Engineering Consultants
2900 South College Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
March 16, 1988
Susan Hayes
Storm Drainage Department
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
Dear Susan:
This letter is a follow-up to the meeting held March 15th with
City staff and George Galida (Poudre R-1), Carr Bieker (ZVFK) and
Stan Myers (RBD, Inc.). This meeting was held to discuss among
other subjects the potential of a repay agreement between the
City and the School District for the additional costs incurred by
the District to accommodate 100 year developed flows through the
1990 Junior High site. These developed flows will be channeled
through the site in a series of pipes and swale sections which
will run adjacent and parallel to the northerly row line of
Seneca Street.
The repay agreement discussed would cover the additional cost in-
curred to accommodate 100 year developed versus 100 year historic
offsite flows. The Final Drainage Report for Poudre R-1 Elemen-
tary School dated April 1987 by EPI calculated these flows to be
226.1 cfs and 52.4 cfs respectively. Onsite developed flows will
raise both these figures slightly for the culvert designs
required. A preliminary hydraulic analysis has shown the 100
year developed flows will require 2-42 inch RCP when 100 historic
flows can be accommodated in one 36 inch RCP. As per your
request I have summarized the potential cost differential for
storm drain piping and headwalls below.
Other Offices: Vail, Colorado 303/476-6340 • Colorado Springs, Colorado 303/574-3504
For 100 Developed Flows:
42 inch RCP (2 lengths) 800 L.F. @ $57/LF = $45,600
4 Headwalls @ $1068 Each = $ 4,272
TOTAL $49,872
For 100 Historic Flows
36 inch RCP (1 length) 400 LF @ $40/LF = $16,000
4 Headwalls @ $613 Each = $ 2,452
TOTAL $18,452
The difference of these two totals ($31,420.00) is the ap-
proximate potential cost covered by a repay agreement. This cost
does not include grading or engineering costs and is dependent on
the final design approach.
I trust this letter addresses the concerns discussed in our
forementioned meeting. Please contact me if I can be of further
RBD, Inc.
Stan A. Myers, P.E.
cc: Carr Bieker - ZVFK
George Galida - Poudre R-1
§ 26.546
basin reimbursement, prior to final approval of
the development agreement the developer must
submit to the stormwater utility a report detail-
ing the proposed basin improvements and obtain
the city's approval of the report. The report must
identify all elements of the project eligible for
reimbursement and include a detailed project de-
scription, a project bid form with estimated quan-
tities, unit prices, engineering design and construc-
tion management costs. The report must also pro-
vide an accurate quantity and cost delineation
between the proposed basin improvements and
the stormwater improvements necessary to meet
the standard requirements of the development.
The stormwater basin reimbursement must be
taken first as credit toward the total basin fees
due for the developed property with regard to
which the basin improvements are being constructed
and any remaining reimbursement to be paid in
cash to the developer will be made as a cash
repayment subject to (e) of this Section. If more
than two (2) years elapse from the approval date
of the development agreement without substan-
tial progress toward the construction of all im-
provements eligible for basin reimbursement, the
reimbursement obligation shall terminate. The
developer may request and the Director of Utility
Services may approve extensions of the obliga-
tion for additional one-year periods.
(b) After final approval of the plat, the owner
of the developed property shall have the option of
reducing the stormwater basin fee due for the
development by an amount equal to one-half (1/2)
of the estimated basin reimbursement as shown
in the development agreement or the total basin
fees due, whichever is less.
(c) Subject to the provisions of (e) of this Sec-
tion, the city will make additional basin reim-
bursement upon completion of all required storm -
water improvements, approval by the stormwater
utility and submittal by the developer of copies of
the following:
(1) Completed bid forms from at least three (3)
qualified contractors showing which contrac-
tor was awarded the project;
(2) The contractor's invoice for final payment
as approved by the developer's engineer
separating the quantities and costs of the
basin improvements from the improvements
necessary to meet the standard requirements
of the development;
(3) An invoice from the developer's engineer
clearly showing any fees charged for that
portion of the work which is eligible for
basin reimbursement;
(4) Letters from the contractor and the engi-
neer certifying that final payment has been
received for the work eligible for basin
(6) Any other information deemed necessary
by the Director of Utility Services or re-
quired by the development agreement.
(d) The books and records of the developer re-
lating to the stormwater facilities for which the
utility is providing basin reimbursement shall be
open to the city at all reasonable times for the
purpose of audit and/or verification of costs.
(e) If the estimated cost of improvements eligi-
ble for basin reimbursement for a development
exceeds the stormwater basin fees due for the
development, the Director of Utility Services will
recommend inclusion of such costs in the next
available budget submittal to the City Council.
Upon approval and appropriation by the City Coun-
cil, such costs will be reimbursed from the storm
drainage fund.
(Code 1972, § 93-11; Ord. No. 161, 1986, § 2,
Sec. 26-546. Assessment for off -site stormwater
(a) When any developer constructs stormwater
facilities on or through undeveloped areas
to serve the property or to meet the requirements
for developing the property the entire cost of such
facilities if they are not identified as an element
of a basin master plan shall be the responsibility
of such developer. If the facility is identified in a
basin master plan, but only a portion of the cost is
eligible for basin reimbursement from the storm
drainage fund, the balance of the cost is the re-
sponsibility of that developer. However, if the de-
veloper enters into a repayment agreement with
the city within ninety (90) days of the completion
and approval by the stormwater utility of such
ities will be constructed and installed as indicated
and approved.
(Code 1972, § 93-10; Ord. No. 161, 1986, § 1,
11-4-86; Ord. No. 154, 1987, § 9, 10-20-87)
Sec. 26-545. Credit for construction of major
basin improvements.
(a) If the stormwater utility requires a devel-
oper to construct stormwater facilities that serve
more than that development and are identified in
a basin master plan, a portion of the actual costs
incurred may be eligible for basin reimbursement
from the storm drainage fund. To be eligible for
Supp. No.1
1 26.545