Community Development & Neighborhood Services
281 North College Avenue
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522.0580
Kechter Townhomes Raptor Survey and Mitigation Measures
January 28, 2021
The Ecological Characterization Study (ECS) will be conducted during the winter months (November 15
to March 15, 2020-2021) to determine if the trees on the site serve as a winter night roost and/or
communal roost (roost) for bald eagles, as well as determine if other raptors nest in the trees. Winter
roost surveys will follow CPW’s methodology. If a roost is definitively identified, i.e. the eagles roost on
the trees overnight, then intensive surveys can cease but periodic monitoring should continue to
provide some precedent as to when the tree(s) are no longer utilized as a roost. Other raptors, such as
great horned owl, do not start nesting in Colorado until mid-January at the earliest so surveys will be
needed from January-March timeframe.
Trees to be surveyed include all trees on site and the large cottonwood immediately north of the
northwest corner of the site. CPW and City staff will be notified of proposed survey dates and afforded
opportunities to accompany the consultant on surveys.
If no roost is identified, the northwest tree will still be retained as an eagle loafing spot and for its
inherent value as considered by Planning and Forestry, but no additional mitigation measures are
If the trees qualify as a roost, then the following mitigation measures are required while the tree is being
utilized by the eagles:
• Tree mitigation [LUC 3.2.1(G)(7) and 3.4.1(E)(1)(a,c) and (F)(2)]
o According to LUC 3.2.1(G)(7) the critical root zone (CRZ) of the northwest tree is 78-feet, and
typically a buffer is established for that zone. In this case 78-feet exceeds the dripline of the tree and
Staff believes an alternative compliance, calling for post care treatment or similar, to reduce that
distance and mitigate construction impact should be pursued. Additionally, the CRZ will also be
designated as a Natural Habitat Buffer Zone in order to provide future protection. Language will be
provided in the Development Agreement.
o Shadow plant mitigation trees in the northwest tree NHBZ. All trees planted for this purpose
should be plains cottonwoods (Populus deltoides) and not varieties. Coordination with Forestry will be
required to determine quantity, placement, etc. (LUC 3.4.1(E)(1)(a,c) and (F)(2))
o Prune the northwest tree prior to construction in an appropriate manner in terms of timing and
extent to prolong the life of the northwest tree. (LUC 3.4.1(E)(1)(a,c) and (F)(2))
• CPW and USFWS Recommended Spatial buffers – After much deliberation with CPW officials no
spatial buffers will be applied. The area surrounding the site likely qualifies as a Highly Developed Area
by the CPW and as such they would recommend a ¼ mile buffer. A ¼ mile buffer covers the entirety of
the site as well as surrounding neighborhoods, part of Twin Silo Park, and most of Zach Elementary
School. Within all recommended spatial buffers (see Table 1 and Map 1 below) numerous types of
disturbance (noise, vehicular and pedestrian traffic, lighting, etc.) currently exist that the eagles have
already acclimated to. Additionally, there are numerous bald eagle resources along the Poudre River
Corridor and Fossil Creek Reservoir less than a mile away, including currently recognized roost sites,
communal roosts, winter concentration areas, and winter and summer forage areas (see Map 2). With
the bald eagles observed utilizing the trees on site exhibiting a level of tolerance of existing disturbance
and abundant resources nearby it is likely that construction activities, with an elevated level of noise,
activity, and disturbance beyond what is typical for currently existing uses, is what requires mitigation.
• Temporal buffer (CPW and LUC 3.4.1(E)(1)(a,d) and (F)(2)): Construction activity during roosting
season (November 15 – March 15) outside the hours of 10:00 to 14:00. Beginning and ending dates of
the roosting season can be altered based on observations of a qualified wildlife biologist approved by
the City.
City of Fort Collins (City) Land Use Code Section 3.4.1 Natural Habitats and Features.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW). 2020. Recommended Buffer Zones and Seasonal Restrictions for
Colorado Raptors.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW). 2020. Species Activity Maps.
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2007. National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines.
Map 1. Existing land use around 3620 Kechter Rd. (Red – 1/8 mile, Pink – ¼ mile, Light Blue – ½ mile)
Map 2. Bald Eagle Resources in the Immediate Kechter Townhomes Site Vicinity. (Source: CPW Species
Activity Maps)