SEPTEMBER 15, 2021
Department: Development Review Coordinator
Contact: Brandy Bethurem Harras, 970-416-2744,
Topic: General
1. 07/15/2021: INFORMATION:
I will be your primary point of contact throughout the development review and
permitting process. If you have any questions, need additional meetings with the
project reviewers, or need assistance throughout the process, please let me
know and I can assist you and your team. Please include me in all email
correspondence with other reviewers and keep me informed of any phone
conversations. Thank you!
Response: Understood
2 07/15/2021: INFORMATION:
As part of your resubmittal you will respond to the comments provided in this
letter. This letter is provided to you in Microsoft Word format. Please use this
document to insert responses to each comment for your submittal, using a
different font color. When replying to the comment letter please be detailed in
your responses, as all comments should be thoroughly addressed. Provide
reference to specific project plans or explanations of why comments have not
been addressed, when applicable, avoiding responses like noted or
Response: Understood
3 07/15/2021: INFORMATION:
Please follow the Electronic Submittal Requirements and File Naming Standards
found at https://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/files/electronic submittal
requirements and file naming standards_v1_8 1 19.pdf?1566857888. File
Foothills Unitarian Church
Response to Conceptual Review Comments
names should begin with the file type, followed by the project information, and
round number. Example: UTILITY PLANS_PROJECT NAME_PDP_Rd2.pdf
*Please disregard any references to paper copies, flash drives, or CDs.
Response: Understood. Items submitted with this round have been updated.
Any additional files will be updated as part of fin al hearing submittal
4. 07/15/2021: INFORMATION:
Resubmittals are accepted any day of the week, with Wednesday at noon being
the cut-off for routing the same week. When you are ready to resubmit your
plans, please notify me advanced notice as possible.
Response: Understood
5. 07/15/2021: INFORMATION:
Temporary Service Changes - City of Fort Collins Development Review
In order to continue providing thorough reviews and giving every project the
attention it deserves, the City of Fort Collins is implementing temporary changes
in how we serve our development customers. As you may be aware, we are
experiencing staff shortages in a number of key departments, which has begun
to impact the timeliness of our reviews. We recognize that development and
construction play a critical role in our community’s vibrancy and economic
recovery, and we have been exploring options for mitigating impacts to our
customers. As a result, we will be making some temporary service changes.
Beginning Monday May 10th one additional week of review time will be added to
all 1st and 2nd round submittals (increase from 3 weeks to 4 weeks).
Response: Understood
6. 07/15/2021: INFORMATION:
LUC 2.211 Lapse, Rounds of Review: Applicants, within one hundred eighty (180)
days of receipt of written comments and notice to respond from the City on any
submittal (or subsequent revision to a submittal) of an application for approval
of a development plan, shall file such additional or revised submittal documents
as are necessary to address such comments from the City. If the additional
submittal information or revised submittal is not filed within said period of time,
the development application shall automatically lapse and become null and void.
Response: Understood
7. 07/15/2021: FOR HEARING:
Foothills Unitarian Church
Response to Conceptual Review Comments
The proposed development project is subject to a Type 1 Review. The decision
maker for your project will be an Administrative Hearing Officer at a public
For the hearing, we will formally notify surrounding property owners within 800
feet (excluding public right-of-way and publicly owned open space). As your
Development Review Coordinator, I will assist with preparing the mailing and
coordinating the hearing date with your team.
Response: Understood
8. 07/15/2021: FOR HEARING:
All "For Hearing" comments need to be addressed and resolved prior to moving
forward with scheduling the Hearing. Staff would need to be in agreement the
project is ready for Hearing approximately 3 to 5 weeks prior to the hearing.
Response: Understood
9. 07/23/2021: TIMELINE INFORMATION: Please see your roadmap:
The project is currently in the Major Amendment Process. Number of rounds of
review varies per project and is not limited to three. It will be approved,
approved with conditions, or denied at a public hearing.
The Hearing Officer has 10 business days to make a decision on your project.
Following the date of the decision there is a two-week appeal period. Assuming
the project is approved or approved with conditions, and not appealed the next
step would be applying for a Final Development Plan. The process and rounds of
review for FDP run similarly to the MJA. Once all "FOR FINAL APPROVAL"
comments for the FDP are resolved the project would be recorded.
