q/Q
using the wet weather flow scenario, using the 4.15 peak factor. This peak factor value was derived based
on the average calculated cubic feet per second flow in the new alignment using estimated flow
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contributions from both existing and proposed developments and may vary depending on finalized
development unit densities and, ultimately, as-constructed field measurements.
It should be noted that the flow contributions applied to the model for the Phase E and Phase H
developments were applied at a single upstream manhole for each development rather than across multiple
manholes in the development areas, which would maintain a higher q/Q result for some pipes in the new
alignment, than may be actually realized.
It should also be noted that the unit densities and commercial square footage values for Phase H were
obtained from the document ‘Montava Yield Estimate By Phase’, dated May 26, 2021. Development Phase E
is also listed in this document but its estimates are no longer accurate; more accurate numbers were
provided April 2022 and subsequently used for the flow study model. It is unknown at this time if the unit
densities and commercial square footage values have changed similarly.
!!2 !!2
!!2 !!2
!!2 !!2
Mountain Vista DrTurnberry RdChesapeake Dr
Friar Tuck Ct
Little John LnMaid Marian Ct
Sherwood Forest Ct
Deep Woods LnN Timberline RdAdriel Dr
Sherell Dr
Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community 12499 WEST COLFAX AVE. LAKEWOOD, CO 80215P.O. BOX 151500 303.431.6100A Overview MapMontava - Phases E, G, HPrincipal in Charge: WPWDrawn By: SEPDesign By: SEPSheet Number:Date: April 22, 2022Modeled Sanitary
Modeled Manhole
Connection to Existing
Sanitary (not modeled)
!!2 Manhole (not modeled)
Flow Points
Flow Attribution
Development Phases ³
0 375 750 1,125 1,500187.5
Phase G
Phase HPhase E
!!2 !!2
!!2 !!2
!!2 !!2
Mountain Vista DrTurnberry RdChesapeake Dr
Friar Tuck Ct
Little John LnMaid Marian Ct
Sherwood Forest Ct
Deep Woods LnN Timberline RdAdriel Dr
Sherell Dr
D3-2 D3-3
D4-1 A3-3
Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community 12499 WEST COLFAX AVE. LAKEWOOD, CO 80215P.O. BOX 151500 303.431.6100B ADDF Scenario ResultsMontava - Phases E, G, HPrincipal in Charge: WPWDrawn By: SEPDesign By: SEPSheet Number:Date: April 22, 2022q/Q
Less than 50%
Modeled Manhole
Connection to Existing
Sanitary (not modeled)
