a MEETING DATE 9/25/89
� STAFF Ted SheQard
PROJECT: Timberline Farm Master Plan - #42-89
OWNER: Timberline Farm, Inc.
c/o G.T. Land Colorado, Inc.
3555 Stanford Road
Suite 100 Stanford Plaza
Fort Collins, CO. 80525
APPLICANT: Timberline Farm, Inc.
c/o Cityscape Urban Design
3030 South College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80525
This is a request for a Master Plan consisting of mixed uses on 74.9 acres located
at the northeast corner of Timberline Road and Harmony Road. The site is zoned
r-1-p, Low Density Planned Residential, and T, Transitional.
The request for a mixed use Master Plan includes such land uses as community
shopping center, business services, office, auto related, multi -family, and single
family. The proposed land uses are in conformance with the Land Use Policies
Plan. The access points off Harmony Road are in conformance with the Harmony
Road Access Control Plan. The design objectives are in conformance with the
proposed Harmony Corridor Plan. The traffic and circulation patterns are feasible
from a traffic engineering standpoint. The Master Plan is considered to be
compatible with the surrounding area.
DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 300 LaPorte Ave. P.O. Boa 580 Fort Collins. CO 80522-0580 (303) 221-6750
Timberline Farm PLC Master Plan - #42-89
September 25, 1989 P&Z Meeting
Page 2
1. Background:
The surrounding zoning and land uses are as follows:
N: r-1-p; Residential (Sunstone Village 2nd Filing)
S: i-p; Vacant (Stromberger Master Plan)
E: M-M; Residential (Harmony Road Mobile Home Park)
W: i-p and R-E; Vacant (Collindale Business Park) and residential (Harmony
Half Acres)
The site was annexed into the City in 1977 and zoned to r-1-p in 1979. The area
that is still zoned Transitional is the 1.7 acres that contains the old Harmony
School on the immediate corner of Harmony and Timberline. The corner site also
contains a single family residence and small outbuildings. The balance of the site
is in pasture and agriculture.
2. Land Use:
The 75 acre Timberline Farm Master Plan is proposed as a mixed use project. The
basic objective is to provide commercial uses along the Harmony frontage and a
mix of commercial, industrial, office, and multi -family along the Timberline
frontage. Multi -family uses will buffer the intense uses from the single family
areas. The single family area is located north and central adjacent to Sunstone
Village P.U.D. and the Harmony Road Mobile Home Court.
The Master Plan document is a planning tool only and does not guarantee any
specific land uses. Note number 7 is the standard disclaimer which states:
"The proposed land uses and densities shown on this plan are estimates of develop-
ment potential. Except for uses by right in the R-L-P zone, approval of this
Master Plan by the City does not constitute final approval of these land uses,
design or densities. Rather, any further land uses must be approved according to
the procedures, processes and criteria of the planned unit development regulations,
rezoning, or other relevant City policies and standards."
3. Plans and Policies:
Land Use Policies Plan:
The proposed land uses of the Timberline Farm Master Plan are consistent with the
following policies of the Land Use Policies Plan:
"3a: The City shall promote maximum utilization of land within the City."
"3d: The City shall promote the location of residential development which is close
to employment, recreation, and shopping facilities."
Timberline Farm A Master Plan - #42-89
September 25, 1989 P&Z Meeting
Page 3
"12: Urban density residential development usually at three or more units to the
acre should be encouraged in the urban growth area."
"14: Urban development standards shall apply to all development within the urban
growth area."
"21: All levels of commercial development, including convenience, neighborhood,
community and regional shopping which have significant negative transporta-
tion impacts on South College Avenue will be discouraged from gaining their
primary access from College Avenue."
"22: Preferential consideration shall be given to urban development proposals
which are contiguous to existing development within the City limits or
consistent with the phasing plan for the City's urban growth area."
70: Regional/community shopping centers should locate near transportation
facilities that offer the required access to the center but will not be allowed
to create demands which exceed the capacity of the existing and future
transportation network of the City.
"72: Regional/community shopping centers should locate where they can be served
by public transportation.
73: Regional/community shopping centers shall locate in areas served by existing
water and sewer facilities.
"79a: Low density residential uses should locate in areas which have easy access to
existing or planned neighborhood and regional/community shopping centers."
"79b: Low density residential uses should locate in areas which have easy access to
major employment centers."
"79c: Low density residential areas should locate in areas which are within
walking distance to an existing elementary school."
"79e: Low density residential areas should locate in areas in which a collector
street affords the primary access."
"80a: Higher density residential uses should locate near the core area,
regional/community shopping centers, C.S.U. main campus, or the hospital."
"80d: Higher density residential uses should locate within easy access to major
employment centers."
