Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
November 16, 1989
Mr. Steve Boyette
101 North Cascade
Suite 400
Colorado Springs, CO. 80903
Dear Steve:
The Planning Staff has had the opportunity to review the Amended Prelimi-
nary and Final P.U.D. for Firestone at the Market Place and offers the follow-
ing comments:
We have received the revised site and landscape plan and your letter dated
November 8, 1989. Staff applauds the conversion of the two spaces on
the west to landscaping. Also, knowing that the inventory areas are
enclosed,el eliminates r
:mina�..she need for pre -treating the stormwater runoff.
2. The Environmental Guidelines and schematic for the waste oil storage
system has been forwarded to the Poudre Fire Authority for their review.
3. Your November 8th letter stated that the drive area of northeast of the
customer waiting area must remain for truck access. Staff is concerned
about the proximity of the concrete sidewalk to the flowline of the
shopping center drive aisle. The present situation provides no protection
of pedestrians from a south bound vehicle in the drive aisle. At night,
or in inclement weather, a vehicle could swerve or stray from the drive
lane. Staff strongly recommends that the driveway be channelized or
protected with raised, concrete curbing. It is anticipated that such
curbing could be accomplished and still provide for truck access.
4. Any changes to the Market Place P.U.D. approved utility plans must be
noted on revised utility plan sheets and reviewed by the Engineering
5. It is essential that the revised drainage report and revised drainage and
grading plan be submitted to the City's Stormwater Utility for review. If
this information is not presented in a timely fashion, the City reservcs
the right to hear the Amended Preliminary P.U.D. only and continue the
Final P.U.D. to the January agenda.
6. A sand and oil trap will be required on the sewer service to be located
outside the building.
300 LaPorte %-enue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6750
0 •
7. The service bays do not count as parking spaces. Please revise the
parking total on the site plan to indicate 25 spaces, not 35.
8. The site plan must designate a loading zone. A loading zone is typically
500 square feet.
9. The City Light and Power Department has requested that street trees be a
minimum of 20 from a streetlight. There will be a streetlight about 7
feet directly in front of the third tree from the corner. As a result, the
two internal street trees on College Avenue should be adjusted. The
second tree from the corner should be shifted north 15 feet. This will
still allow a 25 separation from the northernmost tree. The third tree
from the corner should be shifted 23 feet to the north so it will be 25
feet from the second tree.
10. The location of the electrical transformer is not indicated. The trans-
former must not be located along the College Avenue frontage. Please
discuss the transformer location with Light and Power. The transformer
must be screened on three sides with landscape materials or with an
enclosure similar to the dumpster enclosure. This siting should not
become an afterthought, please address at this time.
11. As stated
in our Conceptual Review comments, there
are a number of
areas that
need to be
upgraded with landscape material.
A great deal of
effort has
gone into
the landscaping plans for both
the Market Place
P.U.D. and
the Burger
King pad site. The large amount of asphalt sur-
face required
for an
auto service facility must be
mitigated with a
amount of
landscaping. In order for the
Firestone site to
measure up to the two
previously approved P.U.D.'s the
following addi-
tions must
be made:
A. Because the overhead doors make foundation plantings impossible,
shrubs should be added wherever the opportunity occurs.
Consequently, the two parking lot islands should be treated with
sufficient shrub material to cover at maturity. For the 18 foot island
on the east, seven 5 gallon shrubs should be installed. For the 36
foot island on the west, fourteen 5 gallon shrubs should be installed.
B. The dumpster screen wall requires a shrub bed along the exterior. If
the transformer is to be located adjacent to the dumpster, in the same
enclosure, then the expanded enclosure must be similarly screened.
C. The southeast green area indicates shrubs only in front of the solid
wall. Will it be feasible to place sod directly next to the glass
panels? It would seem that for irrigation and lawn maintenance, a
continuous shrub bed would ease lawn mowing and protect the glass
panels. A shrub bed would provide a good, safe separation and help
to soften the building facade.
D. Simply stated, the north elevation needs help. Junipers and forsythias
are insufficient. Staff suggests that this landscaped area feature a
berm sloping up to the foundation wall. The berm should include
larger plant material in greater quantities. A double row of shrubs
with more variety of species would benefit the streetscape. Mugho
pine would work well here.
0 •
E. In terms of species selection, Staff recommends a greater variety of
shrubs be used. Since only two species (junipers and forsythias) are
indicated, there is insufficient use of seasonal varieties. Please
consider the following: lilac, red twig dogwood, euonymus (burning
bush), Japanese barberry, golden privet, dwarf purpleleaf plum,
flowering almond, alpine currant, snowmound spires, American cran-
berry, Peking cotoneaster.
F. At the corner of the access drive and College Avenue, there is ample
area behind the sidewalk for additional ornamental trees. The
Market Place P.U.D. is making very good use of the radiant crab.
These crabs could be added to or contrasted with the Bradford Pear
or Cockspur Hawthorn for effect. Staff suggests 3 to 5 additional
plantings in this area.
12. On the architectural elevation, what is meant by "Panel 15"? This is the
two foot band directly below the stucco fascia. Please provide more
detail as to its color and material.
13. The Market Place center uses a royal/sapphire blue as accent striping.
Does this accent occur anywhere on the Firestone building? In order to
tie the building closer to the architectural theme of the center, please
consider using blue instead of bronze on the aluminum store front area.
While this would be a discreet amount of blue, it would contribute to
unifying the site and still provide individual identity for Firestone.
14. Signage has been reviewed and found in compliance with the Master
P.U.D. Sign Plan and the City of Fort Collins Sign Code.
This concludes Staff comments at this time. To stay on schedule for the
December 18, 1989 Planning and Zoning Board hearing, please note the follow-
ing deadlines:
Plan revisions are due November 29, 1989 (3 sets)
P.M.T.'s, 10 prints, colored renderings are due Monday, December 11, 1989
Final, signed mylars are due December 14, 1989.
As always, please feel free to call to discuss these comments or to set up a
meeting. Our number is (303) 221-6750.
Ted Shepard
Project Planner
cc: Joe Frank, Assistant Planning Director
Mike Herzig, Development Engineer