HomeMy WebLinkAboutSANCTUARY ON THE GREEN - PDP210018 - REPORTS - STAFF'S PROJECT COMMENTS (2)Contact Information 1 Jenny Axmacher Senior City Planner jaxmacher@fcgov.com 970-416-8089 Katie Claypool Community Development kclaypool@fcgov.com Please email your name and full address to Katie to receive the decision report. Please call 719-297-1058 during the hearing, if you’re having technical difficulties accessing the hearing online. HOW TO ZOOM 2 Providing Public Comment on Zoom ~Please sign in with your first name and last name (or last initial). ~The Hearing Officer will call for public comment on each item after a short presentation from staff and/or applicants. ~Use the “Raise Hand” button at the bottom of your screen to let us know you would like to speak. ~OR, if you are listening to the meeting through a telephone, please dial *9 on your phone to raise your hand. ~We will call on you and let you know when you are able to unmute yourself. ~State your name and address when you speak. Order of Proceedings 3 1.Project Introduction (staff) 2.Applicant Presentation 3.Staff Presentation 4.Staff Response to Applicant Presentation 5.Public Testimony 6.Applicant Response 7.Staff Response 8.Decision •Within 10 business days, Hearing Officer issues written decision •May approve, approve with conditions, or deny the development application 9. Decision is mailed to applicant and anyone who provided testimony at public hearing 10. Appeal Process •Appeals are filed with the City Clerk’s Office •Written appeal must be received within 14 calendar days of the decision •Filing fee of $100.00 •City Clerk will schedule appeal for City Council 4 Staff Presentation Jenny Axmacher–Senior City Planner May 2, 2022 Sanctuary on the Green, PDP210018 Project Development Plan Project Overview 5 •41.34 acres •Zoning: L-M-N, Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood •Northwest Subarea Plan •Annexed in 1982 (west of ditch) and 2018 (east of ditch) Project Overview 6 •New Mercer Ditch •Soldier Creek Trail; Bellwether Open Space •West Vine Basin drainage area Project Overview 7 •212 dwellings total •Three housing types: •32 alley-loaded single family dwellings •14 two-family dwelling units •166 single-family attached dwelling units •Overall density –5.13 dwelling units per gross acre Project History -Prior PDP190003 8 •Withdrawn from Planning & Zoning Commission •Proposed: •87 multifamily dwelling units •106 single family attached dwelling units •26 two family dwelling units •31 single family dwelling units Project History -Prior PDP190003 9 •New Plan Submitted November 5, 2021 •PDP210018 •Determined to include substantial changes per 2.2.11(E)(9) •New plan removed multifamily dwelling units •Remaining housing types proposed fall under Type 1 review Northwest Subarea Key Concepts 10 In summary --NSP Key Concepts: The purpose of the Northwest Subarea Plan is to establish “a focused roadmap for the area’s future through clearly defined goals, policies, and strategies. An overarching theme of this Plan is to retain and enhance the area’s existing character.” When reviewing the proposed project for compliance with the policies and strategies contained in the Northwest Subarea Plan there are two fundamental components of the NSP: •Following what is allowed with the zoning’s density provides predictability •Addressing compatibility with existing neighborhoods through design •New neighborhoods should entail creative master planning to lead to visually attractive, pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods that have nearby services, parks, and other amenities Modifications of Standards Overview 11 Modifications of Standards --proposed to address walkway spine requirements and number of housing types. Modification to Section 3.5.2(D)(1) Orientation to a Connecting Walkway, requesting that building entrances to dwellings be oriented to a walkway that is longer than 350 feet, and within walkway open space that is narrower than 35 feet. Modification to Section 4.5(D)(2)(a)3. Housing Types, requesting approval of three housing types instead of four. Alternative Compliance Request 3.6.3 -Street Pattern and Connectivity Standards 12 Alternative Compliance Requested, addresses: •3.6.3(D) Spacing of Limited Movement Collector or Local Street Intersections with Arterial Streets. •3.6.3(E) Distribution of Local Traffic to Multiple Arterial Streets. •3.6.3(F) Utilization and Provision of Sub-Arterial Street Connections to and From Adjacent Developments and Developable Parcels. Incorporate and continue all sub-arterial streets stubbed to the boundary of the development plan; Provide for future public street connections to adjacent developable parcels by providing a local street connection spaced at intervals not to exceed six hundred sixty (660) feet along each development plan boundary that abuts potentially developable or redevelopable land. •First two standards say: “unless rendered infeasible due to unusual topographic features, existing development or a natural area or feature.” 