Mr. David Herrara
Fort Collins Housing Authority
1715 Wet Mountain Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Dear Mr. Herrara:
For your information, attached is a copy of the Staff's comments concerning
Covernsion of existing greenhouse into a maintenance and storage facility
which was presented before the Conceptual Review Team on May 30, 1989.
The comments are offered informally by Staff to assist you in preparing the
detailed components of the project application. Modifications and additions to
these comments may be made at the time of formal review of this project.
If you should have any questions regarding these comments or the next steps in
the review process, please feel free to call me at 221-6750.
Ted Shepard
Project Planner
xc: Tom Peterson, Director of Planning
Mike Herzig, Development Coordinator
Rick Richter, Civil Engineer I
y/Project Planner
00 Lai'orte Wenue - 1'0. Boy -ISO 1 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 - (301) --'1 0
MEETING DATE: June 1, 1989
ITEM: Conversion of existing greenhouse into a maintenance and storage
APPLICANT: Mr. David Herrera and Jim Kline, Fort Collins Housing Authority,
1715 West Mountain, Fort Collins, CO. 80521
LAND USE DATA: Existing greenhouse is located on Grandview, one-half block
north of Mountain Avenue, zoned R-M.
1. The site is the old Sweet Jasmine Greenhouse which has been abandoned for
over one year. As a result, a P.U.D. must be applied for. The request cannot
be heard as an expansion or enlargement of a non -conforming use.
2. The request must be processed as a P.U.D. As a P.U.D., the project does
not meet the minimum score of any of the point charts. Staff, therefore, will
have to write a variance from the point charts for the Planning and Zoning
Board to consider. Please submit a statement or letter describing the pro-
posed operation and what public benefit will be derived. Such a statement
will assist in obtaining the necessary variance.
3. Please provide off-street parking at a rate of two spaces per three
employees. Parking must be hard surfaced with landscaped setbacks. Storage
of vehicles is considered parking.
4. If there are any changes to the existing electrical system, then it would
be required to place the overhead lines underground.
5. Existing water and sewer taps may be used.
6. If vehicle maintenance is to be done, then a sand and oil trap between
the building and the street must be installed.
7. If the Building Department retains the B-2 occupancy, then the Poudre
Fire Authority has no problems. If the building is reclassified to a B-1
occupancy, then the site will have to be upgraded to include a larger water
line, and the alley would not be considered a legal access.
0 •
8. The alley must be paved from the street to the access point.
9. A Drainage Report should be provided as part of the parking lot improve-
ments and paving the alley from the street to the access point. This paving
will increase the impervious surface area. As such, storm flows should not
cause any problems with adjacent properties.
10. The site plan should indicate if the sidewalk is existing or proposed.
11. Since the project does not meet any of the point charts, and because the
request is non-residential, a neighborhood meeting will be required. Accord-
ing to the P.U.D. Ordinance (L.D.G.S.), the neighborhood meeting should pre-
cede the submittal date of June 5, 1989. Please request permission from the
Planning Director to hold the neighborhood meeting after the submittal date.
12. The West Side Neighborhood Plan will be adopted by City Council in late
July. The Plan calls for the area of the proposed maintenance and storage
facility to encourage retaining or converting multi -family housing.
Consequently, the proposal would not meet the expectation of the West Side
Neighborhood Plan. If the submittal date of June 5, 1989 is allowed, then the
recommendation of the W.S.N.P. would not apply. Please address any questions
regarding the W.S.N.P. to Mr. Ken Waido of our office.