After recording the project can apply for Building Permits.
Response: Understood
10. 09/10/2021: FOR HEARING:
I am letting you know that your quasi judicial item could be heard remotely and
that there is the option to hold off until an in person hearing can be conducted.
Any person or applicant seeking a quasi judicial decision from City Council, a City
board or commission or an administrative hearing officer under the City Code or
the City's Land Use Code, shall be notified in writing or by email of the intention
to conduct a Quasi Judicial Hearing using Remote Technology. Such person or
applicant shall be entitled to request that the Quasi Judicial Hearing be delayed
until such time as the Hearing can be conducted in person.
Foothills Unitarian Church
Response to Conceptual Review Comments
Response: Understood, a remote hearing is acceptable.
Department: Planning Services
Contact: Clark Mapes, 970-221-6225, cmapes@fcgov.com
It looks like there is a crusher fines walkway to the doorway along Drake Rd.,
going up a steep slope, with steps, in a seeded grass area. Looks like sort of a
natural area trail condition? How will risers be formed, and will the crusher fines
just spill out? (I do not want to suggest putting metal edging along this
walkway-that almost always ends up with the metal as a tacky component that
detracts from the intent.)
Response: The crusher fines for the walk ways is planned to be a temporary
solution for walk ways until larger, more permanent hardscaped plazas can
be built. Edging between the pathways and grass areas will be metal edging.
Risers at stair locations will be landscape timber. Notes have been added to
site and landscape plans.
Department: Environmental Planning
Contact: Scott Benton, (970)416-4290, sbenton@fcgov.com
3. 09/02/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN:
Please clarify specific turf species on the Landscape Plan and the blend
percentages to ensure the project water budget chart gets adequately
Response: All new seeded areas will be Rocky Mountain Fairway mix as listed
on sheet L.2
Department: Engineering Development Review
Contact: Marc Virata, 970-221-6567, mvirata@fcgov.com
1. 09/07/2021: FOR HEARING - UPDATED:
The plans represent a sidewalk approach along Yorktown Avenue that the City
has offered as an option that we're willing to consider as a partnering approach
which would minimize impact to the private property. Note 4 on Sheet C5 has a
couple of concerns however. I wouldn't characterize that the sidewalk option is
Foothills Unitarian Church
Response to Conceptual Review Comments
being requested by the City, more that this is an option the City is willing to
consider with the concerns raised on the impact to private property in meeting
the standard. Also, the City has agreed to be responsible for any issues with the
pavement interface and the pavement in general, but the sidewalk condition
itself would still be the property owner's responsibility.
07/19/2021: FOR HEARING:
The upgrading of the sidewalk network along the property frontage has been a
focal point of discussions since the conceptual review. Representatives of the
applicant have expressed concerns with impacts to existing landscaping in
response to City concerns on the existing sidewalk condition being substandard
and not meeting City/ADA standards. In general the construction of detached
sidewalks is always preferred and the current standard but we're willing to
consider alternatives to this.
The proposal appears to implement a 4.5' attached sidewalk along the majority
of the frontage which the City would be willing to accept as it would meet ADA
requirements. There is a portion of new sidewalk shown as 3' attached which
would be of concern to the City and not meet City/ADA requirements, and
alternatives to this would need to be explored.
Previous communication with a parishioner/representative of the property
(supplied with the redlines, which includes a drawing) that occurred following
conceptual review involved the City suggesting a potential alternative that
places a barrier curb at the face of curb and constructing the sidewalk behind,
essentially not further reconstructing into the site or into the street and utilizing
the existing gutter as part of the new sidewalk. This could be an approach to
consider for the 3' section (and could potentially be utilized for the entire
frontage as well.)
Response: Note has been updated per email correspondence.
4. 09/07/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN:
Carried over as unresolved, but noted that this does not need to be addressed
until final. Note that with drainage easements also needing to be dedicated, the
amount of dedications may want the applicant to consider a replat instead of
dedication by separate document.
07/20/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN:
The dedication of an emergency access easement requires a $250 easement
deed of dedication fee under our Transportation Development Review Fee
schedule. The info to this along with our standard format for EAE's can be found
here: https://www.fcgov.com/engineering/devrev.php#cb-38308-6601
Foothills Unitarian Church
Response to Conceptual Review Comments
Response: Dedication by separate document is preferred. Emergency access
easement deed of dedication fee has been noted and will be paid when
directed by the development review coordinator.