!!2 Manhole (not modeled)
Development Phases ³
0 375 750 1,125 1,500187.5
Phase G
Phase HPhase E
!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2!!2Mountain Vista DrTurnberry RdChesapeake DrFriar Tuck CtLittle John LnMaid Marian CtSherwood Forest CtDeep Woods LnN Timberline RdAdriel DrSherell DrA1B1B2D1C1B3D2B4D3C2B5C3B6C4C5B7D4A9A5A3A4A7A6A8A2X-9X-7X-8X-6X-4X-1X-2X-3X-5A10A13A11A12X-10X-11A3-1D2-2D2-1A4-1D3-2D3-3D3-1D4-2D4-1A3-3B6-1B6-2B6-5B6-4B6-3A3-4A3-2A3.1-1A3.1-2A3.1-3D4.1-1D3-2.1D4.1-2D4-1.1A3-3.2A3-1.1Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community12499 WEST COLFAX AVE. LAKEWOOD, CO 80215P.O. BOX 151500 303.431.6100CWWF Scenario Results - Peak Factor 4.15Montava - Phases E, G, HPrincipal in Charge: WPWDrawn By: SEPDesign By: SEPSheet Number:Date: April 22, 2022q/QLess than 50%50%-65%65%-80%Modeled ManholeConnection to ExistingTrunklineSanitary (not modeled)!!2Manhole (not modeled)Development Phases³0 375 750 1,125 1,500187.5FeetPhase GPhase HPhase E
Appendix D - ADDF Scenario Pipe Output Table
ID From ID To ID
Total Flow
Flow (gpm)
(ft/s)d/D q/Q
Depth (ft)
Depth (ft)
Full Flow
Depth (ft)
Velocity (ft/s)
X-3_X-2 X-3 X-2 15 293.54 0.002 263.789 263.789 2.001 0.289 0.182 0.361 0.299 0.692 1,449.70 0.361 2.001
X-2_X-1 X-2 X-1 15 184.39 0.002 263.789 263.789 2.003 0.289 0.182 0.361 0.299 0.693 1,451.98 0.361 2.003
X-4_X-3 X-4 X-3 15 275.42 0.003 263.789 263.789 2.006 0.288 0.181 0.36 0.299 0.695 1,455.05 0.36 2.006
X-5_X-4 X-5 X-4 15 274.52 0.003 263.789 263.789 2.008 0.288 0.181 0.36 0.299 0.696 1,457.44 0.36 2.008
X-7_X-6 X-7 X-6 15 101 0.002 204.367 204.367 1.857 0.254 0.141 0.317 0.262 0.689 1,446.31 0.317 1.857
X-11_X-10 X-11 X-10 15 104.81 0.002 204.367 204.367 1.858 0.254 0.141 0.317 0.262 0.69 1,447.89 0.317 1.858
X-9_X-8 X-9 X-8 15 224.99 0.002 204.367 204.367 1.86 0.254 0.141 0.317 0.262 0.691 1,450.32 0.317 1.86
X-6_X-5 X-6 X-5 15 120 0.003 204.367 204.367 1.863 0.253 0.141 0.317 0.262 0.692 1,453.52 0.317 1.863
X-8_X-7 X-8 X-7 15 139.78 0.003 204.367 204.367 1.864 0.253 0.14 0.317 0.262 0.693 1,454.67 0.317 1.864
X-10_X-9 X-10 X-9 15 110.57 0.003 204.367 204.367 1.871 0.253 0.14 0.316 0.262 0.697 1,462.89 0.316 1.871
A8_A7 A8 A7 10 50.47 0.003 71.094 71.094 1.523 0.246 0.132 0.205 0.171 0.705 537.524 0.205 1.523
A7_A6 A7 A6 10 316.97 0.003 71.094 71.094 1.528 0.245 0.132 0.204 0.171 0.708 539.786 0.204 1.528
A3_A2 A3 A2 12 225.75 0.003 91.562 91.562 1.615 0.218 0.104 0.218 0.185 0.728 879.958 0.218 1.615
