DECEMBER 19, 1988
The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at
approximately 6:34 P.M., in the Council Chambers, 300 LaPorte Avenue, Fort
Collins, Colorado. Board members present included: Chairwoman Laurie O'Dell,
Sanford Kern, Jim Klataske, Dave Edwards, Jan Shepard and Alternate Rex
Burns. Members Frank Groznick and Lloyd Walker were absent.
Staff members present included: Tom Peterson, Joe Frank, Ken Waldo, Mike
Herzig, Rick Ensdorff, Linda Ripley, Gail Ault, and Paul Eckman.
Assistant Planning Director Joe Frank reviewed the Consent and Discussion
Agenda. The Consent Agenda included: Item 2 - Buxman Board and Care,
Group Home, #19-87A; Item 3 - Poudre River Business Park PUD, Phase One,
Final, #79-88A; Item 5 - Resolution PZ88-10, Vacation of a Portion of the
Drainage and Detention Easement in Tract A, Horsetooth Commons PUD,
#96-81H; and Item 6 - Orchard Annexation and Zoning, #93-88, A.
Item 1 - The Minutes of the November 21, 1988 meeting will be acted upon at
the January 1989 regular meeting. Item 4 - The Carpet Exchange PUD, Preli-
minary, #94-88, was pulled from the Consent Agenda by staff.
Chairwoman O'Dell asked if there was other item to be pulled from the Con-
sent Agenda. A property owner in the neighborhood of Buxman Board and
Care asked for clarification regarding the change of ownership. Since it was a
change of business ownership and not property ownership he did not request
the item be pulled.
Member Kern moved for approval of Items 2, 3, 5, and 6. Member Shepard
seconded the motion. The motion for approval carried 6-0.
Item 4 - #94-88 - THE CARPET EXCHANGE PUD - Preliminary
Linda Ripley gave a staff description of a proposed retail sales building
for home improvements.
Ken Goff of Hunter Architectural Group,
He described the project. He noted it
access with the property to the south.
40') to the south. The slope had been
The building materials included green
They will save trees when possible and
if not possible.
represented Mr. Odette, the owner.
met zoning and will have common
The property sloped steeply (about
incorporated into the project plan.
tinted glass and masonary units.
replace with a higher quality tree
P & Z Meeting - December 19, 1988
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Linda Ripley gave the staff recommendation for approval. Member Klataske •
questioned the point chart and the access on College Avenue. Mrs. Ripley
stated significant changes had occurred. They included elimination of the
northern access.
Member Kern asked about building heights. He was told they vary from 12
feet to 24 feet. The south end of the building would rise to 45 feet.
Mr. Rod VanVelson, 316 Parkway Circle North, President of the Fossil Creek
Homeowner's Association, thought the request tonight would be for a variance.
He asked if the Board/staff felt the project met neighborhood compatibility
requirements. He also asked who was notified. Most Fossil Creek and Fair-
way Estate residents felt they had been ignored. He went on to list his
major concerns as 1) Fossil Creek development shared an access with busi-
ness properties to the north; and 2) drainage - if the property became
asphalt there was a concern with what will happen with the water draining
from that area. Some of the properties had received some damage because of
Mr. Goff responded there was an existing drainage plan and pointed out that
the entrance section of Fossil Creek Parkway was scheduled to be realigned.
Mrs. Ripley stated there was much to be done on storm drainage concerns. She
also pointed out that notification letters had been sent to both the Fossil Creek
and Fairway Homeowner's Associations.
Lynne Block, 5328 Fossil Ridge Drive, stated her concern was with traffic is
impact. She was surprised to hear about moving the front entry to her
residential community and added that elementary aged children walked every
day on Fossil Creek Parkway. The curves kept the traffic moving slowly.
Traffic studies indicated 1900 vehicle trips per day added by this project and
an additional 2100 from the proposed Pace project. The entrance to the
neighborhood will be comparable to a shopping mall entrance. Air pollu-
tion problems will occur in her opinion. While not opposed to commercial
development the adverse effects of this strip commercial development needed
to be weighed and the location of this project carefully evaluated.
Debra Moyer, 5201 Greenview Drive, felt College would provide the major
access and questioned the plans for joint parking when there was nothing
developed to the south. She also was concerned with drainage, particularly
if Snead Drive was not completed. She asked if the realignment of Fossil
Creek was a foregone conclusion and what was planned for trees, sprinkler
systems, etc., already in place. She ended by stating she was against this
being heard at the January 23 Planning and Zoning Board meeting because the
process was not being followed and the neighborhood was not notified. She
would like to hear from the developer about energy conservation, traffic
effects, and commercial impact.
