Fossil Creek r
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By PAULA WINTYRE j''l�;r�G:(r�1 i-�G�(Architectural Group, Ltd. in Boulder,
The Coloradoan said his company changed the original
A home improvement center was architectural plans to address some of
approved and a neighborhood conven- the homeowner's concerns. Goff's com-
ience shopping center was rejected pany is representing Denny Odette, the
Monday night by the Fort Collins Plan- developer of the project.
ning and Zoning Board after more than The company redesigned the architec-
five hours of deliberations. tural plans to lower the height of the
Board members approved a request buildings on the site and plans to install
for the 66,400-square-foot Fossil Creek sediment and grease traps for the storm
Design Center on South College Avenue, drainage water from the site that will be
just south of the Fred Schmid Appliance dispersed into Fossil Creek.
Center and north of Fossil Creek Park- Board members approved the project
way. with the stipulation that Fossil Creek
The major tenant on the site would be Parkway be widened on its south side so
the Carpet Exchange. Other furniture that 150 feet of median is retained. The
and home accessory outlets would lease median would not have been retained
the remaining stores. and a left -turn lane would have been put
About eight residents spoke to the in its place under the proposed plan.
board about concerns they have about In a separate action, board members
the project before the board unani- voted 6-1 against a proposal to build a
mously approved the project. gas station, convenience shopping cen-
"I'm not against development. What I ter and offices on 8.8 acres, located at
am for, though, is development in a the northeast corner .of Harmony koad
rational, sensible, manner," said Mike and Shields Street. Jan Shepard voted
Harvey, a member of the Fossil Creek for the proposal.
Meadows Homeowners' Association. The planning board rejected basically
Members of the association said they the same project in December.
were concerned about storm drainage, "There doesn't seem to be anything
the architecture of the buildings and dramatically difference from what we
increased traffic they feel the project saw last year," board member Sandford
would cause. Kern said.
Residents of the same area persuaded In other business, the board elected
the Planning and Zoning Board to reject Kern as the new vice chairman of the
a proposal to build a PACE membership board. Dave Edwards, held the position
warehouse in January. until he was elected to the Fort Collins
Ken Goff, an architect with Hunter City Council earlier this month.