A4_A3 A4 A3 12 260.09 0.003 83.906 83.906 1.572 0.209 0.096 0.209 0.177 0.724 878.025 0.209 1.572
A6_A5 A6 A5 12 40 0.003 80.781 80.781 1.554 0.205 0.092 0.205 0.174 0.723 878.177 0.205 1.554
A5_A4 A5 A4 12 108.58 0.003 80.781 80.781 1.562 0.204 0.091 0.204 0.174 0.728 883.901 0.204 1.562
A1_X-11 A1 X-11 15 228.13 0.002 94.375 94.375 1.486 0.173 0.065 0.216 0.177 0.677 1,453.11 0.216 1.486
A10_A9 A10 A9 10 52.3 0.002 22.187 22.187 1.015 0.145 0.045 0.121 0.095 0.621 491.575 0.121 1.015
A13_A12 A13 A12 10 128.3 0.003 22.187 22.187 1.079 0.139 0.041 0.116 0.095 0.675 536.596 0.116 1.079
A12_A11 A12 A11 10 400 0.004 22.187 22.187 1.156 0.132 0.038 0.11 0.095 0.74 591.589 0.11 1.156
A11_A10 A11 A10 10 400 0.004 22.187 22.187 1.167 0.131 0.037 0.11 0.095 0.75 599.749 0.11 1.167
A9_A8 A9 A8 10 202.16 0.017 37.812 37.812 2.338 0.118 0.029 0.098 0.124 1.591 1,288.05 0.098 2.338
A2_X-11 A2 A1 12 294.76 0.007 37.892 37.892 1.662 0.116 0.028 0.116 0.118 1.04 1,330.56 0.116 1.662
D1_A6 D1 A6 8 107.85 0.009 9.687 9.687 1.279 0.095 0.019 0.063 0.066 1.085 515.721 0.063 1.279
D2_D1 D2 D1 8 200.62 0.009 9.687 9.687 1.28 0.095 0.019 0.063 0.066 1.087 516.525 0.063 1.28
A2_A1 A2 A1 15 294.76 0.012 56.483 56.483 2.2 0.093 0.018 0.116 0.136 1.38 3,167.75 0.116 2.2
A3-1_A3 A3-1 A3 8 151.5 0.004 5.937 5.937 0.833 0.091 0.017 0.061 0.052 0.722 345.062 0.061 0.833
C1_A8 C1 A8 8 252 0.011 8.281 8.281 1.318 0.084 0.014 0.056 0.061 1.193 576.278 0.056 1.318
D3_D2 D3 D2 8 263.5 0.012 7.812 7.812 1.329 0.08 0.013 0.053 0.059 1.232 598.334 0.053 1.329
A3-2_A3-1 A3-2 A3-1 8 130.39 0.004 4.062 4.062 0.741 0.076 0.012 0.051 0.043 0.703 343.414 0.051 0.741
C2_C1 C2 C1 8 265.5 0.011 6.406 6.406 1.218 0.074 0.011 0.05 0.054 1.172 575.155 0.05 1.218
C3_C2 C3 C2 8 265.5 0.005 3.906 3.906 0.792 0.071 0.01 0.047 0.042 0.78 384.886 0.047 0.792
A3-3_A3-2 A3-3 A3-2 8 138.6 0.004 3.125 3.125 0.683 0.068 0.009 0.045 0.037 0.689 342.562 0.045 0.683
D3-2_D3 D3-2 D3 8 134 0.004 2.5 2.5 0.641 0.061 0.007 0.04 0.033 0.684 345.21 0.04 0.641
D4_D3 D4 D3 8 267.5 0.012 4.062 4.062 1.09 0.059 0.007 0.039 0.043 1.181 598.48 0.039 1.09
D4.1-1_D4 D4.1-1 D4 8 156 0.004 1.875 1.875 0.585 0.053 0.005 0.035 0.029 0.667 342.825 0.035 0.585
A3-3.2_A3-3.1 A3-3.2 A3-3.1 8 86.15 0.004 1.562 1.562 0.552 0.049 0.005 0.033 0.026 0.656 341.626 0.033 0.552
A3-3.1_A3-3 A3-3.1 A3-3 8 27.86 0.004 1.562 1.562 0.552 0.049 0.005 0.033 0.026 0.657 341.7 0.033 0.552
