Planning Department V . VfA
January 18, 1995
Mr. David Jones
Galloway, Romero & Associates
14202 East Evans Avenue
Aurora, CO 80014
Dear David:
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Here are the comments on the Landscape Plan for Diamond Shamrock Corner Store at
Timberline Road and Milestone Drive.
1. It is suggested that Austrian Pine be used instead of Pinyon Pine. The Austrian Pine
maintains a more uniform shape and is more appropriate for developed sites within the
urban area. Also, the Austrian Pine is found to be hardier in our micro -climate. Please
2. The City Forester has data that indicates that the Newport Plum has a high mortality rate
(about 50%) in our area. It is suggested that this ornamental not be used. Instead,
please consider the Spring Snow Crab, Radiant Crab, Autumn Blaze Pear, or Mayday
Tree. Please substitute.
3. Along Timberline, behind the sidewalk, there are two groups of three deciduous trees
(Autumn Purple Ash and Northern Red Oak). It is suggested that the these become
groups of two with increased spacing for improved viability over the long term.
4. The comment letter dated January 10, 1995 recommends berms along Timberline to
block headlight glare from cars at the pumps facing west. These berms should be
supplemented with strategic placement of evergreen material so that glare is blocked by
a combination of berming and plant material. Please adjust the locations and quantity
of the Pinyon Pine (Austrian Pine) clusters along Timberline Road so that maximum
effectiveness is achieved.
5. Along Milestone Drive there is one Northern Red Oak within 15 feet of a Burr Oak
which is within 10 feet of a Pinyon Pine (Austrian Pine). These groupings are too close
and could cause problems for the pines. Please delete the Burr Oak for necessary
281 North College Avenue - P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 - (303) 221-6750
FAX (303) 221-6378 TDD (303) 224-6002
David Jones
January 18, 1995
Page 2
6. The comment letter dated January 10, 1995 recommends the planting strip along the
south property line be widened to six feet. This is necessary to allow for Pinyon Pine
(Austrian Pine). Otherwise, the area is too narrow for evergreens.
7. Please be sure that the electrical transformer is appropriately screened from view by
landscape materials or by solid enclosure of materials matching the building.
This concludes our comments on the Preliminary Landscape Plan. As always, please call if
there are any questions or concerns.
Ted Shepard
Senior City Planner