Light and Power
City of Fort Collins
TO: Sherry Albertson -Clark, Planning
FM: Doug Martine, Distribution Engineer4''';'
DT: January 17, 1992
RE: Laurie Subdivision
The following are my notes from the Utility Coordination meeting
yesterday (1-16-92). There were others that had different concerns
that didn't affect L & P which I didn't list in my notes. Thanks for
all your work in organizing and trying to find solutions to this
difficult project. If you have any questions, please call me.
* The sewer main to lots 5-8 will now be in an easement from
Hepplewhite Ct. There will be no sewer main in the private drive
across the gully.
* The easement from Hepplewhite, across lot 23 of the Ridge is
exclusively for sewer. The owner of lot 23 or 24 will not grant any
easement for the installation of an electric line (or any additional
utility). Therefore, it will be impossible for L & P to serve lots
5-8 from Hepplewhite Ct.
* The private drive across the gully will be 20 ft. of asphalt plus a 3
ft. level shoulder on each side. The developer anticipates a water
line to be centered in the drive, electric to be 8 ft. south of the
water, gas to be 8 ft. north of water, and phone + CATV in a joint
trench 6 ft. north of gas.
If there is any hope for all these utilities to be successfully
installed within the curving private drive, it will be necessary for
the utility easement to be the full width of the road and shoulders
(26 ft. total).
* The developer will need to demonstrate that these utilities can be
installed by providing an accurate, detailed plan and profile showing
all utilities and their depths. I would anticipate a profile section
drawing at several locations along the drive across the gully.
700 Wood Street • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6700
January 17, 1992
Page 2
Since the water main is planned to curve with the drive, it is
anticipated that (several?) thrust blocks will be necessary at points
where the water main turns. For safety, it is necessary for L & P
trench to be a minimum of 4 ft. away from the closest part of the
thrust blocks. This wasn't mentioned at the meeting, but the
developer should be aware of it.
* It is probable that L & P will require the developer to provide the
trench and backfill, especially along the private drive across the
gully. If this is the case, it will be the developers'
responsibility to coordinate the trenching/backfill with L & P, and
to make sure the trench & backfill is acceptable to L & P. Where
under asphalt, L & P will require the backfill to be material known
as Non -Yielding backfill; specification available from this office.
L & P will credit the developer's Light and Power Development Charges
with the cost of trenching in normal soils (currently $1.24 per
trench ft.).
* With so many utility mains in such a narrow dead-end drive, when
utility maintenance is necessary, it may be impossible to get in to
or out of lots 5-8. I request that Police and Fire be made aware of
this. Also, I request that this be addressed with our attorneys from
a liability standpoint. Light and Power will initially install
supplimental conduit (at developer's expense) to minimize the
liklihood of maintenance requiring closing of the drive.
* There will need to be a 15 ft. utility easement beyond the edge of
the asphalt (or curb/walk if there will be one) along the front of
all lots. This will provide for electric, gas, and water meter pits.
* Normally L & P installs electric vaults straddling the lot line
between two lots. This may not be feasible in this case, which may
limit driveway location for one of the lots. L & P will coordinate
the vault location with the developer at the time of final L & P