An operational plan regarding parking for this project has several points of built-in flexibility. First, the nature of a memory care home precludes a rapid filling of beds due to staffing
training needs and expected resident disorientation on admittance. State regulations also specify a maximum staff to resident ratio of 1:6. We plan to admit only 2 residents per month
to allow staff to acclimate to new residents and to accommodate the expected 2-3 weeks adjustment period for new residents to adjust to their new environment. Assuming 3 standard 8
hour shifts running 7am-3pm, 3pm-11 pm, and 11 pm to 7 am we will have a single staff member for the first 3 months of operation with 3 available parking spaces. Months 4-6 will see
staffing increase to 2 staff for each morning and evening shift. Options for mitigating staff parking will include: 1) Monetary incentives for last mile carpooling from Fossil Creek
Park; 2) Monetary incentives for multimodal travel including bus passes; 3) Providing secure onsite bike facilities; 4) Staggering shifts to spread out ingress and egress from staff
parking. Months 7-9 would see staffing increase to its maximum of 3 for each morning and evening shift. The previously described options would apply here as well.
In regard to the legality of limiting visitation to residents there are a few points to consider. First, we, as a memory care home, can set specified visiting hours. Typical hours
would be from 9 AM to 6 PM. Second, visitation can be time gated. It is allowable under State guidelines to require that visitors must call ahead and may not come to the facility unannounced.
Furthermore, current infectious disease protocols are moving towards requiring rapid COVID testing and varying degrees of social distancing/PPE use for all visitors depending on vaccination
status. Until COVID is under significantly better control timed gating of visitors is the new normal.