TO: Current Planning Department
FROM: Raintree Homeowners Association Executive Board
RE: Raintree Animal Hospital
We, the Raintree Executive Board, representing the Raintree Homeowners
Association, would like to convey several concerns and questions regarding the
development of the Raintree Animal Hospital Development.
Our major concern has to do with the entrance and exit into the hospital from
Evenstar Ct.
1. Major impact of increased traffic on Evenstar Ct., not so much from the
business, but from patrons of the Senior Center.
2. Parking on Evenstar Ct / Evenstar Ct. is a narrow street. We have had
one major fire and fire units that responded had difficulty manuvering in
our area. If parking is allowed those vehicles would be even more
3. There is a safety issue with entering and exiting onto and off of Shields.
The sidewalk presents a safety issue - stacking of traffic on Shields
during rush hour,people possibly trying to turn left into and out of
Evenstar Ct- illegally.
1. Since there are only 11 parking spaces is that enough to accomodate
employees and patrons?
2. Is there adequate landscaping planned for the northside of the building?
It is our opinion that the entrance -exit driveway off of Evenstar Ct, be delayed
until the next property south is developed. We would be glad to meet with you to
discuss specifics not mentioned in this �ter,�
Dave Danielson - President
Lloyd Scott - Vice President
Anna Creal - Secretary
Thelma Ehlbert - TrAurer 9 �, s,
11/1'2/1999. 13:02
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Admini; tive Services
Facility Services/Land Office
City of Fort Collins
November 15, 1999
Mr. Greg D. Fisher, Architect
3115 Clyde Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Re: Letter of Intent for Senior Center/Lot 1 Raintree Subdivision Cross
Access/Parking Agreement
Dear Mr. Fisher:
As per our letter to you dated August 3, 1998, the Cultural, Library, and Recreational
Services (CLRS) staff agree in concept to your cross access and parking easements proposal as
shown on the attached exhibit. As before, once all the planning issues have been resolved by staff,
CLRS will submit an ordinance to City Council recommending approval of the access and parking
Staffwill continue to work through the City's Planning Department on this issue. Ifyou have
questions, please contact the Planning Department.
c rely,
U on i
Land Office Manager
cc: Planning Department
I I/ Nortn Mason btreet • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 416-2032 • Fax (970) 416-2209
Raintree Animal Hospital PDP
Planning Objectives
page 2
This site was previously in the review process as a part of the Ace Hardware Project
Development Plan. That project addressed the subject property site as well as the
adjacent lot to the south which contains a residence. The current proposal does not
involve the lot to the south.
Planning Objectives
November 16, 1999
Dr. Larry Magnuson, the owner of the existing Raintree Village Animal Hospital located
in Raintree Village Shopping Center, and the owner of the subject property plans to
construct a new animal hospital facility on the subject property. In addition to providing
Dr. Magnuson with a new facility this project will infill one of the few remaining. pieces
of the Raintree Shopping Center.
In addition to being an infill project, this development proposes to achieve the City Plan
principles of pushing buildings up to the streetway, placing parking behind and between
buildings and making strong pedestrian connections in all directions. Architectural
character and material selections have been made in a deliberate attempt to be
harmonious with the surrounding development and to create a pedestrian friendly scale
and feel. Furthermore vehicular links will be made to the Senior Center to allow for
sharing of parking between the two facilities. Consideration has also been given to a
future vehicular link to the site of the existing residence to the south. This would allow a
future project there the potential to gain access from Evenstar and to also share in
There are no natural wetlands existing on the site but there are existing mature
cottonwood trees in the Shields Street right of way which are intended to be protected per
City requirements during construction. On site and right of way landscaping for both
Shields Street and Evenstar have been proposed to enhance the project and to comply
with City requirements.
Dr. Magnuson intends to continue to own the property and the facility and will be
responsible for all maintenance of the grounds.
The hospital will employ approximately 12 people with there being a maximum of
approximately 8 people on any one shift. Hours of operation will be Monday through
Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m..
The site development and construction of the facility is intended to begin as soon as the
City review process is completed and a building permit is obtained. It is anticipated that
this would occur in the spring of 2000, and that construction would be completed within
about six months thereafter.