13 Public Outreach 14 A neighborhood meeting was not required but one was held. Concerns raised included: •Traffic and safety concerns for vehicles and pedestrians, particularly related to traffic patterns for nearby high schools. •Concerns about building height and the impact of taller buildings on the viewsheds and character of existing neighborhoods. •Environmental resources on the site. •Concerns about grading, flooding, and stormwater runoff. •Attendees who spoke or submitted questions via chat were mostly opposed to the development, though there were comments in support of the project because of the improved infrastructure and amenities related to the development. Reasons for opposition included concerns about a mismatch with the intent of the Northwest Subarea Plan, increased traffic delays with the addition of new homes onto already busy roads, and concerns about safety for students of nearby high schools. Northwest Subarea Plan Overview 15 Appearance and Design: “The vision for the Northwest Subarea is for new development to fit in with the low density and country-like image of the area and to safeguard natural features.” Northwest Subarea character –“country-feel and distinctive image in the broader Fort Collins/Larimer County community --wide variety of styles, lot sizes, and activities.” Page 9: “Vision and Key Strategies” Key Idea #5. Low-Density Housing with Stable Neighborhoods. “Allow predominately low-density housing consistent with the land use/framework plan. Protect stable neighborhoods from incompatible development.” Northwest Subarea Framework Plan 16 •“The Framework Plan also creates some level of predictability in what type and intensity can be expected for one’s own property as well as neighboring properties.” •“The Framework Plan provides guidance to land uses, activities, and density levels, but it is not regulatory.” •“One of the primary objectives of the Framework Plan is to ensure that future development is compatible with the density, uses, and character of existing neighborhoods.” •For large properties that are zoned L-M-N, policies, goals and strategies focus on following the L-M-N zoning established with the Framework Plan; while other goals also discuss achieving compatibility with existing neighborhoods through “site-specific and contextual design.” Northwest Subarea Framework Plan 17 •“Future development density may be up to 8 units per acre overall (or up to 12 units per acre for affordable housing).“ •“In areas designated as Low Density Mixed-Use (L-M-N) residential areas, protect existing single-family neighborhoods by ensuring that infill development on parcels to be annexed is appropriate density and design.” Northwest Subarea Plan 18 Overall, the PDP meets the objectives outlined in the NSP: •Following Framework Plan and maximum density guideline for the L-M-N Zone District –not more than 8 dwellings per gross acre; •Landscaped drainage and open spaces areas provide land use transitions to the north, west and south North Taft Hill Road and landscape frontage improvements provide a land use transition to the east; •Two -family and single-family detached buildings are located on the west portion of the property, which contributes to an overall density, building mass and building height transition from east to west; •Multiple pedestrian connection points are provided to appropriately integrate the project into the surrounding neighborhoods and street system; •Existing streets are not connected (Webb, Irish, Impala) with Alternative Compliance requested to allow these connections to be pedestrian only, which helps protect existing neighborhoods and long-standing existing conditions where through-traffic does not occur. Stormwater improvements and floodplain remapping 19 •Stormwater flow conveyed through the site by the regional channel. •New grading proposed: new detention areas to improve these conveyance channels •Also improves the natural habitat characteristics of these existing channel areas. •PROPOSED: 5 surface detention areas, rain gardens, and underground detention to improve stormwater quality and reduce the rate of stormwater discharge from the site; •Flows routed under the New Mercer Canal and directs all developed flows from the site into the Larimer No. 2 Canal; Stormwater improvements and floodplain remapping 20 Future City-funded regional improvement project -- construct the Forney regional detention pond and regional channel located east of N. Taft Hill Road; Sanctuary on the Green site --open space