Planning Department
=of Fort Collins
September 23, 1988
Stephen Crawford
Haller & Larson Ltd.
1725 Blake Street
Denver, CO 80202
Dear Stephen,
The staff has reviewed
for the expansion of the
the following comments:
the application for administrative site plan approval
Hewlett-Packard Fort Collins Building 6, and offers
1. Attached is a letter from the State of Colorado Division of Highways. In
that letter they indicate certain needed street improvements.. I would
recommend that you contact Wally Jacobson of the Division of Highways
for more specific information. I would recommend that we meet with
Rick Ensdorff, City Traffic Engineer before you meet with the State to
discuss these requirements.
2. The City's Traffic Planning Department also has some concerns regard-
ing street and access to the site, including future signalization of County
Road 9 and Harmony Road. We would like to meet with you to discuss
these issues.
3. The proposed parking dimensions appear to conflict with the City parking
guidelines in terms of stall length and aisle width.
The applicant needs to assure the City's Water Utilities Department that the
proposed addition will not increase their developed area to an excess of
62.5 acres, as per the original services agreement between HP and the City.
A public hearing has been scheduled for Thursday, October J , 1988, at 1:30
p.m. in the Planning Conference Room. A notice of the hearing will be
published in the local newspaper. Prior to this meeting, any revisions to
the plans reflecting the above comments should have been made and
approved by Staff. At this hearing, the Planning Director will make a
determination on the proposed site plan.
300 LaPorte Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6750
Page 2
6. Your office will bring to the October 7th hearing, a signed reproducible
mylar of the site plan, landscape plan and building elevations.
Thank you for your attention to these matters. Please let me know if you
should have any questions.
Joe Frank
Assistant Planning Director
P.O. Box 850 \
Greeley, Colorado 80632-0850
September 21, 1988
Mr. Joe Frank
Planning Department
City of Ft. Collins
P.O. Box 580
Ft. Collins, CO 80522
Dear Mr. Frank:
Larimer Co., S.H. 66
Hewlett-Packard Expansion
E. of C.R. 9 and
N. of S.H. 68
DOH File 45100
We have reviewed the Hewlett-Packard Expansion (Building 6) and the 8/88
"Hewlett-Packard Facility Expansion Site Access Study" by Matt Delich, P.E.
Tne expansion of the H-P facility will generate -sufficient additional
traffic at the existing main access and the existing limited -use east
access to S.H. 68 to require conformance of these access approaches to the
State Highway Access Code. In this case, conformance involves.bringing
the exist' L-lanes at eacli access up to the design fit" n� lords._ -of, the
Code. This will mean that the/existing median left -turn deceleration
lanes =d_tQ_be-.., n thened to serve _e_ projected increase in traffic.
Also, he right -turn acceleration and deceleration lanes would need to be
leng_ thened. Due to the distance between the County Road 9 and the east
H-P access, and the required length of these lanes according to the Code,
3J a continuous right -turn lane would be necessary to improve roadway
consistency, safety, and to maintain edge continuity.
This facility expansion will also impact the intersection of C.R. 9
.and S.H. 68. Conformance of this public intersection to the Code is the
responsibility of the appropriate local authority. Turn lane improvements,
double left -turn lane on S.H. 68.for e th
tra�ld be considered by the City and/or,_CQunt_to mazntn an
accce bevel of service. In addition, funds for traffic signals at C.R. 9
.end the two u-B--arc--sapproaches to S H. 68 should be given consideration so
that signals can be installed when they are warranted by actual traffic volumes.
� The improvements to the accesses on S.H. 68 will require an Access Permit.
�2 1 Application for this permit is e to the City of o ins.
Thank you for the opportunity to review this proposal. Please contact
_Wally Jacobson at 350-2168 if you have any questions.
Very truly yours,
A .w
John K. Crier
District Planning/Environmental Manager
cc: D. Yost
Area Foreman
File: Crier -Jacobson