Current 1'ffnning
City of Fort Collins
February 14, 1996
Mr. David Jones
Galloway, Romero and Associates
14202 East Evans Avenue
Aurora, CO 80014
Dear David:
Staff has reviewed the request for Diamond Shamrock, Timberline Farm Corner Store,
Final P.U.D. The following comments are offered-
1. On the plat, the title should include "P.U.D." or "Planned Unit Development" after
"Timberline Farms Cornerstore."
2. The plat should show the Larimer County Clerk and Recorder's instrument
number where Milestone Drive was dedicated.
3. Public Service Company will require that the c-store and carwash be served by
separate gas services on separate meters.
4. Public Service Company cautions that monument sign along Milestone Drive is
within a 10 foot wide utility easement. Therefore, installation must be closely
coordinated with PSCo in order to avoid any conflicts.
5. U.S. West advises that the owner is responsible for provision of all conduit, ditch
crossings, and street crossings for telephone facilities. The owner also shall
provide terminal room space (usually 8' x 4') and power for the main terminal,
generally in a utility room. The owner's vendor provides all facilities beyond the
main terminal. Please contact the U.S. West engineer for conduit specifications
for the main telephone entrance cable. Any relocation of existing facilities will be
paid for by the developer.
6. Installation of the underground fuel tanks is under a separate permit from the
Poudre Fire Authority.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750
FAX (970) 221-6378 TDD (970) 224-6002
7. The Water and Wastewater Department will require that the water and sewer
services be shown on the Landscape Plan so there are no conflicts.
8. Dimensions should be provided for the building envelopes on the Site Plan.
Also, please indicate the setback of the carwash from the north property line.
9. Staff is concerned about the location of the bike rack. The bike rack takes up the
total width of the walk, interfering with pedestrian access. The location of the
rack should such that it is near the entry but does not block a walk. A separate
concrete pad should be provided. Also, the rack must be permanently anchored
to the concrete.
10. Staff is concerned about six specific areas of the landscape plan that need
additional treatment.
A. Along Timberline Road, between the sidewalk and the internal curb, there
is a berm with row of Austrian Pine. These Pines are planted too close to
the internal curb creating a difficult sod area to maintain and causing
some branches to spill over the curb at maturity. It is suggested that
these Pines be shifted slightly to the west. Also, rather than planting
Pines in a formal row, it is more effective to clump in clusters of two and
three at varying distances from the walk. The Juniper shrubs should be
moved to the internal curb line to create a continuous shrub bed that will
be easier to maintain than sod. Please indicate the height of the berm on
the plan.
B. The frontage along Timberline Road is approximately 200 long. With
street trees planted on 40 foot centers, this frontage should feature five,
not four street trees. Please add one deciduous shade tree and space
the five trees accordingly.
C. Along Milestone Drive, between the curb and the sidewalk, there is a five
foot wide parkway strip. This parkway strip should feature street trees,
planted at uniform intervals. With 210 feet of frontage, this area should
feature five trees. Please move the three deciduous shade along
Milestone north to the parkway strip and add two trees.
D. Staff is concerned about headlight glare from cars under the canopy
facing north. Where the carwash building does not screen north -facing
headlights, there should be a berm of sufficient height to block off -site
glare. On the west side of the carwash, between the back of walk and the
internal curb, there should be a berm with evergreen shrubs. On the east
side of the carwash building, the impact would be from the future pump
islands. Glare from these future pump islands should be mitigated also.
E. Along Milestone Drive, along the north elevation of the carwash, there is
blank wall 45 feet long. A blank wall is considered an area of low visual
interest and requires mitigation. This area should feature a shrub bed that
contains evergreens for year-round screening. In addition, the area
between the sidewalk and the proposed shrub bed should feature two
ornamental trees for vertical relief.
F. Along the north -south internal access drive, there are two areas that need
additional screening material. The dumpster and electrical transformer
should be treated with a variety tree and shrub material for buffering. In
particular, the transformer should be screened since it does not benefit
from its own enclosure. This area would be enhanced by an additional
Austrian Pine which was indicated on the Preliminary.
11. The landscape plan shall include the total area (in square feet) for each
landscape category. Landscape categories are distinguished by their water
requirements and intended maintenance level. Examples of possible categories
include, but are not limited to, high water turfgrass, low water turfgrass, low water
planting beds, moderate water planting beds, and non -plant areas.
12. On the Landscape Plan, note number 16 should be expanded in case of
unanticipated delays. At your option, the landscape materials may be secured
with a financial instrument which would allow opening prior to landscape
completion. If this option is acceptable, please add the following to note number
"... or secured with a performance bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or
other financial instrument acceptable to the City of Fort Collins for 125%
of the valuation of the landscape job (materials and labor)."
13. The Preliminary P.U.D. was approved with a "buckskin" roof, not "green" for both
the c-store and the carwash. Green will not be forwarded to the Planning and
Zoning Board for approval. Please change the Architectural Sheets to reflect a
buckskin -color roof as per the sample chip from Berridge Standard Kynar 500
series from the Berridge Manufacturing Company for both the c-store and
14. Staff is concerned about the illuminated pump toppers. These four signage
elements would add approximately 52 square feet, if one-sided, and 104 square
feet if double sided, of illuminated signage to the site. As you will recall, site
illumination was one of the primary concerns of the nearby residents. In
addition, the amount of increased signage is considered unacceptable. Since
the site is located in the Residential Neighborhood Sign District, signage location
must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Board.
Consequently, based on All Development Criteria for Signs and Site Lighting, the pump
toppers are found not to be in non-compliance with the Land Development Guidance
System. Please delete from the Architectural Sheet.
15. Advertising on the horizontal sign band on the south elevation will be regulated
by the Sign Code
16. On the west elevation, there are three sign boards. These are considered v£
excessive and detract from the quality of the architecture of the building and the e �
overall quality of the site. These sign boards will not be forwarded to the Ees
Planning and Zoning Board for approval. Please delete from the Architectural
17. Please label the Site Plan Sheet One of Four, the Landscape Plan Sheet two of
four, etc.
18. Please indicate the color of the pump island guards. On South Lemay, these are
painted gray.
19. On the Site Plan, please modify the following notes under the Legend:
A. Note number two should read: "... with "fully" recessed SMH under canopy
B. Note number 47 should read: "bicycle rack to be permanently anchored to
concrete and not interfere with pedestrian walks."
20. Under "Notes" please add the following for Note number 11:
"Outdoor cooler condensing units are located on the convenience store
roof and are totally screened from view from the adjacent public streets."
This concludes Staff comments at this time. Please note that additional comments from
Engineering and Stormwater Utility will be provided under separate cover or on the
Utility Plans. In order to stay on schedule for the March 25, 1996 Planning and Zoning
Board, please note the following deadlines:
Plan revisions are due March 6, 1996.
P.M.T.'s, 10 prints, renderings are due March 18, 1996.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding these comments, please
feel free to call our office at 221-6750.
k,;�z /� ���,
Ted Shepar-
Senior Planner