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The project is bounded by Suniga Drive to the north, Jerome Street to the east, the Josh Ames Ditch to the south
(included in the property), and various commercial properties to the west which all front North College Avenue. The
existing lots total 7.1 acres and are currently undeveloped, consisting primarily of vegetative cover with some gravel
access roads, trees and shrubs adjacent to the canal. The south end of the site contains an existing sanitary sewer,
which crosses the site at an east-west bearing before intersecting a manhole and turning north-south and running
up through the middle of the property. Surface runoff primarily flows south and then east to the conveyance element
that crosses Jerome Street.
The Jerome Street Station property is partially located in the northern fringe of the Poudre River 1% annual chance
of occurrence (100-year) floodplain that has recently been revised by a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for the Poudre
River Whitewater Park; this LOMR is scheduled to become effective in June 2021. More specifically, the Jerome
Street Station property is located along the College Ave Split Flow Path (SPF) which originates at the Poudre River
west of College Avenue and returns to the river south of the Jerome Street/Vine Drive intersection. The entire
property is located outside of the effective /2- foot rise floodway.
The proposed development on the Jerome Street Station site includes residential land use and is located in the 100-
year Poudre River floodplain. As such, per City of Fort Collins code, the portions of the property on which residential
buildings are planned would need to be removed from the regulatory floodplain, through FEMA’s LOMR process,
prior to construction. Normally, a LOMR application to FEMA needs to be proceeded by an approved Conditional
Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) by FEMA. However, is some unique instances, a no-rise application through the City
can be processed in lieu of the CLOMR.
A preliminary hydraulic evaluation was conducted to determine potential impacts to 100-year flood elevations and
the 100-year floodplain boundary due to proposed grading within the Jerome Street Station site. Given the current
site grading plan and adjacent 100-year water surface elevations, a proposed condition 100-year floodplain in the
vicinity of the Jerome Street Station was delineated. While the 100-year floodplain would still encroach on the
southern fringe of the property and also extend into the west side parking lot in the central portion of the site, all
residential structures would be outside the proposed condition 100-year floodplain, as well as elevated above the
effective 100-year floodplain with approximately 2 feet of freeboard provided.
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Figure 1 – Effective Floodplain Map with Subject Property
Jerome Street Station
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Figure 2 – Preliminary 100-year Floodplain (Anderson Consulting Engineers)
The proposed development includes the construction of a one five-story residential building and one four-story
residential building with commercial and residential condo space. Also included in the construction will be four
additional residential buildings. One building will have three residential units, one building will have five residential
units, and two buildings will have six residential units. Constructed storm sewer infrastructure will include storm
sewer lines and two underground detention basins. All accompanying utilities and paved parking lots will be included
with the project.
Hours of operation for the commercial or retail condos will generally be regular business hours; however, the owners
reserve the right to offer extended weekday and weekend hours to serve their clients.
The two primary vehicular access points for the site are located at the existing intersections along Jerome Street at
Pascal Street and Cajetan Street. The proposed development will carry Pascal Street through the site at an east-west
bearing and could ultimately connect through the off-site property to the west to College Avenue.
Potable water will be routed and looped via an 8” line. Connection to the existing water main will be made at the
intersections of Jerome Street and Pascal Street, as well as Jerome Street and Cajetan Street. 2” water services and
meters will be provided for each building. Two fire hydrants are currently planned. One fire hydrant is planned for
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the North West corner of Cajetan and Jerome Streets. One fire hydrant is planned on the South side of Pascal Street
near the apex of the proposed curve (see Access Points and Roadways).
Connection to the existing sanitary sewer will be made along the proposed addition to Pascal Street near the south
entrance of the northern part of the site (see Access Points and Roadways). Individual sanitary services will be
provided to each unit located in the buildings south of Pascal Street and will connect to the proposed 8” sanitary
sewer main along Pascal Street. One sanitary sewer service will be provided for each the four and five story buildings
located along Jerome Street. Sanitary sewer service for the four and five story buildings will be connected to the
existing sanitary sewer that runs under Jerome street.
Developed stormwater runoff will generally be conveyed via sheet, gutter, & swale flow to proposed storm inlets
and storm drains. Proposed storm drains will service two separate on site underground detention basins. Proposed
storm infrastructure will be built to convey the 100-year storm.