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FORT COLLINS SYSTEMS DIVISION - 3404 East Harmony Road, Fort Collins, CoIoradoQ0 MT1[�$nD&'7G1226-3800
November 7, 1988
Rich Shannon
Utility Services Director
700 Wood Street
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-0580
Dear Rich,
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I'm writing to clarify Hewlett-Packard's position regarding
electric utility charges for the Building 6 expansion
project and in response to your letter of October 28, 1988.
a) Development charge for primary and streetlighting
(County Road 9)
We agree that it would be in the best interests of both HP
and the City to defer this charge until County Road 9 is
improved and the lights are physically installed.
b) Building Site Charges
1) Off Site Facilities (kva)
Our interpretation of the March 1, 1977 agreement is
that this charge was part of the fees collected at that time
for providing service to a maximum of 62.5 acres consisting
of parking lot area plus building footprint area. The
Building 6 project brings the total acreage under this
definition to only 45.85 acres. We believe we have no
obligation for payment of this fee.
2) Primary Service $ 9,842.00
The March 1, 1977 agreement indicates HP is responsible for
the portion of this charge that represents the difference
between underground and overhead service. If this quote
represents the actual cost of providing service from Harmony
Road to our substation, we are willing to pay this amount.
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Hewlett-Packard recognizes the City will be expending money
in the process of providing additional capacity to the
Hewlett-Packard site. We believe the agreement of March 1,
1977 covers this situation and do not wish to modify or void
the terms of that agreement. We do wish to continue our
excellent working relationship with the City utility
departments and wish to continue with the Building 6 project
on schedule. To that end, HP will voluntarily pay the City
of Fort Collins $33,107.64 (the contested kva + the accepted
primary service charge) to help defray some of the costs
relative to this project. This voluntary payment is made
with the explicit understanding that in so doing, HP does
not waive or in any way prejudice any of its rights under
the March 1, 1977 agreement. Please submit an invoice in
the above sum to my attention.
Per our recent conversations, HP plans to submit the site to
the City's PUD process when the Building 6 project is under
way. We will negotiate the necessary agreements for the PUD
in the same spirit as the agreements currently in force and
based on the principals outlined in the existing agreements.
We do not, for example, expect to pay additional fees for
electrical service for future building projects which do not
require additional service from the City.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. We look
forward to working with you and the Utility Departments in
the months ahead.
bob Shuffler
Site Planning Manager