HomeMy WebLinkAboutI-25 SECOND ANNEXATION & ZONING - 24-89, A - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - PETITION• MAY ; y PETITION FOR ANNEXATION i The undersigned hereby petition the Council of the City of Fort Collins. Colorado, for the annexation of an area, to be referred to as tiie 2Y -Sgaowg( Annexation to the City of Fort Collins. Said area, consisting of approximately Z00, /#60 acres, is more particularly described on attachment ".A"_ attached hereto. The petitioners allege: 1. That it is desirable and necessary that such area be annexed to the City of Fort Collins. 2. That the requirements of Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C.R.S., exist or have been met. 3. That not less than one -sixth of the perimeter of the area proposed to be annexed is contiguous with the boundaries of the City of Fort Collins. 4. That a community of interest exists between the area proposed to be annexed and the City of Fort Collins. 5. That the area to be annexed is urban or will be urbanized in the near future. 6. That the area proposed to be annexed is integrated with or capable of being integrated with the City of Fort Collins. 7. That the petitioners herein comprise more than fifty percent (50%) of the landowners in the area and own more than fifty percent (50%) of the area to be annexed. excluding public streets, alleys and lands owned by the City of Fort Collins. 8. That the City of Fort Collins shall not be required to assume any obligation respecting the construction of water mains, sewer lines, gas mains, electric service lines, streets or any other services or utilities in connection with the property proposed to be annexed except as may be provided by the ordinances of the City of Fort Collins. Further, the petitioners consent pursuant to Section 37-45-136(3.6), C.R.S., to the inclusion of such property into the Municipal Subdistrict, Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District. WHEREFORE, said petitioners request that the Council of the City of Fort Collins approve the annexation of said area. Furthermore, the petitioners request that said area be placed in the 1212 Zoning District pursuant to Chapter 29 (Zoning) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins. • STATE OF COLORADO) ) ss. COUNT' OF LARI`1ER) The undersigned being first duly sworn upon his oath states: That he was the circulator of the attached petition for annexation and that each signature therein is the signature of the person whose name it purports to be. Circulator's gna re Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9Th day of 1 1 li� 1 19 gig , by Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: rnlp� If1 L ?otary Public fltavr.2, cc -2- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY INCLUDED IN TiIE ANNEXA-rION T-2-s YrzouJ 14A v'rx-4roAj A tract of land situate in the Counts' of Larintcr. Statc of Colorado to -wit: A TRACT -A;IZ' Tl-',ATE Iil SE"TIONS 15, 16, 21 22ANC 27 TOWNSHIP 7 NCR -HA RA;J'3 E3 JE.-T CF THE EfH P.M.. ARIMER CJ,!T'Y, CLCR:.GO, WHICH CG!CILERI;JG THE EAST INE CF THE =C '.HFA, ; QUARTER Lr _ECTICN 16, TC'.::`ISHIF 7 ' iERTH , RANGE E8 WEZT OF. THE 6TH F' . i i . c= R ! i ! i 'ICJ 28, 1 i "E ANC W : TH ALL EEARINGS CONTAINED HFREIN RELATIVE THERETC I'z LC-ITAINED WITHIN THE -- BOUrlD.ARY.�L[1E�WHI^N fiE3-ji1�T__THE SOUTHEAST CCRr!ER CF SAID SECTjCM IE ANC RUN -HENCE '199 13' 43-W 972.00 FEET ALONG THE SCJTH Ir.c OF =ECT:ON 16 TO THE TRUE FCINT CF B=31Nr!IrIG, THENCE '1GO 46' 17"E 30.7J FEET] THENCE ^!FE -2 47"E iC9.