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Community Development and
Neighborhood Services
281 North College Avenue
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.224.6134 - fax
November 20, 2020
Stephanie Hansen
Fort Collins, CO
Re: Redwood & Suniga Single-Family and Two-Family Development
Description of project: This is a request to develop approximately 28 acres into a mixed
residential use project located east of Redwood Street and north of Suniga Road (parcel #
9701400004, 9701411001, 9701400001). Future access will be taken via a new public
street off Redwood Street to the west. The proposal includes approximately 230 dwelling
units (mixture of single-family detached and two-family attached). The proposal also
includes 437 parking spaces (some on-street) to meet the minimum requirement of 344
spaces. The project is located in the Low Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN) zone
district and is subject to an Administrative (Type 1) review.
If you have any questions regarding comment responses, please contact:
Response: HKS – Tim Hoffman at thoffman@HKSeng.com
Response: Ripley – Stephanie Hansen at stephanie@ripleydesigninc.com
Response: Biltform – Vince Scarano at vince@biltform.com
Response: Ruth Rollins – ruthie.rollins@gmail.com
Comment Summary
Development Review Coordinator
Contact: Todd Sullivan, 970-221-6695, tsullivan@fcgov.com
1. I will be your primary point of contact throughout the development review and permitting
process. If you have any questions, need additional meetings with the project reviewers, or
need assistance throughout the process, please let me know and I can assist you and your
team. Please include me in all email correspondence with other reviewers and keep me
informed of any phone conversations.
Thank you!
Response: Understood
2. The proposed development project is subject to a Type 1 review and public hearing, the
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decision maker for Type 1 hearings is an Administrative Hearing Officer. The applicant for
this development request is not required to hold a neighborhood meeting for a Type 1
hearing, but if you would like to have one to notify your neighbors of the proposal, please let
me know and I can help you in setting a date, time and location for a meeting.
Neighborhood Meetings are a great way to get public feedback and avoid potential
hiccups that may occur later in the review process.
Response: Understood
3. I will provide you a roadmap specific to your development review project, helping to identify
each step of the process. For more detailed process information, see the Development
Review Guide at www.fcgov.com/drg . This online guide features a color-coded flowchart
with comprehensive, easy to read information on each step in the process. This guide
includes links to just about every resource you need during development review.
Response: Understood
4. I will provide a Project Submittal Checklist to assist in your submittal preparation. Please
use the checklist in conjunction with the Submittal Requirements located at:
The checklist provided is specific to this Conceptual project. If there are any significant
changes to this project, please let me know so we can adjust the checklist accordingly. I
can send an updated copy of the Submittal Checklist to ensure you are submitting the
correct materials.
Response: Understood
5. As part of your submittal you will respond to the comments provided in this letter. This letter
is provided to you in Microsoft Word format. Please use this document to insert responses
to each comment for your submittal, using a different font color. When replying to the
comment letter please be detailed in your responses, as all comments should be
thoroughly addressed. Provide reference to specific project plans or explanations of why
comments have not been addressed, when applicable.
Response: Understood
6. The request will be subject to the Development Review Fee Schedule:
I will provide estimated fees, which are due at time of project submittal for formal review.
This is an estimate of the initial fees to begin the development review process based on
your Conceptual Review Application. As noted in the comments, there are additional fees
required by other departments, and additional fees at the time of building permit. The City
of Fort Collins fee schedule is subject to change - please confirm these estimates before
submitting. If you have any questions about fees, please reach out to me.
Response: Understood
7. Submittals are accepted any day of the week, with Wednesday at noon being the cut-off for
routing the same week. Upon initial submittal, your project will be subject to a
completeness review. Staff has until noon that Friday to determine if the project contains all
required checklist items and is sufficient for a round of review. If complete, a formal Letter
of Acceptance will be emailed to you and the project would be officially routed with a
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three-week round of review, followed by a formal meeting.
Response: Understood
8. When you are ready to submit your formal plans, please make an appointment with me at
least 24 hours in advance. Applications and plans are submitted electronically in person
with initial fees.
Pre-submittal meetings can be beneficial to ensure you have everything for a complete
submittal. Please reach out and I will assist in those arrangements.
Response: Understood
Planning Services
Contact: Pete Wray, 970-221-6754, pwray@fcgov.com
- The proposed single-family detached and two-family dwelling uses are permitted subject
to Type I Review.
Response: Understood
- Minimum average density is 4 DU/net acre, and maximum density of 9 DU/gross acre.
Response: Our density is less than 9 DUs/Acre
- Access to Neighborhood Center, please show how this project is meeting standard in
summary for distance to NC in the Northfield site etc.
Response: Our project is less than 40 acres and therefore does not require a neighborhood center
- Small neighborhood park. This park is surrounded by units with no clear connection from
street or internal open spaces areas for potential users. After street network is
established, park should be visible from the street and internal open space areas for
direct access. All parts of such parks shall be safely and easily accessible by pedestrians
and open to the public. Such parks shall consist of multiple-use turf areas, walking paths,
plazas, pavilions, picnic tables, benches, or other features for various age groups to enjoy.
Response: Please see revised site plan
- Street system and block size. No block can exceed 12 acres that is surrounded by
public or street-like private drive. Mid-block pedestrian connections should be provided
for any block face that exceeds 750' in length.
- Max. building height is 2.5 stories for single-family and two-family buildings.
Response: Maximum building height is 2 stories
2. FOR HEARING: Section 3.2.2 (K) - Parking.
- Please summarize vehicle parking calculations based on LUC Section 3.2.2 (K) based
on the number of dwelling units and bedrooms for SF attached or Two-family dwellings.
Please clarify number of garage spaces. On-street parking may be included in calculation
for SF attached and two-family dwellings, but not for SF detached. Parking lots need to be
within 200' of serving units.
Response: Please see parking calculations. The parking stalls that serve the single-family lots are off street and within 200 feet of
the units
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- As mentioned above, a minimum of one off-street parking space is required for each SF
detached dwelling on lots over 40' is width, but it is recommended to provide two to
reduce on-street parking. As an alternative to providing garage spaces, I mentioned an
option for a two-car driveway either front load or rear load depending on access.
Response: We have calculated a required 2 spaces per single-family unit. We feel like the benefit of greenspace and front yards
outweighs the need for driveways in front of units that don’t lead to garages.
- For each two-family dwelling, the following parking requirements are used: One
bedroom = 1.5 spaces, two bedrooms = 1.75 spaces, and 3 bedrooms = 2 spaces.
Response: See parking table
- Two-Family Projects Developed with Internal Streets: Parking on an internal street
fronting on a lot or tract containing multi-family, attached or two-family dwellings (except
for mixed-use dwellings and single-family detached dwellings) may be counted to meet
the parking requirements for the development.
Response: We do count on-street parking near the two-family units towards our parking count
- A Modification of Standard may be required depending on how site plan is designed
with changes to not be able to count on-street parking for all SF detached dwellings.
Response: All single-family parking is located in off-street parking courts.
3. FOR HEARING: LMN - Mix of housing types. To the maximum extent feasible, housing
types, block dimensions, garage placement, lot sizes and lot dimensions shall be significantly
and substantially varied to avoid repetitive rows of housing and monotonous streetscapes.
