Statement of Planning Objectives
January 22, 1996
Planning Opportunities
In 1993 the coordinated planning of Stetson Creek and Timber Creek has presented an
opportunity to create a neighborhood striving to achieve many of the adopted Goals and
Objectives, Land Use Policies, and elements of the Fort Collins Area Transportation Plan. The
cooperative efforts of two property owners to jointly master plan the 134 acres± has
resulted in a plan that has begun to establish a neighborhood character for the south
Timberline Corridor.
The proposed plan for the 3rd and 4th Filings is consistent with the approved ODP for
the subject property, as well as adopted City of Fort Collins Land Use Policies regarding the
location of low density residential uses. City Policy states that:
Low Density residential uses should locate in areas:
Which have easy access to major employment centers;
- Within walking distance to an existing or planned elementary school;
Within walking distance to an existing or planned neighborhood park...
In which a collector street affords the primary access.
Project Goals
The 3rd and 4th Filings have been planned in conformance with the Overall
Development Plan, which was prepared with a number of planning goals and concepts in
mind; giving special attention to elements affecting neighborhood compatibility:
Create a successful neighborhood.
Provide the framework for a viable master planned community by defining a
number of development parcels that can accommodate a mix of housing types
-likely to be constructed by multiple builders/developers - with the potential to
share amenities, storm drainage improvements, and/or other common elements.
Recognize the section wide land use mix with complementary uses within easy
walking distance of each other.
urban design, inc.
Allow flexibility for the development of a range of housing types at Rock Creek,
with the ability to respond to changing market demands.
Design open space, circulation, drainage, and utility systems that respect the
site's topography and other natural features.
- Create a varied and interesting streetscape. Use design techniques that
minimize "back fences" along neighborhood identity streets.
II. While recognizing traditional traffic management needs, create a circulation system that
- where practical - makes bike and pedestrian access between uses as attractive and
convenient as automobile access.
Provide a system that accommodates pedestrian circulation throughout the
proposed neighborhood safely and conveniently, and contributes to the
attractiveness of the development.
Include design characteristics - such as special entry/identity street treatment
-which lend clarity and identity to residential neighborhoods.
- Provide neighborhood street systems that promote neighborhood integrity, by
restricting extraneous motorized traffic from low density residential areas.
Design a collector street system that can gather traffic from a neighborhood and
carry it to an arterial street; yet divert "through" traffic away from local traffic.
- Plan a viable, integrated bike and pedestrian system for the Rock Creek
community, including safe, direct pedestrian and bike access from residential
to the school/park complex.
III. Provide land use transitions and creative relationships between uses.
Protect defined neighborhood areas from the intrusion of activities which may
have negative impacts upon residents; particularly traffic generated by more
intensive uses.
- Plan an integrated system of open spaces including the major recreational area
formed by the proposed city park and the elementary/junior high school as a
neighborhood focal point and land use buffer.
Phased Implementation.
Construction of the 3rd Filing is expected to begin in the fall of 1996, and continue
through 1998. The 4th filing is projected to be complete by the year 2000.