% FEET; THENCE E89 1:' 43"= 'CO.CO FEET TO A PCIrIT C:1 THE I:!TER.STATE ATICS FIRST ANNEXATICr!; TH=r!CE ALOr:3 SAID IN-c.=�- �TATE A,1C'S FIRST ANHEXAT:L'1 N5o -1. 17"E ICE.eC �E=T TC A =LINT C:! 'H_ Ir1TERS.TATE _ANCS �ECCNC AIIHEXAT:CM; THENCE CCNTINUE ALONG c'AIC Ii1TER- STATE _A11CS TECC;!C Ar:r!EXATICN N-_7 02' 17"E 559.CC =EET, THE:!CE `!IO =7' ZC JcCARY L: IiJ_;rRZTAcEr_:+riL3 ECCi':C"Ar:NEXA i 6,! AE.�.^ C-IT' Cc ,l^A„Ir!Gz: 4Z- -r HENCE �:. CE' 1 . "W I e85 10 FEET; THE T'1TIrJU:. a S89 ° _ 2_-_7L �; T; TH='DICE '�8 �;,_' 4, E =59.0 ; FE= 7- THFr!CE.SE7 04' 43,E, I0E.30 T s _NNE =8? 4E -4C"F �Z O„ F- T; THENCE S65 - .-'E 109 FEET; H^ r ..E ' ,� T , J "W F==T 7C THE SC' 1TH : NE C=_-_A I C SF:T I ONv 1 5 THFNZZE 1 .Z. ' 1 7 W . L _ FEET; � HENCE c65 �? 47 'J i C9 i O FEET, 7H j':CE !✓ 3 n 43 W ALZ. . _ F=_=- HF`10E S=2 ' ! ' "'� -' - -- i THE. !CE Sig 4-"'� i ?9 0. F= T THEi !"= SUE, 2E ' uE "W 7 u_ 7E =r FT j THENCE S.J' "' -- 3J ===T; THrr'C=�ALL:'G THE AR CF AN i `_.C.r FCCT CURVE TC 'HE _F���A �i T'i' - CF 1"Ci.67 FEE , RACIUc bFAR� 'G= �+3' = I 0 .3Ey=EET a `22_T, -HE .3 CHCR� CF ;NICE � _ •- 1 Ft THEi C= c0 -E' I,;,'F s97.4_ FEET; THENCE _C=3c'H- .;R. L=-4* 1 ,^-L C CCT RADIUS CURVE 7 L• THE __r i A CI=TA . 1 F ==? ' C 3 .HGRC LF WHICH BEAR _J9 ;Q. »c =8e.1� - 'H IC= 41E - FcET; THr'!CE S1- =i 43"E 4494 -J FEFT �E .+NONCE fi141' J "E I481.�C F= • THENCE S37-4 uC•E 95.9C == jTH=NZE _ L= :a J914 CFCCT RACIUS CURVE -C TH= ECT A_:I T.+�! E C uc C FrF7, TH= _CNG CHCRC CF dHICH GEARS' '!�= off" I »'J 4= Fe-- -HF'JC 15E Z4 4`" 279.0- F=ET TO THE SCUTHF:.3T CLRiIER CF 7H` E :'RAL-o =:il�_= Ci!C Ar!ilEXATiGrI; NCE ALONG THE EA; TcRLY SCUtJCAM, CF .?Tr:AUC.'- CAEIN ''ECCND ANNEXATION r112 21' 4: *W 109.7�3 FEET; THENC= 06 47' .a"WC-8i.60 FE=Tj THFNCE N12 21' 43"W 2000.00 FEET; THENCE S77 .8' 1%^W 5'= CG FEET; THErICE N12 21' 43"W 1000.00 FEET; THENCE r102 3i' 4c"W 3C4.50 FEET; THFNCE N12 21' 47"W 1294.70 FEET TO A POINT CJ THE EASTERLY BCUNOARY CF THE SLUDGE FARM ANNEXATION THENCE ALONG =AIC SLUDGE FARM ANNEXATION N25 C8' 43"W 425.53 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF AN II 680.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT A CISTANCE OF 611.60 FEET, THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH SEARS NO9 --4' IE"W 611.63 FEET] THENCE N06 22' 47"E 417.50 FEET, THENCE ALONG THE ARC CF AN 11 583.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT A CISTANCE OF 13T_.57 FEET, THE _ONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NO2 48' 02"W 13'7f.85 FEe7; THENCE '!OJ Jc' 17"E 53.88 FEET; THENCE N05 48' 13"W 7C4.20 FE=T, THEr10E N17 -5' 4c"W 789.00 FEET; THENCE N50 59' 13"W 70.80 FEET; THENCE N89 13' 43"W 300.00 FEET; THENCE N65 00' 13"W 109.70 FEET; THENCE NOD 46' 17"E 30.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CCNTAINING IOC-1460 ACRES ""'k A4 A 9:C2 O ner's Signa ure By: Robert L. Cleve g r Chief Engineer State Department of Highways Division of Highways Owner's Signature Address State of Colorado Citv 4201 East Arkansas Denver,. Colorado 80222 171-444 to Date State Zip -3- 1J • TTACKMENT "A" 'LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE ANNEXATION A tract of land situate in the County of Larimcr. State of Colorado to -wit: A TRACT OF LAND SITUATE IN SECTIONS 15, 16, 21, 22, AND 27. TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH RANGE 68 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. LARIMER COUNTY COLORADO, WHICH CONSIBERING THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER O� SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 68 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. AS BEARING NOD 28' 17"E AND WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO IS CONTAINED WITHIN THE BOUNDARY LINES WHICH BEGIN AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 16 AND RUN THENCE N89 13' 43"W 972.00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 16 TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING] THENCE NOD 46' 17"E 30.00 FEETI THENCE N66 32' 47"E 109.70 FEET] THENCE S89 13' 43"E 300.