DATE: October 7, 1988
TO: Tom Peterson, Planning Director
FROM: W. Paul Eckman, Assistant City Attorney,/�
RE: PACE Membership Warehouse
Attached please find a copy of a letter dated September 28, 1988,
from Frank Vaught, representing PACE Membership Warehouse, to the
I believe that the position that we are taking with regard to
this project must be well supported from a traffic analysis per-
spective, and we must be careful not to impose an unreasonable or
arbitrary requirement upon the properties sought to be developed.
I also believe that our position should be consistent with our
overall traffic plan unless we determine that the traffic plan is
incorrect and needs to be modified.
Could you please provide me with a written summary of the posi-
tion that the City has taken with respect to this project up to
this time?
!00 LaPorte Avenue • P. O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 9 (303) 221-6520
cc: Council
FRYE �'� _
September 28, 1988
Mayor Ed Stoner
City of Fort Collins
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Dear Mr. Stoner,
I am sure by now you are aware that PACE Membership Warehouse is
very interested in building a store in Fort Collins. They have
selected our city over others because of the strong regional retail
shopping opportunities that exist here. PACE typically requires
a population base of 400,000 people before they will consider a
site, however, demographic & market studies indicate to them that
Fort Collins is the hub of regional shopping for Northern Colorado
& Southern Wyoming and the aggregate population supports a store
PACE does not expect a store in Fort Collins to generate annual
sales equivalent to a store in a large metropolitan area, however,
they feel the right location and cost of real estate could off set
reduced sales. They feel frontage on College Avenue is important
because of its status with out of town shoppers. Their second
criteria was to locate near Harmony Road due to its good access to
I-25 for the out of state shopper. The site they have selected
meets all of their criteria.
The city staff has stated that the site has access problems and
has suggested that PACE consider alternate sites. PACE has
considered other sites and desires to pursue approval of their
store at the location chosen. A Development Review Committee
meeting was held September 20th to discuss staffs concerns and
proposals. At this time, although staff has made attempts at
accomodating PACE, an impass has developed over signalized access
to the site. The Traffic Department has concluded in their South
College Access Plan study that the State Highway Department will
not support a signalization plan from Harmony to Trilby that has
more than 4 signalized intersections, and furthermore, a signal at
Fossil Creek Parkway and another at the Mason Street, College
interesection preclude a signal at the PACE site due to an
undesired result in the synchronization of lights.
I support the city, county and state effort to development the
South College Access Plan and feel it is in the city's best
interest to develop an access plan that is more reasonable than the
land planning • architecture
2900 S.College Avenue Fort Collins. Colorado.80525 (303) 223-2808
Mr. Ed Stoner
Page Two
current State Highway access code. I do not agree that the city
should disregard such an important proposal as PACE without
seriously considering all alternatives and perhaps their desire to
be here should rather be given priority in consideration of the
South College Access Plan. This study is only in preliminary
stages and certainly should be evaluated to determine if a
development proposal as important as this one is to the City of
Fort Collins could be accomodated. It would be unfortunate to lose
a major retailer such as PACE to a site 6 miles south in another
To give you some indication of the magnitude of the economic impact
PACE will have, I offer the following information:
- projected sales of
- estimated cost of
construction $2,000,000
- street oversizing at
sales tax to city
use tax on bldg. permit
These numbers only represent the direct benefits to this city not
taking in to account the indirect benefits of out of town shoppers
spending more time & money in Fort Collins because of the
strengthened regional shopping with PACE's presence. Additionally,
150 new jobs will be created both part-time & full-time offering
a variety of job opportunities for the people of Fort Collins.
I trust you will give this serious consideration and hope that by
working together we can overcome the obstacles that may prevent
this important company from locating in our city. I am available
at your convenience to discuss this matter.
Best regards,
Frank aught
Vice President
cc: City Manager - Steve Burkett
PACE Membership Warehouse - Peter Insana