6. 09/07/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN:
The street patching shown on Drake should be referenced with the note: "Limits
of street repair are approximate. Final limits to be determined in the field by the
City Engineering Inspector at the time the street cuts are made. All repairs to be
done in accordance with City standards."
Response: Reference to note added to callouts on C-5. Note from comment
added to sheet verbatim.
7. 09/07/2021: FOR HEARING:
There appears to be 3:1 slopes against the sidewalk along Drake Road. A 2 foot
landing behind the sidewalk along Drake is needed before any grade changes
(note detail 1602 on sheet C12). We'd need to look at options that do not
introduce the grade change against the back of walk.
Response: A 2-ft buffer has been maintained to the north of the sidewalk
along Drake Road, where no grading will occur.
Department: Technical Services
Contact: Jeff County, 970-221-6588, jcounty@fcgov.com
2. 09/06/2021: INFORMATION ONLY:
Unless required during MJA, a complete review of all plans will be done at FDP.
Response: Understood
Department: Stormwater Engineering
Contact: Matt Simpson, (970)416-2754, masimpson@fcgov.com
7. 09/06/2021: FOR HEARING:
Please pull all 3:1 slopes back to 4:1 slopes. The FCSCM does not allow for slopes
steeper than 4:1 in swales, detention, and water quality areas.
Response: All 3:1 slopes have been replaced with either 4:1 slopes or walls.
Slope labels have been added to sheet C-6 around the perimeter of the pond
Foothills Unitarian Church
Response to Conceptual Review Comments
to clarify proposed slopes.
8. 09/06/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN:
- A drainage easement will be required around the detention pond and rain
garden. This should include the outlet works and outfall pipe.
Response: Drainage easement will be dedicated per separate document.
- A development agreement will be required for maintenance of the
detention pond and rain garden. The City will provide this for your review with
the round 2 FDP review.
Response: The development agreement for maintenance of the detention
pond and rain garden will be made when provided by the city in the round 2
FDP review.
- Show the rain garden on the Landscape Plans and coordinate seed mixes
Response: Rain garden will have Rocky Mountain Fairway mix as listed on
sheet L.2
- Please confirm all utility easements are shown on the plans.
Response: The easements that are on the ALTA are shown on the plans.
- Re-evaluate the scour protection at the rain garden overflow and the
detention pond overflow. The City does not allow exposed rip-rap, buried rip-rap
is acceptable, however other scour protection methods may work for your site
(such as scour stop or a TRM).
Response: Specified callouts on C-5 and C-7 to specify buried riprap. Also
revised the size of riprap to type VL.
- The spillway overflow will need to be sized for 6-inch maximum flow depth.
Response: Spillway overflow calculations have been added to appendix C of
the drainage report to ensure 6in maximum flow depth.
9. 09/08/2021: FOR INFORMATION:
Please see redlines for more information and detail.
Response: Redlines have been addressed.
Foothills Unitarian Church
Response to Conceptual Review Comments
Department: Water-Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Matt Simpson, (970)416-2754, masimpson@fcgov.com
3. 09/06/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN:
Remove all Fort Collins Loveland Water District details and replace with
appropriate details from the City of Fort Collins. See the bottom of this webpage
for details:
The proposed fire service needs to be 6-ft minimum from the electric line.
Response: Details have been replaced on sheet C-15 with the details from
City of Fort Collins. Utilities have been routed such that fire service is
separated from the electric line horizontally by 6ft.
4. 09/06/2021: FOR HEARING:
The proposed fire service needs to be 6-ft minimum from the electric line.
Response: Utilities have been routed such that fire service is separated from
the electric line horizontally by 6ft.
5. 09/08/2021: FOR INFORMATION:
Please see redlines for more information and detail.
Response: Redlines have been addressed.
Department: Electric Engineering
Contact: Cody Snowdon, 970-416-2306, csnowdon@fcgov.com
4. 09/08/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN - UPDATED:
It appears that the proposed transformer is not within an easement. If that is
true, an easement by separate document will need to be recorded.
