Know all persons by these presents, that the undersigned, being owner(s) of the following described
land: A tract of land consisting of those Four (4) parcels of land collectively known as Lot 5, East Acres
recorded January 1, 1930 at Book 5, Page 23, Reception No. 367765, and described within Warranty
Deed recorded December 9, 1991 at Reception 1991062239, Warranty Deed recorded May 7, 1984 at
Book 2270, Page 1897, Reception No. 563889, Personal Representative's Deed recorded September 6,
1991 at Reception No. 1991043328 and Corrected Warranty Deed recorded February 2, 2011 at
Reception No. 20110008138, all recorded within the records of the Larimer County Clerk and Recorder
and situate in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4NE1/4) of Section Twenty-four
(24), Township Seven North (T.7N.), Range Sixty-nine West (R.69W.) of the Sixth Principal Meridian (6th
P.M.), City of Fort Collins, County of Larimer, State of Colorado. The above described tract of land
contains 1.46 Acres (±63,549 sq.ft.), more or less, and is subject to for themselves andtheir successors in
interest (collectively,“Owner”) have caused the above described land to be surveyed and subdivided
into Owner”) have caused the above described land to be surveyed and subdivided into ) have caused
the above described land to be surveyed and subdivided into lots, tracts and streets as shown on this
Plat to be known as (the "Development"), subject to all easements and rights-of-way now of record or
existing or indicated on this Plat. The rights and obligations of the Plat shall run with the land.