Hewlett-Packard Company
3404 Harmony Rd
Fort Collins, CO. 80525-9599
January 9, 1998
Ted Shepard
Senior Planner
Fort Collins City Building and Zoning Department
281 N. College
Fort Collins, CO. 80524
Please find below the Hazardous Materials Impact Analysis as required by the PDP process.
Hazardous Materials Impact Analysis
Part 1 - Provide basic data on the project, site and proposed hazardous materials uses.
Project —
The project consists of a building footprint of approximately 155,600 sq ft. The Fab is a 4 level building,
including the basement, and most of the space is unoccupied equipment space. The Primary occupied
space is 40,000 sq ft of integrated circuit fabrication clean room. The other occupied spaces are for
break areas, restrooms and locker rooms. The project also has a separate 6,000 sq ft chemical
distribution building to the east of the main building and adjacent to the existing chemical buildings on
Site —
The project continues the planned development of the site. The project begins to develop the north west
quadrant of the Hewlett Packard property. The project adds 4.3 impervious acres to the existing 55.00
impervious acres already established on the site. The existing perimeter road will be altered to allow for
this new building. The existing architectural and landscape themes will be carried forward with this new
project. Existing traffic patterns, truck traffic and delivery routes will be used with minor road location
modifications in the north west corner.
Hazardous materials uses -
The integrated circuit fabrication is an additional facility which is very similar to the one currently
operating in Building 2, which was originally built in 1977. The facility will use a variety of acids, bases,
Shw: c:\data\newfab\,c1ty\HM1A
gases and solvents. All these materials are the same ones now in use in Building 2 fab. The new fab is
being built to increase capacity of these processes.
Chemicals will be stored according to latest codes and will have safety features such as proper separation,
leak detection, secondary containment and fire prevention and mitigation methods. Gases will have flow -
limiting orifices meeting all current codes to reduce the potential of hazardous release.
Process ventilation for acids and bases will be exhausted through water scrubbers, and solvent exhausts
will be treated prior to release using a combination of concentration and incineration technologies.
Part 2 - Describe likely incident scenarios
With the prevention and containment methods to be employed, the most likely possibilities of leak or
release incidents are 1) minor leaks relating to transporting the materials and 2) small leaks from
containers or process equipment. Leaks discovered on an arriving truck would be stopped and cleaned
up before allowing the truck to leave from the site. Leaks of materials in storage might result from leaky
or defective containers, or dropped or damaged containers. Leaks relating to process equipment might
occur from faulty lines, valves or connections.
Part 3 - Describe mitigation actions designed to limit potential for off -site impact to
adjacent land uses or environment. -
case of leak from loading/unloading operations, a trained hazardous materials team is available on site
hour per day, 7 day per week, to quickly clean up and properly dispose of any leaked materials and
'caning wastes. In case of any significant incident, the Poudre Fire Authority would be called for
assistance. Loading and unloading operations will take place in contained areas where any leak or spill
wculd be contained and immediately cleaned up. Any gas release would be limited through use of full
, me leak detection systems, restricting orifices and properly ventilating to concentrations considered safe
according to EPA and OSHA regulations.
Re ectfully,
Steve Wo ey
Bob Shuffler Paul Nimoto
Sam Gelpi Tony Buscemi
Henry Moore Tom Peterson
Alan Townsend
Shw: cAdata\newfab\city\H,%11A