- Need four housing types for projects over 30 acres. By removing previous housing types
of SF attached or multi-family, I see a big challenge in meeting significant variation on site with
these one-story similar SF detached footprints.
- Housing type 1 – SF detached front loaded garage. Since you intend to exclude
garages you need to show how this is front loaded. I suggest adding a 2 space 20’
driveway in front of each dwelling. This will reflect front load and meet off-street parking
requirement, while reducing need for on-street parking or parking lots. This will be
Modification #1 (no garages)
Response: The single family detached with front loaded garage does have a garage
- Housing type 2 – SF detached rear loaded garage. Since you intend to exclude garages
You need to show how this is rear loaded. I suggest adding an alley behind these units and a 2
space 20’ driveway in rear of each dwelling off alley. This will reflect rear load and meet
off-street parking requirement, while reducing need for on-street parking or parking lots. This
will also be part Modification #1 (no garages)
Response: We are proposing a new housing type of Single Family without garage. It is equal to a single family with rear garage
because the garage is not visible from the public view
- Housing type 3 – Two-family front loaded garage. See type 1 above for similar
compliance. This will also be part of Modification #1 (no garages)
Response: The housing type for two-family doesn’t specify garage
- Housing type 4 – Two-family rear loaded garage. See type 2 above for similar
compliance. This will be Modification #2 (new housing type W/no garages and rear loaded)
Two-family attached. This type reflects a two-family dwelling attached to another
two-family dwelling on separate lots. Since site is one lot this option will not work.
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Response: We do not have garages on the two-family housing type
Again, see intent of standard above for need to show how block size, block face, lot size,
housing types, and building footprints are significantly different. I suggest reconsidering
using other larger housing types such as SF attached townhomes or multi-family apartments or
Response: Please see justification in the modification request.
Please show on site plan footprint of each housing type and label as type 1, 2, 3 or A, B,
C etc. to reflect clearly different footprint sizes and that no two types are located next to each
other. The bedroom breakdown for each unit can be part of summary table, along with
how parking is being met.
Response: See the attached color coded site plan for each housing type. Bedroom breakdown and parking is in the summary
4. FOR HEARING: Section 3.6.3 - The intent of the Street Connectivity Standards. The local
street system shall provide multiple direct connections to and between local destinations
such as parks, schools, and shopping. Local streets must provide for both intra- and
inter-neighborhood connections to knit developments together, rather than forming
barriers between them. The street configuration within each parcel must contribute to the
street system of the neighborhood.
All development plans shall provide for future public street connections to adjacent
developable parcels by providing a local street connection spaced at intervals not to
exceed six hundred sixty (660) feet along each development plan boundary that abuts
potentially developable or re-developable land, unless rendered infeasible by unusual
topographic features, existing development or a natural area or feature.
- See redline of one potential design option to support linking public streets between
Northfield and Redwood Street, and ped paths in lieu of streets, as part of Alternative Compliance.
Response: Public Roadways have been provided to connect to the Northfield development
- Public Street Connections. Access to Northfield Needs to match the Northfield plans (2
vehicular and one pedestrian/bike) These will need to be in the same location and be
designed based on Northfield’s plans.
Response: Public connections have been designed to the Northfield development.
- Redwood access. Engineering will require that this site connect to Redwood via the
existing Lupine stub. The southerly Redwood connection should be shifted north as far as
possible/necessary to meet intersection spacing requirements (Traffic Operations mentioned
connecting to Mullein as well, although the intersection spacing to Redwood would not meet our
criteria, so, I think staff will support Alternative Compliance for a ped. connection in lieu of public
street connection in this location.
Response: Connection has been shifted north to meet spacing requirements
- Access to Conifer Street. A potential street connection along the north boundary of this
site is the most challenging. Obviously with the existing lots along most of this edge, no
connections are feasible, except for the undeveloped NW corner lot that fronts Conifer.
Without an agreement from the property owner, I think in lieu of a street stub-out we could
support Alternative Compliance here with Ped. connection.
Response: Ped connection has been provided NW to Conifer Street
- Bike/Pedestrian Connections. Please include on-site bike and pedestrian connections
to destinations such as park, other gathering areas, recreation amenities etc.
Connections to off-site destinations need to be included such as adjacent neighborhood
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center, regional trial. Provide portion of regional trail on-site (west of canal) and stub-outs
to Northfield project.
Response: Bike/Ped circulation and connections have been provided
5. FOR HEARING: Arterial Streetscape.
- Arterial Streetscape. - Please include streetscape parkway landscaping and detached
sidewalk along Suniga and Redwood frontages. This is also applicable for tract of land
that is south of Suniga.
Response: Please see site and landscape plan
6. FOR HEARING: Plan Set, General.
- Please include tract that is south of Suniga in all plans for details for drainage,
landscaping streetscape etc.
Response: The tract south of Suniga is not part of this project
7. This development proposal will be subject to all applicable standards of the Fort Collins
Land Use Code (LUC), including Article 3 General Development Standards. The entire
LUC is available for your review on the web at
Response: Understood
8. If this proposal is unable to satisfy any of the requirements set forth in the LUC, a
Modification of Standard Request will need to be submitted with your formal development
proposal. Please see Section 2.8.2 of the LUC for more information on criteria to apply
for a Modification of Standard.
Response: Understood
Department: Engineering Development Review
Contact: Spencer Smith, 970-221-6603, smsmith@fcgov.com
1. I will summarize the previously discussed access and roadway related comments for the
site from my email to Stephanie Hansen and Kyle Henderson dated 11/10/2020:
Access to Northfield - Needs to match the Northfield plans (2 vehicular and one
pedestrian/bike). These will need to be in the same location and be designed based on
Northfield’s plans (we can provide those plans if they are not uploaded to CityDocs yet)
Suniga access - Engineering would probably prefer not to have another access to
Suniga from this site.
Redwood access - Engineering will require that this site connect to Redwood via the
existing Lupine stub. The southerly Redwood connection should be shifted north as far
as possible/necessary to meet intersection spacing requirements. Traffic Operations
mentioned connecting to Mullein as well, although the intersection spacing to Redwood
would not meet our criteria, so I think that one could be reconsidered, depending on
what you are proposing for a site layout.
Connection to Conifer - The proposed connection to Conifer was not preferred by
Engineering when The Retreat was in process. That connection was agreed upon
in-lieu of a connection to Lupine. I believe that if we could get a connection made to
Lupine, that Engineering would be fine without a connection to Conifer. I believe this is
one item that Pete may have some different opinion on based on Planning criteria, so I
think he needs to weigh in on this.
Public vs. Private internal streets - Staff still is generally not supportive of private
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roadways internally that would be connecting public roadways in Northfield to the public
Redwood roadway. As I understand, the main concern has to do with areas where
cut-through traffic could be an issue. I think if we can figure out a way to make your
internal roadways that connect Northfield to Redwood public, it would be best. I think
any proposal contrary to that would require a focused meeting and discussion with City
staff and the applicant and consultant team to talk through together.
