HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLOOM - PHASE 1 - PDP210014 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 3 - RESPONSE TO STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com January 19, 2021 City of Fort Collins Ms. Brandy Bethurem Harras 281 North College Avenue P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80012 Re: Bloom – Filing One, PDP210014, Round Number 1 Dear Ms. Bethurem Harras Thank you for your Bloom – Filing One review comments which we received on December 10, 2021. Our development team has reviewed all the comments and have addressed them in the following pages. Please feel free to contact me directly should you have any other comments, questions and/or special requests for additional information. We look forward to continuing to work with you and your colleagues at the City of Fort Collins. Sincerely, Norris Design Ryan F. McBreen Principal 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com Development Review Coordinator – Brandy Bethurem Harras Topic: General 1. INFORMATION: I will be your primary point of contact throughout the development review and permitting process. If you have any questions, need additional meetings with the project reviewers, or need assistance throughout the process, please let me know and I can assist you and your team. Please include me in all email correspondence with other reviewers and keep me informed of any phone conversations. Thank you! Response: Comment noted, thank you. 2. INFORMATION: As part of your resubmittal you will respond to the comments provided in this letter. This letter is provided to you in Microsoft Word format. Please use this document to insert responses to each comment for your submittal, using a different font color. When replying to the comment letter please be detailed in your responses, as all comments should be thoroughly addressed. Provide reference to specific project plans or explanations of why comments have not been addressed, when applicable, avoiding responses like noted or acknowledged. Response: Comment noted. We believe we have adequately addressed all comments as requested. 3. INFORMATION: Please follow the Electronic Submittal Requirements and File Naming Standards found at https://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/files/electronic submittal requirements and file naming standards_v1_8 1 19.pdf?1566857888. File names should begin with the file type, followed by the project information, and round number. Example: UTILITY PLANS_PROJECT NAME_PDP_Rd2.pdf File type acronyms maybe appropriate to avoid extremely long file names. Example: TIS for Traffic Impact Study, ECS for Ecological Characterization Study. Response: Comment noted. All submitted files have been named per City Standards. 4. INFORMATION: All plans should be saved as optimized/flattened PDFs to reduce file size and remove layers. Per the Electronic Submittal Requirements AutoCAD SHX attributes need to be removed from the PDF’s. AutoCAD turns drawing text into comments that appear in the PDF plan set, and these must be removed prior to submittal as they can cause issues with the PDF file. The default setting is "1" ("on") in AutoCAD. To change the setting and remove this feature, type "EPDFSHX" in the command line and enter "0". Read this article at Autodesk.com for more tips on this topic: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Drawing text appears as Comments in a PDF created by AutoCAD.html Response: Comment noted, we believe we followed these standards as part of this resubmittal. thank you. 5. INFORMATION: Resubmittals are accepted any day of the week, with Wednesday at noon being the cut off for routing the same week. When you are ready to resubmit your plans, please notify me with as much advanced notice as possible. Response: Comment noted, thank you. 6. INFORMATION: Temporary Service Changes City of Fort Collins Development Review 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com In order to continue providing thorough reviews and giving every project the attention it deserves, the City of Fort Collins is implementing temporary changes in how we serve our development customers. As you may be aware, we are experiencing staff shortages in a number of key departments, which has begun to impact the timeliness of our reviews. We recognize that development and construction play a critical role in our community’s vibrancy and economic recovery, and we have been exploring options for mitigating impacts to our customers. As a result, we will be making some temporary service changes. Beginning Monday May 10, 2021 one additional week of review time will be added to all 1st and 2nd round submittals (increase from 3 weeks to 4 weeks). Response: Comment understood and noted, thank you. 7. INFORMATION: LUC 2.211 Lapse, Rounds of Review: Applicants, within one hundred eighty (180) days of receipt of written comments and notice to respond from the City on any submittal (or subsequent revision to a submittal) of an application for approval of a development plan, shall file such additional or revised submittal documents as are necessary to address such comments from the City. If the additional submittal information or revised submittal is not filed within said period of time, the development application shall automatically lapse and become null and void. Response: Comment noted, thank you. 8. FOR HEARING: All "For Hearing" comments need to be addressed and resolved prior to moving forward with scheduling the Hearing. Staff would need to be in agreement the project is ready for Hearing approximately 3-5 weeks prior to the hearing. Response: Understood, we believe we have addressed all comments as part of this resubmittal. 9. FOR HEARING: The associated PUD Master Plan would need to be approved prior to this PDP being presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Response: Understood. The PUD Master Plan has been resubmitted ahead of this application and is under review. Planning Services – Pete Wray Topic: General 1. FOR HEARING: 12/06/2021 SITE PLAN COVER PAGE Bloom Phases and type of review. We need to coordinate each phase and submittal with the DRC and staff to determine required type of review if the PUD is approved. Sheet SP001 Please include project summary information for not only applicable LUC standards, but also for applicable PUD Overlay standards, including, type of review per PUD land uses (including # of ADU included in this phase – 16?), housing types, parking, etc. in District 1. This may be addressed on the 2nd sheet in set to include all PUD tables, standards, and notes for District 1. Response: Parking information numbers and types of units has previously been detailed and are included on the Land Use Breakdown tables on the Cover sheet. A table tracking the number of housing types utilized per filing has been added to Sheet 02. A project summary indicating intent of the PDP, type of review, and highlighting compliance with the Mulberry & Greenfields PUD Master Plan has been added to the cover sheet. 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com  For calculating the required density, please include only the residential tract and park area, not all the other public infrastructure areas. The required min. net density of 4 and gross density or 12 – show how this phase complies. Response: The residential density calculation has been revised as suggested. Thank you.  Please include as part of Fil 1 and District 1, the list of public benefits required for the PUD applicable for this phase. This summary table will allow staff and decision maker a way to track compliance with PBA over multiple phases. This table can then be updated for each Filing. Response: This information has been added to the PDP sheet 02  Please coordinate if site plan notes are different or if there is overlap between these and the PUD standard notes.  Response: The notes have been compared and are consistent with each other. The notes on the PDP are consistent with Fort Collins Standard notes with revisions made as appropriate to be consistent with PDP. 2. FOR HEARING: 12/06/21 Sheet SP101 Show Mosaic lot, street, path context off-site (typ. All sheets west side). See Engineering comment for vacating ROW to add landscaping (this change will may need a Minor Amendment to Mosaic). Response: Base information for the neighborhood Mosaic neighborhood has been added. Show 6’ fence at RR ROW line. Residents are not allowed to access the RR property (typ. all sheets). Response: The 6’ fence that the city is proposing along the RR ROW line could create potential unforeseen issues such as graffiti, accumulation of garbage, and loitering / trespassing and safety concerns that will create issues for residents that live adjacent to the RR ROW line. The development team is proposing 36 inch (3 ft) partially transparent fencing at the top of the grade/edge of the property line to conceal the railroad track while also avoiding the issues stated above. Conceptual design ideas for the look of the fencing are included on sheet LP501 and conceptual fencing locations are shown on the revised plans. An exhibit showing our proposal is shown below for your consideration. 