Region 4 Larimer County, I-25 WFR
1420 2nd Street Interstate Land PUD
P.O. Box850
Greeley, Colorado 80632-0850
(970) 353-1232
December 27, 1995
Steve Olt
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Dear Steve:
Harley Davidson Site and Overall
Site Access Study
Northwest Corner I-25/Prospect Rd.
Fort Collins
I have reviewed the revised preliminary site plan for Interstate Land PUD, Harley Davidson
Development and the Site Access Study (revised November, 1995). I received these submittals
from Cityscape on November 30, 1995. I offer the following comments:
SITE ACCESS STUDY The revised traffic study recommends a continuous left turn lane
through the development area and, in conclusions, merely states that the intersections
shown on the site plan are adequately spaced to allow safe movement of traffic. The
study does not specifically analyze the distances between planned accesses for
conformance with the State Highway Access Code. Conformance is required.
As stated in our November 22, 1995, meeting, the site identified as Lot 7 and 8 should
not assume two accesses if auxiliary lades cannot be designed and constructed in
conformance with the Code. The scaled distance between PCR's of those two accesses is
only 140 feet. Both accesses require a left turn lane. The minimum lane length for each
direction is 235 feet and a taper length of 90 feet should separate those left turns.
Therefore, it seems that two accesses to the west side of Interstate Land are not
appropriate. I do not see reasons that a variance should be approved for the
nonconforming access spacing.
Other accesses which warrant left turn lanes are spaced such that the continuous left lane
should be appropriate.
ACCESS Details of access design for access D (west leg) must be further reviewed. The access
width is nonconforming.
Steve Olt
Page 2
December 27, 1995
Interstate Land PUD
My discussion with CDOT maintenance indicated that curb is not required or desirable through
this area. The plans show a widening with curb and gutter. We should further discuss this plan.
Please provide details regarding removal of portions of the existing guard rail to address
minimum clear zone requirements.
I recommend Sheri Wamhoff contact me in order to further review plans for access permitting. I
can be contacted at (970) 350-2163.
Sinc rely,
Ter G. Jones
Region Development/Access Coordinator
cc: J. Springer
G. Hice-Idler