Response: Public Roadway connections direct traffic to Lupine Dr west to Redwood St
2. Existing road rights-of-way will need to be vacated prior to recordation of this revised
plat. The vacation of existing road rights-of-way can be generally processed
concurrently with this project. Please note however, that we would prefer that the
vacation not be finalized until the proposed plat was ready to be recorded. Also, we
would not vacate any portion of ROW needed for Suniga Road.
Response: Existing ROW to be vacated will be coordinated with the revised Plat.
3. A Development Construction Permit (DCP) will be required for this project. Please see
the City Engineering Development Review website for more information regarding
DCP's: https://www.fcgov.com/engineering/devrev.php
Response: Understood
4. A Development Agreement (DA) will be required for this project. The DA is an
agreement between the property owner and the City of Fort Collins that defines the
various standards, infrastructure requirements, maintenance responsibilities, etc. of the
owner. A draft of the DA will be prepared by the City during the review and approval
process. Prior to preparing this agreement, the applicant will need to provide a
completed “Information for Development Agreements” form. This can be submitted with
the initial project submittal. A copy of the document can be found at the Engineering
web page link below: https://www.fcgov.com/engineering/devrev.php
Response: Understood
5. Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Transportation Expansion Fees are due at the
time of building permit. Please contact Kyle Lambrecht at (970)-221-6566 if you have any questions.
Response: Understood
6. The City's Transportation Development Review Fee (TDRF) is due at the time of
submittal. For additional information on these fees, please see:
Response: Submitted
7. Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets,
sidewalks, curbs & gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of
this project, shall be replaced or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the
Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of completed improvements and/or prior
to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy.
8. All public sidewalk, driveways & ramps, existing or proposed, adjacent or within the
site, need to meet ADA standards.
Response: Understood. All public sidewalk, driveways & ramps, existing or proposed, adjacent or within the site will be designed
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to meet ADA standards.
9. Any public improvements must be designed, and built, in accordance with the Larimer
County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at:
Response: Roadway and Parking improvements are designed in accordance to LCUASS standards.
10. Utility plans will be required to be submitted for review and approval with this project.
Response: Utility Plans have been included in this submittal.
11. LCUASS parking setbacks (Figure 19-6) apply and will need to be followed depending
on parking design.
Response: Roadway and Parking improvements are designed in accordance to LCUASS standards.
12. All fences, barriers, posts, or other encroachments within the public right-of-way are only
permitted upon approval of an encroachment permit. Applications for encroachment
permits shall be made to the Engineering Department for review and approval prior to
installation. Encroachment items shall not be shown on the site plan as they may not be
approved, need to be modified or moved, or if the permit is revoked then the site/
landscape plan is in non-compliance.
Response: No fences, barrier, posts, or other encroachments are currently proposed within the public ROW.
13. The development/site cannot use the right-of-way for any Low Impact Development to
treat the site’s storm runoff.
Response: Understood.
14. Bike parking required for the project cannot be placed within the right-of-way and if
placed just behind the right-of-way need to be placed so that when bikes are parked
they do not extend into the right-of-way.
Response: Understood
15. With regards to construction of this site, the public right-of-way shall not be used for
staging or storage of materials or equipment associated with the Development. The
Developer will need to find a location(s) on private property to accommodate any
necessary staging needs associated with the completion of the Development.
Information on the location(s) of these areas will be required to be provided to the City
as a part of the Development Construction Permit application.
Response: Understood
Department: Traffic Operations
Contact: Steve Gilchrist, 970-224-6175, sgilchrist@fcgov.com
1. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY: A Traffic Impact Study will be required with the submittal of
this project according to Chapter 4 of the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards.
Please contact me to schedule a scoping meeting for this project.
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Response: See submitted TIS
2. CONNECTIVITY TO MEADOWS AT REDWOOD: This will need to be discussed as the
project moves forward. Typical connectivity to Lupine and Mullein would be expected.
The previous project limited some of those connections to bike/ped because of
compatibility and very different land use types. If the land use is similar, then connectivity
could be good. Connectivity to Northfield will also need to be discussed further.
Response: The proposed project does connect to Lupine and Northfield
3. ROADWAY CROSS SECTIONS: We'll need more information on the roadway
cross-sections. It appears that there will be no driveways off the public streets, and with
no driveways or garages for the duplexes and casitas, on-street parking will be heavily
used. The roadway cross-sections will need to accommodate two-way traffic and
parking on both sides (at least 36-foot-wide road).
Response: The public streets have a 58’ right-of-way, and the private streets are 51’ from sidewalk to sidewalk. See plans and we
will discuss
4. BIKE / PED AND REGIONAL TRAIL: Please review requirements / plans for bike / ped
connections and the regional trail. (For instance, in the NE corner of the site, I believe
there is a trail connection.)
Response: The trail connection has been shown
5. ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES: The final reading and adoption of the City Budget is
planned for Tuesday, November 17th. As long as there are no unexpected changes, the
Vine and Lemay intersection will become a fully funded project which means an
alternative mitigation strategy to meet the APF standards will not be required. If for
some reason it does not pass City Council, we will initiate the APF conversation at that
Response: Understood.
Department: Stormwater Engineering – Erosion and Sediment Control
Contact: Jesse Schlam, 970-218-2932, jschlam@fcgov.com
1. Information Only:
The site disturbs more than 10,000 sq. ft. and/or meets the criteria for
a need for Erosion and Sediment Control Materials to be submitted.
The erosion control requirements are located in the Stormwater Design
Criteria in Chapter 2 Section 6.0 a copy of the requirements can be
found at www.fcgov.com/erosion
Response: Understood.
2. For Final:
Please submit an Erosion Control Plans to meet City Criteria.
Response: Understood, Erosion Control Plans that meet City Criteria will be submitted.
3. For Final:
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Please submit an Erosion Control Report to meet City Criteria.
Response: Understood, An Erosion Control Report that meets City Criteria will be submitted.
4. For Final:
Please submit an Erosion Control Escrow / Security Calculation based
upon the accepted Erosion Control Plans to meet City Criteria.
Response: An Erosion Control Escrow / Security Calculation will be submitted that is based on accept Erosion Control Plans and
meets City Criteria.
5. Information only:
Based upon the area of disturbance, State permits for stormwater will
be required since the site is over an acre and should be pulled before
Construction Activities begin.
Response: Understood.
6. For Final:
Starting January 1st, 2020 fees will be changing, and the City will be collecting fees for
Erosion Control and Stormwater Inspections. The fees are based off; the number of lots,
the total site disturbance, the estimated number of years the project will be active and
the number of LID/WQ Features that are designed for on this project. Based upon the
materials submitted we are assuming 230 number of lots, 28 acres of disturbance, 4.5
number of years from demo to complete the installation/construction and an additional 3
years till full vegetative stabilization. We could not make any assumptions at this time for
the LID and WQ, each porous pavers will be $365.00, each bioretention $315.00, each
extended detention basins $250.00, and each underground treatment will be $415.00.
Which roughly estimates an Erosion Control Fee of $10,932.84 and Stormwater
LID/WQ Inspections to be $TBD. Please respond to this comment with any changes to
these estimates and why, so that we may have a final fee ready for this project. The fee
will need to be provided at the time of erosion control escrow.
