Community Planning and Environmental Services
Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
March 9, 1994
Diamond Shamrock
c/o Scott Williamson
520 East 56th Avenue
Denver, CO 80216
Dear Mr. Williamson:
For your information, attached is a copy of the Staff's comments concerning
Diamond Shamrock Gas and Convenience Store at Timberline Road and Mmilestone
Drive, presented before the Conceptual Review Team on March 7, 1994.
The comments are offered informally by Staff to assist you in preparing the
detailed components of the project application. Modifications and additions to
these comments may be made at the time of formal review of this project.
If you should have any questions regarding these comments or the next steps in
the review process, please feel free to call me at 221-6750.
Ted Shepard, AICP
Senior Planner
cc: Transportation Department
Stormwater Department
Project Planner
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221-6750
city of Fart Callins
MEETING DATE: March 7, 1994
ITEM: Diamond Shamrock Gas and Convenience Store at
Timberline Road and Milestone Drive.
APPLICANT: Diamond Shamrock c/o Scot Williamson, 520 East 56th
Avenue, Denver, CO. 80216
LAND USE DATA: Request for a 1,650 square foot convenience store,
with four gas pump islands, gas canopy, and 1,000 square foot, one -
bay, automatic carwash located at the southeast corner of
Timberline Road and Milestone Drive. The parcel is about one acre
in size.
1. The City of Fort Collins is able to provide three-phase
electrical power to the site from the south. This power will
be brought to the site via an underground system, on the east
side of Timberline Road, paid for by Light and Power. Normal
development charges will apply.
2. The location of the transformer must be coordinated with both
Light and Power and the Planning Department. The transformer
must not be located along Timberline or Milestone but must be
screened from view of public streets. Screening may consist
of landscaping or an enclosure. An enclosure must feature
gates and minimum clearances on all four sides. On one side,
the transformer must be within eight feet of hard surface for
access by a boom truck for emergency change out without
damaging landscaping. Please contact Alan Rutz, 221-6750, for
further information.
3. Water and sewer will be provided by the City of Fort Collins.
There is a 16 inch diameter water main in Milestone that will
be extended to Timberline to serve the subject site.
Similarly, a sewer main will also be extended from Sunstone
P.U.D. to Timberline and is available to serve the site.
Normal development charges will apply. Please contact Mark
Taylor, 221-6681, for further details.
4. The carwash will require the installation of a sand/oil
interceptor on the sanitary sewer line. The City has minimum
specifications and details on this installation.
5. The Poudre Fire Authority will require the submittal of a
Hazardous Materials Impact Analysis. Please contact Ron
Gonzales, Poudre Fire Authority, 221-6570.
6. The site is located in the Fox Meadows Drainage Basin. The
development fee in this basin is $4,891 per developed acre,
subject to the amount of impervious surface, the runoff
coefficient, and the amount of onsite stormwater detention.
The P.U.D. submittal will require a Drainage Report, Drainage
and Grading Plan, and Erosion Control Plan.
7. The Drainage and Grading Plan must comply with the assumptions
and parameters that have been established for Timberline Farm
Overall Development Plan. Also, all drainage and grading
considerations must comply with the Fox Meadows Master
Drainage Plan for the entire basin.
8. The site will likely drain into the detention pond for
Sunstone 8th Filing. It is the responsibility of the
consulting engineer to verify the available capacity of this
pond and verify that flows can be conveyed to this pond. This
may involve verifying street capacity for accepting more storm
flows. For further information regarding drainage issues,
please contact Glen Schlueter, 221-6589.
9. The Engineering Department will require that public
improvements to Timberline Road conform to the plans being
generated by two local consulting firms (R.B.D. and Northern
Engineering). Please be cautioned that these plans are not
final at this time.
10. Normal requirements along Timberline Road are that the
developer is responsible for 12 feet (width) of full depth
asphalt paving, curb, and gutter. The sidewalk along
Timberline will be seven feet wide. The developer is
reimbursed for three feet of this total width. The sidewalk
should be detached from the curb by a minimum of 9.5 feet for
the purpose of creating a parkway strip for street trees.
Sidewalks are allowed to slightly meander and, if necessary,
may placed outside the public right-of-way but within a
dedicated access easement.
11. Since Milestone Drive is a local street, the developer is
responsible for the full construction. A local street
consists of 36 feet of pavement, flowline to flowline, on 54
feet of right-of-way. Sidewalks, on both sides, are four feet
wide and may or may not be attached to the curb. Curb and
gutter are also required. The City does not financially
participate in this improvement.
12. It may be necessary for Milestone Drive to be built to
collector standards at the intersection with Timberline Road
in order to create the necessary turn lanes.
13. A traffic impact analysis will be required. Please be aware
that a traffic signal will not be installed at the
Timberline/Milestone intersection.
14. The street oversizing fee is $14,005 per acre, payable at the
time of building permit issuance.
15. The Transportation Department has concerns about the placement
of a high traffic generator adjacent to a major arterial
street (Timberline) served by a local street (Milestone).
Since Milestone will not be signalized, it may be difficult to
make left turn exits from Milestone to Timberline during peak
16. It is suggested that the canopies also feature pitched roofs.
17. A neighborhood information meeting will be required. The
developer is responsible for generating the mailing list of
affected property owners within the geographic area determined
by the Planning Department. Mailing labels must be on self-
adhesive labels, 33 per sheet. Please contact the Planning
Department for this notification map, at the time that you are
ready to proceed. Property owners must be notified at least
seven days prior to the meeting.
SENT_ BY: D 1 aMOND SHAMROCr: ; 2-17-94 4: O?PM ;
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