tracts/conveyance channels •In the interim: stormwater detention; •Once these future City improvements are in place to the east, they will serve as the outfall for the project site, and on-site stormwater detention will not be necessary. •The detention volume for the proposed site can be shifted to the proposed Forney regional detention pond, with the on-site channels then limited to only stormwater conveyance, while still providing habitat and open space. Article 3 Development Standards 3.2.2 –Access, Circulation and Parking 21 •Eight-foot-wide trail to Soldier Creek Trail •5 bicycle and pedestrian connections to Laporte Ave. •Detached sidewalks along portions of Laporte Avenue and Taft Hill Road •2 pedestrian bridges across New Mercer Ditch •Extensive network of internal sidewalks •3 connections to Green Acres Subdivision Transportation Improvements 22 •Center turn lane on Taft Hill Road •Westbound right turn lane on Laporte Avenue •Street sidewalks •City managed project: additional sidewalk, bicycle lane and bridge improvements •Laporte Avenue between Fishback Avenue and Sunset Street •Bridge improvements are currently funded, and roadway improvements are tentatively planned for 2022 (dependent on funding) Parking 23 •453 off-street parking spaces •47 off-street surface parking spaces •400 garage spaces •41 on-street parking spaces available Section 3.4.1 – Natural Habitats and Features 24 •Habitat buffering: 10.36 acres •13.72 acres additional open space area, landscaping •24.08 acres landscaped area total •Restoration includes: weed mitigation, enhancement plantings, wetland restoration, pollinator gardens, •Berming and dense plantings – near more developed areas to mitigate impacts such as noise and lighting 3.4.7–Historic Resources 25 Pre-submittal requirement completed with priorcase (PDP190003): historic survey --two properties within the city that were adjacent to the site; noted as potentially eligible for local landmark designation (2318 Laporte and 2540 Laporte). Surveys are valid for 5 years so a new survey was not required for this submittal. Both properties have lost much of their historic integrity; staff determination --no further historic review required in terms of design compatibility with those properties under section 3.4.7; 330 N Taft Hill, (County property) --listed on the State Register in that same time frame, historic influence area map provided to the applicant to consider design compatibility with this historic farm property. 3.4.7–Historic Resources 26 •Because Taft Hill is an arterial --the applicant has to comply with a minimum of two of the design compatibility requirements in Table 1 of Section 3.4.7(E). •Proposed PDP building designs along Taft Hill meet at least two of those requirements. •PDP building elevations: roof forms, window proportions, and use of materials --reference to the more traditional residential styles in the area, including the property at 330 N Taft Hill. •While the building height and width of the proposed new construction does not meet the 3.4.7 requirements, because other design connections are made and it is across an arterial, (i.e. not directly abutting the historic property nor incorporating the historic structures on the same development site), those building massing requirements are not applicable under 3.4.7. •Staff waived Historic Preservation Commission review Overview of Architecture 27 75 residential buildings: •7 two-family; all two story •36 single-family attached; 8 are two- story, 28 are three- story •32 Single-family detached Architecture Proposed 28 •36 single- family attached; •8 are two- story, •28 are three-story. 2-story SFA 8 buildings 29 Mid Century Craftsman Modern Farmhouse Article 3 Development Standards Compatibility 30 Primary techniques to achieve compatibility and reduce the overall apparent mass/bulk of the buildings include: •Utilizing masonry on the ground level to define the base of the larger buildings; •Ground level entrances on all three-story buildings include a shed or hip roof component which further emphasizes the ground level; •Providing secondary massing elements at the second level, including projecting covered balconies and bay window treatments; •Large windows are provided within the majority of the building modules to further break down the scale of the buildings Article 3 Development Standards Compatibility 31 •Colors and materials vary, earth-tone and neutral and do not deviate from what would normally be found in any residential development. •Materials include various combinations of manufactured stone or brick veneer, board and batten siding, lap siding, composition shingle main and accent roofs. Metal accent roofs are also used on portions of the 2-story multifamily buildings. •3.5.1(G) –Building Height Review –keep overall height below 40 feet has significance •Land Use Transition –landscaped buffer space, fencing to west Article 3 --Compatibility 3.5.1(H) –Land Use Transition 32 •Land Use Code L-M-N standard 4.5(E)(4)(b). --Specific buffer yard standard: Multi-family buildings shall be set back from the property line of abutting property containing single-and two-family dwellings at least 25 feet •Administrative Interpretation #1-18 would make this standard applicable to the 3-story townhomes as well. •The proposed single-family attached buildings are separated from adjacent properties by perimeter open space, N. Taft Hill Road landscape improvements and building setback, and the width of the existing N. Taft Hill arterial street right - of-way. •In all of these instances, the separation between these proposed buildings and adjacent single-family properties exceeds 25 feet. Article 3 Development Standards 3.6.3 -Street Pattern and Connectivity Standards 33 Alternative Compliance Requested, addresses: •3.6.3(D) Spacing of Limited Movement Collector or Local Street Intersections with Arterial Streets. •3.6.3(E) Distribution of Local Traffic to Multiple Arterial Streets. •3.6.3(F) Utilization and Provision of Sub-Arterial Street Connections to and From Adjacent Developments and Developable Parcels. Incorporate and continue all sub-arterial streets stubbed to the boundary of the development plan; Provide for future public street connections to adjacent developable parcels by providing a local street connection spaced at intervals not to exceed six hundred sixty (660) feet along each development plan boundary that abuts potentially developable or redevelopable land. •First two standards say: “unless rendered infeasible due to unusual topographic features, existing development or a natural area or feature.” 34 Article 3 Development Standards 3.6.3(H) Alternative Compliance 35 Upon request by an applicant, the decision maker may approve an alternative development plan that may be substituted in whole or in part for a plan meeting the standards of this Section. •Alternative compliance is based on unusual topographic features, existing development, naturals areas and other constraints, including the shape of the property, the New Mercer Ditch, existing wetlands and floodway constraints; •PDP provides local street connections to adjacent streets where possible; •Provides pedestrian and bicycle connections to the adjacent arterial and neighborhoods neighborhood streets as well as the Soldier Creek Trail; Article 3 Development Standards 3.6.3(H) Alternative Compliance 36 Alternative Compliance Met –Staff Findings: Design minimizes the impacts on natural areas and features. Development's traffic level of service standards still met; neighborhood continuity and connectivity is enhanced. Accomplishes the purposes of this Division equally well or better based on the proposed layout and design of streets including: •Local street intersections with Laporte Avenue and N. Taft Hill Road. •Facilities for bicycle, pedestrians maintained to the maximum extent feasible: •2 bicycle and pedestrian crossings of the New Mercer Ditch, •5 pedestrian/bicycle connections to Laporte Avenue, 5 to the north Division 4.5 L-M-N Zone District Standards 37 •Minimum density met --4 dwelling units per net acre (7.13 dwellings net) •Maximum density met --9 dwelling units per gross acre; (8 is NSP guideline) 5.13 dwellings/gross acre •Mix of Housing –4 minimum housing types provided per requirement •Modification Requested for fourth housing type •Two -family dwellings •Single-family attached dwellings •Single-family detached dwellings with rear loaded garages Division 4.5 L-M-N Zone District Standards 38 •Small Neighborhood Park Provided –at least one acre required •2-story maximum height proposed for the 7 two-family buildings and 32 single-family detached buildings (2.5 story maximum) •3-story maximum height for the single family attached buildings •28 three-story buildings proposed •8 two-story buildings proposed Division 4.5 Neighborhood Center 39 •4.5(D)(3), a Neighborhood Center must comply with criteria related to access to the center, location, land uses, design, and outdoor spaces. •Proposed on the eastern edge of the project as a 3,000 square-foot mixed-use building with six parking spaces •Provides separate leasable spaces for commercial tenants •Potential uses include: retail; convenience retail; personal and business service shops; small animal veterinary facility; office; financial service; clinic; childcare center; limited indoor recreation establishment; place of worship or assembly; dog day care; music studio. All of the uses comply with LUC 4.5(D)(3)(c). •Also serves as a clubhouse to the community •Located adjacent to public right-of-way, the