Department: Stormwater Engineering
Contact: Matt Simpson, (970)416-2754, masimpson@fcgov.com
7. Master plan and criteria compliance (site specific comment):
The design of this site must conform to the drainage basin design of the Dry Creek
Basin Master Drainage Plan, the North East College Corridor Outfall (NECCO) regional
plan, and the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (FCSCM). For information about
the NECCO regional plan, please contact Water Utilities Development Review at
The stormwater criteria manual is available on our website here:
Response: Understood.
8. Documentation requirements (site specific comment):
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A drainage report and construction plans are required and must be prepared by a
Professional Engineer registered in the State of Colorado. The drainage report must
address the four-step process for selecting structural BMPs.
Response: Understood. The final drainage report will address the four-step process.
9. NECCO Requirements for this Site:
A. This project site is located within NECCO sub-basins 113 and 313 which are in the
“yellow sub-basin” category from the NECCO maps. For this site detention and water
quality must be provided on site with a release rate of 0.2-cfs per acre.
B. The proposed NECCO ‘A2’ storm line crosses through this site. This storm line will
need to be accommodated and constructed as part of this development. The A2 storm
line will connect the existing Redwood detention pond (northwest of this site) to the
“NECCO Backbone” storm main in Suniga Road. This will include some reconfiguration
of the existing Redwood Pond. The A2 storm line is eligible for a “repay” through the
developer repay process.
C. Offsite flows from the adjacent ‘Meadows at Redwood PUD Phase 1’ development,
west of this site, are required to be intercepted by the NECCO A2 stormline. Existing
flows from this neighborhood do not need to be detained.
D. There will be NECCO fees associated with this site. Fees for the “yellow sub-basins”
are $8,991 per acre (2019 NECCO fee update). The fees go toward the construction of
the NECCO regional stormwater management system and outfall piping to the river.
10. Stormwater outfall (site specific comment):
The stormwater outfall option for this site is the NECCO “Backbone” storm main (12’x4’
RCBC) in Suniga Road.
Response: On-site stormwater will outfall to the NECCO line
11. Irrigation Ditch (site specific comment):
Lake Canal runs along the southeastern edge of this site. Any drainage impacts to the
canal or change of flow patterns into the ditch (positive or negative) will need approval
by the ditch company.
Response: Understood
12. Stormwater Detention (site specific comment):
**Updated Comment**
The detention for this site should be analyzed with EPA SWMM due to the size of the
site and interaction with the NECCO SWMM model. On site flows will need to be
detained with a release rate of 0.2-cfs per acre. The detention surface overflows will
need to be directed to an adequate public facility, please think about this with your site
plan and discuss with Water Utilities.
Please note that the City has landscaping requirements for stormwater detention ponds.
These requirements can be found in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual,
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Chapter 8, Section 3.0 and in Appendix B (Landscape Design Standards and
Guidelines for Stormwater and Detention Facilities).
Response: The final drainage report will include a SWMM model, Drainage facilities will adhere to city stormwater requirements
13. Groundwater Discharge (site specific comment):
In response to the applicant’s question, the City will allow groundwater drains to
discharge into the NECCO storm system. Dewatering system calculations will be
Response: Understood
14. Water Quality and Low Impact Development requirements (standard comment):
All new or modified impervious areas require stormwater quality treatment. In addition,
the City requires the use of Low Impact Development (LID) methods to treat stormwater
quality on all new or redeveloping property, including sites required to be brought into
compliance with the Land Use Code. There are two (2) categories of LID requirements;
the development will need to meet one of the two following options:
1. LID with Permeable Pavers: When using the permeable pavers option, 50% of the
new or modified impervious areas must be treated by LID methods. Of the new or
modified paved areas, 25% must be pervious.
2. LID - without Pavers: 75% of all new or modified impervious areas must be treated
by LID methods. This typically consists of a rain garden or bioretention system, but other
options are allowed.
The remainder of the water quality treatment can be accomplished ‘standard’ or LID
water quality methods. Accepted methods are described in the Fort Collins Stormwater
Criteria Manual (FCSCM), Chapter 7:
Response: LID methods will be incorporated to treat onsite stormwater.
15. Detention drain times (standard comment):
Per Colorado Revised Statute §37-92-602 (8) that became effective August 5, 2015,
criteria regarding detention drain time will apply to this project. As part of the drainage
design, the engineer will be required to show compliance with this statute using a
standard spreadsheet (available on request) that will need to be included in the
drainage report. Upon completion of the project, the engineer will also be required to
upload the approved spreadsheet onto the Statewide Compliance Portal. This will
apply to any volume-based stormwater storage, including extended detention basins.
Response: Understood
16. Erosion control requirements (standard comment):
The erosion control report requirements are in Chapter 2, Section 6 of the Fort Collins
Stormwater Criteria Manual (December 2018, www.fcgov.com/erosion). If you need
clarification concerning this section, please contact the Erosion Control Inspector, Jesse
Schlam at 224-6015 or jschlam@fcgov.com.
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Response: Erosion control report will adhere to city Criteria.
17. Erosion control requirements (standard comment):
The erosion control report requirements are in Chapter 2, Section 6 of the Fort Collins
Stormwater Criteria Manual (December 2018, www.fcgov.com/erosion). If you need
clarification concerning this section, please contact the Erosion Control Inspector, Jesse
Schlam at 224-6015 or jschlam@fcgov.com.
Response: Erosion control report will adhere to city Criteria.
18. Fees (standard comment):
The 2020 city wide Stormwater development fee (PIF) is $9,447/acre of new impervious
area over 350 square feet and there is a $1,045/acre of site review fee. No fee is
charged for existing impervious area. These fees are to be paid at the time each
building permit is issued. Information on fees can be found at:
pment-fees or contact our Utility Fee and Rate Specialists at (970) 416-4252 for
questions on fees. There is also an erosion control escrow required before the
Development Construction permit is issued. The amount of the escrow is determined by
the design engineer, and is based on the site disturbance area, cost of the measures, or
a minimum amount in accordance with the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual.
Monthly fees - http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/rates
**There are NECCO fees associated with this project. Please see comment 9 above.**
Response: Understood
Department: Water-Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Matt Simpson, (970)416-2754, masimpson@fcgov.com
1. Existing Water Infrastructure (site specific comment):
There are several existing water mains in the area. These include an existing 24-inch
waterline in Lemay Avenue, a 12-inch waterline in the future Suniga Road, and several
6-inch waterlines serving the ‘Meadows at Redwood PUD’ neighborhood.
Response: On site water is designed to connect to the existing line in Lupine Dr and Redwood St.
2. Existing Sewer Infrastructure (site specific comment):
There are several sanitary sewer collection mains in the area. These include an 18-inch
main along the north and west sides of the Alta Vista neighborhood, a 15-inch main
along Lemay Avenue, and a 15-inch main in Redwood Street. The Northfield
development is also installing new sewer mains southeast of this site.
Response: Onsite sewer will be routed to the SW corner of the site. A private on-site lift station will pump sanitary flows to a city
owned manhole and gravity drain to the existing main in Redwood St.
