January 3, 1996
Mitchell Haas
Project Planner
City of Fort Collins
Planning Department
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Dear Mitch;
urban design, inc.
3555 stanford road, suite 105
fort collins, colorado 80525
(970) 226-4074
FAX (970) 226-4196
Attached are five prints of the Interstate Land Final PUD, First Filing (Harley Davidson)
Final, revised in response to City Staff Comments. Specific responses include:
The Harley Davidson site represents a transition between the "Interchange Style" -
defined in the PROSPECT ROAD STREETSCAPE PROGRAM as the area inside the frontage
roads at the Prospect Interchange - and the Smithfield (commercial/industrial) subdivision to
the north. Because the subject property is outside the defined "Interchange Style" area, strict
application of the standards for that area is not appropriate.
A.1 . The loading area has been modified slightly, and is acceptable to the building user.
A.2 The service area is effectively screened from the public view by the building
orientation, site grading, and proposed landscaping.
A.3 The suggested walkway connection between lots 1 and 2 has been added.
The detached walk along the frontage road is proposed to be 6' wide. Property owners
are required to provide walks only on their side of adjacent roadways. Walks on the DAII
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other side of the frontage road will be provided - along the developed frontage - with �,,,ro,-r,
the completion of future phases of Interstate Land.
As per our earlier meetings, we have extended the public walk to the north property
line. An extension to the southwest corner of the site has not been shown, as the
applicant has not received specific input from City Staff regarding a detached walk vs.
as bike/pedestrian trail on the Boxelder Creek side of the frontage road.
Although the provision of positive drainage away from walks is a "standard" in the
Streetscape Program, it cannot be applied literally in all cases without creating areas
that simply do not drain. We understand the intent of this standard was to prevent the
location of walks at low points where the walk would collect water or serve as some
kind of drainage conveyance. This site is to be graded to meet that intent.
A.4 An additional handicapped stall has been added.
urban design, inc.
A.5 Handicapped stalls are designed to the same standards used in doZeDa nfother�arking, �•�
lots in Fort Collins.
A.6 The Building envelope is demensioned as required. 0.
A.7 Sight easements have been revised as requested., iK
A.8 Lot areas are included on the Plat. O. , f
A.9 Only limited outdoor product display is intended. Display areas have been noted on the
revised plan.
A.1 1 As typically encouraged by City Staff, the small retail building on Lot 2 is intended to
be "front loaded."
A.15 Streetlight locations are determined by the City's Light & Power Utility.
B.1 This note has appeared on dozens of site plans for th-epast eight years, and has not
been a problem. The anticipated locations of entries is indicated by the locations of
walkways illustrated on the site plan. However, the owner reserves the ability to make
adjustments, if needed, during construction or as operations of the business require.
A Planting along the frontage road has been revised; and the quantities in the plant list o. FC
reconciled with the graphic representations.
B.1 Landscape maintenance is a City Code requirement for PUD's. Thejr_e is no need to
s ngle ou_tshnib-beds for a special note. --31s -r*k61ZC A � to N� po T•fz�?
B.2 We will not create a safety hazard by directing the edging to be set 1 " above the sod%
The note as proposed has been successfully used for at Least twelve ears. aK
C.1 Berming along the frontage road has been clarified.
C.3 Additional screening has been added.
C.4 We have asked the architect to reconcile the elevations with the landscape plan.
As indicated above, strict application of the PROSPECT ROAD STREETSCAPE
PROGRAM is not appropriate for this property. The applicant feels that the building
orientation is appropriate (A-2.2); and that the architecture proposed is appropriate for
the uses and activities planned; and - given this site's role as a transition between the
existing Smithfield Subdivision to the north, and the Interchange Style to the south - TNc�E
the proposed architecture does contribute to the neighborhood's appearance in a
positive way (A-2.7). All Development Criteria A-2.7 encourages "LAND USE
TRANSITION" as proposed with the Harley Davidson Building.,
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urban design, inc.
It appears that you are treating the "guideline" (below the bold line) attachments to All
Development Criteria as though they were absolute standards. We believe we meet
the intent of the guidelines in A-2.2 and A-2.7. The back and north side of the Harley
Davidson building are not oriented toward public streets. The guideline in A-2.7 states
that changes in materials are generally not acceptable. In this case, the function of the
building and its role as a land use transition must be considered.
A. Ditch company signatures are needed only if modifications to the ditch are proposed.
B. A cross section showing typical bank stabilization - where needed - has been added to
our plans.
Reductions, rendered plans, and eight sets of prints will be provided by January 16th.
We appreciate your assistance in this project. Please call if you need further information.
Eldon Ward, President
Cityscape Urban Design, Inc.
cc: Stan Whitaker, G.T. Land Colorado Inc.
Randy Demario, Heath Construction
Perry Cabot, RBD, Inc. Engineering Consultants