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com SP102/LP102 See Engineering comment for vacating the Mosaic end of street stub and converting this area to landscaping and central walkway that connects to Bloom. This change includes the site plan, landscape plan, utility plans as well. Again, show the Mosaic context to fully coordinate this connection in lieu of a street. This change for Mosaic can be processed as a Minor Amendment. Response: Mosaic layout has been added for context. Walk connection has been noted on the plans. A separate application to update the Sheet SP104 Block 6, 7. Show parking diagram to identify parking locations/proximity for each cottage unit either in garage, off-street space, or on-street. See Engineering comment on not allowing on-street parking on International and Greenfields as minor arterial. This may not affect Phase one parking calculations, but for Phase 2 and 3 it may as all parking would need to be off-street unless abutting a local street. This can be in summary table for each sheet. Response: Parking for these blocks more than adequately meets the requirements established by the Mulberry & Greenfields PUD Master Plan. It is understood that parking is not permitted on the arterial streets, but on-street parking is permitted on the local and collector roads within Bloom, consistent with LCUASS standards. Within it is a typical cottage block diagram indicating how parking will work on the cottage blocks. As well as a diagram depicting parking for Blocks 6 & 7, and it works and is in conformance with the Mulberry & Greenfields PUD Master Plan. Please show/include ADU types either detached/or attached, and typical enlargement to show other ADU standards being met such as size, access, outdoor space, utility connections from principal building, elevations, parking etc. this can be on separate sheet to show typical enlargement plan, elevations, summary table, notes for ADU’s. Response: These homes haven’t been fully designed. Like with typical SFD projects we are only showing lots, however the PDPs/FPs designate which lots will have ADUs. The other detailed information is planned to be shown when submitting for building permit as is typical. A typical cottage parking exhibit has been attached to this RTC letter. 3. FOR HEARING – REVISED SITE PLAN CONT., Private Park, Sheet SP105/LP105 - Clarifying comment from staff review meeting. Please identify on site plan and landscape plans the boundary of the future park area and distinguish this from the separate future pool/'recreation center tract. I understand the timing if this park will be in a future phase, so for the decision maker it would be helpful to project which phase it will be constructed. Response: A boundary for the Filing One Park area improvements have been added to the plans along with additional notes clarifying the amenities that will be included in Filing One. As the pool and future park area designs have not been completed at this time it is not possible to provide a distinct boundary between these two features. Approximate locations for each of these areas has been added along with a list of potential amenities on those sites. There may also be shared facilities, such as parking between the two facilities. It is also not known which specific Filing either of these two amenities may be included in, so any designation beyond “future” is not possible at this time. Please include locations and details for private park amenities. The plans show path around detention pond, with no other park amenities, unless the area north of the pol/rec center is for the park. Per LMN (6)(c) 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com  Facilities. Such parks shall consist of multiple-use turf areas, walking paths, plazas, pavilions, picnic tables, benches, or other features for various age groups to enjoy. These amenities can be designed and included in this future park plan, so again for this phase 1 identify "future park" site.  Storm Drainage. If integrating storm drainage and detention functions to satisfy this requirement, the design of such facilities shall not result in slopes or gradients that conflict with other recreational and civic purposes of the park. As discussed at meeting, this pond will be a wet pond so there is no intention of integration with park use, other that providing landscaping and surround path and other amenities. With the future pool/recreation facility and this detention pond, the actual usable park space is decreased to a certain extent. the minimum size is 1 acre. Response: A boundary for the Filing One park area improvements have been added to the plans along with additional notes clarifying the amenities that will be included in Filing One. Specific designs for future park amenities have not been completed at this time and therefore cannot be shown. The Filing One Park area above the pond high operating level is approximately 1.5 acres. The expanded future park and pool site combined are approximately 2.2 acres. See comment response above for additional information. 4. FOR HEARING  Sheet SP106-107 Typical comment for these sheets and others in Phase 1. Please identify and show delineation boundary for limits of phase 1 and future phases. Include off-site context on west side. Response: Delineation of Bloom Filing One will be provided with the new submittal. Additional linework and notes have been added to the plans to clarify the limit of Filing One. Linework for the Mosaic development to the west has also been added.  Sheet SP114 See Engineering comments on what is to be included in Phase 1 infrastructure improvements for Frontage Road area west of Greenfields Drive. This sheet should include full street improvements in ROW such as detached sidewalks, streetscape parkway landscaping, lighting etc.  Sheets SP105-113. The major pedestrian parkway should extend south to commercial phase if the Phase 1 street improvements include full ROW parkway improvements on both sides of street. Response: Full improvements are not planned as part of Filing One. Tracts FF and GG are to be developed as part of future, separate development applications and the pedestrian parkway will be designed to coincide with the development of those parcels, as appropriate We do not want to design/construct improvements that potentially could be reworked/destroyed with the development of these tracts. Clarification notes, a table on Sheet 02, and revised linework indicating the limit of improvements in Filing One have been added to the plans clarify what is to be development during Phase One and what will be developed as part of a future filing. 5. FOR HEARING – LANDSCAPE PLAN  Sheets LP101 107 For the west (north/south) greenway strip, central green courts (mid-block), and major pedestrian parkway area, please include tenant outdoor amenities for common use such a shelter, BBQ, tables, seating in paved areas with details and locations. See site plan sheets to match these facilities as Response: For the cottage areas, the green spaces are intended to be extensions of the backyards 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com for homes that back those areas. Amenities such as trellis/grills/etc. would be installed within the homeowner’s backyard, as desired and installed by the individual homeowner. This space includes seating and will provide a lawn space for the adjoining homes and provide a place to kick a soccer ball, throw a frisbee, or run with a pet as an expansion of their own personal yard. There are also code restrictions and clearance requirements for grills and trellis’ that we could not likely meet in these areas due to density and proximity to planned homes. The pedestrian parkway is envisioned as space that residents move through, serving as a connection throughout the community. Seating is provided for resting at strategic intervals, but more active amenities such as BBQs or tables are not planned, as we don’t believe those types of amenities will be used in this space by the residents or are compatible with the front doors of lots.  Sheet LP105 See Site Plan comments to show park amenities, details, notes etc. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you.  Sheet LP112 113 Please enlarge Geenfields Drive median design, width, and materials within median. If this median is 3 19’ it needs to meet LUCCAS landscaping standards. Response: Median design meets all LCUASS standards. 6. INFORMATION ONLY  PROJECT PHASES AND/OR FILINGS In the Bloom Phase 1 the submittal included a plat for the entire PUD Master Plan area (Bloom Subdivision) and all other submitted documents referred to as "Bloom Phase 1". For each subsequent submittals of future phases that will require a platting of that tract, we need to coordinate if the new plat is referred to as Filing 2 along with submitted plans, vs. phase 2? I will defer to Engineering and Technical Services to clear Response: The name of the project has been revised to Bloom Filing One in order to avoid confusion with future submittals. 7. FOR HEARING: Street Naming- See Engineering comments for including new street names in Phase 1 for A Street, B Street etc. Response: Streets names will extend from Mosaic as appropriate and already named streets as noted on the plans. We are currently going through the naming process, utilizing naming standards information provided by the City and will work to get the streets named within Bloom, those are not prepared at the time of this submittal. Engineering Development Review – Marc Virata Topic: General 1. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED: Carried over as unresolved. The applicant will need to provide a letter from the Peakview developer/owner prior to hearing on the work that would be needed to be constructed offsite of the platted boundary. Response: An email from the Peakview developer has been attached to this RTC letter. 09/14/2021: FOR HEARING: 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com A letter of intent should be provided from the Peakview developer prior to hearing for the work that would need to be constructed on their property to construct Greenfields, the roundabout, and the frontage road improvements. 2. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED: Note that full street improvements are not depicted along the full frontage of the frontage road west of the roundabout. The design and construction is needed along all of Tract GG and HH. Response: Sidewalk south of the West Jug handle is shown along with road layout. Sidewalk north will be built with the future tract when developed at that time. The roundabout design and construction will be per the Peakview plans. 09/14/2021: FOR HEARING: The status of how the frontage road, roundabout, and portions of Greenfield are somewhat unclear in the PDP in their depiction and how they may be established/dedicated through the plat. The roundabout itself isn't fully included on the civil set along with most of the Frontage Road. 3. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED: The written justification still does not meet the criteria of 1.9.4 of LCUASS. It is still unclear in the justification what standard(s) are not being met (assuming street centerline radius), what is the standard for the classification(s), how far off it is from the standard, etc. A separate conversation perhaps should occur if there are questions on how to prepare a variance request as part of 1.9.4 of LCUASS. Response: The wirtten justification has been updated. 