3. Existing Utilities Infrastructure in Suniga Road (site specific comment):
There is an existing 60-inch Greeley water transmission main and an existing 42-inch
ELCO water transmission main in the Suniga roadway alignment. Any needed details or
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construction impacts on those water transmission mains will need to be coordinated
with Greeley and/or ELCO by the development team.
Response: Understood.
4. Proposed Sewer Lift Station (site specific comment):
If a wastewater lift station is required to serve this development, the City will not take on
the ownership and maintenance, it will be privately owned and maintained. The
permitting of this lift station will include working with the North Front Range Water Quality
Planning Association (NFRWQPA) in addition to City wastewater requirements. The
development team will need to be prepared to work through this process and prove that
the future development will have the means, mechanisms, and ability to monitor and
maintain the lift station.
Response: Understood
5. Wastewater Loading Calculation (site specific comment):
The sanitary sewer capacity will need to be analyzed to determine adequate capacity
exists in the system downstream of this site. Early coordination with Fort Collins
Utilities by the team’s Civil Engineer is requested to incorporate anticipated flow rates
from this development into the City’s sanitary sewer model. Please provide calculations
for the estimated sewer flows from this development.
Response: Estimated flows will be coordinated with the city.
6. Water and Sewer main separation (standard comment):
Please note required separation requirements and easement widths for water and
sewer utilities:
>10-ft of separation (min.) between water and sewer and all other utilities including
storm lines and dry utilities.
>Utility easement requirements include: 20’ minimum width for water mains, 30’
minimum width for sewer mains, and 35’ minimum width for combined water and sewer
mains running parallel.
>Water and Sewer mains must be a minimum of 15’ away from buildings.
Regardless of whether the utilities are aligned within the public ROW or private drives,
they are public utilities and are required to meet the required separations from each
other and from buildings or structures. Buildings being served from private drives can
be problematic meeting utility spacing requirements. When finalizing a site layout
please consider all utility spacing requirements - including the need for utility boxes,
water meters, electric vaults, etc. on the site. Other utilities may include water, sewer,
storm, electric, gas, and communication.
Please refer to the City’s Water and Wastewater Design Criteria Manual and
Development Construction Standards Manual available here:
Response: Understood.
Page 15 of 27
7. Utility Service Separations (standard comment):
For your reference, minimum utility services separations have been problematic for
single family attached developments. For your reference, minimum water and sewer
service separations are:
> 10-ft min. between water and sewer services.
> 6-ft min. between trees and water or sewer services.
> 4-ft min. between shrubs and water or sewer services.
> 10-ft min. between storm-drain pipes and other utilities.
> Service lines of the same type may be joint trenched with 3-ft of separation
Other utilities, such as gas, electric, and communications will also have spacing
requirements and will need space on the site. Please remember that there may be
service lines on the adjacent properties for which clearances also need to be
Response: Utility design will adhere to the above reuqirements
8. One building per service (standard comment):
Separate water and sewer services, connecting to the City main, will be required to
service each building and each lot. Multifamily buildings, on one lot, may be served from
a larger single water service.
Response: Onsite sanitary mains and sewers will be privately owned and maintained. Individual water meters will be provided for
each unit.
9. Water conservation (standard comment):
The water conservation standards for landscape and irrigation will apply. Information on
these requirements can be found at: http://www.fcgov.com/standards
Response: Understood.
10. Fees (standard comment):
Development fees and water rights will be due at building permit. These fees are to be
paid at the time each building permit is issued. Information on fees can be found at:
pment-fees or contact our Utility Fee and Rate Specialists at (970) 416-4252 for
questions on fees.
Response: Understood.
11. Building Layout and Utility Servicing (site specific comment):
**New Comment**
The proposed building layout, with some buildings not fronting to a street or an alley,
may be very problematic. We will need a Utility Coordination meeting at or before the
PDP1 submittal. Please send an example exhibit showing how you would like to
propose water and sewer servicing for discussion.
Response: Preliminary servicing discussions have been had and we will continue to coordinate with the city.
Department: Electric Engineering
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Contact: Rob Irish, 970-224-6167, rirish@fcgov.com
1. Light & Power has an existing large duct bank running adjacent to this property along
Redwood St. Also, running along the Northern edge of this property is another large
duct bank but I believe it may be North of the wetlands. There is also existing electric
facilities in Lupine Dr. and in Mullein Dr. Without the extension of Lupine or Mullein into
the site, it is likely all electric facilities will have to come from Redwood St. at the
entrance to the site.
Response: Understood
2. Please have all existing electric facilities adjacent to this site field located and shown on
the plan set.
Response: Understood
3. If any existing electric infrastructure needs to be relocated or modified as part of this
project, it will be at the expense of the developer and will need to be relocated within
Public Right of Way or a dedicated easement. Please coordinate relocations with Light
and Power Engineering.
Response: Understood
4. Please provide adequate space along the private drives to ensure proper utility
installation and to meet minimum utility spacing requirements. A minimum of 10 ft
separation is required between water, sewer and storm water facilities, and a minimum
of 3 ft separation is required between Natural Gas. Please show all electrical routing on
the Utility Plans.
Response: Understood
5. Transformer and meter locations must be coordinated with Light & Power Engineering
and shown on the plan set. Transformers must be located within 10’ of an all weather
surface accessible by a line truck. Please adhere to all clearance requirements in the
Electric Service Standards at the following link.
http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders and developers/development forms
guidelines regulations
Response: Electric facilities will be coordinated with Light & Power and will adhere to all design requirements.
6. This project will need to comply with our electric metering standards. Electric meter
locations will need to be coordinated with Light and Power Engineering. Reference
Section 8 of our Electric Service Standards for electric metering standards. A link has
been provided below.
Response: Electric facilities will be coordinated with Light & Power and will adhere to all design requirements
7. A commercial service information form (C 1 form) and a One line diagram will need to
be submitted to Light & Power Engineering for all proposed commercial buildings and
multifamily buildings. A link to the C 1 form is below:
http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders and developers/development forms
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guidelines regulations
Response: Understood.
8. Developer will be responsible for payment and acquisition of any ditch/canal/stream
crossings necessary to accommodate electric facilities to feed the site.
Response: Understood.
9. All secondary services for this site, including single-family detached, will be installed,
owned and maintained by the property owner.
Response: Understood
10. Electric Capacity Fee, Building Site charges, and any system modification charges
necessary will apply to this development. Please contact Light & Power Engineering at
ElectricProjectEngineering@fcgov.com . Please reference our Electric Service
Standards, development charges and fee estimator at the following link:
http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders and developers/plant investment
development fees
Response: Understood.
Department: Environmental Planning
Contact: Scott Benton, , sbenton@fcgov.com
1. FOR SUBMITTAL: This site has already undergone discussions from an Environmental
Planning perspective under the former ‘The Retreat’ project. I am aware of an
Ecological Characterization Study (ECS; dated March 2, 2018), a Wetland Delineation
Report (dated June 29, 2018), and request for a request for an Approved Jurisdictional
Determination (JD; dated August 7, 2018) from the US Army Corps of Engineers
(ACE). The existing ECS is still applicable but will need to be updated (see next
comment). Has there been a response to the JD request from ACE and the 404
Nationwide permit application? Please refer to Land Use Code (LUC) 3.4.1(O)(1),
Proof of Compliance.