07/20/2021: FOR INFROMATION:
Any existing and/or proposed Light and Power electric facilities that are within
the limits of the project must be located within a utility easement or public
Response: Easement documentation will be completed by Final Plan
5. 07/20/2021: FOR INFROMATION:
Foothills Unitarian Church
Response to Conceptual Review Comments
The service to the building will be consider a commercial service; therefore, the
applicant is responsible for installing the secondary service from the transformer
to the meter(s) and will be owned and maintained by the individual unit owner.
Response: The owner is aware of this.
6. 09/08/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN - UPDATED:
Light and Power has a minimum separation from all other utilities, but other
utilities may require a larger separations. In looking at the water service, there is
currently 3'-6" of separation. Please reach out to the Water Department to
ensure that will work with their Standards.
07/20/2021: FOR HEARING:
Per Light and Power’s Electric Service Standards:
8.1.12. The electric service trench must be a minimum of 3 feet from the natural
gas service trench, and the electric and gas services shall not cross each other.
Please show the gas service on the Utility Plans.
Response: Utilities have been rerouted and utility separation has been
updated on all site plans. Additionally, the gas and electric lines do not cross.
7. 09/08/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN - UPDATED:
Please show the meter location on the Architectural Elevations.
07/20/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN:
Please coordinate meter locations with Light and Power and show on the utility
plans during Final Design. These locations will need to comply with our electric
metering standards. Electric meter locations will need to be coordinated with
Light and Power Engineering. Reference Section 8 of our Electric Service
Standards for electric metering standards. A link has been provided below.
Response: New electrical switch gear and meter will be located on the
exterior of the existing Education wing. It is sho wn on the plans and exterior
8. 09/08/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN - UPDATED:
The response to comments stated that a C-1 Form was filled out, but it was not
included in the submittal package. Please include with the next round for review.
07/20/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN:
Foothills Unitarian Church
Response to Conceptual Review Comments
A Customer Owned Service Information Form (C-1 Form) and a one-line diagram
for all commercial meters will need to be completed and submitted to Light &
Power Engineering for review prior to Final Plan. A link to the C-1 Form is below:
Response: The C-1 Form has been completed and included with the current
submittal package.
9. 07/20/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN:
On the one-line diagram, please show the main disconnect size and meter
sequencing. A copy of our meter sequencing can be found in our electric policies
practices and procedures below.
Response: This is being worked on and will be available by the time the final
plan is created.
10. 07/20/2021: FOR INFROMATION:
Electric capacity fees, development fees, building site charges and any system
modification charges necessary to feed the site will apply to this development.
Please contact me or visit the following website for an estimate of charges and
fees related to this project:
Response: I believe the electrical engineer has been in contact regarding fees
for planning purposes.
11. 07/20/2021: FOR INFROMATION:
Please reference our policies, construction practices, development charge
processes, electric services standards, and fee estimator at
Response: Understood.
Department: Erosion Control
Contact: Basil Hamdan, 970-222-1801, bhamdan@fcgov.com
1. 09/02/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN - UPDATED:
Foothills Unitarian Church
Response to Conceptual Review Comments
Please call out the total disturbed area in the Erosion control section of the
report and on the erosion control plan.
Response: Added total disturbed area to the erosion control plan.
The Erosion control report does not cover all the sections required by our criteria.
Please review Chapter 2 of the erosion Control section of the Stormwater
Criteria Manual.
Response: Erosion control report has been updated.
Please use the updated City Standard notes for Erosion and Sediment Control
on the plans. These can be found in Appendix F of the Stormwater Criteria
Manual at:
Response: Updated notes are available on sheet C-3.
07/15/2021: FOR FINAL PLAN:
Please see and Address all comments provided on the Utility and Erosion Control
Plans. The City's typical escrow contingency is 50%, the calculations provided
only use a 10% contingency factor, please correct. It is not clear if any LID water
quality measures are being implemented , please clarify.
Please provide an estimate of the total disturbed area by this site in order to
calculate an Erosion Control Inspection fee for this site.
The City has implemented Erosion and permanent Water quality inspection fees,
once the plans are finalized we will provide you with an estimate of those fees.
The fees will need to be paid prior to the release of the building permit for this
Response: Total disturbed area is located on the plans and in the Erosion
Control section of the drainage report. Erosion and permanent water quality
inspection fee has been noted and will be paid when directed by the
development review coordinator.