09/14/2021: FOR HEARING: The variance request for the Delozier/International curve in general does not meet the criteria of 1.9.4 of LCUASS. Please provide an analysis and justification as provided for in 1.9.4. The lone justification that it is a temporary condition isn't sufficient. 4. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UPDATED: A formal variance request is required for not providing a standard 9' utility easement. The justification can be based on a premise that gas will not be provided in these areas, but this should still be provided for not meeting LCUASS street cross section requirements. Response: A formal variance request has been provided. 5. 09/14/2021: FOR HEARING: The plat should be dedicating defined utility easements along the public streets. There is an indication of 5' utility easements in instances which wouldn't be consistent with the street standards. Response: The plat defines the easements, and the variance request for 5’ utility easement is provided. 6. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: Coleman Street in Mosaic is now a dead-end street into the property boundary. Ideally this would extend into the development for a continued public purpose. If this street is not going to continue into the development, the road should be removed and the right-of-way vacated as the need to maintain this as a public street by the City is no longer there. Under this premise, this filing of Bloom would need to be conditioned upon the vacation of Coleman Street east of Fairchild Street and the developer removing the street improvement. Note that a vacation of right-of-way would likely split the ownership in half to the adjoining lots on both the north and south side of Coleman Street. 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com Response: Understood. The Applicant is working on designing this area and will work with the city to begin the process of vacating the ROW and adding landscaping. 7. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: The extension of streets from Mosaic into Bloom will require the construction of access ramps on the west side of Delozier Road to change the original T-intersection to have access ramps on all four legs of the intersection. (Comet, Reliant, etc.) Response: The ramps have been added to the plan. 8. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: The plans (and plat) need to clearly define what is the exact platted boundary of the development that is under the ownership of the developer, and what is considered land outside of the ownership of the developer that would then require offsite easements and offsite right-of-way. The plans need to specify the exact limits of these easement and right-of-way boundaries that are off-site. An overall depiction of the various off-site easements and rights-of-way should be in an exhibit in the civil plans to compare against the plans. There is a point where the plan approvals will need to be indicating how this will all come together with Peakview, either Peakview's plans are approved ahead of this development (and reflected this way as previously approved and dedicated easements/rights-of-way), or this project obtains easements/rights-of-way as offsite dedications. Response: An overall depiction sheet has been added to show this data. 9. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: The civil plans appear to be showing offset cul-de-sac bulbs along Greenfields in three different locations and it's unclear what this is referencing. Response: The temporary conditions received with the peak view plans have been removed. 10. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: The plans should be updating to more formalized street names instead of generic street names at this time. There are existing streets in Mosaic/East Ridge with existing platted street names that are extending into the site and those street names should continue and not just be generically indicated as Street G or Street H. It is difficult to review the context of the plans without showing how the streets continue with street names and the context of how this project integrates into Mosaic. Response: Streets names will extend from Mosaic as appropriate and already named streets as noted on the plans. We are currently going through the naming process and will work to get the streets named within Bloom. 11. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: The naming of this project needs to be considered at this time. I'm a little concerned that this might be called Bloom Phase 1, to the extent that this project might be looking to phase construction within? Bloom Phase 1, Phase 1 on the civil plans for instance? Response: Comment Noted. The revised name for this project is now Bloom Filing One. 12. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: Please coordinate with Traffic Operations on the level of information needed to establish the ultimate intersection control determination for International and Greenfields. Response:, Per the request of the City, a variance is being provided with this submission to discuss the ultimate intersection control for international and Greenfields. The supporting analysis and justification have also been provided in the MTIS. 13. 12/10/2021: FOR HEARING: 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com We'd need to understand the approach for Greenfields Drive not being constructed north of Sykes to the center of the railroad track. As this is infrastructure being deferred but is part of this phase/filing's abutting public infrastructure, there would need to be guarantees provided to ensure it can be completed in the future. Coordination with Park Planning on the underpass underneath Greenfields could potentially be part of this as well. The development agreement would need to note what would trigger the eventual construction and tied to something specific (such as no building permits/C.O.'s for any development north of the railroad). It was offered at the review meeting that a bond or letter of credit could be used to secure this, I would need to look into this further on whether we would support utilizing this as a form of security vs. cash/check. Response: The applicant would like to continue to pursue this path as noted above. The applicant’s proposal would be to provide an engineer’s cost estimate of improvements to the centerline of the railroad and a bond to secure it. Please reach out to discuss further, as needed to satisfactorily address this item. 14. 12/10/2021: FOR HEARING: On the 90-degree street turns there are no sidewalks leading to access ramps that facilitate crossing at the street turns. Please incorporate access ramps to facilitate crossings at these locations. Response: Ramps and access for private alleys have been added 15. 12/10/2021: FOR HEARING: It is important that this first PDP provide detail as to the extent of the infrastructure being built at this time. It was brought up for instance that on some of the streets being constructed, sidewalks may not be built with this initial PDP. We would really need to get a sense with the first C.O. what will be the extent of the public infrastructure that would be built and if development didn't progress beyond the first phase, what is the network that's created for the initial users of this PDP. Response: The plans have been updated as to be more in clear in the extent of the public improvements planned to be built as part of Bloom Filing One. Plans have been annotated and a table has been added to sheet 02 (SP-100) to help clarify the planned improvements and what is being deferred to future development. 16. 12/10/2021: FOR HEARING: On the plat, there are separate dedication of access easement and pedestrian access easement. There isn't a need to dedicate easements for pedestrian access, the dedication of an access easement is sufficient. Response: The easement access has been updated. 17. 12/10/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN: With the underlying existing easement A-B has within the boundary of the plat, A-B would need to sign the plat. Response: Comment noted. A signature block has been added. 18. 12/10/2021: FOR HEARING: Why is there grading work shown occurring north of the railroad track with no associated development right at this time? There is the indication of future ponds, which seems to conflict with the proposed grading contours. Please confirm the extent of work that is to be done with this PDP. Response: This will be completed to an overlot condition. There will be future refinement when the final design of this tract is completed. 19. 12/10/2021: FOR HEARING: There is a potential concern on the directional ramp designs at Street A & Conquest, Street A & Road G, and Street A & Road H. The directional ramps may be too far from each other such that the access ramps themselves at some of the crossings are too far back from the intersections and could have the pedestrian 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com crossing in conflict where vehicles have not stopped. Please look at reconfiguring these to be more typical with the pedestrian crossings closer to the intersections. Response:, Comment Noted. Ramps have been updated. 20. 12/10/2021: INFORMATION: Additional comments are likely as further refinement and clarity are provided in the submittal. Response: Comment understood. We are happy to meet and discuss any items that need further clarification. Sophie Buckingham, Topic: General 1. 12/06/2021: FOR HEARING: The scale is incorrect on sheets C3.1 through C3.5, C3.8, and C3.11 through C3.17 of the utility plan. Please see my redlines and correct the scale. Response: Comment Noted. Sheets have been updated to reflect the changes. 2. 12/06/2021: FOR HEARING: On the cover sheet of the utility plan, not all of the proposed public streets are listed under the appropriate street section. Please see my redlines. Response: Comment Noted. Sheets have been updated to reflect the changes. 3. 