'life undersigned hcre:_v ;`ctitl:;n
the Council
of the
City of Fort Collin.
Co1orndo. for the anncxatIon nt
n area,
to be
referred to as the
New Note Partners i First
Annexation to
the City of For[
Collins. Said area, consisting of approximately
acres, is more
particuiariv jescribed on Attachmcnt "A",
The pctitioncrs allege:
i. Tftat it is dcstrabic anL1 ncccssary that such area be annexed to the
City of Fort Collins.
2. That the requirements of Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C.R.S., exist
or have been met.
3. That not less than one -sixth of the perimeter of the area proposed to
be annexed is contiguous NvIth the boundaries of the Citv of Fort
4. That a community of interest exists between the area proposed to be
annexed and the Citv of Fort Collins.
5. That the area to be annexed is urban or will be urbanized in the
near future.
6. That the area proposed to be annexed is intcgratcd with or capable of
being integrated with the City of Fort Collins.
That the pctitioncrs herein comprise more than fifty percent (501c)) of
the landowners in the area and own more than fifty percent (509/0) of
the area to he annexed, excluding public streets, alleys and lands
owned by the City of Fort Collins.
8. That the Cite of Fort Collins shall not be required to assume any
obligation respecting the construction of water mains, sewer lines, gas
mains, electric service lines, streets or any other services or utilities
in connection with the property proposed to be annexed except as
may be provided by file ordinances of the City of Fort Collins.
9. The petitioners reserve the right to withdraw this petition at any time
prior to second reading by the City of Fort Collins City Council.
Said meeting tentatively scheduled for April 4, 1989.
Further, the petitioners consent pursurant to Section 37-45-136(3.6), C.R.S.,
to the inclusion of such property into the Municipal Subdistrict, Northern
Colorado Water Conservancy District.
WHEREFORE, said petitioners request that the Council of the City of
Fort Collins approve the annexation of said area. Furthermore, the petitioners
request that said area be placed in thcI—_L,_Lim_i.ted Ind. Zoning District
pursuant to Chapter 29 (Zoning) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins.
STAi , OF COL 3R, D'0)
Ltl-�)Fd ss.
The undersigned being first duly sworn upon his oath states:
That he was the circulator of the attached petition for annexation and
that each signature therein is the signature of the person whose name it
purports to be.
ulator s ignature
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of✓y��f'C
Witness my hand and official seal.
My Commission expires: Aetw
� �
N tar u bl� e� � �� �`
A tract of land situate in the County of Larimer, State of Colorado to -wit:
A tract of land situate in the southeast quarter of Section 33
and the southwest quarter of Section 34, all of Township 7
North, Ragne 68 West of the 6th P.M., Larimer County, Colorado,
which considering the west line of the southwest quarter of
said section 34 as bearing N00 09' 27"W and with all bearings
=tain`d herein. relative thereto is contained within the
boundary lines which begin at the southwest corner of said
Section 34 and runs thence N00 09' 27"W 150.00 feet to the True
Point of Beginning; thence along the north ROW line of State
Highway 68 N88 32' 42"W 469.00' to the northeast corner of
Stute Annexation No. 1 to the City of Ft. Collins, Colorado;
hence N84 03' 25"W 201.00 feet; thence N89 46' 03"W 400.00
feet; thence S84 31' 19"W 130.74 feet; thence N17 22' 44"W
208.32 feet; thence N22 14' Ol"W 500.00 feet; thence N36 59'
01"W 200.00-feet; thence N32 29' Ol"W 400.00 feet to the
nortreast corner of the Harmony Annexation No. 4 to the City
of Ft. Collins; Colorado, which point lies on the north line
of the south one-half of the southeast quarter of said Section
33; thence S89 45' 25"E 1782.26 feet to the northeast corner of
the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section
33; thence N00 09_' 27"W 1123.12 feet; thence S89 47' 40"E
2181.88 feet to a point on the west ROW line of Highway 1-25;
thence along the arc of a 5565.00 foot radius curve to the
right a distance of 1028.04 feet, the long chord of which bears
S07 31' 02"E 1026.58 feet; thence S02 13' 31"E 556.05 feet;
thence S13 41' 34"W 165.61 feet; thence N89 50' 27"W 715.52
feet' thence S00 09' 33"W 560.50 feet; thence N89 50' 26"W
1575.18 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Containing 149.7863 acres.
",owner's Signature
`% ( -7 /�nf
City State Zip
Owner's Signature
ty State Zip
ATTO';':F_1' C- ^T!FiCATi-ON
an ittornc,,- licensed to
practice in
the State
of Colorado. hcrcoy ccrtify that I
have examined tl,-
records of
-tire Clerk
and Recorder of Larimcr County. Colorado, anti ha% c
--erified that t" ° signcrs of the attac`:cd .A.nnexation. Pctition
arc owncrs of rani
property in
the area
proposed for annexation. Furthermore,
1 certify that sari
owners constitute more
than 50% of the lando,,x•ncrs in the
area proposed for
and own
more than 50",5 of the land in said
area, exclusive of
;.reete End
A tract of land situate in the Count' of Larimer. State of Colorado to -wit:
tract of land situate
and the southwest qua
North, Ragne 68 Nest of
Gdhi c = considering the
said section 34 as bea
contained herein rela
boundary lines which
Section 34 and runs the
Point of Beginning; th
High:aay 68 N88 3 2 ' 42
Stute Annexation No. 1
thence N84 03' 25"N 2
feet; thence S84 31'
208.32 feet; thence N2
01"N 200.00 feet; the
in the southeast quarter of Section
-ter of Section 34, all of Township 7
the 6th P.M., Larimer County, Colorado,
west line of the southwest quarter of
ring N00 09' 27"N and with all bearinc7s
:ive thereto is contained within the
begin at the Southwest corner cf said
ice DIOO 09' 27"N 150.00 feet to the True
=nce along the north RON line of State
N 469.00' to the northeast corner of
to the City of Ft. Collins, Colorac=;
)1.00 feet; thence N89 46' 03"N 400.00
l9"W 130.74 feet; thence N17 22' 44"N
? 14' Ol"N 500.00 Feet; thence N36 59'
ice N32 29' O1"N 400.00 feet to the
nortneast corner or the Harmony Annexation No. 4 to the City
of, Ft. Collins, Colorado, which point lies on the north line
of the south one-half of the southeast quarter of said Section
33; thence S39 45' 25"E 1782.26 feet to the northeast corner of
the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section
33; thence N00 0.3' 27"N 1123.12 feet; thence S89 47' 40"E
2181.88 feet to a point on the west RON line of Highway 1-25;
thence along the arc of a 5565.00 foot radius curve to the
right a distance of 1028.04 feet, the long chord of which bears
S07 31' 02"E 1026.53 feet; thence S02 13' 31"E 556.05 feet;
thence S13 41' 34"N 165.61 feet; thence N89 50' 27"N 715.52
feet' thence SOO 09' 33"N 560.50 feet; thence N89 50' 26"W
1575.18 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Containing 149.7863 acres.