B2_B1 B2 B1 8 134.23 0.012 2.656 2.656 0.955 0.048 0.004 0.032 0.034 1.142 595.562 0.032 0.955
B3_B2 B3 B2 8 193.15 0.012 2.5 2.5 0.936 0.047 0.004 0.031 0.033 1.136 594.7 0.031 0.936
A4-1_A4 A4-1 A4 8 268.63 0.024 3.125 3.125 1.276 0.044 0.004 0.03 0.037 1.595 841.986 0.03 1.276
C4_C3 C4 C3 8 40 0.005 1.406 1.406 0.58 0.044 0.004 0.029 0.025 0.728 384.524 0.029 0.58
D4.1-2_D4.1-1 D4.1-2 D4.1-1 8 125.5 0.004 1.25 1.25 0.517 0.044 0.004 0.029 0.024 0.649 343.243 0.029 0.517
D4-1.1_D4-1 D4-1.1 D4-1 8 127 0.004 1.25 1.25 0.519 0.044 0.004 0.029 0.024 0.652 344.606 0.029 0.519
B4_B3 B4 B3 8 138.9 0.012 2.031 2.031 0.879 0.043 0.003 0.028 0.03 1.12 594.486 0.028 0.879
B1_A2 B1 A2 8 142.54 0.028 2.812 2.812 1.301 0.041 0.003 0.027 0.035 1.696 906.397 0.027 1.301
B5_B4 B5 B4 8 138.9 0.012 1.719 1.719 0.835 0.039 0.003 0.026 0.028 1.107 594.486 0.026 0.835
A3-4_A3-3 A3-4 A3-3 8 99.17 0.004 0.938 0.938 0.476 0.038 0.003 0.026 0.02 0.64 345.365 0.026 0.476
D4-1_D4 D4-1 D4 8 135.01 0.024 2.187 2.187 1.139 0.038 0.003 0.025 0.031 1.545 835.894 0.025 1.139
B6_B5 B6 B5 8 142.84 0.012 1.406 1.406 0.786 0.036 0.002 0.024 0.025 1.092 594.993 0.024 0.786
D3-3_D3-2 D3-3 D3-2 8 189 0.004 0.781 0.781 0.45 0.035 0.002 0.023 0.019 0.631 344.838 0.023 0.45
D3-2.1_D3-2 D3-2.1 D3-2 8 189 0.004 0.781 0.781 0.45 0.035 0.002 0.023 0.019 0.631 344.838 0.023 0.45
D2-1_D2 D2-1 D2 8 243.5 0.011 1.25 1.25 0.732 0.035 0.002 0.023 0.024 1.034 566.228 0.023 0.732
D3-1_D3 D3-1 D3 8 210 0.012 1.25 1.25 0.766 0.034 0.002 0.022 0.024 1.098 603.92 0.022 0.766
B6-3_B6-2 B6-3 B6-2 8 63.42 0.004 0.625 0.625 0.417 0.032 0.002 0.021 0.017 0.616 341.425 0.021 0.417
D2-2_D2 D2-2 D2 8 146 0.004 0.625 0.625 0.418 0.032 0.002 0.021 0.017 0.618 342.749 0.021 0.418
B6-1_B6 B6-1 B6 8 37.63 0.004 0.625 0.625 0.419 0.032 0.002 0.021 0.017 0.619 343.335 0.021 0.419
B6-2_B6-1 B6-2 B6-1 8 67.09 0.004 0.625 0.625 0.42 0.032 0.002 0.021 0.017 0.621 344.978 0.021 0.42
C5_C4 C5 C4 8 127.5 0.023 1.406 1.406 0.981 0.031 0.002 0.021 0.025 1.469 818.715 0.021 0.981
D4-2_D4-1 D4-2 D4-1 8 94 0.004 0.469 0.469 0.385 0.028 0.001 0.018 0.014 0.61 345.754 0.018 0.385
B6-4_B6-3 B6-4 B6-3 8 48.86 0.004 0.469 0.469 0.387 0.028 0.001 0.018 0.014 0.613 347.918 0.018 0.387
A3.1-1_A3 A3.1-1 A3 8 146.25 0.029 1.25 1.25 1.035 0.028 0.001 0.018 0.024 1.644 932.449 0.018 1.035
A3.1-2_A3.1-1 A3.1-2 A3.1-1 8 68.45 0.018 0.625 0.625 0.7 0.023 0.001 0.015 0.017 1.23 720.017 0.015 0.7
