June 26, 1987
Mr. John Dengler
c% Dengler and Associates
748 Whalers Way
Building E, Suite 200
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear John,
Staff has reviewed the request for Preliminary and Final PUD for Park Place
and offers the following comments:
yl 1. The Planning Director has not authorized this request to be processed
as both a simultaneous preliminary and final. Due to the variances in
standard street specifications, the request will be heard as a prelimi-
nary only at the July 27, 1987 Planning and Zoning Board hearing. If
there are no outstanding issues, the final will be heard on August 24,
2. Enclosed is a handout entitled "Variance Requests From Street Design
Standards". Please note that the request shall be signed and sealed by
a Licensed Professional Engineer certifying the varied design. The two
variances are the proposed street width and the curve radius in front
of lot 10. [nA-T'r BEL , C H as i L L S 03 -ii T
3. Similarly, the traffic visibility triangle on tracts A and B must be
justified based on street design standards. Please indicate to the
City Traffic Engineer the location of a car exiting the Southshore
Court and the design speed of traffic on Westshore Way. There must be
adequate visibility to ensure safety and proper functioning of this
intersection. Jeff G i—, ti S v^"� , �Eav E U ),"
4. There is a conflict with the name "Park Place". The City already has
on record a plat called "Park Place at the Landings" located off Trout-
J5. The plat should show the island in the cul-de-sac as an "Out parcel"
and include a utility easement underneath. City will not maintain this
J 6. Tracts A and B should be deeded to the Homeowner's Association. The
City will not maintain common areas.
• P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, Colorado 80522 • (303) 221-6750
Park Place - Pr�iminary and Final
Page 2
7. It will be important to vacate unused and previously dedicated ease-
ments and right-of-ways. These vacations go through a separate process
and are granted by two readings of the City Council. It is encouraged
that this process parallel the PUD process so the second Council read-
ing occurs as soon as possible after the final approval by the Planning
and Zoning Board. Until the vacations are recorded with the County
Clerk, the title insurance may be clouded on lots which show conflict-
ing dedications and easements. This may delay property conveyance. A
handout is enclosed entitled "Vacation and Dedication Procedure".
a' 8. The site plan shows the shoreline of the .lake will be moved. The City
would like assurance that permission to alter the shoreline has been
granted by the owner of the lake.
9. The site plan should include a pedestrian linkage at the end of the
cul-de-sac to the parking lot of the Boardwalk Office Complex. This
connection would enhance pedestrian circulation around the lake and to
the potential restaurant pad. Since the lake is the primary amenity in
the area, pedestrian access and circulation should be encouraged and
provided wherever possible.
010.' Staff is concerned that the landscaping is not in to screen the adja-
cent parking of the Boardwalk Office Canplex. The future restaurant
pad could increase evening and weekend activity and would require buf-
fering of the residential uses. The overgrowth of weeds and bushes
that are currently there would be insufficient as the lots develop and
would certainly be insufficient in the winter. A condition of approval
may be that this parking lot landscaping be installed as part of this
p% 11. The conceptual site plan showed a perimeter fence with brick posts
along Westshore Way and Boardwalk Drive to screen the rear yards of
lots 6 through 12. This fence does not appear on the present submit-
tal. It is recommended that some form of screening and buffering be
included to ensure a uniform streetscape as well as provide backyard
12. The proposed treatment of the shoreline appears insufficient. The
landscape plan should include a buffer of native vegetation to reduce
impacts on water quality, lessen attractiveness for geese, and provide
other natural resource values. This concern was included in the con-
ceptual review comments dated May 4, 1987. The Division of Natural
Resources is available to offer recommendations on species to provide a
diversity of planting.
13. The street design should include full depth asphalt around the cul-de-
sac to protect from sprinkler overspray. ;,,,,, n ; s r_ u s W 11 C LLIf:il T
14. The capacity of the two 30" RCP's needs to be checked since another_
portion of the original fourth filing of the Landings needs to be
graded such that more flow will be discharged into the ditch along the
north property line. A swale was to be built between lots 48 and 49 of
Park Place - Preli�ary and Final •
Page 3
a single family development to the northeast but the easement was not
obtained and the property is now developed.
✓15. Other property owners around Harmony Reservoir have improved the land
between their property and the water and are willing to maintain
instead of the homeowner's association. In doing so, they have
requested culvert extensions. Therefore, extensions of the culverts
past the property line and into the reservoir should be considered as
well as the permanent maintenance of the area.
16. The drainage exhibit needs to show sub -basin delineations and flows,
both existing and proposed.
✓17. A street capacity check needs to be included in the report, especially
for the offsite flows crossing this development.
18. Please show the HWL (high water_ line) of the reservoir on the drainage
19. The City will not maintain the pan or area cut off from the lot 8
(Tract B).
20. What are the flow rates in the ditch along the south property line?
Need a cross-section detail showing slope, etc.
�Di-Lots 1 through 4 have no rear easements. Other easements appear to be
drainage easements and not utility easements. ri T� 3 ELL
22Existing water line stubs and service lines installed in Westshore Way
must be used or abandoned.
The existing sewer crossing the site from north to south must be in the
street R.O.W. Either the street or sewer must be relocated. Too many
conflicts with other utilities exist if the sewer is outside the R.O.W.
WCgr, SONGS - VN0j;P SrOc 00-ILK
24. The Warren Lake Trunk Sewer Repay will be assessed against this prop-
erty. 4,3 6jE- F'i c4 u^E r-RCM s1;-1.
25. Please indicate dimension of rear yard setback for lots 9 and 8.
26. Indicate east side yard setback and rear setback for lot 6.
27. All signs must comply with the sign code.
28. The site plan includes the landscape plan. This should be reflected in
the title of the document.
29. The following note should be added to the Site and Landscape Plan:
"No certificate of occupancy will be issued until landscaping is
installed or an approved landscaping letter of credit, bond or escrow
account for 125% of the valuation of the landscaping, as installed, is
in place."
Park Place - PrI minary and Final. n
Page 4
30. The City Forester is requiring PUD's to plant street trees along public
right-of-way. Consequently, street trees should be planted along
/ Boardwalk and Westshore Way at 40 foot intevals.
31. Staff has recently recieved complaints from various homeowners through-
out the city where there common area improvements have not been com-
pleted. Staff, therefore, encourages entry signage, entry landscaping,
perimeter landscaping, and other common area improvements be installed
and canpleted upon -certificate of occupancy of the first home.
32. It would be helpful to have a detail schematic of the entry signage.
33. It would also be helpful to have gross density, and the land use break-
down by percentage added to the table.
This concludes staff comments at this time. Please note the following
deadlines for the Planning and Zoning Roard hearing on July 27, 1987:
Plan revisions are due July 8, 1987.
PMT's, renderings, and 10 prints are due July 20, 1987.
Final documents are due July 23, 1987.
Please call if there are any questions or concerns. As always, I will be
able to meet anytime to discuss the above items.
Ted Shepard
Project Planner