Response: See submitted JD
2. FOR SUBMITTAL: Development activities within the proposed NHBZ would necessitate
development of NHBZ Restoration Plan (with annual monitoring component) and a
Weed Management Plan. The 2018 ECS and Wetland Delineation Report do not
adequately address potential restoration opportunities and weed species
presence/distribution; additional field work will likely be necessary to adequately inform
both Plans. The prairie dog burrows should also be inspected once more to determine
if they have become occupied since 2018. A Weed Management Guidance document
will be provided to the DRC to assist you.
Response: We are waiting for spring to complete the additional field work. These will follow in subsequent submittals.
3. INFORMATION ONLY: Although not clearly stated in the conceptual plan and narrative,
the potential access in the northwest to Conifer St. would be undesirable from and
Environmental Planning perspective, and if pursued would likely require additional
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mitigation measures.
Response: Understood. We are only showing a ped/bike connection
4. FOR HEARING: Please vary the grading of the detention areas to create a more
naturalistic, undulating landform. Side slopes should vary and range from 4:1 to 20:1,
per the Stormwater Standards and Guidelines.
Response: The above design considerations will be incorporated into the Detention pond design.
5. INFORMATION ONLY: City of Fort Collins Land Use Code [Section 3.2.1 (E)(3)],
requires that to the extent reasonably feasible, all plans be designed to incorporate
water conservation materials and techniques. This includes use of low-water-use plants
and grasses in landscaping or re-landscaping and reducing bluegrass lawns as much
as possible. Native plants and wildlife-friendly (ex: pollinators, butterflies, songbirds)
landscaping and maintenance are also encouraged. Please refer to the Fort Collins
Native Plants document available online and published by the City of Fort Collins Natural
Areas Department for guidance on native plants is:
http://www.fcgov.com/naturalareas/pdf/nativeplants2013.pdf. Also see the City of Fort
Collins Plant List: https://www.fcgov.com/forestry/plant_list.pdf.
Response: Understood
6. FOR SUBMITTAL: Contact the assigned Development Review Coordinator (DRC) prior
to PDP submittal if trees will be impacted. A review of trees shall be conducted by City
Environmental staff to determine the status of existing trees and any mitigation
requirements that could result from the proposed development. The site visit can be
conducted in tandem with Forestry’s site visit. Please contact assigned Development
Review Coordinator directly at 970-221-6689 or email DRCoord@fcgov.com to
schedule a tree inventory site visit. Please plan for at least two weeks to get an onsite
meeting scheduled, especially during April - October.
Response: An updated tree inventory and site walk has been completed.
7. INFORMATION ONLY: Environmental Planning staff is willing to work with Park Planning
& Development Department to facilitate the construction of the regional trail within the
Natural Habitat Buffer Zone (NHBZ) along Lake Canal in a manner that is compatible
with the purposes and nature of the NHBZ.
Response: Understood
8. FOR SUBMITTAL: With respect to lighting, the City of Fort Collins Land Use Code,
Section 3.2.4(D)(6), requires that "natural areas and natural features shall be protected
from light spillage from off-site sources." Thus, lighting from parking areas or other site
amenities shall not spill over into any natural features or natural habitat buffer areas. A
photometric plan and luminaire schedule with cutsheets will be required to ensure
compliance with LUC 3.2.4, Site Lighting.
Response: Please see photometric plan.
9. INFORMATION ONLY: Our city cares about the quality of life it offers its residents now
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and generations from now. The City of Fort Collins has many sustainability programs
and goals that may benefit this project. Of particular interest may be:
1) ClimateWise Program: http://fcgov.com/climatewise, contact
climatewise@fcgov.com or Kelsey Doan at KDoan@fcgov.com, 970-416-2410
2) Zero Waste Plan and the Waste Reduction and Recycling Assistance Program
(WRAP): http://fcgov.com/recycling/wrap.php
3) Utilities Building Energy Scoring:
https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/building-energy-scoring , contact Kirk Longstein
at 970-416-4325 or klongstein@fcgov.com
4) Solar Rebate Program: www.fcgov.com/solar, contact Rhonda Gatzke at 970-416-
2312 or rgatzke@fcgov.com
5) Integrated Design Assistance Program: http://fcgov.com/idap, contact Gary
Schroeder at 970-224-6003 or gschroeder@fcgov.com
6) Nature in the City Program: http://fcgov.com/natureinthecity, contact Julia Feder at
7) Bike Share Program: http://fcgov.com/bikeshare, contact Stacy Sebeczek at Bike
Fort Collins at stacy@bikefortcollins.org or 970-481-5577
- Please ensure that future plan diagrams calculate the NHBZ from accurate
delineations of the top-of-bank of Lake Canal and the edge of wetlands, not the property
Response: Understood
10. Please ensure that future plan diagrams calculate the NHBZ from accurate delineations
of the top-of-bank of Lake Canal and the edge of wetlands, not the property boundary or
ditch centerline.
Response: See plans
11. Two units around the southern detention area, a 2 bed/2 bath detached with garage
casita and 1 bed/1 bath duplex, appear to intrude into the NHBZ. Further discussion is
required on how to avoid or mitigate this intrusion.
Response: Units have been moved.
12. Please keep me informed on ditch coordination efforts, access easement agreements,
Response: Understood.
Department: Forestry
Contact: Christine Holtz, , choltz@fcgov.com
1. 11/13/20: PRE-SUBMITTAL: Forestry Tree Inventory
Please schedule an on-site meeting with City Forestry (choltz@fcgov.com) to obtain tree
inventory and mitigation information. Please note that these existing significant trees
should be retained to the extent reasonably feasible. This meeting should occur prior to
first round of formal submittal. Forestry recommends scheduling the on-site tree
inventory as early in the design process as possible.
Response: Site visit to update the tree inventory was completed on 1/14/2021
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Trees provide many environmental and socioeconomic benefits including reduced
cooling expenses, providing natural wind breaks, improving air quality, and increasing
property values.
There are many significant trees on your property including three large green ash and a
large silver maple. Existing significant trees shall be preserved to the extent reasonably
feasible. The benefits that they provide to the development and to the surrounding
neighborhood are far-reaching. Will there be construction within the critical root zone of
any of the existing trees on your property? The critical root zone is defined as 12 inches
in radius per one inch in diameter at 4.5 ft above the ground. If so, please consider how
the construction will impact the health of the nearby trees and consider alternate
scenarios to preserve them. Additionally, please add a detail outlining the critical root
zones of each existing tree.
Response: A green ash and silver maple listed above were not observed on our tree walk.
Please provide a landscape plan that meets the Land Use Code 3.2.1 requirements.
This should include the existing tree inventory, any proposed tree removals with their
locations clearly noted and any proposed tree plantings (including species, size,
quantity, and method of transplant). The plans should also include the following City of
Fort Collins notes:
General Landscape Notes
Tree Protection Notes
Street Tree Permit Note, when applicable.