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE INTERSTATE LANDS FIRST ANNEXATIONI THENCE ALONG SAID INTER- STATE LANDS FIRST ANNEXATION N58 31' 17"E 105.60 FEET TO A POINT ON THE INTERSTATE LANDS SECOND ANNEXATION] THENCE CONTINUE ALONG SAID INTER- STATE LANDS SECOND ANNEXATION N27 02' 17"E 559.00 FEET; THENCE NIO 57' 17"E 203.40 FEET] THENCE NOD 28' 17"E 1885.13 FEET; THENCE LEAVING THE BOUNDARY OF INTERSTATE LANDS SECOND ANNEXATION AND CONTINUING S89 31, 43"E 250.00 FEET; THENCE SOO 28' 17"W 1885.10 FEET; THENCE SOB 52' 31"E 202.70 FEET; THENCE S26 05' 43"E 559.00 FEET; THENCE S57 04' 43"E 106.30 FEET; THENCE S89 46' 43"E 300.00 FEET; THENCE S65 33' 13"E 109.70 FEET; THENCE SOO 13' 17"W 30.00 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 15; THENCE SOO 13" 17"W 30.00 FEET; THENCE S65 59' 47"W 109.70 FEET; THENCE N89 46' 43"W 300.00 FEETI THENCE S52 37' 17"W 70.10 FEET; THENCE SIB 33' 47"W 789.00 FEETI THENCE S06 25' 06"W 703.76 FEET; THENCE SOO 28' 17"W 53.90 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF AN 11,333.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT A DISTANCE OF 1301.67 FEET, THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS S02 49' II"E 1300.95 FEET; THENCE S20 36' 13"E 397.40 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF AN 11,240.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT A DISTANCE OF 588.56 FEET, THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS S09 34' 16"E 588.49 FEET; THENCE SOO 56' 13"W 416.20 FEET; THENCE S12 21' 43"E 4494.70 FEET; THENCE SI7 41' 20"E 1481.06 FEETI THENCE S37 04' 43"E 65.90_FEETI THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A 2914.50 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT A DISTANCE OF 423.00 FEET, THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS N52 15' 15"W 422.63 FEET; THENCE N56 24' 43"W 279.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE STRAUSS CABIN SECOND ANNEXATION; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID STRAUSS CABIN SECOND ANNEXATION N12 21' 43"W 109.70 FEETI THENCE N08 47' 13"W 801.60 FEETI THENCE N12 21' 43"W 2000.00 FEET; THENCE S77 38' 17"W 52.00 FEETI THENCE N12 21' 43"W 1000.00 FEET; THENCE NO2 31' 43"W 304.50 FEETI THENCE N12 21' 43"W 1294.70 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE SLUDGE FARM ANNEXATION THENCE ALONG SAID SLUDGE FARM ANNEXATION N25 08' 43"W 425.50 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF AN 11,680.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT A DISTANCE OF 611.60 FEET, THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS N09 34' I6"W 511.53 FEETt THENCE N06 22' 47"E 417.50 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF AN 11,583.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT A DISTANCE OF 1322.57 FEET, THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NO2 49' 02"W 1321.85 FEETI THENCE NOD 28' 17"E 53.88 FEET; THENCE N05 48' 13"W 704.20 FEET; THENCE N17 36' 43"W 789.00 FEET; THENCE N50 59' 13"W 70.80 FEETI THENCE N89 13' 43"W 300.00 FEET; THENCE N65 00' 13"W 109.70 FEETI THENCE NOD 46' 17"E 30.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 100.1460 ACRES -5-