July 24, 1989
Mr. Ed Zdenek
Edward G. Zdenek Architect
223 Linden Street, Suite 105
Fort Collins, CO. 80524
Dear Mr. Zdenek:
Staff has reviewed the request for Burger King at Riverside Preliminary P.U.D. and
offers the following comments:
1. The Traffic Study indicates the left turn exit from the Lemay access will be at
level of service E immediately upon opening. Also, to accommodate the left turn
into the site at the Lemay access, the northbound left turn bay for Lemay Avenue
is reduced in length. Consequently, Staff strongly encourages that the Lemay access
drive be restricted to right-in/right-out turn movements only.
This restriction would alleviated the need for a double left turn lane for north-
bound Lemay Avenue.
2. The Lemay access drive should feature a northbound right turn bay to be
located to the south. The right-of-way should exists for this lane.
3. A more detailed and accurate striping plan will be needed. As shown, the lane
widths are not adequate given the overall dimensions for the right-of-way
and the future, long range improvements called for in the Traffic Study.
4. The Traffic Study should check how the future improvements to the intersec-
tion will align with the given situation north of the intersection. Since the
intersection is offset, the future improvements should align with the north side to
avoid a serious "jog".
5. There should be a stop sign at the exit of the drive -through lane. There
should also be a stop sign on the north side of the store for eastbound traffic
through the parking lot before entering the shared access easement. Finally, a stop
sign should be added in the parking lot drive for the Print Shop for traffic heading
west before entering the shared access easement.
6. The "fan -shaped" parking appears to waste space and create a large asphalt
7. Discussions should be held with the appropriate officials from the Transporta-
tion Department to resolve which offsite improvments will be the obligation of the
developer and which shall be the obligation of the City.
8. The shared access with the Print Shop must be in a dedicated access easement
and be a minimum of 20 feet wide for emergency equipment.
9. The following comments relate to the drainage and grading utility plans:
A. The existing and proposed contours should be indicated more clearly including
to a point of 50 feet (minimum) on adjacent properties.
B. The area contributing to the detention pond should be clearly shown.
C. The detention pond should be in a designated drainage easement.
D. Please field check the existing facilities. The inlet on Lemay looks
like it has a lateral on the back of the box, heading east, rather than
across Lemay to the west.
E. Do any roofdrains from the adjacent auto repair shop drain onto the site? If
so, please address.
F. At the time of final submittal, please address erosion control.
10. Please be advised that the existing sewer main in Lemay is shallow. Any
existing services must be used or abandoned according to the criteria of the Water
and Sewer Department.
11. Staff does not consider this submittal to be a shared project with the adjacent
print shop. Since the adjacent property is merely providing shared access to
Riverside, and the print shop is not being reviewed as a P.U.D., the point chart
needs to be revised. First, the drive-thru restaurant is an Auto Related and
Roadside Commercial use. The Business Service use point chart does not apply.
Second, points should be not taken for being "part of a planned center" since this is
a stand-alone parcel. Third, points should not be awarded for "mixed use" since
only one use will be featured on the parcel. Consequently, the project does not meet
the 50% minimum. Even allowing for the minimum score for energy conservation,
the project is still below 50%.
Since this is an infill site that is being redeveloped, Staff recognizes the value of
demolishing the unsightly steel building and constructing a new restaurant with
associated site improvements. As a result, Staff is willing to support a variance to
the L.D.G.S. provided that the site and building design are up to traditional P.U.D.
standards as measured by recently approved projects. Please keep in mind that the
Planning and Zoning Board will be the final authority on the variance request. As
such, the "burden of proof" will be on the applicant to justify the P.U.D. variance
versus the traditional variance obtained by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
12. There is an area immediately on the corner of Riverside and Lemay, behind or
on top of the berm, that needs plant material. Please review this area for addi-
tional landscaping.
13. The north elevation of the store would benefit from additional foundation
0 •
14. The north and south elevations of the trash enclosure would also benefit from
additional foundation shrubbery.
15. Please provide a fencing detail for the outdoor seating area/play area.
16. All sidewalks that act as vehicular overhang for the 17 foot parking stalls must
be 6 foot in width, not 5 as shown.
17. The pole sign is strongly discouraged. Staff disagrees that the site suffers from
a visual disadvantage due to the amount of public safety signage. In fact, the area
has recently benefited from the City's program of undergrounding the overhead
electrical system. The only existing overhead electrical line currently feeds the old
Reliable Linen and this line will be placed underground at the City's expense as the
Burger King site develops. The site is actually a penninsula bordered by two
arterial streets. Thus, it appears the site has a unique visual advantage to the
passing motorist rather than a disadvantage as claimed. Monument signage is
18. Any sign mounted a surface that is angled at 45 degrees or less is considered to
be a roof sign and would not be allowed.
19. The property is entitled to to two freestanding signs. If the menu board
exceeds 4 square feet, it is considered a freestanding sign. The Zoning Administra-
tor may consider the Menu Board to not be a sign if it is totally screened from
view from Lemay Avenue.
20. The use of oversized windows with etched glass as signage is encouraged.
21. Please add the following note to the site plan:
"All landscaping must be installed or secured with a letter of credit, performance
bond, or escrow account for 125% of valuation prior to
issuance of a certificate of occupancy."
22. A subdivision plat will be required.
This concludes Staff comments at this time. Please note the following deadlines for
the August P & Z hearing:
Revised plans are due August 10, 1989.
PMT's, colored renderings, and 10 prints are due August 21, 1989.
It is suggested that a meeting is arranged at your earliest convenience to discuss the
above comments.
Ted Shepard,
Project Planner
cc: Joe Frank, Assistant Planning Director
Mike Herzig, Development Engineer