--_ Robin R. Muse' _, being duly sworn, deposes and says that said is the legal clerk of The Colora-
doan; that the same is a daily newspaper of general circulation and printed and published in the City of Fort Collins, in
said county and state; that the notice or advertisement, of which file annexed is a true copy, has been published in said
daily newspaper for
1. consecutive (days) that the notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of
said newspaper during the period and time of pulrlicalion of said notice, and in the newspaper proper and not in a
supplement Ihereof, that live first publication of said notice was contained in the issue of said newspaper on the
7—th— day of __ b y__ ____, A.D. 1989 _—; that the last publication thereof was
contained in the issue of said newspaper on the
7th day of February — A.D. 19891. that said The Coloradoan has
been published continuously and uninterruptedly during the period of al least six months next prior to the first
publication of said notice or advertisement above referred to; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States
mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March a, 1879, or any amendments thereof; and that said
newspaper is a daily newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the
laws of the State of Colorado.
Legal clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me, within the County of Larinier, State of Colorado this
7th dayof_Feb A.D. A.D.19T) -
AIv commission expires --__— slay 4, 1991
Notary Public
City of Fort Collins
Planning Department
Delivered to: ----- _. -- --- - ----------------- Legal No.
NOTICE is hereby given that, on
February 14, 1989, at 1:30 P.M.,
or as'
s soon thereafter as the mat-
ler may come on for hearing in
the Planning Department in the
City Hall, 300 Laporte Avenue,
Fort Collins, Colorado, the City of
Fort Collins Planning Director
will hold a Public hearing for the
purpose of considering the
approval of a Minor Subdivision
and I-L Site Plan Review which,
if approved, shall create a Vested
Property Right in accordance
with Colorado Law.
The location of the property
which is the subject of said hear-
ing is as follows:
General Location:
Collindale Business Park/CSW,
Inc., Case k2-89, consisting of a
one lot subdivision and I-L Site
Plan review for 48,455 square feet
of industrial use on 11.8 acres,
located 'i mile west of Timber-
line Road, and !/4 mile south of
Horsetooth Road, City of Fort
Collins, Colorado,
Legal Description:
A tract of land situate in the East
1/2 of Section 31, Township 7
North, Range 68 West of the Sixth
P.M., City of Fort Collins, County
of Larimer, State of Colorado,
which considering the East line
of the Northeast '/ as bearing S
000 05' 00" E and with all bear-
ings contained herein, relative
thereto, is contained within the
boundary lines which begin at the
East 1/4 corner of said Section 31
and run thence S 000 05' E 39.36
feet; thence N 890 58' 36" W 50.00
feet; thence along the arc of a
15.00 radius curve to the left, a
distance of 23.53 feet, the long
chord of which bears N 450 01' 48"
W 21.19 feet; thence N 890 58' 36"
W 679.03 feet; thence N 000 05' W
479.39 feet; thence along the arc
of a 883.72 foot radius curve to the
right, a distance of 246.76 feet, the
I ong chord of which bears N W-
54' 58" E 2410 feet; thence N 890
56' 27" W 349.66 feet to the East
right-of-way line of the Union
Pacific Railroad; thence along
said East right-of-way line, N 000
00' 43" E 635.00 feet; thence S 890
56' 27" E 537.00 feet; thence S 000
03' 33" W 175.00 feet; thence
along the arc of a 641.00 foot
radius curve to the right, a dis.
tance of 215.63 feet, the long
chord of which bears S 090 47' 46"
W 214.62 feet; thence S 190 20' W
231.61 feet; thence along the arc
I of a 821.72 foot radius curve to the
left, a distance of 77.98 feet, the
long chord of which bears S 160
36' 54" W 77.95 feet; thence along
the arc of a 15.00 foot radius
curve to the left, a distance of
24.71 feet, the long chord of which
bears S 330 18' 06" E 22.01 feet;
thence 5 800 30' E 331.79 feet;
thence along the arc or a 1775.44
foot radius curve to the left, a dis.
tance of 199.42 feet, the long
chord of which bears S 850 14' 18"
E 194.20 feet; thence S 890 58' 36"
E 50.91 feet; thence along the arc
of a 20.00 foot radius. curve to the
Ileft, a distance of 31.45 feet, the
long chord of which bears N 440
58' 12" E 28.31 feet; thence N 000
05' W 206.00 feet, thence N 890 55'
E 3.99 feet; thence N 000 05' W
542.56 feet; thence S 890 56' 27" E
50.00 feet to the East line of the
said Northeast 1/4; thence along
the said EAst line, S 000 05' E
1330.19 feet to the point of begin-
ning, EXCEPT therefrom the fol.