A3.1-3_A3.1-2 A3.1-3 A3.1-2 8 78.91 0.018 0.625 0.625 0.701 0.022 0.001 0.015 0.017 1.232 721.739 0.015 0.701
B7_B6 B7 B6 8 153.82 0.012 0.469 0.469 0.561 0.022 0.001 0.014 0.014 1.009 594.76 0.014 0.561
A3-1.1_A3-1 A3-1.1 A3-1 8 55.5 0.021 0.469 0.469 0.679 0.019 0.001 0.013 0.014 1.301 782.783 0.013 0.679
B6-5_B6-4 B6-5 B6-4 8 42.34 0.004 0.156 0.156 0.274 0.017 0 0.011 0.008 0.561 344.578 0.011 0.274
Appendix E - WWF Scenario Pipe Output Table - Peak Factor 4.15
ID From ID To ID
Total Flow
Flow (gpm)
(ft/s)d/D q/Q
Depth (ft)
Depth (ft)
Full Flow
Depth (ft)
Velocity (ft/s)
X-3_X-2 X-3 X-2 15 293.54 0.002 1,094.72 1,094.72 2.892 0.649 0.755 0.812 0.625 0.606 1,449.70 0.812 2.892
X-2_X-1 X-2 X-1 15 184.39 0.002 1,094.72 1,094.72 2.896 0.649 0.754 0.811 0.625 0.607 1,451.98 0.811 2.896
X-4_X-3 X-4 X-3 15 275.42 0.003 1,094.72 1,094.72 2.901 0.648 0.752 0.809 0.625 0.609 1,455.05 0.809 2.901
X-5_X-4 X-5 X-4 15 274.52 0.003 1,094.72 1,094.72 2.905 0.647 0.751 0.809 0.625 0.611 1,457.44 0.809 2.905
X-7_X-6 X-7 X-6 15 101 0.002 848.123 848.123 2.73 0.55 0.586 0.688 0.547 0.645 1,446.31 0.688 2.73
X-11_X-10 X-11 X-10 15 104.81 0.002 848.123 848.123 2.732 0.55 0.586 0.688 0.547 0.646 1,447.89 0.688 2.732
X-9_X-8 X-9 X-8 15 224.99 0.002 848.123 848.123 2.736 0.549 0.585 0.687 0.547 0.647 1,450.32 0.687 2.736
X-6_X-5 X-6 X-5 15 120 0.003 848.123 848.123 2.74 0.549 0.583 0.686 0.547 0.649 1,453.52 0.686 2.74
X-8_X-7 X-8 X-7 15 139.78 0.003 848.123 848.123 2.742 0.548 0.583 0.686 0.547 0.649 1,454.67 0.686 2.742
X-10_X-9 X-10 X-9 15 110.57 0.003 848.123 848.123 2.754 0.547 0.58 0.683 0.547 0.653 1,462.89 0.683 2.754
A8_A7 A8 A7 10 50.47 0.003 295.039 295.039 2.247 0.529 0.549 0.441 0.357 0.668 537.524 0.441 2.247
A7_A6 A7 A6 10 316.97 0.003 295.039 295.039 2.254 0.527 0.547 0.439 0.357 0.671 539.786 0.439 2.254
A3_A2 A3 A2 12 225.75 0.003 379.984 379.984 2.405 0.459 0.432 0.459 0.385 0.713 879.958 0.459 2.405
A4_A3 A4 A3 12 260.09 0.003 348.211 348.211 2.347 0.438 0.397 0.438 0.368 0.716 878.025 0.438 2.347
A6_A5 A6 A5 12 40 0.003 335.242 335.242 2.324 0.428 0.382 0.428 0.361 0.719 878.177 0.428 2.324
A5_A4 A5 A4 12 108.58 0.003 335.242 335.242 2.335 0.427 0.379 0.427 0.361 0.724 883.901 0.427 2.335
A1_X-11 A1 X-11 15 228.13 0.002 391.656 391.656 2.239 0.355 0.27 0.443 0.366 0.691 1,453.11 0.443 2.239
A10_A9 A10 A9 10 52.3 0.002 92.078 92.078 1.539 0.293 0.187 0.244 0.195 0.647 491.575 0.244 1.539