Harmony Road Corridor Plan:
The Planning Department is in the process of drafting a plan that addresses the
design aspects of the Harmony Road Corridor from I-25 to the Burlington Northern
railroad tracks. While this plan is only in the draft stage, the proposed Timberline
Farm Master Plan has been reviewed against the general scope of the plan. The
Master Plan document indicates that Parcel E will respect the approximate 80 foot
landscaped buffer along Harmony Road. Parcel F, being a narrow site constrained
Timberline Farm A Master Plan - #42-89
September 25, 1989 P&Z Meeting
Page 4
by the existing ditch, may be limited in providing the Harmony streetscape treat-
ment along Harmony Road. As a result, specific landscape improvements will be
designed at the time of development in accordance with the intent of the streets -
cape program.
In addition to the streetscape program, the Spring Canyon Ditch shall remain an
open channel as opposed to being converted to a pipe.
It is acknowledged on the Master Plan document that the Harmony Corridor Plan
may be in effect when the site develops. Note number 9 states:
"The "Harmony Corridor Plan" in progress at the time of approval
of this Master Plan may be adopted and in effect at the time of
development of Parcels E and F."
4. Traffic and Circulation:
Both Harmony Road and Timberline Road are designated on the Master Street Plan
as major arterials with an ultimate cross section of six lanes within 140 ft. of
right-of-way. The curb cuts on Harmony Road are compatible with the Harmony
Road Access Plan developed jointly by the City and the State Highway Department.
Access points off Timberline Road will be limited to two collector streets in
addition to Caribou Drive. Caribou Drive is an existing collector street presently
serving Sunstone Village and Fox Meadows subdivisions. The southerly access off
Timberline, between Parcels E and G, is designated in the Traffic Impact Analysis
as collector street that will most likely warrant a signal in the long range (2010)--
Future improvements include turn lanes for the Timberline/collector intersection
and adding lanes and longer signal phasing for the Timberline/Harmony Road
The development of Timberline Farm is feasible from a traffic engineering stand-
5. Neighborhood Compatibility:
A neighborhood information meeting was held on May 24, 1989 at the Platte River
Power Authority. The primary concerns were the size of the residential lots, the
types of commercial uses, and maintenance of detention ponds. The complete
minutes of the neighborhood meeting are attached.
It is Staff's finding that the proposed uses on the Timberline Master Plan are
compatible with the surrounding area.
The proposed Master Plan is in general conformance with the City's Comprehensive
Plan and the draft Harmony Road Corridor Plan. Staff, therefore, recommends
approval of the Timberline Farm Master Plan.
NUMBER 42-89
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City of Fort Collins
TO: The City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board
FROM: Ted Shepard, Project Planner --VT
RE: Changes to Timberline Farm Master Plan
DATE: September 25, 1989
As a result of the Planning and Zoning Board worksession of Friday, September
22, 1989, the applicant for the Timberline Farm Master Plan has submitted the
following revisions:
1. Parcel F has been eliminated as a separate parcel and consolidated into the
larger Parcel E.
2. Note Number 10 has been revised to delete the reference to old Parcel F.
3. The streetscape note referring to old Parcel F now refers to Parcel E.
4. The note referred to by the *** has added the language:
"Such administrative changes will also be submitted to the City of Fort
Collins Transportation Department and the State Division of Highways for
their review."
This added language ensures that both the City and the State will have the
opportunity to comment on the temporary nature of the curb cut whether or not
any changes are done through the seven week review process or through the
administrative review process.
300 LaPorte Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (303) 221
A tract of land located in the West half of Section 32, Township 7 North, Range 68
West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, City of Fort Collins Larimer County, Colorado,
being more particularly described as follows:
Considering the West line of the Southwest quarter of the said Section 32 as bearing
North 00004'44" East and with all bearings contained herein relative thereto:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of the said Section 32; thence along the said
West line, North 00004'44" East 30.14 feet to the westerly prolongation of the
Northerly Right -of -Way of Harmony Road; thence along the said westerly
prolongation, South 89021'25" East 30.00 feet to the existing easterly Right -of -Way of
Timberline Road and to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence
along the said easterly Right -of -Way, North 00004'44" East 2203.17 feet to the
southerly line of the additional Right -of -Way granted to the said City described at
Reception No. 87019898 records of the Clerk and Recorder of the said Larimer
County; thence along the westerly and northerly lines of the said additional Right -of -
Way, the following three (3) courses and distances, (1) North 04022'40" East 400.60
feet; (2) South 89037'04" East 1095.09 feet; (3) 172.10 feet along the arc of a curve
concave to the North having a central angle of 22012'32" a radius of 444.00 feet, the
long chord of the said curve bears North 79016'38" East 171.03 feet to the boundary
of that certain tract of land described in Book 2253 at Page 2341 records of the said
Clerk and Recorder; thence along the said boundary, South 00002'50" East 10.41
feet to the Northeast corner of the West half of the said Southwest quarter; thence
continuing along the said boundary, South 00002'55" West 2624.01 feet to the said
northerly Right -of -Way of Harmony Road; thence along the said Right -of -Way the
following five (5) courses and distances, (1) North 89137'56" West 658.36 feet; (2)
South 59013'30" West 5.80 feet; (3) North 89°27'05" West 317.00 feet: (4) North
89037'56" West 106.00 feet; (5) North 89021'25" West 208.20 feet to the point of
The above described tract contains 77.2084 acres or and is subject to all easements
and rights -of -way now existing or of record.