park with a playground, and connects to a trail network •The adjacent open space and plaza may also function as a flex space for an open-air farmers market Division 4.5 Neighborhood Center 40 •4.5(D)(3), a Neighborhood Center must comply with criteria related to access to the center, location, land uses, design, and outdoor spaces. •The mixed-use building is one-and-a-half stories tall and the massing has been divided into three separate compartments ranging from 875 square feet to 1,066 square feet. Those proportions match the scale of nearby residential buildings. •Meets the requirement of 90% of dwellings having access within three-quarters of a mile, without crossing an arterial road. •Based on the description of the proposed Neighborhood Center, the PDP meets with this standard. Modifications of Standards Overview 41 Modifications of Standards --proposed to address walkway spine requirements and number of housing types. Modification to Section 3.5.2(D)(1) Orientation to a Connecting Walkway, requesting that building entrances to dwellings be oriented to a walkway that is longer than 350 feet, and within walkway open space that is narrower than 35 feet. Modification to Section 4.5(D)(2)(a)3. Housing Types, requesting approval of three housing types instead of four. Modifications of Standards 42 •Walkway requirements •Number of Housing Types •Four Required •Three Proposed •Single Family Attached •Two Family •Single Family Detached Modifications of Standards Orientation to a Connecting Walkway 43 This standard requires that all buildings connect to public sidewalks. •Direct connection –where buildings and entrances face a public street so that new development extends the town-like pattern. •Direct connection within 200 feet with a Connecting Walkway. This allows for flexibility in building placement and results in an easy walking distance (roughly one-half of a block in traditional terms) to the City sidewalk network. •Direct connection between 200 and 350 feet by way of a Major Walkway Spine. This allows for a maximum walking distance (less than one block length in traditional terms) but only if this distance is mitigated by urban design features. Modification to Section 3.5.2(D)(1) Orientation to a Connecting Walkway, requesting that building entrances to dwellings be oriented to a walkway that is longer than 350 feet, and within walkway open space that is narrower than 35 feet. Modifications of Standards Orientation to a Connecting Walkway 44 2.8.2(H)(1) and (4) are met: •the plan with longer walkways allows more residents access to shared walkways with a pattern that provides a high level of interconnectivity throughout the development and to adjacent neighborhoods •site plan increases safety, connectivity, pedestrian interaction and quiet enjoyment without sacrificing convenience; •wider and more frequently spaced sidewalks are provided to compensate for the increased sidewalk length, and pedestrian bridges are provided in lieu of street crossings; Modifications of Standards Orientation to a Connecting Walkway 45 2.8.2(H)(3): Exceptional physical conditions, unique to such property, the strict application of the standard sought to be modified would result in unusual and exceptional practical difficulties, or exceptional or undue hardship, provided that such difficulties or hardship are not caused by the act or omission of the applicant; 2.8.2(H)(3) is met: •unusual shape of the property, location of the New Mercer Ditch, location of existing flood control channels, and location of existing development are exceptional practical difficulties •Providing a network of streets, shorter walkways and/or wider open space for walkway spine green courts in all portions of the site is practically infeasible. Modifications of Standards Four Housing Types 46 Modifications of Standards to Section 4.5(D)(2)(a)3 to address housing type variation requirements for projects greater than 30 acres is not detrimental to the public good and meets the modification criteria for the following reasons: 2.8.2(H)(1) is met: the PDP provides enough variation within the proposed 3 housing types and 27 total different architectural elevations to provide a varied and unique streetscape without significant repetition. •The project provides 11 single family attached elevations where 3 are required. The elevations vary between 2 and 3-story designs. •The project provides 10 single family detached elevations and 6 different two-family elevations where 4 total elevations between the 2 housing types is required. •The curves and intersections within the internal streets help minimize sight lines, and open spaces along the New Mercer Ditch allow angled views of the building corners, which adds visual variety along the street. Modifications of