A13_A12 A13 A12 10 128.3 0.003 92.078 92.078 1.639 0.28 0.172 0.234 0.195 0.706 536.596 0.234 1.639
A12_A11 A12 A11 10 400 0.004 92.078 92.078 1.757 0.267 0.156 0.222 0.195 0.778 591.589 0.222 1.757
A11_A10 A11 A10 10 400 0.004 92.078 92.078 1.774 0.265 0.154 0.221 0.195 0.788 599.749 0.221 1.774
A9_A8 A9 A8 10 202.16 0.017 156.922 156.922 3.564 0.236 0.122 0.196 0.257 1.686 1,288.05 0.218 3.067
A2_X-11 A2 A1 12 294.76 0.007 155.598 155.598 2.526 0.231 0.117 0.231 0.243 1.103 1,330.56 0.231 2.526
D1_A6 D1 A6 8 107.85 0.009 40.203 40.203 1.957 0.189 0.078 0.126 0.136 1.164 515.721 0.127 1.928
D2_D1 D2 D1 8 200.62 0.009 40.203 40.203 1.959 0.189 0.078 0.126 0.136 1.166 516.525 0.126 1.959
A2_A1 A2 A1 15 294.76 0.012 236.059 236.059 3.373 0.185 0.075 0.231 0.282 1.483 3,167.75 0.237 3.248
A3-1_A3 A3-1 A3 8 151.5 0.004 24.641 24.641 1.276 0.181 0.071 0.121 0.106 0.776 345.062 0.14 1.031
C1_A8 C1 A8 8 252 0.011 34.367 34.367 2.02 0.166 0.06 0.11 0.126 1.287 576.278 0.125 1.681
D3_D2 D3 D2 8 263.5 0.012 32.422 32.422 2.038 0.158 0.054 0.105 0.122 1.331 598.334 0.105 2.038
A3-2_A3-1 A3-2 A3-1 8 130.39 0.004 16.859 16.859 1.136 0.151 0.049 0.1 0.087 0.76 343.414 0.1 1.136
C2_C1 C2 C1 8 265.5 0.011 26.586 26.586 1.869 0.146 0.046 0.098 0.11 1.27 575.155 0.098 1.869
C3_C2 C3 C2 8 265.5 0.005 16.211 16.211 1.217 0.14 0.042 0.093 0.086 0.846 384.886 0.093 1.217
A3-3_A3-2 A3-3 A3-2 8 138.6 0.004 12.969 12.969 1.049 0.133 0.038 0.089 0.077 0.749 342.562 0.089 1.049
D3-2_D3 D3-2 D3 8 134 0.004 10.375 10.375 0.986 0.119 0.03 0.079 0.068 0.746 345.21 0.079 0.986
D4_D3 D4 D3 8 267.5 0.012 16.859 16.859 1.677 0.115 0.028 0.077 0.087 1.289 598.48 0.077 1.677
D4.1-1_D4 D4.1-1 D4 8 156 0.004 7.781 7.781 0.9 0.104 0.023 0.069 0.059 0.729 342.825 0.069 0.9
A3-3.2_A3-3.1 A3-3.2 A3-3.1 8 86.15 0.004 6.484 6.484 0.85 0.096 0.019 0.064 0.054 0.719 341.626 0.064 0.85
A3-3.1_A3-3 A3-3.1 A3-3 8 27.86 0.004 6.484 6.484 0.85 0.096 0.019 0.064 0.054 0.719 341.7 0.064 0.85
B2_B1 B2 B1 8 134.23 0.012 11.023 11.023 1.47 0.094 0.019 0.063 0.071 1.252 595.562 0.063 1.47
B3_B2 B3 B2 8 193.15 0.012 10.375 10.375 1.442 0.092 0.017 0.061 0.068 1.246 594.7 0.061 1.442
A4-1_A4 A4-1 A4 8 268.63 0.024 12.969 12.969 1.967 0.087 0.015 0.058 0.077 1.751 841.986 0.098 0.91
C4_C3 C4 C3 8 40 0.005 5.836 5.836 0.894 0.086 0.015 0.057 0.051 0.799 384.524 0.057 0.894