August 4, 1989
Single Family
Single Family
(Alt: Multi -Family)
(Alt: Office Park)
Business Services
Retail/Business Park
Business Services
Office Park
(Alt: Business Services)
Rights -of -Way)
69 D.U. 3.4 d.u./ac.
57 D.U. 3.5 d.u./ac.
160 D.U. 16.0 d.u./ac.
75,000 S.F.
190,000 S.F.
22,000 S.F.
26,000 S.F.
286 D.U. 6.1 d.u./residential acre
313,000 S.F. 3.9:1
DESCRIPTION: 69 single family homes on 20.2 acres
General Population
69 (units) x 3.5 (persons/unit) = 241.5
School Age Population
Elementary - 69 (units) x .450 (pupils/units) = 31.5
Junior High - 69 (units) x .210 (pupils/unit) = 14.49
Senior High - 69 (units) x .185 (pupils/unit) = 12.77
Affected Schools Design Enrollment
Linton Elementary 546
Lesher Junior High 725 753
Fort Collins Senior High 1330 1323
Statement of Planning Objectives
August 4, 1989
The Timberline Farm Master Plan is intended to be a tool to
assist in determining:
- The general street and secondary access system serving the
site and adjacent properties;
- The general land use pattern anticipated with the future
development of the area;
- The approach to providing utility service to the site; and
- The over-all approach to dealing with storm drainage as the
site develops.
The land use pattern indicated on the Timberline Farm Master
Plan is consistent with the adopted Land Use Policies Plan of the
City of Fort Collins, both with regard to neighborhood planning
and locational criteria for various land uses.
Beyond Phase One (Parcel A), there is no definite phasing or
development schedule for the site. It is estimated that
development of the subject properties may begin in late 1989, and
continue beyond 1995. The land uses indicated would provide
employment for an estimated 500 to 700 persons.
Timberline Farm is a proposed development located near
the intersection of Harmony Road and Timberline Road. This
traffic impact study involved the steps of trip generation,
trip distribution, trip assignment, capacity analysis,
traffic signal warrant anal ysi =_., signal progression analysis.,
and accident analysis.
This study assessed the impacts of Timberline Farm on
the short range (1??2), intermediate range !19?5), and long
range (2010) street system in the vicinity of the proposed
development. As a. result of this analysis, the following is
- The development of Timberline Farm is feasible from a.
traffic engineering standpoint. At full development as
proposed, approximately 14,000 trip ends wi l 1 be generated at
this site daily.
- The Harmony/Timberline intersection currently
operates acceptably with signal control and the existing
geometric=.. Phasing changes are recommended in order to
improve the operation and delay geometric improvements on the
north leg of Timberline Road.
- By 13?2, given the development of Parcel H of
Timberline Farm, Phase 1 of Col 1 i ndal a Business Park, and an
increase in background traffic, the signalized intersection
of Harmony/Timberline wi l l operate acceptably with the
existing geometr i cs and signal phasing changes. At this
level of development, Timberline Read can remain a. two lane
street with auxiliary lanes at Caribou. The Timberline/
Caribou intersection wi 1 1 operate acceptably with stop sign
- No new signals are warranted in the short or
intermediate range future. With full development of
Timberline Farm and other nearby properties, signals will
likely be warranted at the Timberline/Caribou and Timberline/
Access C intersection_..
- A signal at the Timberline/Caribou and Timberline.,,''
Access C intersections wi 1 1 not negatively impact the signal
progression along Timberline Road.
- By 1??5, given the development of Parcel=. A and B of
Timberline Farm and background traffic, the Harmony/
Timberline intersection will operate acceptably with the
existing g_eome tr i cs and phasing improvements recommended
earlier. It is recommended that at this level of
development, two points of access. to Timberline Road be
developed. One should be at Caribou and the other at either
Access C or Access E.
- Ey, 2010, the Harmony/Timberline intersection will
operate acceptably in the morning peak hour and at level of
service E in the of ternoon peak hour t.-.) i th geometric
improvements to both Harmony Road and Timberline Road. The
necessary geome tr i cs are shown in Figure 12. t4i th
signalization, the Timberline/Caribou and Timberline/Access. C
intersections tali11 operate acceptably. The other
intersections vii11 operate acceptably with the recommended
geome tr i cs. The Harmony./Access A intersection will operate
acceptably as a right-in/right-out/left-in intersection.