Chairperson O'Dell indicated the developer did not receive points for energy
conservation. Ms. Moyer explained the neighborhood, as well as the City,
were concerned about energy conservation and would like it addressed.
P & Z Meeting - December 19, 1988
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Rick Ensdorf, Traffic Engineer, stated Fossil Creek Parkway was an arterial
street and would eventually receive signalization when additional property was
Linda Ripley stated there was no neighborhood meeting prior to a final
submittal but would take names of interested neighbors to insure they were
Dr. Paul A. Opler, 5100 Greenview Court, a Wildlife Biologist, had several
environmental concerns including sedimentation caused by drainage, habitat
of a species of butterfly of special concern and the disruption of cliff
swallows home by the road realignment. He asked if the planning was compa-
tible with the Natural Resource Plan.
Linda Ripley indicated the City Wetlands Map and Wildlife Habitat Map
showed no significant areas. The Natural Resource Department raised only a
concern with the existing trees.
Del Nimmo, 5220 Greenview Drive, 10 year resident of Fossil Creek, was
concerned with aesthetics. He felt the project was not compatible and blocked
the view of the front range. It promoted the domino effect of strip com-
mercialization. He referred to circled numbers in the Homeowner's handout
as substantiation.
isHarold Swope, President of Fairway Estates Homeowner's Association (193
families) presented his support of the Fossil Creek owner's objections. He had
strenuous objections to the additional traffic generated and felt it would make
a warehouse district of College Avenue. In regard to drainage, Fairway
Estates has had continual problems since Target/LaBelles, etc., were built
and promises to help the drainage problem have not occurred.
Chairperson O'Dell pointed out the Board had no opportunity to comment on
the Fred Schmid warehouse as it was a use -by -right application.
Linda Ripley answered neighborhood questions. She indicated an agreement
from the homeowner's associations as well as the property owner to the south
could be required on the access. She stated staff was aware of the storm
drainage problems and believed they would be resolved in the process.
Mr. Goff indicated it was not the project's intent to be inappropriate or ugly
but a well thought out asset to Fort Collins. The firm has an engineer on
board to solve problems such as the drainage. While he sympathized with the
neighborhood he felt many problems had been addressed. They met with the
homeowner's and changed the project in accordance with the comments. The
original intent was to conserve water useage through areas as xeriscape. They
have stepped down the building to the south for solar gain and will bury the
north in a berm. They recognized the Fred Schmid concern and attempted to
present a pleasing side to the neighborhood.
P & Z Meeting - December 19, 1988
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Member Kern asked for a listing of bl zoning uses and Linda replied since the
property has a PUD condition, all projects on the site would be reviewed by
the Board. Uses generally allowed on a bl zone would include banks, theatres,
membership clubs, indoor recreational uses, retail shopping centers and child
care centers.
Member Kern concluded a variety of projects could be built and the Board's
desire was to make it compatible through buffering the neighborhood, mitigat-
ing effects on the neighborhood, insuring the developer had concern for
aesthetics, traffic, drainage.
Linda Ripley stated that, due to the magnitude of the concern, the developer
and staff should meet with representatives of the neighborhoods prior to final
Chairperson O'Dell was concerned about the height on the southern end of
the building and asked that a reduction in height be looked at.
Member Shepard moved to approve the Carpet Exchange with the conditions 1)
there be a meeting with representatives of the homeowners and the developer
and 2) drainage problems and natural resource questions be addressed. Member
Kern seconded and the motion was approved 6-0.
Ken Waido gave the staff report and indicated the reason for annexation was •
failure of property owner's septic system and replacement by a City sewer
Jack Ahnstedt, 2813 Taft Hill, appreciated the Board's continuing the item to
this meeting but had several questions on the necessity of annexation. He
had lived on Lot 10 about 18 years and said his abstract indicated "no
lots shall ever be used for any purpose other than ordinary residential."
Mr. Waido stated a prior property had not been annexed because the boundary
was not contiguous. Mr. Eckman stated the City did not rule on private
covenants. A private remedy would be enforced through the court system and
was not within the jurisdiction of the Board.
Mr. Ahnstedt went on to point out Anton's own two acres and he and his
neighbors represented 12 acres. At least two of the proposed lots were in the
Mr. Waido pointed out this proposal tonight was for an annexation. The
property was a part of a subdivision with single family a use by
right. Also included as allowed uses would be schools, recreational uses,
churches, and utility installations.