Planning Department
Citv of Fort Collins
December 29, 1988
Mr. Phil Robinson
Stewart Engineering
214 North Howes Street
Fort Collins, CO. 80521
Dcar Mr. Robinson:
Staff has reviewed the request for an administrative review for the Rcplat of Lot
1, Southmoor Village East, Second Filing and offers the following comments:
1. The existing house on Lot 1 is presently receiving water service from the Fort
Collins - Loveland Water District. This tap must be abandoned. An new
water main must be extended into the property from the 16 inch water main
in Lemay Avenue. This new main will be tapped for water services.
2. An existing 6 inch sewer service which is stubbed from the south to the
southern edge of Lot 3 must be replace with an 8 inch sewer main.
3. A fire hydrant must be added at the entrance to the access road.
4. The circle turn -around access and utility easement should be at least 5 feet
wider on each side than the width of the asphalt. This will allow for utility
installation adjacent to the asphalt.
5. The Public Service Company is concerned about the timing of the construction
of the 20 foot wide access road. This construction should be coordinated with
Public Service so utilities can be provided for Lots 2 and 3.
6. A vicinity map should be provided on the plat.
7. A signature block should be provided for the City Clerk.
8. In approval block, the term "City Engineer" should be replaced with the term
"Director of Engineering". Be sure to change the term in both the approval
block and below the signature line.
9. In the approval block, the term "Planning Director" should be replaced with
"Director of Planning". Be sure to change the term in both the approval block
and below the signature line.
300 LaPorte Avenue - P.O. Box 580 - Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 - (303) 221-6750
10. The Planning Department has already received a phone call from a neighboring
property owner concerned about the quality of the fencing, if any, along
Lemay Avenue. Please be prepared to discuss the fencing and or landscape
11. The private access easement should be large enough for fire equipment. Tllis
usually requires an inside turning radius of 20 feet, and an outside turning
radius of 40 feet.
12. The utility easement along Lemay Avenue should be 15 feet.
13. Please provide additional information regarding the offsite drainage facilities as
per the comments noted on the Drainage Report.
I would like to schedule
the administrative hearing for this
on Thursday,
January 12, 1989. In order
to keep this date, a legal notice
must be
published in
the Coloradoan, property
owners notified, and a sign posted
on the
property. To
implement these notices, I
should have revised plans back by
Wednesday, January 4,
1989. If January 4, 1989
is too short a time frame, please call to let
me know the
status of the plans.
Ted Shepard
City Planner