A formal neighborhood meeting is not anticipated as the project is anticipated to be a
Type I review. Informal contact has been made between the owner and the adjacent
residential property owners to the north and they have regarded the project favorably.
That contact will be continued as the project moves forward.
#22-98A Raintree Animal Hospital
Project Development Plan
Type 1 LUC 1"=600'
3. The Project Development Plan complies with all applicable General
Development Standards contained in Article 3 of the Land Use Code.
Staff recommends approval of the Raintree Animal Clinic, Project Development
Plan - #22-98A.
warm gray EIFS siding (on the upper portion of the building) to
be consistent with the color of the Raintree PUD residential
dwelling units.The roof will be a warm gray high profile asphalt
or composition shingle to match the Senior Center.
2. Section 3.5.3, Mixed Use, Institutional and Commercial Buildings
a. The proposal complies with Section 3.5.3(B)(1) in that it faces
and opens directly onto a connection walkway with the
pedestrian frontage along Evenstar Court.
b. The proposal complies with Section 3.5.3(13)(2)(b) in that the
north face of the building is set back 9' from the right-of-way line
for Evenstar Court, being smaller than a full arterial street. This
is less than the maximum 15' setback requirement.
c. The proposal complies with Section 3.5.3(13)(2)(c) in that the
east face of the building is set back 17.5' from the right-of-way
line for. South Shields Street, being larger than a minor arterial
street. This is within the 10' to 25' range for building setback as
set forth in this section.
4. Neighborhood Information Meeting
The Raintree Animal Clinic, PDP contains a proposed land use that is
permitted as a Type I use, subject to an administrative review. The
proposed use is a small animal clinic and constitutes a relatively small infill
development in the midst of existing residential, office park, employment,
civic facility, and commercial/retail uses in the "mid town" Fort Collins area
along South Shields Street. The LUC does not require that a
neighborhood meeting be held for a Type I development proposal and a
neighborhood meeting was not held to discuss this proposal.
After reviewing the Raintree Animal Clinic, Project Development Plan - #22-98A,
staff makes the following findings of fact and conclusions:
1. The proposed land uses are permitted in the NC — Neighborhood
Commercial zone district.
2. The Project Development Plan complies with all applicable district
standards of Section 4.19 of the Land Use Code, NC zone district.
2. Section 3.2.2, Access, Circulation and Parking
a. The proposal complies with Section 3.2.2(C)(4)(a) in that it
provides secure and conveniently located bicycle parking in the
amount of 50% of the total number of automobile parking
spaces on -site, exceeding the minimum requirement of 5%.
b. The proposal complies with Section 3.2.2(C)(5) in that it
provides direct, safe, and continuous walkways and bicycle
connections to major pedestrian and bicycle destinations in the
surrounding area.
c. The proposal complies with Section 3.2.2(D) in that it provides
for safe, convenient, and efficient bicycle, pedestrian, and
vehicular movement to and through the site. Vehicular access
will occur via a curb cut from Evenstar Court and a driveway into
the Fort Collins Senior Center (in a public access easement).
d. The proposal complies with Section 3.2.2(K)(2)(a) in that the
project will provide 11 parking spaces on -site, which is fewer
than the allowable 27 spaces maximum (4.5/1,000 square feet
of gross leasable floor area) for a medical office.
B. Division 3.3, Engineering Standards
1. Section 3.3.5, Engineering Design Standards
The proposal complies with the design standards, requirements,
and specifications for the services as set forth in this section.
C. Division 3.5, Building Standards
1. Section 3.5.1, Building and Project Compatibility
a. The proposal complies with Section 3.5.1(D) in that it provides a
connecting walkway with a direct pedestrian connection to
Evenstar Court without requiring pedestrians to walk through the
parking area or cross a driveway.
b. The proposal complies with Sections 3.5.1(F) and (G). The
building will be a 1-story structure with a hipped roof (running
east -west on -site). The building will be 26' in height, comparable
to the Fort Collins Senior Center to the west and the Raintree
PUD residential dwelling units to the north. Building materials
will be a combination of brown brick veneer siding and a
sandstone masonry base to match the Senior Center, and some
The PDP meets the applicable Development Standards as follows:
1. Section 4.19(E)(1)(a) Overall Plan. The applicant has
demonstrated that the development plan contributes to the existing
developments in the surrounding area in terms of street and
sidewalk layout, building siting and character, and site design:
3. Article 3 of the Land Use Code — General Development Standards
The Project Development Plan complies with all applicable General
Development Standards as follows:
A. Division 3.2, Site Planning and Design Standards
1. Section 3.2.1, Landscaping and Tree Protection
a. The proposal complies with Section 3.2.1(D)(1)(c) in that it
provides "full tree stocking" within 50' of the building, according
the standards as set forth in this section.
