Stanford Senior Living
Alternative Compliance Request
3.2.2.(C)(4)(b) Bicycle Parking Space Requirements
The minimum bicycle parking requirements are set forth in the table below. For uses that are not specifically
listed in the table, the number of bicycle parking spaces required shall be the number required for the most
similar use listed.
Multi-Family Residential requires 1 space per bedroom with 60% of those enclosed and 40% of those
fixed bicycle racks. This would result in 149 bicycle parking spaces. We would like to request that is
reduced to 10 bicycle parking spaces which will be 100% enclosed within the parking garage instead of
Reason for the Request
The Land Use Code does not differentiate between a long-term care institution and multi-family residential
regarding required bicycle parking. Thus, requiring an alternative compliance request to reduce the
number of unused bike racks. Stanford Senior Living is an assisted living facility with memory care. This
facility is not intended for active seniors. The aging residents have limited mobility and are highly unlikely
to be riding bicycles. Residents within the memory care units are not permitted outside unsupervised. If
the additional 139 bicycle parking spaces were provided, that would result in a concrete pad of
approximately 3,000 square feet where there is currently landscape.
3.2.2(C)(4)(c)(2) Review Criteria. To approve an alternative plan, the decision maker must first find that the
proposed alterative plan accomplishes the purposes of this Section equally well or better than would a plan
that complies with the standards of this Section.
In reviewing a request for an alternative number of bicycle parking spaces, the decision maker must consider
whether the proposed land use will likely experience a lower than normal amount of bicycle traffic.
The general purpose of the standard is to, ”…ensure that the parking and circulation aspects of all
developments are well designed with regard to safety, efficiency and convenience for vehicles, bicycles,
pedestrians and transit…” For this project, it would be unsafe to allow most of the residents access to
bicycles. Instead, we have provided a looped walking trail around the property for those residents who are
able, courtyard with labyrinth for memory care residents, and community gardens. We have provided 10
bike parking spaces for the anticipated 15 staff members to encourage commuting to work. Those spaces
will be 100% enclosed. Therefore, this proposed land use will experience a much lower than normal
amount of bicycle traffic.