These notes are available from the City Planner or by following the link below and
clicking on Standard Plan Set Notes:
Required tree sizes and method of transplant:
Canopy Shade Tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Evergreen tree: 6.0’ height balled and burlapped
Ornamental tree: 1.5” caliper balled and burlapped
Required mitigation tree sizes:
Canopy Shade Tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Evergreen tree: 8.0’ height balled and burlapped
Ornamental tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Response: See plans
Please include locations of utilities on the landscape plan including but not limited to
water service/mains, sewer service/mains, gas, electric, streetlights, and stop signs.
Please adjust tree locations to provide for proper tree/utility separation.
10’ between trees and public water, sanitary, and storm sewer main lines
6’ between trees and water or sewer service lines
4’ between trees and gas lines
10’ between trees and electric vaults
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40’ between canopy shade trees and streetlights
15’ between ornamental trees and streetlights
Response: This is rough at the moment and will be updated with future submittals.
If applicable, please provide an “Existing Tree Removal Feasibility Letter” for City
Forestry staff to review. Proposals to remove significant existing trees must provide a
justification letter with specific details of the reasons for removal. For example, tree X
removed due t grading; grading proposed to enhance storm water flow in this section of
the development. This is required for all development projects proposing significant tree
removal regardless of the scale of the project. The purpose of this letter is to provide a
document of record with the project’s approval and for the City to maintain a record of all
proposed significant tree removals and justifications. Existing significant trees within the
project’s Limits of Disturbance (LOD) and within natural area buffer zones shall be
preserved to the extent reasonably feasible. Streets, buildings, and lot layouts shall be
designed to minimize the disturbance to significant existing trees.
(Extent reasonably feasible shall mean that, under the circumstances, reasonable efforts
have been undertaken to comply with the regulation, that the costs of compliance clearly
outweigh the potential benefits to the public or would unreasonably burden the proposed
project, and reasonable steps have been undertaken to minimize any potential harm or
adverse impacts resulting from noncompliance with the regulation.) Where it is not
feasible to protect and retain significant existing tree(s) or to transplant them to another
on-site location, the applicant shall replace such tree(s) according to City mitigation
Response: We are saving all of the trees… YAY!
According to Land Use Code 3.2.1.(D)(c), canopy shade trees shall constitute at least
(50%) of all tree plantings.
Standard LUC standard for Tree Species Diversity states that in order to prevent insect
or disease susceptibility and eventual uniform senescence on a development site or in
the adjacent area or the district, species diversity is required and extensive
monocultures are prohibited. The following minimum requirements shall apply to any
development plan:
Number of trees on site Maximum percentage of any one species
10-19 50%
20-39 33%
40-59 25%
60 or more 15%
*The City of Fort Collins’ urban forest has reached the maximum percentage of the
following species. Ash (Fraxinus), Honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthose: ‘Shademaster’,
‘Skyline’, etc), Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa), and Chanticleer Pear (Pyrus calleryana).
Please note that additional species might join this list as we work through the review
Response: See plans
Please incorporate new street trees within the right of way along Redwood St.
Response: See plans
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Department: Park Planning
Contact: Suzanne Bassinger, , sbassinger@fcgov.com
1. INFORMATION ONLY: The Park Planning & Development Department is available to
discuss these comments in more detail. Please contact Suzanne Bassinger at
970-416-4340, sbassinger@fcgov.com.
Response: Thank you
2. The conceptual alignment of the City of Fort Collins Lake Canal regional paved
recreational trail is located within or adjacent to the proposed development site and
generally parallel to the Lake Canal ditch.
Response: We are proposing to construct the trail. Please see plans.
3. Park Planning and Development (PPD) requires the dedication of Public Access and
Trail Easements on the plat to accommodate our regional multi-use trail system, as
conceptually indicated in the 2013 Paved Recreational Trail Master Plan. PPD will work
with the applicant to determine the alignment and extent of required easements and trail
Response: Understood, a 50’ public access easement and preliminary trail alignment has been provided.
4. The City of Fort Collins Land Use Code Section 3.4.8 “Parks and Trails” addresses
compliance with the Parks and Recreation Policy Plan (“Master Plan”). The Master Plan
indicates the general location of all parks and regional recreational trails. Parcels
adjacent to or including facilities indicated in the Master Plan may be required to
provide area for development of these facilities.
Response: Understood
5. The 2013 Paved Recreational Trail Master Plan (“Trail Master Plan”) was adopted by
City Council and provides conceptual locations and general trail design guidelines for
future regional recreational trails. The Trail Master Plan is available at
Response: Understood
6. The Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (“LCUASS”), Chapter 16 Pedestrian
Facilities and Chapter 17 Bicycle Facilities provide additional design guidelines for
multi-use regional recreational trails.
Response: Understood
7. The site and utility plans will be required to identify the “Public Access and Trail
Response: Understood, a 50’ public access easement has been identified on the plans
8. The Public Access and Trail easement width is 50’. The minimum easement width of
30’ may be acceptable for short distances upon approval by Park Planning &
Development. The location of the easement must be approved by Park Planning &
Response: 50” easement has ben provided
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9. Recreational trails do not function as widened sidewalks adjacent or within street
Response: Understood
10. The trail easement may co-exist within a Natural Habitat Buffer Zone if approval is
obtained from Environmental Planning.
Response: Understood
11. A trail easement may not be located within a ditch easement unless the applicant
provides written approval for the trail easement within the ditch easement from the ditch
company. The paved trail surface cannot function as a ditch access road if heavy
equipment will use or cross the trail to maintain the ditch.
Response: Understood, the ditch easement and public access easement will be coordinated with the ditch company. Public
access trail will not be used for ditch access
12. Local street at grade intersections with a recreational trail are to be avoided. When
necessary, the location of a future recreational trail at-grade crossing must be
coordinated with Traffic Operations.
Response: Understood
13. Grade separated crossings of arterial roadways and major collectors are required
(LUCASS Chapter 17.3) and additional easement area for underpass/overpass
approaches may be required in locations of potential grade separated crossings for the
trail. A location for a future underpass of Suniga will be considered along with this
Response: Understood.
14. The future trail alignment cannot be used to provide internal pedestrian circulation and
cannot provide direct access to buildings. Internal access to the recreational trail from
the internal bike/pedestrian system should be provided at limited and defined access
Response: Understood.
15. Grading within the designated recreational trail easement should be completed along
with overall site grading. Plans must indicate that the final grade within the easement
can provide a trail alignment that meets the American Disabilities Act (ADA) standards
for cross slopes between 1-2% and a maximum centerline profile grade of 5%.
Construction documents should include trail profiles and cross sections to demonstrate
the ability to meet ADA standards.
Response: Trail will be designed to adhere to ADA standards.
16. The typical paved recreational regional trail cross-section is constructed as a 10’ wide
concrete trail, widened to 12’ in areas of high traffic area or other areas of potential user
conflicts. A 4-6’ wide soft (gravel) path is located parallel to the paved surface,
separated by 3-5’ of vegetated area; there shall be 3’ wide level shoulders on both sides
of the trail, providing 3’ of horizontal clearance from vertical obstructions such as trees,
Page 24 of 27
transformers, fences and/or walls. Modifications of the typical cross-section must be
approved by Park Planning & Development.
