Thomas R. Fay
4301 Whippeny Dr.
Ft.Collins, CO 80526
May 14, 1987
Ken Waido, Chief Planner
Office of Development and Services Planning
City of Fort Collins
P.O.Box 580
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
Dear Mr. Waido--
I am responding to the recent notice of annexation of property
adjoining the Taft Canyon Subdivision. I cannot attend the
hearing on the date mentioned in the letter, so I am submitting
my comments in writing.
As I understand it, Fort Collins is proposing to annex a ten foot
strip of land which just happens to correspond to the non -city
borders of the Taft Canyon Subdivision. Since that land
represents no taxable base for the city to speak of, it seems
clear to me that the purpose of the annexation is solely to
surround the Taft Canyon Subdivision with city land. This, as
I'm sure you are aware, would deprive me and others living in
this subdivision of any say in the eventual annexation of this
subdivision by Fort Collins. I believe this violates the spirit,
if not the letter, of the state law giving residents of lands to
be annexed a say in that annexation. The appearance is that Fort
Collins wishes to increase its tax base in a painless (for the
city) manner at the expense of this subdivision.
I don't know whether being a resident of Fort Collins would be
better or worse for me: no-one has explained what that might mean
in the way of improved services or changes in tax rates. It is
entirely possible that I would consider residency a good deal,
all things considered. However, I resent not being given any
choice in the matter, especially when a state law has been passed
which clearly was intended to give me that right.
I am not in favor of the annexations 'Taft Canyon - First
Annexation and Zoning #21-87A' or 'Taft Canyon - Second
Annexation and Zoning #21-87B.' I feel the city, if it desires
to annex the Taft Canyon Subdivision, should explain what that
might mean to the residents of this subdivision and put it to a
vote of those residents. Annexation by encirclement cannot
create loyal, contributing citizens: fair play and above board
dealings can.
Thomas R. Fay