12/06/2021: FOR HEARING: Many of the proposed K-values for vertical curves are substandard. Please see my redlines and refer to LCUASS Table 7-3. In cases where proposed K-values are close to meeting the standard, a variance request may be appropriate. Response: Comment Noted. Sheets have been updated to reflect the changes. 4. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: Please add a north arrow and scale to sheets C10.0 through C10.14 of the utility plan, as well as sheets C11.0 and C11.1. Response: Comment Noted. Sheets have been updated to reflect the changes. 5. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: The City of Fort Collins utility approval block has been updated. Please place the new utility signature block on ONLY the first page of the utility plans. You can find the signature block at https://www.fcgov.com/engineering/files/utilitysigblock.pdf?1611856399 Response:, Comment noted. The new utility signature block has been added to the cover sheet. Traffic Operation – Spencer Smith Topic: General 1. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: Please note that the future traffic signal at Sykes/Timberline is not eligible for City TCEF funding. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you. 2. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: Please keep in mind that the future Greenfields railroad crossing will have to go through the PUC application/approval process. This process can be quite lengthy and should be started as soon as possible in the development process. Since the PUC application must be made by the City, please coordinate with 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com Dana Hornkohl in Engineering (dhornkohl@fcgov.com) Response: The applicant is working with the City to begin this process. 3. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: As discussed with Traffic Operations staff previously, a written request needs to be made regarding the intersection type of the International/Greenfields intersection. The request to make this a standard signalized intersection rather than a roundabout should be formatted similar to a variance request (please refer to LCUASS section 1.9.4). The request should provide a clear, detailed description of what is being requested and why. Please coordinate with me if you have any questions. Response: Per city request, a variance is being provided with this submission to discuss the ultimate intersection control for international and Greenfields. The supporting analysis and justification have also been provided in the MTIS. Topic: Traffic Impact Study 1. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED: I don't see any change to the LOS tables that show this information in the updated TIS Master Study. Response: The MTIS has been updated to provide this information in the LOS tables. 2. 09/13/2021: FOR HEARING: The Overall Intersection, and Approach Leg Level of Service should be included along with Individual Movement LOS that was provided. Response:, The MTIS has been updated to provide this information in the LOS tables. Erosion Control – Basil Hamdan Topic: Erosion Control 1. 12/01/2021: No additional comments at this time, issues will be addressed at FDP. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you 2. 09/09/2021: INFORMATION ONLY: Based upon the supplied materials, the site development would disturb more than 10,000 sq. ft. and/or meets one of the other triggering criteria) that would require Erosion and Sediment Control Materials to be submitted. The City Manager’s development review fee schedule under City Code 7.5-2 was updated to include fees for Erosion Control and Stormwater Inspections. As of January 1st, 2021, these fees will be collected on all projects for such inspections. The Erosion Control fees are based on; the number of lots, the total site disturbance, the estimated number of years the project will be active and the Stormwater Inspection Fees are based on the number of LID/WQ Features that are designed for this project. These fees will be determined at Final FDP as plans are further developed. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you. 3. 12/01/2021: No additional comments at this time, issues will be addressed at FDP. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you 4. 09/09/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN: Please submit an Erosion Control Plans to meet City Criteria (FCDCM Ch 2 Section 6.1.3) Please ensure that the Erosion Control Plans provided include a individual sequence sheets in accordance with (FCDCM Ch 2 Section Please ensure that the Erosion Control Plans, Escrows, and Reports include phasing requirements (FCDCM Ch 2 Section 6.1.3, 6.1.4, & 6.1.5) Please submit an Erosion Control Escrow / 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com Security Calculation based upon the accepted Erosion Control Plans to meet City Criteria. (FCDCM Ch 2 Section 6.1.5) Please submit an Erosion Control Report to meet City Criteria. (FCDCM Ch 2 Section 6.1.4) Response: Comment Noted. Thank you. 5. 12/01/2021: No additional comments at this time, issues will be addressed at FDP. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you 6. 09/09/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN: Thank you for supplying preliminary Erosion and Sediment Control Plans these are acceptable for the PDP submittal, at Final, please provide an overall Erosion control Plan, phasing sequencing as well all appropriate specific notes for this project. Please make sure to include a note regarding the regular sweeping of City streets. The Erosion Control report should address the phasing and the sequencing of construction measures and the erosion escrow should be also phased if needed. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you. 7. 12/08/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN: Please note that the Erosion Control mix proposed has erosion control mix is composed of grasses that are hard to get remove after establishment including smooth brome, crested wheatgrass. This mix will need to be coordinated with the Natural resources planner prior to approval. Response: Seed mix has been revised per discussions with City staff. Stormwater Engineering – Claudia Quezada Topic: General 12/06/2021: FOR HEARING: 1. Please include the following notes on the site plan and drainage/grading plan: Portions of this property are located in the FEMA-Regulated, 100-year Cooper Slough floodplain/floodway and must comply with the safety regulations of Chapter 10 of City Municipal Code.  The Developer shall obtain a Floodplain Use Permit from the City of Fort Collins and pay all applicable floodplain use permit fees prior to commencing any construction activity (building of structures, grading, fill, detention ponds, bike paths, parking lots, utilities, landscaped areas, flood control channels, etc.) within the Cooper Slough floodplain limits¬¬. Storage of equipment and materials (temporary or permanent) is not allowed in the floodway. All activities within the floodplain are subject to the requirements of Chapter 10 of the Fort Collins Municipal Code.  Critical facilities are prohibited in the 100-year floodplain. Critical facilities include essential services, at-risk population, hazardous materials, and government facilities.  Construction of new structures, hard surface paths, walkways, driveways, walls, and parking areas is prohibited in the floodway unless no-rise conditions are met. Any construction activities in the regulatory floodway must also include a no-rise certification prepared by a Professional Engineer licensed in Colorado.  An approved FEMA Elevation Certificate completed by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer showing that the building is constructed to the required elevation is required post-construction prior to a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) being issued. Please note: If any part of the building is within the floodplain boundary, then the entire structure is considered in the floodplain and the entire building envelope must meet the requirements of elevating to the RFPE. 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com Response:, Comment Noted. Documents added. 2. 12/06/2021: INFORMATION ONLY: The proposed gateway sign must comply with Chapter 10 of City Municipal Code. Parts of the sign that could be damaged by a flood are required to be elevated or floodproofed 18-24” above the 100-year flood level. Response: Comment Noted. Additionally, conversations are required with the city to coordinate the proper vision of the city for the entry signage. 3. 12/06/2021: FOR HEARING: Add and label the floodplain/floodway boundaries on site plan, grading plan, and drainage plan. Response: Comment noted. This information has been added to the grading sheets and drainage sheets. 4. 12/06/2021: FOR HEARING: Please revise floodplain section of drainage report to include ponds B, C, H, and I if the grading is proposed as part of this phase. Response: Comment noted. Ponds are to be included in later phases and information shall be provided via additional phases of drainage report. 5. 12/06/2021: INFORMATION ONLY: Keep in mind that the outfall to Cooper Slough will require a no-rise certification through Larimer County. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you. Water-Wastewater Engineering – Wes Lamaque Topic: General 1. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED 09/13/2021: FOR HEARING: The southern outfall for this site just north of Mulberry Street has not been finalized yet with the development to the east, Peakview Planned Land Division". There is currently not enough space being provided for the "Master Planned Overflow Channel", the outfall for both properties, and Peakview's proposed detention/WQ pond. Coordination needs to take place to resolve the space limitations now being proposed. Response: Comment noted. Updated information from Peakview has been incorporated into our plans. 2. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED 09/13/2021: FOR HEARING: A more detailed breakdown of the sub-basin areas being treated for LID is needed to verify the proposal is meeting the requirement of treating 50% of the site's impervious area with a LID technique. The City recommends a LID exhibit documenting each sub-basins contribution to the total LID area. Also, LID 2 is located on proposed lots. Response: LID breakdown exhibit is provided within the drainage report. A revised table showing volumes and percentage treated has been added as well. 3. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED 09/13/2021: FOR HEARING: 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com It appears the two detention ponds within the Bloom PDP boundary have permanent irrigation water. If so, water rights are required per State of Colorado. Response: Correct. There are two irrigation ponds and added a note to drainage sheets. Additionally, the applicant has reservoir shares that can be used for this community. 4. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED 09/15/2021: FOR HEARING: Letter on Intents are required for any off-site drainage improvements needed to outfall storm water flows to the ultimate outfall location, the Cooper Slough. This would include any locations within the Peakview development to the east since this development has not been approved yet or drainage easements already dedicated. Response: Understood. The Applicant is working with Peakview on necessary understandings. Outside Agencies – Heidi Jenson Boxelder Sanitation District Topic: General 1. 12/08/2021: FOR HEARING: Please see attached letter. Response: Comment noted. Comments have been replied to on the letter. Light and Power – Tyler Siegmund Topic: General 1. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: City of Fort Collins Lights and Power currently does not have any facilities within the area of the project and the project area is currently served by PVREA. Coordination and timing will be critical to be able to serve this site. It appears that there are only two facilities powered by PVREA, the Water Colorado buildings and the Front Range Veterinary Clinic. Response: Thank you for the information. 2. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: Light and Power has primary facilities extended to the west boundary of the project area that will need to be extended from Barnstomer Dr., Coleman Dr. and Sykes Dr. to serve phase I of the development. Response: Understood. Thank you. 3. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: Any proposed Light and Power electric facilities that are within the limits of the project must be located within a utility easement or public right of way. Response: Comment noted. Thank you. 4. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: Transformer locations will need to be coordinated with Light & Power and needs to be shown on the Utility Plans. Transformers must be placed within 10 ft. of a drivable surface for installation and maintenance purposes. Transformers must also have a front clearance of 10 ft. and side/rear clearance of 3 ft. minimum. When located close to a building, please provide required separation from building openings as defined in Figures ESS4-ESS7 within the Electric Service Standards. Please show all proposed transformers locations on the Utility Plans. Response: Comment noted. Thank you. 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com 5. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: During utility infrastructure design, please provide adequate space for all service and main lines internal to the site to ensure proper utility installation and to meet minimum utility spacing requirements. A minimum of 10 ft. separation is required between water, sewer and stormwater facilities, and a minimum of 3 ft. separation is required between Natural Gas. Please show all electrical routing on the Utility Plans. Response:, Comment noted. Thank you. 6. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: Streetlights will need to be installed along all public roads/rights-of-ways. 40 feet separation on both sides of the light is required between canopy trees and streetlights. 15 feet separation on both sides of the light is required between ornamental trees and streetlights. Please coordinate streetlight placement with Light & Power. A link to the City of Fort Collins street lighting requirements can be found at: https://www.larimer.org/sites/default/files/ch15_2007.pdf Response:, Comment noted. Thank you. 7. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: Electric services to multi-family buildings will be considered a customer owned service; therefore, the applicant is responsible for installing the secondary service from the transformer to the meters and will be owned and maintained by the owner. Response: Comment noted. Thank you. 8. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: All single family attached electric service or single family detached electric service requests above 200 amps are considered a customer owned service; therefore, the applicant is responsible for installing the secondary service from the transformer to the meters and will own and maintain those services. Response: Comment noted. Thank you. 9. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: PER LIGHT AND POWER’S ELECTRIC SERVICE STANDARDS: o 8.1.10. The builder is required to install the electric meter socket(s) on the same side as the electric service ‘stub’. o 8.1.11. Builders are also encouraged to install the natural gas meter(s) on the opposite side of the house from the electric service. o 8.1.12. The electric service trench must be a minimum of 3 feet from the natural gas service trench, and the electric and gas services shall not cross each other. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you. 10. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: Per City Code, all residential units will need will need to be individually metered. Please gang the electric meters on one side of the building, opposite of the gas meters. Reference Section 8 of our Electric Service Standards for electric metering standards. https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/img/site_specific/uploads/ElectricServiceStandandards Response: Comment noted. Thank you. 11. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: The City of Fort Collins now offers gig speed fiber internet, video and phone service. Contact Brad Ward with Fort Collins Connexion at 970 224 6003 or bward@fcgov.com for commercial grade account support, 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com RFPs and bulk agreements. Response: Comment noted. Thank you. 12. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: For additional information on our renewal energy programs please visit the website below or contact John Phelan (jphelan@fcgov.com).https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/gorenewable Response: Comment noted. Thank you. 13. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION: Electric capacity fees, development fees, building site charges and any system modification charges necessary to feed the site will apply to this development. Please contact me or visit the following website for an estimate of charges and fees related to this project: http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders and developers/plantinvestment/development fees Response:, Comment noted. Thank you. 14. 09/15/2021: INFORMATION: Light and Power will need to extend electric infrastructure along Greenfields Dr. from Mulberry to the project area. It is essential that City Light and Power electric infrastructure is installed during the construction of Greenfields Dr to be able to meet the electric capacity needs of your project. If a different project is to build Greenfields Dr, please alert Light and Power to ensure electric infrastructure is coordinated with a different project team. Response: Comment noted. Thank you. 15. 12/08/2021: FOR HEARING: Please show our proposed electric lines in the parkway along the both sides of Delozier from Sykes Dr to International. Please also show our primary electric lines on both sides of International as it turns north to Greenfields Dr. All electric infrastructure (vaults, transformers, streetlights) will need to be shown on the utility plans for final approval. Response: Comment noted. Electric lines have been added. 16. 12/08/2021: FOR HEARING: The proposed electric and gas line labels are mixed up on sheet C.41 (northeast lots) Response: Comment noted. Labels have been updated accordingly. 17. 12/08/2021: FOR HEARING: Light and Power has electric stubbed at Coleman St (East Ridge) that will need to extend into Bloom through Tract G. Please show proposed electric lines extending to Street C. Response: Comment noted. Proposed electric lines have been added. PFA – Marcus Glasgow Topic: General 1. 12/6/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED: Block 8 / lots 25 and 26 do not appear to meet this access requirement. The alley will need to meet fire lane requirements, or these lots can be designed with 13D system to extend access distance. Another option would be designating a building envelope within the 150 ft distance. Response: We believe that all perimeter access requirements are met and are committed to working with PFA to ensure that all applicable safety standards are met. 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com 2. 09/10/2021: FOR HEARING: FIRE LANES - Fire access is required to within 150 feet of all exterior portions of any building, or facility ground floor as measured by an approved route around the perimeter. For the purposes of this section, fire access cannot be measured from an arterial road. Any private alley, private road, or private drive serving as a fire lane shall be dedicated as an Emergency Access Easement (EAE) and be designed to standard fire lane specifications. Most of the lots appear like they will meet perimeter access requirements. Some block 11/ block 8 lots appear to be out of access and will require either a 13D sprinkler system or access from the alleys. Once building envelopes are proposed on any single family attached dwellings, you will want verify that they meet this perimeter access requirement. If any alleys are to be used as access, they must meet the fire lane requirements and dedicated EAE. Response: We believe that all perimeter access requirements are met and are committed to working with PFA to ensure that all applicable safety standards are met. 3. 