- 1::jith the recommended control and geometric=_., the
accident rate should be at an acceptable level for typical
urban conditions.
Develo7rnent Services
Planning Department
PROJECT: Timberline Farm Master Plan and Phase One, Preliminary P.U.D.
LOCATION: Platte River Power Authority
DATE: May 24, 1989
REPRESENTATIVE: Linda Hopkins, The Group, Inc.
Eldon Ward, Cityscape Urban Design
1. Who is the builder and what will be the value of the homes?
RESPONSE: The builder will be Geneva Homes, and the homes will be of similar
value as the homes being constructed in Sunstone Village P.U.D. The prices
would range between $80,000 and $100,000.
2. What will the lot sizes be?
RESPONSE: The lots will probably be no smaller than 6,500 square feet. It is
anticipated that the lot sizes will approximate the lots in Sunstone Village,
Filings Two and Three.
3. The parkland fee, collected at the time of building permit, is supposed to
stay within the square mile section for a neighborhood park. Where are these
fees going?
RESPONSE: The Parks and Rec Dept. is negotiating with Mr. Johnson for a parcel
of land located adjacent to the Linton Elementary School on the east. It is not
certain how these negotiations are proceeding. The Parks and Rec Dept. would
prefer this site because it is central to the section, could be served by a
collector street, and would benefit by being adjacent to school.
4. What is the depth of the commercial tract on the northwest corner?
RESPONSE: Approximately 300 feet.
5. Will there be any direct access off Timberline Road for lots?
300 LaPorte Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 8052%-0580 • (303) 221-O%:0
6. What kinds of commercial uses are anticipated?
RESPONSE: At this time, a mix of industrial, commercial and retail uses are
anticipated. No specific land uses have been identified as of yet.
7. What are the anticipated uses at the northeast corner of Caribou and Tim-
berline on the Sunstone commercial tract?
RESPONSE: It is anticipated that this parcel will develop as an area for
Business Service Uses as defined by the L.D.G.S. It is not anticipated that
this tract will develop as a Neighborhood Convenience Center.
8. Won't this proposal cause overcrowding at the new elementary school?
RESPONSE: Linton School is under the jurisdiction of the Poudre R-1 School
District. The enrollment boundary is determined by the District, not the City
or the developer. By being located central to a section that is only about half
developed, it is hoped the District accounted for future residential growth.
9. What's going on across Timberline Road on the west?
RESPONSE: The area is owned by Mr. Tiley and is being developed as an indus-
trial park. The construction is for a firm called C.B.W. manufacturing which
makes equipment for handling plastic containers for restaurants.
10. Who will maintain the open drainage tract?
RESPONSE: It is likely that the City's Stormwater Utility would accept mainte-
nance of this facility if it is designed in accordance with the Fox Meadows
Drainage Basin Master Plan. It should be stated, however, that "maintenance"
actually means about 5 to 7 mowings per growing season. It will not be a highly
maintained area.
11. Will storm flows from Phase One reach the detention pond that is built just
north of the Linton School?
RESPONSE: Eventually, storm flows will be released at a controlled rate and
flow into the pond by the school. All detention ponds are designed to collect
and store runoff for a temporary period of time and release at a rate that
won't overwhelm the system.
12. Will the detention pond in Phase One accept flows from the west side of
Timberline Road?
RESPONSE: Yes. The west side of Timberline is all part of the same drainage
basin. All detention ponds in the Fox Meadows Basin are designed to calculate
upstream flows that are built in a developed condition.
13. Why is the City encouraging growth in what is regarded as a soft residen-
tial market. It seems that Fort Collins is overbuilt and we don't need anymore
new homes.
RESPONSE: First, the City is not the developer and, as a result, is not making
a decision to develop or not. Second, the City does not encourage or discourage
growth of residential or commercial development. Rather, development proposals
are evaluated based on established policies and criteria. Third, the developer
has analyzed the market and foresees a market demand for homes of this size and
price in this location. Since the developer is in the best position to to assess the
potential risks, the City's role is to then evaluate the development impacts and not
second guess the marketing decision.
14. What is the time frame for development?
RESPONSE: It is anticipated that the developer will submit for approval by the
Planning and Zoning Board in August.
15. Can a Master Plan ever be amended?
RESPONSE: Yes, a Master Plan can be amended. Minor changes can be amended
administratively, and major changes must be approved by the Planning and Zoning
16. Is the school on Harmony a designated historic landmark?
RESPONSE: At this time, the building is not designated as a historic landmark.