lowing described tract: Begin at
a point which bears N 560 09' 46"
W 78.36 feet from the EAst 4< cor-
ner of said Section 31, and run
thence N 890 58' 36" W 602.00 feet;
thence along the arc of a 15.00
foot radius curve to the right, a
distance of 23.53 feet, the long
chord of which bears N 450 01' 48"
W 21.19 feet; thence N 000 05' W
393.53 feet; thence along the arc
of a 821.72 foot radius curve to the
right, a distance of 106,71 feet, the
,long chord of which bears N 030
38' 13" E 106.64 feet; thence along
the arc of a 15.00 foot radius
cruve to the right, a distance of
24.12 feet, the long chord of which
bears N 530 25' 43" E 21.61 feet;
thence S 800 30' E 333.59 feet;
thence along the arc of a 1237.44
foot radius curve to the left a dis-
tance of 204.67 feet, the long
chord of which bears S 850 14' 18"
E 204.44 feet; thence S 890 58' 36"
E 60.09 feet; thence along the arc
of a 15.00 foot radius curve to the
right,a distance of 23.53 feet, the
long chord of which bears 5 450
R_, �nr er,. rorr
oll Cins, Colorado.
Legal Description:
A tract of land situate in the East
�12 of Section 31, Township 7
North, Range 68 West of the Sixth
P.M., City of Fort Collins, County
of Larimer, State of Colorado,
which considering the East line
of the Northeast 114 as bearing S
000 05' 00" E and with all bear-
ings contained herein, relative
thereto, is contained within the
boundary lines which begin at the
East 44 corner of said Section 31
and run thence S 000 05' E 39.36
feet; thence N 89c 58' 36" W 50.00
feet: thence along the arc of a
15.00 radius curve to the left, a
distance of 23.53 feet, the long
chord of which bears N 45001, 48"
W 21.19 feet; thence N 890 58, 36"
W 679.03 feet; thence N 000 05, W
along479.39 feet; thence the arc
of a 883.72 foot radius currveto the
right, a distance of 246.76 feet, the
long chord of which bears N 070
54' S8,, E 245.96 feet; thence N 890
56' 27" W 349.66 feet to the East
right-of-way line of the union
Pacific Railroad; thence along
said East right-of-way line, N 000
00, 43" E 635.00 feet; thence S 890
56' 27" E 537.00 feet; thence S 000
03' 33" W 175.00 feet; thence
along the arc of a 641.00 foot
radius curve to the right, a dis-
tance of 215.63 feet, the long
chord of which bears S 090 41' 46"
W 274.62 feet; thence S 190 20' W
231.61 feet; thence along the arc
of a 821.72 foot radius curve to the
left, a distance of 77.98 feet, the
long chord of which bears S 160
36' 54" W 77.95 feet; thence along
the arc of a 15.00 foot radius
curve to the left, a distance of
24.71 feet, the long chord of which
bears S 330 18' 06" E 22.01 feet;
thence S 800 30' E 331.79 feet;
thence along the arc or a 1175.44
foot radius curve to the left, a dis-
tance of 199.42 feet, the long
chord of which bears S 850 14' 18"
E 194.20 feet; thence S 890 58' 36"
E 50.91 feet; thence along the arc
of a 20.00 footradius. curve ( to the left, a distance of 31.45 feet, the
long chord of which bears N "0
58' 12" E 28.31 feet; thence N 000
05' W 206.00 feet, thence N 890 55'
E 3.99 feet; thence N 000 05, W
I542.56 feet; thence S 890 56' 27" E
S0.00 feet to the East line of the
said Northeast 114; thence along
the said EAst line, S 000 05' E
1330.79 feet to the point of begin-
ning, EXCEPT therefrom the fol-
lowing described tract: Begin at
a point which bears N 560 09' 46"
W 78.36 feet from the EAst 114 cor-
ner of said Section 31, and run
thence N 890 58' 36" W 602.00 feet;
thence along the arc of a 15.00
foot radius curve to the right, a
distance of 23.53 feet, the long
chord of which bears N 450 01' 48"
W 21.19 feet; thence N 000 05, W
393.53 feet; thence along the arc
of a 821.72 foot radius curve to the
right, a distance of 106.71 feet, the
long chord of which bears N 030
38' 13" E 106.64 feet; thence along
the arc of a 15.00 foot radius
cruve to the right, a distance of
24.12 feet, the long chord of which
bears N 53- 25' 43" E 21.61 feet;
thence S 800 30' E 333.59 feet;
thence along the arc of a 1237.44
foot radius curve to the left a dis-
tance of 204.67 feet, the long
chord of which bears S 850 14' 18"
E 204.44 feet; thence S 890 58' 36"
E 60.09 feet; thence along the arc
of a 15.00 foot radius curve to the
right, a distance of 23.53 feet, the
long chord of which bears S 450
01' 48" E 21.19 feet; thence S 000
05' E 426.00 feet; thence along the
arc of a 15.00 foot radius curve to
'the right, a distance of 23.59 feet,
the long chord of which bears S
"0 58' 12" W 21.23 feet to the
point of beginning; containing
11.8195 acres more or less.
Dated this 7th day of February,
A.D. 1989.
Thomas J. Peterson
Director of Planning
The Coloradoan a10
February 7,1989