09/10/2021: FOR INFORMATION: FIRE LANE SPECIFICATIONS - A fire lane plan shall be submitted for approval prior to installation. In addition to the design criteria already contained in relevant standards and policies, any new fire lane must meet the following general requirements:  Fire lanes established on private property shall be dedicated by plat or separate document as an Emergency Access Easement.  Maintain the required 20 foot minimum unobstructed width & 14 foot minimum overhead clearance. Where road widths exceed 20 feet in width, the full width shall be dedicated unless otherwise approved by the AHJ.  Additional fire lane requirements are triggered for buildings greater than 30' in height. Refer to Appendix D105 of the International Fire Code.  Be designed as a flat, hard, all-weather driving surface capable of supporting 40 tons.  Dead-end fire access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved turnaround area for fire apparatus.  Dead-end roads shall not exceed 660 feet in length without providing for a second point of access. Dead-end access roads in excess of 1320 feet in length require a third point of access. Dead-end access roads in excess of 2640 feet in length require a fourth point of access.  The required turning radii of a fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum of 25 feet inside and 50 feet outside. Turning radii shall be detailed on submitted plans.  Dedicated fire lanes are required to connect to the Public Way unless otherwise approved by the AHJ.  Fire lane to be identified by red curb and/or signage and maintained unobstructed at all times.  Fire lane sign locations or red curbing should be labeled and detailed on final plans. Refer to LCUASS detail #1418 & #1419 for sign type, placement, and spacing. Appropriate directional arrows required on all signs. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you. 4. 12/06/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED : The turning radius is still not meeting the minimum 25 foot inside radius and most intersections. Response: An updated exhibit is provided showing compliance with turning radius 5. 09/10/2021: FOR HEARING: TURNING RADII - The corners proposed on all the public streets are 20 foot inside radius. The required turning radii of all fire apparatus access roads shall be a minimum of 25 feet inside radius and 50 feet outside. Response: An updated exhibit is provided showing compliance with turning radius 6. 12/06/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED: 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com I am unable to see any hydrants on the overall utility plan. Please update with hydrant locations. Response: Comment noted. Fire Hydrant exhibit showing the location is provided. 7. 09/13/2021: FOR HEARING: WATER SUPPLY - The scale on the Utility Plan is incorrect so I am unable to verify hydrant spacing. I would like to request an overall utility plan that includes hydrant locations. Hydrant spacing and flow must meet minimum requirements based on type of occupancy. A fire hydrant capable of providing 1000 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure is required within 400 feet of any residential building as measured along an approved path of vehicle travel. For the purposes of this code, hydrants on the opposite side of arterial roadways are not considered accessible to the site. Response: Comment noted. Fire Hydrant exhibit showing the location is provided. 8. 09/13/2021: FOR INFORMATION: ADDRESS POSTING - LOCAL AMENDMENT - - IFC 505.1.8: Address shall be clearly visible on approach from any street, drive or fire lane that accesses the site. Buildings that are addressed on one street, but are accessible from other streets, shall have address numbers on the side of the building fronting the roadway from which it is addressed. Buildings that are addressed on one street, but are accessible from other drives or roads, shall have the address numbers AND STREET NAME on each side that is accessible from another drive or road. Response: Thank you for the information. Addressing will follow requirements. Environmental Planning – Scott Benton Topic: General 1. 09/14/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN: All seed mixes need to be detailed on the landscape plan (species including scientific names, percentages, and rates). Response: Seed mixes are included on Sheet LP001 and have been revised per City comments. 2. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UNRESOLVED: 09/14/2021: FOR HEARING: Please provide the required information and details to ensure that the updated lighting code (LUC 3.2.4) requirements are satisfied. No lighting information was submitted in Round 1. Response: Bloom Filing One is composed of single-family detached homes. Typically photometric plans are provided for multi-family or similar projects wear lighting beyond typical street likes (ie parking lot lighting) is provided. We do not believe photometrics plans are necessary. This was discussed during the comment review and I believe this conclusion was agreed too. 3. 09/14/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN: A significant portion of land is designated to be seeded in an upland mix. A solid revegetation plan that addresses appropriate soil handling practices, stockpiling, seedbed preparation, seeding, and watering practices should be settled upon as early as possible to avoid some of the major pitfalls associated with poor native seeding efforts. Response: Comment noted. We will address during Final Plan as noted. 4. 09/14/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN: Any work within the NHBZs (Lake Canal or Cooper Slough) associated with this development will trigger the typical requirements - restoration and weed management plans, security deposit, and specific Development Agreement language. 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com Is Bloom Phase 1 constructing the outfalls into the Cooper Slough? Response: Comment noted. Pond C outfall will be constructed with Filing one 5. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: Are detention ponds A, B, and C being graded as part of this PDP? If so, further work is needed to achieve a naturalistic design in order to meet 1) LUC 3.4.1 requirements and 2) Mulberry and Greenfields PUD Master Plan requirements. The expectation from the PUD was that these ponds would be designed to meet a high standard of habitat quality and diversity; they currently do not meet that standard as depicted. They require a more curvilinear design, varying slopes, and a variable depth bottom. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if additional guidance or discussion is needed. Response: Seed mixes and planting design will be refined in final design to reflect appropriate water regimes and inundation levels at the pond edge. Additionally, varying slope are provided, final pond design will occur with FDP development of the tracts these ponds sit in. 6. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: The Dryland Seed Mix/Erosion Control Mix is unacceptable. The city does not allow large scale plantings of smooth brome and crested wheatgrass anymore and has not for a while. Additionally, none of the species are native and are some of the hardest species to get rid of once established. Response: Seed mix has been revised per discussions with City staff. 7. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: Thank you for depicting the plum patch on the plans. They are shown in their existing position but there has been some conversation on moving them. Has a location been determined? Is relocating them a part of this PDP? Response: The Plums will remain in place during Filing One, and overlot grading around them will be occur outside the CRZ’s as shown on the plans. 8. 12/07/2021: FOR FINAL APPROVAL: Under Environmental Sustainability section of the Public Benefits narrative, the last bullet under (d) ‘Enhanced Community Resiliency’ relates to designing the highest quality pollinator habitat through appropriate spacing, clustering, ensuring bloom times throughout the growing season, etc. Please include me in discussions regarding this aspect. An extension of increasing pollinator habitat is seeding pockets of forbs (wildflowers) in large grass-dominated seeded areas with low maintenance needs. This method can be used in erosion control areas as well. Response: Locations and specific species that directly support pollinator goals will be documented during final design. The applicant team will coordinate further with Environmental Planning for review and input when the project reaches final design. We appreciate your willingness to share methods that will help our project reach this goal. Forestry – Molly Roche Topic: Building Inspection Plan Review 1. 12/6/2021: FOR HEARING – UNRESOLVED: Thank you for adding the existing tree inventory information to the landscape plans. Please label mitigation trees in the plant list and update calipers as necessary. Response: Mitigation trees are now noted in the plant schedule and on the plans. 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com 2. 09/29/2021: FOR HEARING: Thank you for completing the tree inventory. In the next round, please provide a site survey that shows the exact locations of existing trees. The tree inventory table should clearly indicate whether each tree is to be removed, preserved and/or transplanted. Please show how tree removal will be mitigated on the landscape plan. Response: A survey of existing trees has been completed and this information is now reflected in the plans. 3. 12/6/2021: FOR HEARING – UNRESOLVED: Applicant did not submit an Existing Tree Removal Feasibility Letter. Please submit next round for Forestry’s review. Response: Existing Tree Removal Feasibility Letter has been included with our re-submittal. 4. 