D4.1-2_D4.1-1 D4.1-2 D4.1-1 8 125.5 0.004 5.187 5.187 0.797 0.086 0.015 0.057 0.048 0.713 343.243 0.057 0.797
D4-1.1_D4-1 D4-1.1 D4-1 8 127 0.004 5.187 5.187 0.799 0.086 0.015 0.057 0.048 0.716 344.606 0.057 0.799
B4_B3 B4 B3 8 138.9 0.012 8.43 8.43 1.354 0.083 0.014 0.055 0.062 1.23 594.486 0.055 1.354
B1_A2 B1 A2 8 142.54 0.028 11.672 11.672 2.005 0.08 0.013 0.053 0.073 1.864 906.397 0.053 2.005
B5_B4 B5 B4 8 138.9 0.012 7.133 7.133 1.288 0.077 0.012 0.051 0.057 1.217 594.486 0.051 1.288
A3-4_A3-3 A3-4 A3-3 8 99.17 0.004 3.891 3.891 0.734 0.075 0.011 0.05 0.042 0.704 345.365 0.05 0.734
D4-1_D4 D4-1 D4 8 135.01 0.024 9.078 9.078 1.756 0.073 0.011 0.049 0.064 1.701 835.894 0.049 1.756
B6_B5 B6 B5 8 142.84 0.012 5.836 5.836 1.212 0.07 0.01 0.047 0.051 1.203 594.993 0.047 1.212
D3-3_D3-2 D3-3 D3-2 8 189 0.004 3.242 3.242 0.694 0.069 0.009 0.046 0.038 0.695 344.838 0.046 0.694
D3-2.1_D3-2 D3-2.1 D3-2 8 189 0.004 3.242 3.242 0.694 0.069 0.009 0.046 0.038 0.695 344.838 0.046 0.694
D2-1_D2 D2-1 D2 8 243.5 0.011 5.187 5.187 1.13 0.068 0.009 0.045 0.048 1.14 566.228 0.045 1.13
D3-1_D3 D3-1 D3 8 210 0.012 5.187 5.187 1.182 0.066 0.009 0.044 0.048 1.21 603.92 0.044 1.182
B6-3_B6-2 B6-3 B6-2 8 63.42 0.004 2.594 2.594 0.644 0.062 0.008 0.041 0.034 0.679 341.425 0.041 0.644
D2-2_D2 D2-2 D2 8 146 0.004 2.594 2.594 0.645 0.062 0.008 0.041 0.034 0.681 342.749 0.041 0.645
B6-1_B6 B6-1 B6 8 37.63 0.004 2.594 2.594 0.646 0.062 0.008 0.041 0.034 0.682 343.335 0.041 0.646
B6-2_B6-1 B6-2 B6-1 8 67.09 0.004 2.594 2.594 0.648 0.062 0.008 0.041 0.034 0.685 344.978 0.041 0.648
C5_C4 C5 C4 8 127.5 0.023 5.836 5.836 1.514 0.06 0.007 0.04 0.051 1.621 818.715 0.04 1.514
D4-2_D4-1 D4-2 D4-1 8 94 0.004 1.945 1.945 0.595 0.054 0.006 0.036 0.029 0.674 345.754 0.036 0.595
B6-4_B6-3 B6-4 B6-3 8 48.86 0.004 1.945 1.945 0.598 0.054 0.006 0.036 0.029 0.678 347.918 0.036 0.598
A3.1-1_A3 A3.1-1 A3 8 146.25 0.029 5.187 5.187 1.599 0.054 0.006 0.036 0.048 1.816 932.449 0.098 0.365
A3.1-2_A3.1-1 A3.1-2 A3.1-1 8 68.45 0.018 2.594 2.594 1.081 0.044 0.004 0.029 0.034 1.361 720.017 0.029 1.081
A3.1-3_A3.1-2 A3.1-3 A3.1-2 8 78.91 0.018 2.594 2.594 1.083 0.044 0.004 0.029 0.034 1.364 721.739 0.029 1.083
B7_B6 B7 B6 8 153.82 0.012 1.945 1.945 0.867 0.042 0.003 0.028 0.029 1.117 594.76 0.028 0.867
A3-1.1_A3-1 A3-1.1 A3-1 8 55.5 0.021 1.945 1.945 1.05 0.037 0.002 0.025 0.029 1.442 782.783 0.025 1.05
B6-5_B6-4 B6-5 B6-4 8 42.34 0.004 0.648 0.648 0.424 0.032 0.002 0.022 0.017 0.622 344.578 0.022 0.424