Response: Regional trail layout has been provided
17. The construction schedule for the recreational trail on this site has not been determined
and typically will not occur until funding becomes available. Partnerships between Park
Planning and Development and the site developer may be an option to fund the
construction of the trail concurrent with site development.
Response: The regional trail construction will be coordinated with Park Planning and Development.
18. The Parks Department will maintain future recreational trails. Maintenance consists of
snowplowing of the paved surface, occasional seasonal mowing 2-3’ adjacent to the
trail surface and repairing/replacing surface damage of the trail. The underlying property
owner shall be responsible for all other landscaping and maintenance within the
Response: Understood.
19. Landscaping within the recreational trail easement shall be provided in accordance with
all applicable City codes and will remain the responsibility of the underlying landowner.
Landscaping must provide acceptable clearances from the trail surfaces as specified in
the Trail Master Plan. Spray irrigation, if required, shall be designed and maintained to
avoid spray on the trail.
Response: Understood
Department: Fire Authority
Contact: Jim Lynxwiler, 970-416-2869, jlynxwiler@poudre-fire.org
A fire hydrant capable of providing 1000 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure is required
within 400 feet of any residential R-3 occupancy and on 800 foot centers as measured
along an approved path of vehicle travel.
Response: Hydrants have been provided and adhere to the above requirement.
Duplex homes will require the installation of a residential sprinkler system (eg. 13-D or
P2904) along with fire separation between dwellings. Contact the Building Department
for details.
Response: Acknowledged.
> Fire access is required to within 150 feet of all exterior portions of any building as
measured by an approved route around the perimeter.
> Where this distance cannot be achieved from public streets, private drives required
for access shall be required to serve as fire lanes and constructed to minimum
> At this time, it appears some dwelling units exceed the maximum allowable 150 foot
Page 25 of 27
perimeter distance from a fire lane. The installation of a residential fire sprinkler system
is an allowable offset to lack of perimeter access so long as a residential fire sprinkler
system is not otherwise required. Duplexes already required to have a sprinkler system
may elect to upgrade the system to a NFPA 13-R.
> Additional fire lane specifications provided below.
Response: Drive isles within parking areas will be designated as fire lanes to provide additional access to units
> IFC 503.2.5, Appendix D, and FCLUC 3.6.2(B)2006: Dead-end fire apparatus
access roads cannot exceed 660 feet in length. At this time, it appears the overall
project is proposing a dead-end development without the required connectivity
mandated by code. Such a condition would not be approved by the fire marshal without
an alternative method for meeting the intent of the fire code.
> Fire lane specifications provided below.
A fire lane plan shall be submitted for approval prior to installation. In addition to the
design criteria already contained in relevant standards and policies, any new fire lane
must meet the following general requirements:
> Fire lanes established on private property shall be dedicated by plat or separate
document as an Emergency Access Easement.
> Maintain the required 20 foot minimum unobstructed width & 14 foot minimum
overhead clearance. Where road widths exceed 20 feet in width, the full width shall be
dedicated unless otherwise approved by the AHJ.
> Additional fire lane requirements are triggered for buildings greater than 30' in height.
Refer to Appendix D105 of the International Fire Code.
> Be designed as a flat, hard, all-weather driving surface capable of supporting 40 tons.
> Dead-end fire access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an
approved turnaround area for fire apparatus.
> Dead-end roads shall not exceed 660 feet in length without providing for a second
point of access. Dead-end access roads in excess of 1320 feet in length require a third
point of access. Dead-end access roads in excess of 2640 feet in length require a
fourth point of access.
> The required turning radii of a fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum of 25
feet inside and 50 feet outside. Turning radii shall be detailed on submitted plans.
> Fire lane to be identified by red curb and/or signage, and maintained unobstructed at
all times.
> Fire lane sign locations or red curbing should be labeled and detailed on final plans.
Refer to LCUASS detail #1418 & #1419 for sign type, placement, and spacing.
Appropriate directional arrows required on all signs.
Response: Understood.
New buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position that is plainly
legible, visible from the street fronting the property, and posted with a minimum of
four-inch numerals on a contrasting background.
> Addresses shall be posted on the front of the residence and as applicable on the
Page 26 of 27
garage/alley side of any rear loaded lots.
> Wayfinding signage WILL be required for residences not fronting a street or directly
accessible from a private drive. The project shall provide a plan set for the placement of
monument sign design and placement at time of PDP.
Response: Understood
Department: Building Code Review
Contact: Russell Hovland, 970-416-2341, rhovland@fcgov.com
1. Construction shall comply with adopted codes as amended. Current adopted codes are:
2018 International Residential Code (IRC) with local amendments
2018 International Plumbing Code (IPC) as amended by the State of Colorado
2020 National Electrical Code (NEC) as amended by the State of Colorado
Copies of current City of Fort Collins code amendments can be found at
Please read the residential permit application submittal checklist for complete
Snow Load Live Load: 30 PSF / Ground Snow Load 30 PSF.
Frost Depth: 30 inches.
Wind Loads: Risk Category II (most structures):
· 140mph (Ultimate) exposure B or
· Front Range Gust Map published by The Structural Engineer's Association of
Seismic Design: Category B.
Climate Zone: Zone 5
Energy Code: 2018 IRC chapter 11.
· 5ft setback required from property line or provide fire rated walls & openings for
non-fire sprinkled houses per chap 3 of the IRC. 3ft setback is required for fire sprinkled
· Bedroom egress windows (emergency escape openings) required in all bedrooms.
· Prescriptive energy compliance with increased insulation values is required for
buildings using electric heat.
Stock Plans:
When residential buildings will be built at least three times with limited variations, a
stock plan design or master plan can be submitted for a single review and then built
multiple times with site specific permits. More information can be found in our Stock
Plan Guide at fcgov.com/building/res-requirements.php.
Response: Acknowledged.
2. Duplex and townhome requirements:
· 3ft setback required from property line or provide fire rated walls & openings per chap
3 of the IRC.
· Bedroom egress windows (emergency escape openings) required in all bedrooms.
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· Prescriptive energy compliance with increased insulation values is required for
buildings using electric heat.
· Attached single-family townhomes & duplexes are required to be fire sprinkled per
local amendment and must provide a P2904 system min and provide fire rated wall per
R302. This fire sprinkler system usually requires a ¾” or 1” water line and meter to meet
all P2904 requirements.
· New homes must provide EV/PV ready conduit, see local amendment.
· Provide site-wide accessibility plan in accordance with CRS 9-5. This requires
accessible units per that state standard.
Response: Acknowledged.
Department: Technical Services
Contact: Jeff County, 970-221-6588, jcounty@fcgov.com
1. As of January 1, 2015, all development plans are required to be on the NAVD88 vertical
datum. Please make your consultants aware of this, prior to any surveying and/or design
work. Please contact our office for up to date Benchmark Statement format and City
Vertical Control Network information.
Response: Vertical control will be on the NAVD88 Datum
2. Portions of this project property is not platted. When submitting a Subdivision Plat for
this property/project, addresses are not acceptable in the Plat title/name. Numbers in
numeral form may not begin the title/name. Please contact our office with any questions.
Response: Understood.