09/29/2021: FOR HEARING: If applicable, please provide an “Existing Tree Removal Feasibility Letter” for City Forestry staff to review. Proposals to remove significant existing trees must provide a justification letter detailing the reason for tree removal. This is required for all development projects proposing significant tree removal regardless of the scale of the project. The purpose of this letter is to provide a document of record with the project’s approval and for the City to maintain a record of all proposed significant tree removals and justifications. Existing significant trees within the project’s Limits of Disturbance (LOD) and within natural area buffer zones shall be preserved to the extent reasonably feasible. Streets, buildings and lot layouts shall be designed to minimize the disturbance to significant existing trees. (Extent reasonably feasible shall mean that, under the circumstances, reasonable efforts have been undertaken to comply with the regulation, that the costs of compliance clearly outweigh the potential benefits to the public or would unreasonably burden the proposed project, and reasonable steps have been undertaken to minimize any potential harm or adverse impacts resulting from noncompliance with the regulation.) Where it is not feasible to protect and retain significant existing tree(s) or to transplant them to another on-site location, the applicant shall replace such tree(s) according to City mitigation requirements. Response: Existing Tree Removal Feasibility Letter has been included with our re-submittal. 5. 12/6/2021: FOR HEARING – UDPATED: Thank you for including quantities and species diversity percentages to the plant list. There are a few species that exceed the 15% maximum. Please increase the number of other species to balance out the diversity percentages across the site:  Tannebaum Mugo Pine: 43%  Bigtooth Maple: 17% Response: Quantities and percentages have been updated to comply with the maximum. 6. Please decrease the number of Ohio Buckeye, Turkish Filbert, and Tulip Poplar as we are still assessing how they perform in Fort Collins soil and climate. Please do not propose Newport Plum on the plans as they do not thrive in Fort Collins. Response: Quantities of these trees have been reduced. Park Planning – Kyle Lambrecht Topic: General 1. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: The Park Planning & Development Department is available to discuss these comments in more detail. 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com Please contact Kyle Lambrecht, PE at 970 416 4340, klambrecht@fcgov.com. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you. 2. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: The City of Fort Collins Land Use Code Section 3.4.8 “Parks and Trails” addresses compliance with the 2021 Parks and Recreation Master Plan (“Master Plan”). The Master Plan indicates the general location of all parks and regional recreational trails. Parcels adjacent to or including facilities indicated in the Master Plan may be required to provide area for development of these facilities. The Parks and Recreation Master Plan is available at https://www.fcgov.com/parksandrecplan/. Response: Thank you for sharing this information. 3. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: The 2013 Paved Recreational Trail Master Plan (“Trail Master Plan”) was adopted by City Council and provides conceptual locations and general trail design guidelines for future regional recreational trails. The Trail Master Plan is available at https://www.fcgov.com/parkplanning/plans and policies. Response: Thank you for sharing this information. We will reference as design on these items progress with future applications. 4. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: The Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (“LCUASS”), Chapter 16 Pedestrian Facilities and Chapter 17 Bicycle Facilities provide additional design guidelines for multi-use regional recreational trails. Response: Thank you for sharing this information. We will reference as design on these items progress with future applications. 5. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: The typical paved recreational regional trail cross-section is constructed as a 10’ wide concrete trail, widened to 12’ in areas of high traffic area or other areas of potential user conflicts. A 4-6’ wide soft (gravel) path is located parallel to the paved surface, separated by 3-5’ of vegetated area; there shall be 3’ wide level shoulders on both sides of the trail, providing 3’ of horizontal clearance from vertical obstructions such as trees, transformers, fences and/or walls. Modifications of the typical cross-section must be approved by Park Planning & Development. Response: Understood. At the time this trail is designed during future Filing applications it will be designed to City standards. 6. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: Grade separated crossings of arterial roadways and major collectors are required (LCUASS Chapter 17.3) and provide safe trail connectivity. Additional easement area for underpass/overpass approaches may be required in locations of potential grade separated crossings for the trail. Response: Understood. A grade separated crossing of the regional trail at Greenfields, to the south of the railroad tracks will be provided and fully designed during future filings, as appropriate. 7. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: Local street at grade intersections with a regional trail are to be avoided. When necessary, the location of a future recreational trail at-grade crossing must be coordinated with both Park Planning and Development and Traffic Operations. Response: Comment noted. This will be considered at the time this trail is designed during future development applications. 8. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: The future regional trail alignment cannot be used to provide internal pedestrian circulation and cannot 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com provide direct access to buildings. Internal access to the recreational trail from the internal bike/pedestrian system should be provided at limited and defined access points. Response: Comment noted. This will be considered at the time this trail is designed during future development applications. 9. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: Park Planning and Development must approve the trail alignment and design. Please plan to develop a preliminary level trail plan and centerline profile design. This shall include preliminary engineering design for the grade separations at Greenfields Drive as well as the at grade crossing at the railroad. Please show proposed easement needs associated with the two crossings on the plan sheets. Response: Comment noted. As these trails are designed in the future, we will work with Staff to ensure design is in conformance with required standards. 10. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: Please include a plan sheet that shows the overall view of the regional trail connection within the development, the grade separations at Greenfields Drive and Vine Drive, the railroad crossing, and the spur trails connecting the various neighborhoods of the development. Response: These trails are not planned as part of this first Filing. Walk/trail locations to these future connection points have been provided. 11. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: Please provide additional information on the proposed regional trail connection at Greenfields Drive. The proposed regional trail alignment does not include information regarding slopes, radii, retaining wall needs, etc. Please double check plans to ensure trail edge linework is visible. As shown, and without requested information, the connection does not appear to meet standards. Park Planning would like to meet with the Applicant to better understand the proposed alignment as well as to explore other trail alignments which work with the intended site design for the development. Response: The regional trail is not being designed as a part of this Filing One PDP. The regional trail will be part of a future filing, as appropriate. 12. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: The regional trail alignment and design must meet the American Disabilities Act (ADA) standards for cross slopes between 1 and 2% and a maximum centerline profile grade of 5%. Preliminary level trail cross sections shall outline how the design meets ADA standards. Response: Understood. The regional trail is not being designed as a part of this Filing One PDP. The regional trail will be part of a future filing, as appropriate. At the time the trail is designed required standards will be reviewed and met as applicable. 13. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: Please include a minimum of 2' shoulders on each side of the regional trail to include a minimum of 2’ shoulders on each side of the trail. In addition, adjacent side slopes to the shoulders shall not exceed 4:1 unless otherwise approved. Response: Understood. The regional trail is not being designed as a part of this Filing One PDP. The regional trail will be part of a future filing, as appropriate. At the time the trail is designed required standards will be reviewed and met as applicable. 14. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: Please label the size of the grade separation at Greenfields Drive. Minimum horizontal clearance is 12 feet from inside face of box while the minimum vertical clearance is 10 feet from top of trail to underside of box. Response: Understood. The regional trail is not being designed as a part of this Filing One PDP. 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com The regional trail will be part of a future filing, as appropriate. At the time the trail is designed required standards will be reviewed and met as applicable. 15. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: Please ensure space for a future power supply to provide underpass lighting. Please identify the potential power source and location for transformer Response: Understood. The regional trail is not being designed as a part of this Filing One PDP. The regional trail will be part of a future filing, as appropriate. At the time the trail is designed required standards will be reviewed and met as applicable. 16. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: Approximately 3500 lineal feet of regional trail, in addition to a grade separation, falls within this development’s boundary. Partnerships between Park Planning and Development and the Applicant may be an option to construct specific trail improvements concurrent with this phase’s site development. Park Planning & Development would be interested in further discussing potential partnerships, timing of construction, responsibilities, etc. with the applicant. If a funding and construction partnership can be established, this will be documented in the Development Agreement. Response: Understood. We are planning to work through Staff through the design process. The regional trail is not being designed as a part of this Filing One PDP. The regional trail will be part of a future filing, as appropriate. 17. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: Easements associated with the regional trail will need to be labeled as "Public Access and Trail Easement. Standard easement width is 50’ but may vary depending on final trail alignment associated with the grade separation at Greenfields Drive. Response: Easement for the regional trail has been labeled accordingly. 18. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: The trail easement may coexist within a Natural Habitat Buffer Zone if approval is obtained from Environmental Planning. The easement shall be identified on the plat, utility, and site plans as a “Public Access and Trail Easement”. The easement cannot encroach on the railroad right-of-way. Response: Understood. Easements are provided as appropriate. 19. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: Grading within the designated recreational trail easement is required to occur during overall site grading. Response: Comment noted. Final grading will occur at FDP. 20. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: The Parks Department will maintain future recreational trails. Maintenance consists of snowplowing of the paved surface, occasional seasonal mowing 2-3’ adjacent to the trail surface and repairing/replacing surface damage of the trail. The underlying property owner shall be responsible for all other landscaping and maintenance within the easement. The trail alignment will need to accommodate typical City Parks maintenance equipment for snow removal. Response: Understood. At the time the trail is designed required standards will be reviewed and met as applicable. 21. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION: Landscaping within the recreational trail easement shall be provided in accordance with all applicable City codes and will remain the responsibility of the underlying landowner. Landscaping must provide acceptable clearances from the trail surfaces as specified in the Trail Master Plan. Spray irrigation, if required, shall be 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com designed and maintained to avoid spray on the trail. Response: Understood. At the time the trail is designed required standards will be reviewed and met as applicable. Technical Services – Jeff County Topic: General 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UPDATED: We are having the Subdivision Plat title changed. Please spell out any numerals. All plan set titles will need to be consistent. The Subdivision Plat tile will need to be referenced on the cover of each plan set, preferably in the subtitle below the main title. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Response: Comment Noted. This item has been updated. 1. 09/14/2021: FOR HEARING: Please make sure the titles match on all plans sets. Response:, Comment Noted. This item has been updated. 2. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING-UPDATED: A conversation is needed to address the naming conventions for this project & the future phases. Response: As discussed with Staff, the name of the project has been changed from Bloom Phase 1 to Bloom Filing 1 in order to avoid name conflicts with the city. 3. 09/14/2021: FOR HEARING: A legal description or subtitle will be needed reflecting the area of the Bloom Subdivision that Phase 1 is covering. Response: Comment Noted. A legal description will be included as part of the Filing #1. 4. 12/07/2021: INFORMATION ONLY: Unless required during PDP, a complete review of all plans will be done at FDP. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you. 5. 09/14/2021: INFORMATION ONLY: Unless required during PDP, a complete review of all plans will be done at FDP. Response: Comment Noted. Thank you. Topic: Plat 6. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING-UPDATED: Please make changes as marked. If changes are not made or you disagree with comments, please provide written response of why corrections were not made. Please provide any responses on redlined sheets and/or in response letter. If you have any specific questions about the redlines, please contact John Von Nieda at 970-221-6565 or jvonnieda@fcgov.com Response: Comment noted. Please see the response to comments on redlines for additional information. 09/14/2021: FOR HEARING: Please make changes as marked. If changes are not made or you disagree with comments, please provide written response of why corrections were not made. Please provide any responses on redlined sheets and/or in response letter. If you have any specific questions about the redlines, please contact John Von Nieda at 970-221-6565 or jvonnieda@fcgov.com 244 North College Ave, #130 I Fort Collins, CO 80524 www.norris-design.com 7. 12/07/2021: FOR HEARING: Please change the Subdivision Plat title for this project to "Bloom Filing One". Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Response: Comment noted. The subdivision plat Title has been updated. Building Services – Katy Hand Topic: General 1. 12/06/2021: FOR BUILDING PERMIT - UPDATED: 09/14/2021: FOR BUILDING PERMIT: Please visit our website for current adopted codes, local amendments and submittal requirements. Note: 2021 Building Codes will be adopted early 2022 https://www.fcgov.com/building/application.php https://www.fcgov.com/building/codes.php https://www.fcgov.com/building/energycode Response: Understood. We will review the appropriate codes as applicable. Thank you for the information. 2. 12/06/2021: FOR BUILDING PERMIT: Each detached structure requires a separate permit, this includes carports, bike shelters, trellises, pergolas and garage buildings, and shade structures, and covered mail kiosks. Response: Understood. Thank you for this information. 3. 12/06/2021: FOR BUILDING PERMIT: A Fort Collins licensed general contractor and licensed subcontractors are required to build new homes Response: Understood. Thank you for this information. COTTAGE HOME PARKING DIAGRAM TYPICAL COTTAGE BLOCK - PARKING DIAGRAM Graphic is intended to show typical situation. Blocks may change on a block by block scenario depending on site planning constraints. Paving will modify as appropriate. SAMPLE COTTAGE BLOCK Parking Includes: • Attached Garages • Common Garages • On Lot Detached Garages • Surface Parking • On-street Parking Includes Mix of Housing Types: • Cottage Home • Single Family Detached • Single Family Detached w/ ADU (Rear-Loaded) 1 ALLEYALLEYALLEY RIGHT OF WAY RIGHT OF WAY SF6 SF7 SF8 SF9 SF10 SF3 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G 10 24 4 18 9 23 3 17 8 22 2 16 7 21 1 15 6 20 11 14 5 19 12 13 G G G G GG GG GG GG GG GG GG GG GG 6 7 8 9 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 CH24CH9CH10 CH13CH11 CH23 CH14CH12 CH19CH5 CH15CH1 CH20CH6 CH16CH2 CH21CH7 CH17CH3 CH22CH8 CH18CH4 HOUSING TYPE UNIT PARKING RATIO PER PUD PARKING REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED COTTAGE HOME (CH)24 1.0 24 24 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED REAR-LOAD (SF) 10 1.5 15 30 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (ADU) 4 0.0 -May Utilize Guest Space AVAILABLE STREET PARKING / OFF STREET (G)---46 TOTAL 34 39 100 3 3 3 SF1 SF4SF2 SF5 1 42 5142 5 ADU4ADU3ADU2ADU1 FILING 1- BLOCK 6+7 PARKING DIAGRAM Block 6 Block 7 Conquest St. Sykes Dr. Comet St.Street ANTS.NORTH Graphic is intended to show typical situation. Blocks may change on a block by block scenario depending on site planning constraints. Paving will modify as appropriate. HOUSING TYPE UNIT PARKING RATIO PER PUD PARKING REQUIRED PER PUD PARKING PROVIDED BLOCK 6 BLOCK 7 BLOCK6 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 6 BLOCK 7 COTTAGE HOME (C)20 22 1 20 22 20 22 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED REAR-LOAD (RL) 12 10 1.5 18 15 24 20 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (*) 6 4 0 0 0 Utilize Guest/Street Parking AVAILABLE STREET PARKING / OFF STREET (G)-----41 39 TOTAL 38 36 -38 37 85 81 * * ** ** * * * * C C C C C C C C CC C C C C C C CC C C RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL C C C C C C C C CC C C C C C C CC C C RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL RL CC 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 11 12 18 17 16 15 14 13 20 19 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 11 12 18 17 16 15 14 13 20 19 22 21 3 31 42 5142 5 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 3 31 42 5142 5 7 8 978 9 10 1066 CH5 CH1 CH6 CH2 CH7 CH3 CH8 CH4 CH9CH10CH11CH12CH13CH14 CH32CH31CH30CH29CH28CH27CH26CH25CH24CH23 CH18 CH22 CH17 CH21 CH20 CH19 CH15CH16 CH5 CH1 CH6 CH2 CH7 CH3 CH8 CH4 CH32CH31 CH9CH10CH11CH12CH13CH14 CH18 CH22 CH17 CH21 CH20 CH19 CH15CH16 CH23 CH24 CH25 CH30CH29CH28CH27CH26 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G GG G G G G GG GGGGGG G G GG G G G GG G G G GG G G G GG G G G G G G G G G G G G GG G G GGG G G GG   From: Troy Jones <troy@architex.com>  Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 8:54 PM  To: Patrick McMeekin  Subject: Peakview and Bloom PDP     Patrick,     This email is intended to act as a statement that you can pass on to the City of Fort Collins to  acknowledge and confirm that we have been coordinating efforts between our two adjacent projects  (Peakview PLD and Bloom PDP) for access, drainage, utility connections, etc., and we intend to continue  to do so throughout the development review and approval process.     Troy Jones, Land Planner, Architect  Project Manager for Peakview PLD  MTA Planning & Architecture   troy@architex.com  970‐416‐7431    Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. 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