Mulberry Connection
September 23, 2019
Below please find the project overview for the proposed 12.39-acre Class-A speculative light industrial
development totaling 164,200 square feet at completion. The existing parcel, located at 3801-4099
Redman Drive, is approximately 20.22 acres currently owned by Poudre Valley Co-Operative Association,
Inc. and is zoned Industrial. Current ownership has used the land for agricultural purposes only. There are
no existing structures on the property.
The subdivision plat will create two separate lots. Lot 1 will be 12.39 acres, bordered by NW Frontage
Road to the east, Redman Drive to the south, and agricultural land owned by Poudre Valley Co-Operative
Association, Inc. to the north and west. Two single-story Class-A light industrial buildings are proposed on
Lot 1. The easternmost building will be 71,200 square feet and the westernmost building will be 93,000
square feet. The buildings will be adjacent to one another oriented north-south, with a shared truck court
between both buildings. By orienting the buildings in this manner, the truck court will be screened from
the public right-of-way and I-25 frontage. Landscaped parking areas will be on the north, east, and west
sides of the buildings providing a total of 238 standard and accessible vehicle parking spaces. Five bicycle
racks will also be provided. Low Impact Development practices are incorporated in all landscaped areas,
which includes the 80-foot landscape buffer from NW Frontage Road, southern building setback areas,
and landscaped islands in all parking areas.
Lot 2 is west of Lot 1 and will be 7.83 acres. The 300-foot Cooper Slough Buffer will be simultaneously
recorded with the subdivision plat. Edge of wetlands and the width of the Cooper Slough Buffer were
determined by an Environmental Characterization Study and discussions with City Staff. Lot 2 will remain
under current ownership with Poudre Valley Co-Operative Association, Inc., while Lot 1 will be purchased
by Comunale Properties or its affiliates or assigns. No development is proposed on Lot 2.
A conceptual review application for this project was previously submitted in February, 2019 and a
comment review meeting between Fort Collins City Staff and the Developer and its consultants was held
on March 21, 2019. Prior to this PDP Submittal, the project has been referred to as “Poudre Valley
Development.” An environmental site visit occurred on April 3, 2019 and additional meetings with City
Staff were held on May 8, 2019 and July 29, 2019.