Frank Vaught
Vaught -Frye Architects
2900 S. College
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear Frank:
Staff has reviewed the Weberg PUD Preliminary Plan and has the following
comments to make:
1. Water service will be provided by the Fort Collins -Loveland Water District
and sewer by the South Fort Collins Sanitation District.
2. Eight foot utility easements are required along both sides of all internal
streets and along the south and west property lines of the site. Street trees
should be located outside the front lot utility easements.
3. A 15' easement is required along College Avenue. The use of blanket
easements is suggested.
4. The proposed Weberg building and pads 3 and 4 exceed the fire access
requirements and would therefore, need to be sprinkled. This should be
specified on the site plan.
5. An engineering report must be submitted showing capability of proposed
water supply system for fire fighting water supply.
6. A sidewalk -type access may be required along the south side of the
warehouse, to provide access to the exterior doors of the warehouse, depending
on configuration of high piled storage.
7. A fire hydrant needs to be added to the west area of the site.
8. Known fire sprinkler service lines should be shown on the utility plans.
9. The utility/drainage plans and the site plan have several inconsistencies.
These plans must be coordinated and consistent.
10. An additional 12' of r-o-w must be dedicated along College Avenue, in
addition to the 15' utility easement.
300 LaPorte Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6750
The walk along College should be detached to the back of the r-o-w.
12. If the proposed detention pond encroaches into the easement, it must be
coordinated and accepted by the utilities.
13. Street radii need to be shown, to verify if streets are being designed to
City standards.
14. City standards should be used in showing ramps at driveway intersections.
The design used should be a ramp at a street intersection.
15. The center of Fairway Lane on this site should line up with the centerline
of Fairway Lane east of College Avenue.
16. An access permit will be required for the construction of the Fairway Lane
access to this site.
17. Striping does not work in the configuration shown on the site plan. Striping
should be shown on the utility plan in a configuration that will accommodate
the street tapering.
18. A median in Fairway Lane to allow for left turn stacking is suggested.
19. Even though detention is provided on -site, downstream impacts must be
- runoff that drains onto Highway 287 (how does it get into Fossil Creek; are
existing facilities adequate; is there erosion potential from increased volumes?);
- runoff that drains onto Mill Brothers property (what will impact be on Mill
Brothers pond and other downstream ponds; are there adequate facilities all the
way to Fossil Creek; impacts include water quality, since there is parking lot
detention proposed).
20. Prior to final approval, an agreement with Mill Brothers must be obtained
by the developer regarding the drainage through Mill Brothers' pond. This
agreement will need to cover all measures required of the developer to mitigate
adverse impacts to Mill Brothers. Additional mitigation may be required if it
is found that there are adverse impacts to the other downstream property
21. The assumption that you can release at the 100-year historic rate is
applicable on a 100-year storm. The more frequent storms will require
releasing at a rate greater than the historic rate. A staged release must be
used to obtain truly historic release rates. This may require more detention on
22. It does not appear that all
existing trees on
the site have been identified
on the site
plan or landscape
plan. This needs
to be addressed on the site
plan and
those existing trees to
remain on the
site should be shown on the
plan. The developer
should request a
valuation of all existing trees
to be removed from the City Forester.
Based on the outcome of this
mitigation funds may
be requested for
the loss of existing trees.
23. If credit is to be given for joint parking, a design for the adjacent parking
lot must be shown schematically.
24. The proposed landscape plan does not provide adequate screening or
groupings of plant materials throughout the entire site. Islands at the west
side of pads 3 and 4 do not show any landscaping and foundation plantings
are not addressed on any of the proposed buildings. Streetscape plantings
should be. designed to incorporate shrub beds for variety of height and
materials. The use of berming is strongly encouraged, particularly along the
College Avenue frontage (since the site is situated higher than College Avenue
and parking in this area needs to be screened) and around buildings, as a
means of reducing the visible building height. Additional upright plant material
should be provided along the south and north property lines, to break-up the
stark appearance of blank walls. The trash receptacle for Weberg's needs to be
screened from Fossil Boulevard.
25. Additional detail will be needed at final, on lighting and signage. At
preliminary, conceptual design should be provided for the proposed id signs.
Any temporary signage (ie. sale signs) will need to have a permit issued, as
will all permanent signage.
26. The setbacks along the south property line are inadequate, given the scale
of the proposed buildings. Consideration must be given to increasing these
setbacks, through site re -design or reduction of the proposed building size.
27. The site plan shows the warehouse portion of Weberg's to be a single -story
building. The building height needs to be clarified on the site plan, since the
proposed height of 36' is not typically viewed as a single -story structure.
28. Clarification is needed regarding the purpose of what appears to be a
parapet wall on the north and south elevations.
29. Consideration should be given to the proposed architectural elevations with
the intent of providing a building more in character with the surrounding area.
Staff would encourage the use of windows, particularly on the east elevation,
as well as the use of other exterior building materials and features. The use
of brick as a primary exterior material is strongly recommended. Berming and
additional landscaping may also serve to reduce the visual impact of the height
of the proposed warehouse portion of the structure. Staff is also concerned
that a consistent architectural theme be established for all structures throughout
the site.
30. A cross section schematic at College Avenue showing the property line,
easements, sidewalk, utility locations, street trees and curb lines would be very
valuable to use in illustrating how all of these features may fit within the
available frontage space.
By noon on Wednesday, April 5, 1989, three copies of the revised site plan
addressing these comments must be submitted to this office. By Monday, April
17, 1989 ten (10) folded sets of the site plan, a colored rendering (unfolded)
and an 8-1/.2" x 11" PMT reduction must be submitted.
If you have any questions or would like to meet with me to discuss these
comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sherry Albe/tson-Clark, AICP
Senior City ( Planner
cc: Joe Frank, Assistant Planning Director
Mike Herzig, Development Coordinator
Brian Kole, RBD