Standards Four Housing Types 47 Modifications of Standards to Section 4.5(D)(2)(a)3 to address housing type variation requirements for projects greater than 30 acres is not detrimental to the public good and meets the modification criteria for the following reasons: 2.8.2(H)(4) is met: the PDP will continue to advance the purposes of the Land Use Code Section 1.2.2 including: (C) fostering the safe, efficient, and economic use of the land, the city's transportation infrastructure, and other public facilities and; (G) increasing public access to mass transit, sidewalks, trails, bicycle routes and other alternative modes of transportation by providing sidewalk and bicycle lane improvements along Laporte Avenue, N. Taft Hill Road, and connections to local streets and trails; (I) minimizing the adverse environmental impacts of development by contributing to flood control plans; (J) improving the design, quality, and character of new development by providing enhanced landscaping, architecture, and landscaped buffer space; (L) encouraging the development of vacant properties within established areas; (M) ensuring that development proposals are sensitive to the character of existing neighborhoods by providing buffer space with enhanced landscaping and landscaped street improvements; (N) ensuring that development proposals are sensitive to natural areas and features by improving existing habitat features. Sanctuary on the Green, PDP210018 Findings /Conclusion 48 •The PDP complies with process located in Division 2.2 –Common Development Review Procedures for Development Applications of Article 2 – Administration; •Staff supports the request for the Modifications to address: Orientation to a Connecting Walkway, and Number of Housing Types (Sections 3.5.2(D)(1) and 4.5(D)(2)(a)3); •The PDP complies with relevant standards located in Article 3 –General Development Standards, including the Alternative Compliance Findings per 3.6.3(H) for Division 3.6.3 Street Pattern and Connectivity Standards, with two conditions recommended. •PDP complies with relevant standards located in Division 4.5, (L-M-N) Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood District of Article 4 –Districts. Conditions Staff recommends two conditions of approval: 1.A photometric plan conforming to 3.2.4 Exterior Site Lighting for the neighborhood center will be submitted for review and approval during final plan review. 2.Plans for the neighborhood center will be updated to conform with 3.2.5 Trash and Recycling Enclosures during final plan review. 49 50 Northwest Subarea Framework Plan 51 •Appearance and Design Overview (page 44): “New development should fit the pattern and character of the area in terms of scale, use, lot sizes, setbacks, and landscaping, and should provide connected open space and avoid natural areas.” As Part of L-M-N Purpose and Intent: •“New neighborhoods should entail creative master planning to lead to visually attractive, pedestrian- friendly neighborhoods that have nearby services, parks, and other amenities.” Northwest Subarea Goals and Policies: 52 Goal AD -1:Unique Image and Identity •The Northwest Subarea will continue to have a unique image and identity, with a wide variety of compatible styles and activities. Policy AD-1.1: Compatibility—Residential Guidelines •Encourage site-specific and contextual design and planning to promote new development that is compatible with the area. Article 3 Development Standards 3.2.1 –Landscaping and Tree Protection 53 •3.2.1(D); 3.2.1(D)(1)(c) Full Tree Stocking: 692 trees provided, 402 trees, or 58% are canopy trees •3.2.1(F) Tree Protection and Replacement: 43 trees are proposed to be removed, 88 mitigation trees and 410 shrubs are provided meeting tree replacement standards 54 55 56 57 Street and Sidewalk Pattern 58 •Three public street connections •One is future, walkway connection for now •Alternative Compliance is proposed to allow street connections to be limited to bicycles, pedestrians, and emergency access (Section 3.6.3) Administrative Interpretation A request was received to clarify which building height standards in Land Use Code Section 4.5(E) would be applicable to a 4-unit or larger, single-family attached building. The specific question is whether the maximum building height standards in Section 4.5(E)(3) or Section 4.5(E)(4) would apply for a building with 4 units or more where all units are located on individual, separate lots. Section 4.5(E)(3) specifically references only one-, two-and three family dwellings and is not applicable to buildings that contain 4 or more dwelling units. Conclusion: Section 4.5(E)(4) would be applicable to buildings containing 4 or more single-family attached units. The maximum building height, per Section 4.5(E)(4)(d) is three stories. 59