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APR 0 4 19b"i
April 4, 1989
Rosenbaum -Dean \N111-1 VAKE_IA. V.G.
101 North Cascade,
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Attn: Mr. Steve Boyette
Re: Fort Collins Phar-Mor Shopping Center
Preliminary Soil Information
Dear Steve:
GCI has completed a subsurface soil investigation at this project
site. On March 31, 1989, eleven test borings were drilled across
the parcel of ground occupying the northeast corner of South
College Avenue and Troutman Parkway.
It is my understanding that a preliminary development plan will
be submitted shortly to City officials. while precise engineer-
ing evaluation and interpretations cannot be provided at this
date since laboratory testing is still in progress, we can pro-
vide some information regarding this construction and the suit-
ability of the site in general.
Our reconnaissance of the property indicates that a considerable
portion of the site is in a disturbed condition. This fact is
supported by aerial photographs covering the last 25 years. Dis-
turbance has resulted from past development of the property (for
ranching and residential use) and apparently from mass wasting of
soil materials from area development projects. At least two
areas of well defined man -placed fill can be found across the
subject site.
The test boring information indicates that shallow bedrock will
be encountered beneath the northern portions of the site. Bed-
rock can be expected in this area at depths ranging from 5 to 10
feet below the existing ground surface. The bedrock drops
sharply in a southerly direction with bedrock in the middle of
the main anchor tenant being found at a depth of about 30 feet.
The bedrock consists of. siltstone, sandstone, and very sandy
The soil materials
The fill materials
the upper several
"stiff" condition,
depths of 10 to
higher moisture.
across the property are silty and sandy clays.
are of similar composition. The soil within
feet of the profile is in a low moisture,
forming a crust across the job site. Below
15 feet the soil becomes much softer and of
7750 N. Union Blvd., Suite 105 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920 (710) 528.1331
Rosenbaum -Dean
April 4, 1989
Paqe -2-
In the northern shallow bedrock area,, free water was not inter-
sected by the test borings. However, beneath the majority of the
southern portion of the site, free water can be found at about 15
feet below existing grade at this time. Indications are that
fluctuations of the groundwater table of +5 feet can be expected
at this location.
Given the type of subsurface conditions observed, our preliminary
assessment indicates that drilled piers might be necessary
because of fears over long-term differential movement. This
settlement would result from either consolidation of the soft,
underlying clay, or from pre-existing fills associated with past
land usage. Further information regardinq the type of foundation
system cannot be provided until such time as the laboratory test-
ing has been completed.
Based upon our assessment of site history, as supplemented by the
subsurface soil investigation program, we believe that the pro-
posed site can be developed as planned. Special attention should
be focused on foundation stability/settlement and pavement
design/construction. A formal geotechnical report will be issued
shortly by GCI which covers these items and provides additional
detailed design and construction recommendations for the several
buildings proposed.
If you have any questions regarding our preliminary assessments
and recommendations, feel free to contact us.
Respectfully submitted,
By: Martin F. Essigma
GCI Job No. 3389
POE. 44
cc: Yergensen, Obering, and Whittaker, Attn: Mr. Gene Yergensen