b. The proposal complies with Section 3.2.1(D)(2)(a) in that
canopy shade (street) trees are provided at a 38' spacing along
Evenstar Court in the 5' wide parkway. The street trees in the
parkway along South Shields Street are existing.
c. The proposal complies with Section 3.2.1(D)(3) in that no one
species of tree on the development plan exceeds 50% of the
total of 19 trees on -site.
d. The proposal complies with Section 3.2.1(E)(4)(a) in that trees
are provided at a spacing of no more that 25 lineal feet along
Evenstar Court (a public street) and no more than 40 lineal feet
along the south side lot line in the parking lot setbacks.
e. The proposal complies with Section 3.2.1(E)(4)(b) in that the on -
site parking area, containing 11 spaces, will be screened from
the vacant property to the south and Evenstar Court to the north
with shrub plantings that will block at least 75% of the vehicle
headlights and extend 73% to 82% of the street frontage and
property line along the parking area.
f. The proposal complies with Section 3.2.1(E)(5) in that it
provides 15% interior landscaping in the parking area,
exceeding the minimum requirement of 6%.
Veterinary facilities and small animal clinics are permitted in the NC —
Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District, subject to administrative (Type 1)
review. The purpose of the NC District is:
Intended to be a mixed -use commercial core area anchored by a
supermarket or grocery store and a transit stop. The main purpose of this
District is to meet consumer demands for frequently needed goods and
services, with an emphasis on serving the surrounding residential
neighborhoods typically including a medium -density mixed -use
neighborhood. In addition to retail and service uses, the District may
include neighborhood -oriented uses such as schools, employment, day
care, parks, small civic facilities, as well as residential uses.
This proposal complies with the purpose of the NC District as it is a service -
oriented land use that provides small animal care services in close proximity to
single family and multi -family neighborhoods, as well as being located in the
middle of a 4 square mile area that includes supermarket, entertainment,
retail/commercial, civic facility, school, park, and mixed -density residential uses
all within 1 mile of its location.
The surrounding zoning and land uses are as follows:
N: MMN, POL; existing residential, community park
S: NC; vacant land
E: E; existing office park and employment center
W: MMN; existing Fort Collins Senior Center
The property was annexed in September, 1965, as part of the Fourth
College Annexation.
The property was platted in August, 1980, as part of the Raintree PUD.
No development plan has previously been approved and recorded for this
Division 4.19 of the Land Use Code, Neighborhood Commercial Zone
The proposed use of a small animal clinic is permitted in the NC zone
district subject to an administrative review.
Comm, ty Planning and Environmenta: xvices
Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
PROJECT: Raintree Animal Clinic, Project Development Plan - #22-98A
APPLICANT: Greg D. Fisher, Architect
c/o Greg Fisher
3115 Clyde Street
Fort Collins, CO. 80524
OWNER: Dr. Larry Magnuson
2813 McKeag Drive
Fort Collins, CO. 80526
This is a request for 2-story, 6,578 square foot (total sq. ft.) building, to be used
as a small animal clinic facility, on a 0.36 acre site located at the southwest
corner of South Shields Street and Evenstar Court. The property is just east of
the Fort Collins Senior Center and is in the NC — Neighborhood Commercial
Zoning District.
This PDP complies with the applicable requirements of the Land Use Code
L( UC), more specifically:
the process located in Division 2.2 - Common Development Review
Procedures for Development Applications of ARTICLE 2 -
standards located in Division 3.2 - Site Planning and Design Standards
and Division 3.5 - Building Standards of ARTICLE 3 - GENERAL
standards located in Division 4.19 Neighborhood Commercial (NC) of
281 North College Avenue - P.O. Box 580 - Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 - (970) 221-6750 - FAX (970) 416-2020