Mike Ludwig
Planning Department IUPLEY ASSOCIATES
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Landscape Architecture
Cuban Design
Re: Response to staff comments: Planning
George T. Sanders Preliminary/Final P.U.D.
223 Jefferson Street
Suite A
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Dear Mike: PHONE (970) 224-5828
FAX (970) 224.2956
We have reviewed staff comments dated August 18, 1995, and have the
following comments:
-70 We believe the submittal for George T. Sanders P.U.D. did meet
a submittal requirements for a Final P.U.D. We did not understand that
easements from downstream property owners in an historic water
course were required the day of submittal. Maurice Lutkin of Westec
responded to this issue without delay. He met with all of the
downstream property owners and found that none had any objection to
the stormwater flows from this property continuing to use the historic
water course through their properties. However, since one of the
property owners did want to be compensated, Maurice looked at other
alternatives. Since it was necessary to raise the elevation of the bottom
of the pond to limit its depth to four feet, it became possible to put the
storm water from the Sanders project into the inlet directing it to a pipe
running along the south side of the Weberg furniture store. Maurice
has revised his stormwater report accordingly and a letter from John
Weberg stating his consent is attached.
Since the stormwater issue was the reason for not considering the
project as a Final, we are asking that staff keep the proposal as
originally submitted -- Preliminary/Final. We can see no reason why
the project review period should be extended for a month, since there
are no other serious issues to be resolved.
2. A public access easement has been shown on the plat.
✓3� The land use is warehouse and is now designated on the site plan.
�! There is no roof -top mechanical equipment proposed for the buildings.
Trash dumpsters are located within the fenced storage yard. — "4A &.s AT&&k er,'C.0s-)ceS
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Ripley Associates
Response to Staff Comments • •
George T. Sanders PUD
A six foot wooden fence has been added to the eastern boundary of the
storage yard as requested.
Building dimensions have been added to the building elevations and
building materials have been indicated. 02,u,RS 7
Maurice Lutkin of Westec has addressed comments that relate to
engineering, utilities, and the subdivision plat-- number 8, 9, 10 and —
12. — NA'k� C-wvQ-JeA?
11. � Building envelopes have been removed from the plat.
JThe gravel outdoor storage area will not be used for parking.
Trucks can negotiate the site without using the public street for
backing. — r\cV-- oq\ S�+e- Vc,4- 2
Additional plantings have been added to the south edge of the
parking lot.
,o-"' Building envelope dimensions have been noted.
13. �! Tree placement will conform street light locations, see note
/ number 2.
\a' The applicant will coordinate transformer location with Light
and Power.
The applicant understands that relocation of Light and Power
facilities will be at the owner's expense.
If you have any questions regarding the revisions or these comments, please
. L
Linda Ripley
xc: Gary Sanders, George T. Sanders Company
Tom Tooley, George T. Sanders Company
Maurice Lutkin, Westec
S1Ca A -QV t 4N
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Septpmber 2, 1995
Mr. Mauri(:e Lutkin, P.E.
2629 Redwing Road, Suite 200
Fort Collins, CO 80526-2819
S13 P02 SEP 02 195
Ro: George T. Sanders Company P.V.D. Detenti.an Pond Drain
Dear Maurice:
I am in the process of trying to sell a company that has
simply grown too large for me to handle - or that I have
grown too old to handle , and I do not have the time or
energy to look into any possible ramifications your request
might have for us.
Why don't you draw up a simple agreement whereby in return
for our approval for the Sanders Company to connect into our
existing 15 inch storm drain and water quality filter
system, Sanders agrees to work with our Fort Collins Store
Manager to help with any cleaning and maintenance the system
requires, and to solve to our satisfaction any problems
which, in our opinion, are caused by, or made worse by, the
connection, and, if that effort fail.$, to at our request
promptly disconnect from our system.
I, like you, foresee no such problems, and am happy to go
along with this request of our new neighbor, so long as he
is willing to solve the problems if problems are created, or
A simple letter agreement, will do. If you will fax it to
me, signed by an officer of Sanders, and if it clearly
accomplis'nes the above, I wili sign it and fax it back.
Then, if you wish, you may follow with hard copy by mail for
both of our files. I will be working in my office through
the week,and, but: then flying :o Texas on Tuesday and
Wednesday, and then Denver on Thursday and possibly Friday,
so I will probably not get it until later next week. I hope
this will do.
.a.�f-c e e 1 y,
ohn Weber
August 31, 1995
Mr. John Weberg
442 Wembley Court
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Dear Mr. Weberg:
Enclosed are prints of the grading and drainage plan for your Fort Collins facility and a print of a similar
plan for the proposed Sanders' development immediately to your west. I have marked in red our
proposed connection from the Sanders' detention pond to the existing 15 inch storm drain that is south
of your store. As you will note, the connection would be made at the back of the west inlet on Fossil
Boulevard and would not disturb any existing construction. We have checked the capacity of the
existing drain and it is more than adequate to handle the additional flow and we have reviewed the
concept with Glen Schlueter of Fort Collins Stormwater Utility.
The only adverse impact to your system that we can envision as a result of this connection would be
to the water quality filter (detail A on the grading and drainage plan for your facility), (.e., it is
conceivable that cleaning might be required more often. The George T. Sanders Company would be
pleased to share the cost of maintenance of this filter with your organization.
We are attempting to submit this project to the City for review on September 7, 1995. 1 know this
Is extremely short notice, particularly in view of the of the extra heavy work load you are presently
faced with. However, if we could receive your reaction by phone or fax it would provide us with
needed direction.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
N urice H. Lutkin, P.E.
Manager, Civil Engineering Division
x!c Thomas T. Tooley, V.P.
George T. Sanders Company
2629 Redwing Rood. Sulte 200. Fort Collins. Colorado 8052�-2879 Ph. 970 226 3535 =ox 9'0 226 6475
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