(Parcel M of The Harmony Tech Park ODP)
Justification for “The Office Club” to Satisfy Primary Use
Peculiar to Parcel M in the 273.88-acre Harmony Tech Park ODP is 1.2 acres of 10.4 acres identified as
Primary uses. There is no planning objective behind this designation. Rather, 20 years ago the allocation
of 205.69 acres for Primary and 68.19 acres for Secondary uses among 19 uniquely configured Parcels
resulted in Parcel M being short 1.2 acres. Of the three (3) multi-family locations in this ODP, both Parcel
I and J are entirely residentially developed neighborhoods. This is the land use intention for Parcel M.
Amending the ODP for a similarly all residential first-class neighborhood is a 0.005 percent change to the
The vision for The Savoy Apartments is Fort Collins’ first live-work neighborhood with strong
connectivity to adjoining neighborhoods. Key to this is replacing the traditional “clubhouse” with an
amenity having a much broader range of uses to accommodate residents desiring to “go-to-work”
outside their apartments without leaving their neighborhood. Called The Office Club, this approximately
18,000 sf facility at the SEC of Le Fever Drive and Cinquefoil Drive will be open to the public via
membership and, unlike a typical office building, will offer a dynamic environment for both business and
social interactions. The applicant believes that The Office Club qualifies as a Primary use and, if so, a
Minor Amendment is unnecessary.
If The Office Club is not considered a Primary use, then the intent of a Minor Amendment is to adjust the
allocation of Secondary uses in Parcel M to align with the live-work vision for The Savoy Apartments.
Section 2.2.10 of the Land Use Code allows for a change to an approved development plan provided it
“Does not result in a change to the character of the development” (2.2.10d). Clearly, adjusting the
arbitrary 1.2 acres of Primary use would not change the character of the ODP, but rather allow Parcel M
to be designed entirely as a residential neighborhood similar in quality to The Vibe and Terra Vida
Apartments on the adjoining Parcels I and J.
To support the Minor Amendment request, if required, the following are a range of justifications:
No Impact on Land Use Intent of ODP: The inclusion of 1.2 acres of Primary use within the 10.4-acre
Parcel M was not due to any planning purpose. The big vision for the Harmony Technology Park ODP is
for the mix of residential and non-residential uses to occur between, not within the 19 Parcels. Both The
Vibe Apartments on Parcel I and Terra Vida Apartments on Parcel J are 100 percent residential. The ODP
juxtaposes residential Parcels (I, J, and M) with Parcels devoted to employment. This vision has been
successfully achieved within the ODP. A requirement for an approximately 10,000 sf office building
embedded within Parcel M is not why Parcel M shows 1.2 acres for Primary Uses, but rather to fulfill a
technical requirement with no land use purpose.
Economically Impractical: As indicated in the ODP, the appropriate location for additional Primary uses
complimentary to Parcel M is the 19.7 acres Parcel K directly north of Parcel M. Le Fever Drive provides
a right-of-way separation, yet proximity intended in the ODP for the arrangement of different land uses
among the 19 Parcels. Unless located directly at the SEC of Lefever Drive and Cinquefoil Drive, a 10,000-
sf office building would have poor visibility and, even at this location, would be isolated and
unmarketable while undermining the opportunity for designing an attractive gateway and positioning a
neighborhood amenity at this location.
Better Way to Integrate Live-Work Uses (“The Office Club”): As mentioned above, The Savoy
Apartments is proposing a unique amenity for its residents and the surrounding neighborhoods which
will integrate a workspace environment with apartment living. This addresses the changing dynamics of
housing and working. Replacing the usual “clubhouse,” The Savoy features a “WeWork-type”
environment, including workstations, conference rooms, high speed internet, secretarial, reception
services, and dedicated parking along with a café—all designed to allow people to office and interact
close to where they live. This may not be a traditional “office building,” but is on-trend with the
changing dynamics of how and where people “go-to-work.” The Applicant believes that The Office Club
satisfies the 1.2 acre of Primary use for Parcel M without requiring a Minor Amendment.
The Office Club at The Savoy will accommodate more people working within its facility than would a
typical 10,000 sf office building, while reducing vehicle-miles-traveled and providing a social and
creatively interactive environment. Although an office use was never intended for Parcel M,
acknowledging The Office Club as an innovation place of employment dispenses with the Minor
Amendment process altogether. To avoid any need to define an “office club use” in the Code, a note
could be added to the ODP Land Use Table for Parcel M which simply states in effect: “Primary uses may
be a co-working facility available to both tenants and the general public to include workshare spaces,
lounge, conference and event spaces and supportive recreational amenities.” This allows The Office Club
use to not set a precedent for Primary uses, but rather to be specific to the innovative vision for The
Savoy Apartments.
In summary, the 1.2 acres of designated Primary use in the 10.4-acre Parcel M were not purposely
intended to preclude Parcel M from being developed as entirely residential, similar to Parcels I and J.
Changing the mix of Primary and Secondary uses in the ODP by 0.005 percent does not change the
character of the ODP, but advances it. The Savoy Apartments proposes a facility that not only includes
employment, but serves as a focal point for surrounding neighborhoods. This facility should qualify as a
Primary use, and this can be accomplished with a simple notation on the existing ODP. If not, then the
Minor Amendment will suffice.
Attachment 1 – Seventh Amendment to Harmony Technology Park Overall Development Plan (ODP)